Re: The ORG
oh man this is long i thought i was done writing remorse
(this made me remember why people loved me for my fight scenes)
((also someone from the original rp see if they can find the shout-out near the end))
Chapter 30 - Demolished
Kurix was like oh shit.
The beeping was pretty loud. Much louder than he was used to on any alerts he had been around to see before.
“Hey, whoa.” Brixan called, hurrying over. “That doesn’t sound good, I think there’s more than one-”
He was cut off by the intruders he was too late to know where right on top of the mansion. The defenses did nothing; Xando had seen them last time and was able to sense those that he had missed. After pointing them out, Xade went to work. Her earth elemental powers allowed her to manipulate the ground itself. Massive chunks of stone shot out of the ground like they were alive, spearing the hidden turrets and cameras in two.
That happened only minutes ago. Currently she was riding atop the head of some enormous serpent-like monstrosity. It was a huge dragon made of earth, erected from the mansion’s very own courtyard. From its shoulders hung thick, hardened arms, and its gaping maw was filled with jagged, rocky teeth. It had no legs to speak of, as it was rooted into the ground, rising up like a mountain.
It smashed the roof of the foyer in, making debris and dirt rain down. The members form the meeting room rushed out to the trembling room to face their foes. Kurix, Xenjin, Xanele, and Brixan barely had time to register what was happening before splitting up to take on their enemies. One of the stone fists came crashing down on one of the staircases, reducing it to a few hanging splinters. Xenjin, who had been sprinting down them prior to it being destroyed, leapt to avoid the monster, and landed on its upper arm. She drove her lance into the hard carapace to hold herself in place, holding onto it tight.
Xade dove form her place atop her pet’s head, with her large, double-bladed axe raised over her head. Xenjin tensed, drawing some of the carbon from her lance to form a diamond shield over her arm, and held it out in a desperate attempt. Before Xade would reach her, however, Brixan would get in position back on the balcony and ready his crossbow. He knew that Xenjin was pretty screwed, so he fired in the path of Xade’s fall. She was shot once in the shoulder, then again in her leg. Brixan had been aiming for some sort of major vessel for the poison to act faster. Sure enough, she had difficulty landing steadily.
While this was happening, Kurix had gone for the roof, much more accessible now, for a chance to get at Xade. He climbed up a broken support beam and made it to the top, where he saw the earth queen on her throne. Time to be assassinated.
He went for her, but she saw him and descended from the beast’s head in time, choosing to pick a fight with Xenjin. Kurix grunted as he landed on the dusty mount, but had no time for reprieve. There was Xando, swords drawn and at his sides, running up the back of the monster. Soul Eater was summoned, and Kurix blocked a strong attack that had been bolstered by Xando’s lunge.
Xanele had to avoid rubble down below. Her first inclination was to find a way around the enemy, or maybe some hidden weak point. This proved difficult, though, as the mountain of dirt and mud took up the entire width of the wall where the doorway once was.
Also, leaping over the mound, like a wolf moving in on its prey, was Eastxi. His legs rocketed him up to Xanele’s location, stopping her in her tracks and prompting her to turn around, quick. She could hear him growling and stomping at the splintering wooden floor, gaining bloodthirsty momentum.
In a moment of courage, she spun mid-step, activating the Power Glove on thought. It sparked and crackled and lit up in all manner of ways. She charged a sphere of rainbow light in her hand and lobbed it towards her pursuer. The feral Eastxi was right on her heels, as she expected, and took the blast head-on. Even if he could take that, the electrocuting power that he had suffered from earlier met him after the blinding flash cleared. Xanele was pushed back, but managed to stave Eastxi off, leaving him flinching from the electricity in his body.
Kaxsra just took the backdoor, and while there was actually a backdoor instead of just a large gaping hole in the side of the building, it was actually easier to get into.
Finding Noraxeen was easy, for reasons that were obvious to him. She was held up in room in one of the modified towers of the mansion, possibly one of their rooms. Before she even saw him, she was clearly freaked out over the noises and explosions heard downstairs. Xoje, whom she had been tending to, was asleep, which did nothing to calm her down when she saw Kaxsra walk in.
Her sword has in her hands in a heartbeat, and her eyes turned completely blue like a light switching on. Oh, she was tense.
“Back.” She hissed. “I don’t care what happens. I’ll get you away from here and fry you-”
“Does it even look like you could?” He inquired, interrupting the threat. He raised his arms; all he wore was his cloak and the scars on his face. No volatile armor. No weapons. “Couldn’t hurt you if I tried. Haven’t welded the stuff to my essence yet, either.”
“What do you want? Gonna attack us here like a coward, huh?” She inched towards Xoje. The runes on her sword turned bright blue like her eyes.
“Hadn’t even considered it.”
The tower shook. The earth elemental roared as two adept swordsmen dueled on its head.
