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Fanfiction ► Thing's Aren't So Beautiful Now (PG-13)

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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
That chapter sucked.

"What's wrong?"

"Megan..." He said. I forgot about the whole SilverxKrazy thing. At least Sanae was quiet about it. I just laughed.

"Cheer up, emo kid."

1. Not funny.
2. Hypocritical.
3. I hate you. And your slob of a spawn Kanynt.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

They tongue-ed it. :/ -washes eyeballs-


Gud. Update. I guess. <.< -looks at Wilson to calm self-


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Chapter Twenty One

~Rebuilding The Bridges~​

After getting home sometime during noon, Mom told me that she and Asuka were going off for another sphere hunt. "We'll be back around four. Leave a note if you go anywhere," she told me. Where was I going to go? If I went back to Dad's place, it'd be kinda weird. I didn't want to go while he and Rikku were still doing damage control from last night. Nor did I want to go to Penelope's place. That'd be awkward. Dad always said that if there was a moment that had high tension between you and someone else, it'd be best to let the pan chill before touching it again. Whatever that meant, it probably meant don't talk to her just yet.

"Mind if I come?" I asked. The worst she could say was no.

"You really want to?"

"I don't mind," I said cooly. Besides. Coming to this epoch had lost it's purpose. Might as well create a new one. I left my jacket on my bed and searched my room for the sword that I brought along from my own time. I brought it forward and Asuka decided to stay back. She poked fun at what she called, "our mother-son bonding time." If anything, this was just me trying to use up some time before the day ends. Because once it does, another one begins. And this one was too much of a bore anyway.

Almost an hour later, we were searching in the valleys of the Mi'ihen Highroad. This area wasn't excavated by the now expanded Gullwings, which included Paine, Rikku, and mom, along with Asuka and Dad (who normally didn't go because "someone has to hold down the fort"). We encountered several fiends, but nothing too serious. Mom was quite the markswoman, or at least, a pretty good shot. I've heard rumors that Amme had a better eye, but I've never seen or heard anything about it. And I've seen Dad with a gun too. He's not so bad if you ignore the fact that recoil scares the hell out of him.

We went deeper and deeper into the valley and we had passed the crash site of the hover years ago. The same crash that claimed Sanae and Shinobu's parents. Made me think how they really were. Shinobu seemed... normal. I guess. If you forget the fact that she'd run into walls without her glasses and she'd occasionally fall asleep in the shower. Or at least, it's what I hear from Amy. Although, Sanae was creepy. Not the disgusting kinda creepy. More like the, "let's do this because it'll hurt someone else, but be funny to us," kinda creepy. My thoughts were interrupted by Mom's sudden stop. "Don't move," she said in a whisper. I looked forward to see what the problem was.

A small green figure covered in a brown robe holding a butcher's knife in one hand and a lamp in the other stood in our way. I've always wondered what one would look like in real life, so I was pretty excited to see my first tonberry. I wanted to make quick work of it. Despite their slow movement, these things could defintely do some damage. "C'mon. It can't catch us anyway," I assured her.

"Y'know, I've fought two giant tonberries before," she whispered back. "The first one cast haste on itself and we were lucky to survive because we had the aeons power,"

"And the second one?"

"Even Paine said we should've ran,"

"Did you?"

"Nope," she said, shaking her head. The tonberry had shaken it's lantern in a circular motion and a subtle flash of light emitted from the lantern.

"...Is that haste?"



"Good idea," she said. We made a move for the left, but the tonberry had thrown it's knife towards me. Mom used her gun to shoot it out of the way, but I began charging at the little bastard. I would've gotten a swing in, but Mom pulled me by the wrist out of the valley's gorge.

"We could've beaten it! Why're we running?!"

"Do you think I want my son on the verge of death, twice in one day?" she asked yelling. I kept quiet as she pulled me forward back to the entrance of the valley. We stopped by the entrance to the Highroad and we sat on a soft patch of grass. Mom and I were tired. She wiped a tear from her eye and chuckled a bit. "Heh... That was... That was kinda close..."

