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Closed Trust is [NOT] Resolute



the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Trust is [NOT] Resolute

[post-apocalyptic kingdom hearts roleplay]

[GM(s): Dari, purgatory, Lumine]
[post date: August 26, 2018]
[start date: Sept 5, 2018]
[link to roleplay]



Hey there, it's nice to meet you. My name is The Master of Masters, I am the man that exists at the very end of time. Lived across many an eon of old, and this is a story about how all the worlds, inevitably end. So it has been seen, so it has been written, all that is and will ever be, shall fall to ruin. That is the truth, accept it as fact, your stubborn persistence to change predetermined events are at best, meaningless. So, let me offer you a bit of a history lesson, taking you back to the very beginning.

It all started with light, in fact, everything began in light. All worlds share a single light, and a single fate. Kingdom hearts. The light that is kingdom hearts, however will not be around forever, that'd be boring and just not possible in the foreseeable future. So what's going to happen the worlds? Well, the darkness will come, a war will wage between warriors with keyblade in hand, and the light will wane and wither away, from even the heart of the world itself. The worlds will drastically twist and shape, taking the form of what I call a "Harrowed End."

Still with me? It sounds, rather awful doesn't it? But these are events that are predetermined, I've seen them haven't I? So resisting what's fated to happen just isn't an option. The focus I want you to place is on what comes after the worlds have effectively ended. While I can't tell you what to do, I will say this, "May your heart be your guiding key" so, do whatever it is that you feel is right. No pressure. This story unfortunately, isn't about me, so let me give you a brief rundown of your cast.

I foresaw 13 of us. I am among those thirteen, Luxu as well if the poor kid did as I asked, is also among that thirteen, but we're not important, at least not right now. However, there are eleven other lights, individuals, keybladers, stronger and resolute than any other. I've dubbed them the eleven resolutes, eleven keybladers that have never met each other coming from all different worlds and have come to weather better than normal keybladers, even on the surface of a harrowed end. They're all, like a very distant family to me, having met each individual resolute at very different parts in time, I gave five of them a specific role or instruction while I simply allowed the remaining six the freedom to act of their own accord.

Perfect Zero, or Luxu I entrusted with my will, he was to disappear indefinitely carrying with him my keyblade, that he calls "the gazing eye", to enable me to see the future long after I've vanished. Zero was to tirelessly search for a solution to reverse a harrowed end, even through time itself. One was to experience all manner of war and levy a means to procuring peace. Two, if discovered by another resolute, is not to reveal anything to them or the others, they may turn if they know what two knows you get my meaning? Lie, lie to protect them from the awful truth. Three I entrusted to find the traitor among the resolutes, there really is a traitor, so act normal, but be vigilant. Four I instructed very carefully to preserve all lingering remnants until it was no longer possible to do so, even if all of them fall to darkness you are not to abandon the worlds til it is too late, got it?

Now, as for the resolutes five through ten, they're a bit more interesting. Unlike Zero through Four, they have no specific roles but are equally the most dangerous as they lack structure. I've shared my concerns about the harrowed ends and lingering remnants, but merely told each and every one of the remaining six to simply do whatever it is that they feel is right. While strictly telling Zero through Four to be prudent, cautious, and to not give up trust so easily. Seems like conflicting instruction right? Trust me, it's absolutely necessary to see a solution to the darkness that can snap worlds into their unreal and unbound state of a harrowed end.

Let me preface this by saying, that war I mentioned in the beginning? It was from a really long time ago, much has happened to the worlds since then, things were done that nearly pushed everything to extinction, but the worst of it is that, none of you remember what happened or even how it happened. If your asking me what happened, I can't say, i'm not a spoiler you know!

As for me? I'm here at the end of time. Waiting to see my precious resolutes again, I sit here mumbling the same thing over and over again.

Will the last one left alive please turn off the light. And before you die, ask yourself, what was it all for?

「Allow Me To Entice You Further」

Let me start by saying, thank you for reading he prologue. So here is the real meat of the role-play.

You're thrown into a post-apocalyptic setting, basically end of the worlds as you know it with few that are barely clinging to the light they have left. I want to beat this into everyone's heads that the population spread between the remaining worlds, is literally 50, and you all count among that 50 to emphasize just how barren the worlds are. When this role-play was originally created, there was no information extensively related to the Foretellers and The Master of Masters, with that information my original idea is shifting dramatically to fall in line with a script somewhat influenced by The Master of Masters.

The first half of the role-players Zero through Four will be given roles. Five through ten will have simplified roles and are ultimately going to the be more impactful cast because you do not possess the same restriction of explicitly specific instructions. Admittedly, whoever does fill 0-4 will have a harder time, and I recommend that for role-players who are willing to really commit, have a deep understanding for working in a fixed role, and work with me through PMs, because there is specific things I can only communicate with them that I cannot to the thread.

I want to be clear as possible. None of you are neither good, nor evil definitively, you are simply RESOLUTE. This means, whatever it is you believe, you go 2000% on that belief and do it without bending. Period. Do not underestimate this as it is the main theme of the role-play and you'll develop based off this main theme.

Now. I'm going to do something I've never done before and let everyone that decides to join know this up front. This role-play has a time-limit and it will be further expanded upon in live role-play by the NPC Master of Masters. Basically, I will let you all know when it all ends. The only crummy part about letting you know this in advance is the anticipation to fill your roles to the best of your ability before time runs out. However, if you do manage to fill your roles before the time limit, I have an even bigger surprise to reveal at that moment. For now, i want you all to assume by the 20th page and 15th [#300] post of that page if it gets off the ground.