“Then what? Looking for Jynx? He’s gone. You’re not gonna tempt him to your side or anything, even if he was here!”
“I must confess, this is probably the first time we’ve met where my intentions are not so malicious.”
She gritted her teeth.
“Though, where is Jynx? I would have liked it if he were here. This is really something you should both hear.”
“You won’t find out.”
Kaxsra huffed, and crossed his arms.
“Okay, maybe I thought this would go better in my head? I did try to kill you about two times. Or three, sort of. Should have take that into account…”
“I will. It’ll make killing you way more satisfying.” She charged at him; it was, after all, the best time to stab that psycho through the gut. Her arms shifted and she twisted her torso, reeling the large claymore back for a finishing blow. Kaxsra did nothing.
When she was a step away, the tower, the entire mansion, shook like never before, knocking her to her feet. Kaxsra also found himself on the floor.
“You won’t kill me, Noraxeen.” He told her, very matter-of-factly.
“Like hell I won’t.” She scrambled for her sword.
“No, I mean. You really won’t. As in, it’s impossible.” Kaxsra stood up, simply strolled over to her, and offered his hand. “No matter what you do. It’s fate.”
Noraxeen swatted the hand out of the way. There was a deep feeling of worry inside of her, just because of how well-timed that quake was. But, there was her sword, and there was him, but, yet…she could not bring herself to stand up and kill him.
He was unarmed! Kaxsra obviously was not going to make any attempts to defend himself, since he believed in his faith stuff so sincerely. It was not really the guilt of taking down a defenseless person, either. It was just, why should she? All he wanted to do was talk, and that meant information. Information from the enemy; a powerful one at that who would normally be pretty brutal and hateful. This had to be important.
Without her even realizing, the azure glow surrounding her died down. Kaxsra nodded, and once again put out his hand for her.
As Kurix fought Xando, Xade bumbled around on the elemental, dizzy from the toxin. As she nearly tripped off the arm, Xanele traded blows with the increasingly insane Eastxi. As Eastxi became more and more ferocious, Brixan set his sights to him and loaded extra darts for the resistant enemy. As Xenjin noted Brixan’s change in target, she knew she was clear to strike at the surly girl in front of her.
She tore her lance out of the living stone under her, and advanced. She stabbed, but Xade dodged, and swung her oversized axe to block any more hits. Xenjin kept moving forward though, and made an attempt at checking her with the diamond piece she wore. Xade was blindsided, and stumbled backwards. Balancing herself out with her weapon did nothing, so she fell.
Or she would have if she did not bring a pillar of earth up. It shot up through the floor and halted right as her foot touched down. This change to the battlefield caught those fighting below off-guard. It blocked a dart headed for Eastxi’s throat, and Brixan cursed to himself. Xanele assaulted Eastxi, as she backed away, with laser blast after laser blast. Unexpectedly, another pillar zoomed up from the ground, on top of which was one of Eastxi’s feet. He was flipped onto his back, and while that also happened to help him avoid a possibly-fatal stream of burning photons, it left him incapacitated long enough for Xanele to go on the offensive.
Xade kept moving back onto her pillars, a safe distance from Xenjin. What she did not know was that Xenjin could do plenty from afar, and she did. The crystalline arm guard lifted itself from her wrist and multiplied into a swarm of tiny shards. Xade responded only by shielding her face with the broadside of her axe, and commanding the elemental to eat her.
It flailed its other arm, taking out the library on one side of the mansion, as well as one of the smaller towers. The thing roared, louder than ever before, and its head dived towards the limb on which Xenjin stood, its mouth open. Kurix and Xando were knocked off of the head as a response, unable to keep a foothold. They landed on the mess of a floor below, rolling to a pile of wood and rocks.
Xanele put her attack on Eastxi on pause, and tried to line up a shot to distract the creature, but Eastxi would have none of that. He lunged at her again, claws drawn, teeth menacing.
“Where!” He shouted. “Him! Where is he!” It was archaic and caveman-like and someone who knew him well would have trouble telling if it was because of his rough understanding of English or if he was just being too animalist to speak coherently.
Xenjin was without backup, so she blindly took off from the arm, letting the elemental bite into its own flesh, tearing it in two. She landed on the roof behind her, which had partly caved in. The elemental, less a hand now, punched into what she considered to be sweet, sweet solid ground on which to stand. She was flung into the air though, as the meeting room they had been in was crushed.
Darts rained down for a while, putting pressure on Xando and Eastxi, but Brixan needed to find a new place to shoot from since the monster was plowing through the balcony to get to Xenjin. Maybe he could go up there, and help her, even if his darts did not do much- Oh no time to think the girl you shot is coming after you. Xade had left her pillar to chase Brixan, who had no choice but to use his experiences in parkour (how do you think he gets to those high places that he snipes from?) to escape.