"...I'm sorry..." I said. Before, I would've probably hated saying something like this. But then again, before, I was selfish and only thinking of myself and how to end myself.


"Not listening..."

"It's fine. Just a little worried is all. Well... Very worried. It's not like I know how to handle having a kid. Much less, having a kid like you," she smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're so moody sometimes. Last time I checked, you were in your room blasting loud music and yelling at me last week. But this last night, you bringing up the guitar with you and playing a sweet song for Penelope... It was a little different from the Kanynt that tried to kill his parents when I first met him," she said with a nervous giggle. "... Do you hate me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. She really was trying to get it out of me. I knew I was going to hate myself later for saying it.

"...Do you hate me still? And your dad?" her eyes piercing and judging, yet compassionate and... almost... innocent. Or at least as innocent as mom could get. After meeting Dad, it probably went all the way downhill.

"Well... No..."

"That's good... I was getting the feeling that you weren't getting the message,"

"What message?"

"...I know that we have our differences. And that... Well... I know I'm not the most responsible person. And I'm sure I'm doing doing such a great job as a mother too, but I'm trying... And I love you," she said smiling. I swear, if I never said this again, it'd be too soon.

"...I love you too..." I murmured, just before she wrapped her arms around me and surrounded me by her warmth.

-End Chapter-​


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

Zomg, that made me sad inside. I dunno if it's because Kanny no longer hates Yuna's guts or because it was so ky00te. ;~;~;~;~;

Twas prettah, Gerd. ;~; Just like that sig Amme made. ;~;

Amme's shot > Yuna's shot. :D


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Lol, well, Kanynt will probably hate her again considering the first chapter after a certain someone's death, where he seemed rather... Unfond (Spelling?) of his parents... Less, of course, that was from the depression of what will happen... Less, someone else died... I doubt that though.

I think Kanynt may still be upset for awhile and may not like his mom again...


Scuse my rambling!><

Anyway, nice update! =^_^=

Lol, tonberrys are a flipping PAIN, I remember fighting them in the cloister place in the under ground floors of New Yevon in X-2... I still gotta defeat him.... ><

Anyway, the encounter with the tonberry was quite amusing. xD

I found it rather humerous.... o.o


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Chapter Twenty Two

-The Ocean Breathes Salty-​

Sunday came, and I got a message from Penelope on the commsphere. She had invited me to the school festival. I was already planning to go, because Amy was the one who told me to open my calendar. I was kinda glad that Penelope wanted to go with me. I threw on a black shirt, a white slim hoodie, and some old jeans and got ready to leave. Mom and Asuka were out again for another sphere hunt, so I locked the door behind me.
I ran down to my jetcycle, and sat on it. It felt weird today. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. I could miss some things. Walking wouldn't take so long anyway. I made it to her place in about twenty minutes. She didn't dress up all toomuch either. Just a black and white striped shirt with a slim green hoodie on with a pair of jeans and sneakers. As she closed the door, she took my hand and we kissed. It wasn't very long, but I enjoyed it. She pulled her hood over her head and we began walking towards the school. Another forty minutes passed by as Penelope and I discovered things about each other. It got a little warm so I pulled my sleeves up to my elbows as we stepped past the school ground gates.

There was a big lot behind the school that served as a small hangout for the students during lunch. For the festival, several booths were scattered about, each containing a unique showcase of items, games, or foods. Penelope suggested we visit the Saltwater booth, where Dad, Silver, Piku, and Hollow were sitting signing half-assed CD covers for their live CD recorded the night of our performance made with crayons and markers. Dad said because each were hand drawn, they were unique and special in it's own way. Dad drew happy faces, Silver drew abstract doodles, Piku drew the RENT logo, and Hollow drew what he called, "complex art." It was fun to watch. Amy was also there for people who wanted to sign her cast. Good thing I made my signature pretty big. I could see it, even amidst the poorly signed names. "Dad, dad!" Sanae said panting as she sprinted towards the table. He peeked his head out of the booth to see Sanae push several students waiting in line out of the way.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Must... Play... Found... DDR booth," she panted. Dad dropped the CD he was signing right then and there. His eyes widened and he jumped over the table. He grabbed Sanae and carried her under his arm as he ran while Sanae dictated the directions.

"Idiots," Piku said folding her arms.

"Seriously," Hollow said shaking his head.

"...I think it's cool," Silver said shrugging.

"Idiot," Piku said super folding her arms.

"Seriously," Hollow said super shaking his head.

"Whatever," Silver said super shrugging as he signed the CD of a certain drooling-silver-haired-bishie lover. I signed a couple myself, but I left early. Penelope and I had some 'splorin to do. There were a few rides set up, and I made it a point to ride the ride the ferris wheel with her. We walked by the DDR booth and watched Dad do the
"In-Your-Face" dance, celebrating yet another victory over his sixteen year old daughter.

"Shaddup. We have on more song," she said as she leaned on the machine and began to press the arrows switching from song to song.

"You really want to watch this?" Penelope asked.

"I watch what happens everytime I go to their place. Sanae's probably going to pick that one song that Dad can't do because she has just a teeny bit more stamina than he does, and when he stops, he loses and she'll win. Predictable. Too bad Dad didn't catch on, huh?" I joked. She laughed and I felt my heart bounce. We left the two at the booth and stood in line at the ferris wheel. The man operating the machine opened the small cart and let the two of us on. We slowly circled up and down and paused slightly. It wasn't the top, but hey, we were close. "...Are you having fun?"

"Definitely, Kanynt," she smiled looking at me. Nervously, I leaned over to her and quickly gave her another kiss on the lips. It tasted sour, like lemons... Or was it sweet? Like a marshmallow? However it was, I ended up blushing. I felt my cheeks burst with warmth as she leaned on my shoulders and stared out at the beach. The gentle rocking of the cart was comforting, but the serene moment has dissolved once the creaking of the machine began and we had made our descent back into reality. During our flight down from our miniature heaven, I took one last look at a birds view of Hollow and Silver signing CD's, Ketso at the pastry booth, ordering the older volunteers around, Megan, fawning over Silver. Kat was displaying her wares of gummi ship parts and minature motor devices, Piku was waiting in line for pickle chips, and Sanae and Dad were still trying to top each other's score. Amy sat on a bench talking with Auntie Rikku and Shinobu was sitting with a group of friends, taking small bites at her cotton candy. We stepped off the cart and she hooked her elbow with mine. We found a small bench to take a small break on. "I'll go get us some kettle corn," she smiled.

"No, it's okay. I'll get it," I said. I went over towards the snacks booth and waited until the volunteer took my order. "A bag of kettle corn and a bottle of green apple soda, please," I said handing her the tickets. She opened the glass bottle and put a straw in. "Two please," I said holding up two fingers. She gladly obliged and added a second straw in the bottle. I returned to Penelope and sat down next to her as she leaned and sipped from her straw. We were silent as we sipped and chewed on the popcorn and soda. The world around us just seemed to fly by as we slowly savored the small moment with each other. It was bliss.

At night, we walked back to her place and she kissed me right before she closed the door. Walking back, I made pretty fast time, seeing as to how dark it was. Mom would've gotten worried if I got back past ten. I opened the door to see Asuka cleaning the dishes and Mom on the couch examining newly found spheres. We talked about my day and then their day and what they did while they were out and I was about to fall asleep from it all. It wasn't very interesting. Well, it wasn't interesting at all, but I just nodded and smiled until I excused myself to my room. Sleep came and swept me into my dream world. Unfortunately, I woke up after it ended, so I don't remember squat.

-End Chapter-
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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005

._. Pen wears the pants.

1. Invited Kanynt.

2. Kissed Kanynt.

3. Kissed Kanynt.

Kanynt: -feels pretty-


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Lol, Gerard and Sanae are lucky! ><

They actually have someone to play against... Lol.

Anyway, very nice update as usual! I'm glad Kanynt's work after all this time payed off!

... Though, I wonder how her life will end...? *Ponders*

Sorry, can't help but wonder about things that! ><
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