Xando only had one sword left, which made things much easier for Kurix. He could easily widen the gap between them by firing Dark Firaga here and there, and then strike when Xando was vulnerable from the purple flames. Easy. The guy was nothing. Yet he kept moving out of the way when he would normally be finished. How annoying! Xando knew that he could win if he just waited, and timed his attacks with the others. Yes, there was Eastxi, coming nearer.
The werewolf was really not doing as well against Xanele as he had before, and that was when he was facing three of them at once. He growled and snarled, punched and clawed, but Xanele was wise to his tricks and kept her distance, electrocuting him when he came too close. That was when he noticed Xando leading the white-haired one pretty close to his location. Oh, so that is how he wants to play it. Eastxi’s thoughts were clouded in his goal to get close to Jynx, but he still knew a good strategy when he saw it.
Kurix’s back was to Eastxi. It would be a simple game of switching partners. Eastxi ducked when a blast of light came, letting it hit Kurix right in the back. Xanele gasped, but her warning shouts were not quick enough. Xando rushed forward then, holding his sword horizontally, and shoved Kurix backwards, into the still-low Eastxi, who pushed his elbow back, hitting Kurix hard in his side and flipping him over his back. Now came the easy part, Xando just- oh holy shit.
Kurix was conscious of what was happening around him, and was not about to put up with being thrown about like a rag doll. While in the air, he slashed through the air to hit Xando with one of his crescent-shaped dark attacks. He then reached under him with his free hand and grabbed the back of Eastxi’s neck. The large man exclaimed, almost yelping, at it. Kurix then landed on the rest of his back, driving his knee into a kidney and holding up Soul Eater like a knife to an animal’s neck. It came down.
But Eastxi reacted, doing something he hardly expected to do that day. He turned, throwing Kurix off of him, but keeping that hand on his neck. That would be a mistake. Eastxi lashed out at the sword, knocking it away. His mouth then opened, showing off his terrifying fangs more prominently than ever. Eastxi’s jaw, which no doubt had considerable strength like the rest of him, painfully closed on Kurix’s arm, sinking his teeth deep and drawing blood. Xanele heard her friend shout in pain, genuine pain and maybe even fear, something she did not remember ever hearing from him.
The Power Glove glowed brighter than ever, and those strange holograms popped out of it and rotated ominously. Whatever strange energy source powered it, it was combining with her powers. She fired a beam of stark white light, more intense of anything she had fired before, that swept Eastxi away form Kurix and threw him against what remained of a wall. Xanele pulled the beam over to Xando, who was more concerned over his scheme not working. He was burned and thrown and knocked out.
Xenjin ran as her home was cleaved in two by the path of the earth elemental. Xade was hot on her trail as well, as much as Brixan tried to stop her; firing darts that were brushed aside by the elemental’s one good arm ,which of course he was on the side of. Xenjin struck the steel axe whenever she turned to fight, then run again. Eventually she reached the end of the mansion’s roof. There was Brixan, far off, aimed and ready. There was Xade, easy to fight against, partly because of the drugs in her. There was…the giant freakish abomination towering over them all. If they all exchanged blows, which was really the only thing left to do, she would definitely be crushed, and she might kill the enemy member.
Well, when you only have one option, may as well look forward to making it happen.
She thrust the lance, with its sharp, diamond tip, forward, and saw everything go dark as the shadow of the elemental’s fist loomed over her. Xade was just moving backward, knowing she did not have to do anything. Brixan took the shot.
The monster’s head exploded.
Xade gasped, looking behind her as her pet was slaughtered. Another explosion, and the arm burst into a cloud of rubble, leaving the fist to fly off over Xenjin’s head. Neither of them women knew what just happened. Brixan did, though, since he had been standing behind them.
Somehow, he was not even sure, Xoje had snuck up on the whole fight scene and scaled the back of the elemental. One strong blast of concussive energy and the mass of rocks and dirt stood no chance. There he was, visor catching the dusk sun all cool-like, standing on the neck of the slain beast.
Xade put her hand to her neck, feeling a dart’s poison trickle into her bloodstream. She tumbled and tripped over herself, right into a Corridor.
“What’s there to fix now?” Xeyla lightly sobbed, head pressed to the cell bars.
“Plenty. More than you can imagine.” Xemnas said, doing his best to convince her.
She sniffled like she had many times before. There was still an instinct in her to listen to his plans.
“And I’ll tell you just what I aim to do, in…just a few hours.”
“What?!” Xeyla asked, in disbelief. She had trouble trusting him. Every moment he was not in her sights he could be going back in hiding and never telling her things.
“Trust me, Xeyla.”
She glared.
“I invite you back to this very spot, just in a few hours, at your judgment for the precise time. I’m going to have company soon.”
“They can’t meet me?”
“Dear, they’ll only come if you leave first.”
The glare stayed, and it was still untrusting. But that small part of her wanted to believe him, and that bit of hope also knew that she should be able to track wherever he went now that she knew where he was. So there was that.