Cheers mates. Have fun. Gonna break up the rest of the OP into multiple posts now, keep reading below lol.
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Story Log + Mission Statement

Before The End Begins
[pre-roleplay information]

Three years worth of memories have all but eluded the resolutes that remain. The memories of their final conversation with the master is the only remaining clue that the resolutes have. Some were given roles, but all of them were given a name for emphasis. It is unknown at this time what our resolutes should choose to do with all of this information at their disposal, but they are the master's pupils, so he bestows his trust in them as the very end of days falls upon them.

Good luck, Resolutes.

Awake In The New World
[Chapter One]

11 of the resolutes awoke with no memory of the previous three years of their lives. Scattered across the worlds, unknown to them most of them were bound and sealed to a time-gated technique. Eth awoke to the destiny Islands, Saebyeolbe and Reforge to the Keyblade Graveyard, Shiki and Yamato to the Cul-De-Sac, Try, Lucrecia, Jay, and Iontis to Traverse Town.

Eth found himself stranded on the harrowed end of destiny islands, in a complete state of ruin. Discovering to his knowledge he possessed a keyblade and to his dismay that his resolve did not serve to function upon the world. With use of the keyblade, and what felt like desperation he opened a portal of light to castle oblivion to flee from the harrowed end as quickly as he came to wake. It was here, that he combed the entire facility, searching for memories, anything linking to the past. The Castle was alive, full of illusory images, hollow forms that taunted him and all outsiders, until the presence of another arrived as he crafted a theory of where to traverse to next. Encountering a woman, to whom he knew the face of and number, but not the name. Hooded, he moved with discretion to greet her with caution.

With his brief meeting with Reforge before enacted in violence against the lingering will, Saebyeolbe toiled in an all out war. Understanding so little with the holes in his memories, he fought the figure which sought to protect the lands, and feeling him a threat. Sustaining multiple wounds, lacerations, and bruises the resolute pushed back with adrenaline before the armored lingering will bequeathed him with his cloak and a reinvigorated sense of purpose to fulfill his role, heading to hollow bastion shortly after.

Shiki's movements through Cut-De-Sac brought her with a sense of discovery. Tasked with lying to her comrades, but also to inquire further in investigations about the past that alluded them as only she was capable of baring that burden. A letter, left by Luxu, described events and further pointed her in the direction to collect more memories from their lost past. As she glimpsed beyond the door at the Chapel, she found a familiar face, nameless, but a friend that had succumb to Shiki in the past. With grit and a heavy heart, she took the burden of what she remembered and followed suit to Castle of Oblivion. She quickly came face with a robed figure, oddly enough this man wasn't an illusion.

Try had found herself stranded on the world of Traverse Town, awake to encounter civilians rummaging about in a panic. Looking out the window, spotting young civilian running from the heartless. From the window up top, you could see a woman hiding in an alleyway startled by a rogue shadow, and the light emitting from there encompassed the alleyway. Removing herself, despite that she lacked the memory the master's final thoughts rested with Try. If food was on the mind this would've just been any other day, the sound of blasts coming form the street level she'd soon have to come to the aid of the woman on the street which would further evolve into an outright battle for survival against the seemingly unending darkness.

Startled by a heartless in an alleyway, Lucrecia woke up to her own resolve obliterating a shadow as she clutched her chest. Out in the streets more of them danced along menacingly, and she was hesitant to ask. Her mind was blank with only the last memories of radiant garden, no explanation on why her hair was so long, and the memory of the master's message of what he'd entrusted her with. Her time to pout was cut short before she joined the fray, where she encountered a woman in a red body suit and strange helmet by the name of Try. Neither realized they would plunge headlong into and unending battle against the waves that continued to flood into Traverse Town.

Just one district over, Jay came into consciousness curling from out of a small vacant house. Jay proceeded, acting accordingly with no memory of the precursor of events. The master's last wish, surely means that if she were awake then it meant the world had come to it's near penultimate state. Fighting the tides, the sound of fighting form the following district over attracted her ears. With a subtle shape shift and spell cast of flame she collided with two other twisting towers of heartless, greeting two other women, keyblade in hand. Where these resolutes?

Iontis awoke in traverse town towards the end of the ongoing tides being strung along with the rest of the group.

The Darkness & It's War Cry
[Chapter Two]

In the blink of an eye the darkness fell upon the dwellers that shuffled about endlessly on traverse town. Lucrecia, Try, Jay, and Iontis pit their resolves against the endless waves of darkness that fell upon the world. The hope was to protect the heart of the world, one in which any resolute had come to this last bastion before the darkness. Though fighting to maintain the realm with their most valiant efforts, Travese Town fell due to a mistake made by Try, in which they were forced to flee to the High Grounds. The world's heart was overtaken, but released a memory that projected itself to every resolute dwelling in the realm of light of their first meeting. Try, Lucrecia, Jay, and Iontis were bewildered, skeptical, and cynical about this turn of events. So the truth was they were acquainted, but why would this only become apparent to them now unless this was by some accident? Lucrecia's anger snapped her resolve as she questioned Try's actions and if she knew, only to have her attention broken by waves that were going to crush Jay who was still unconscious from before. Saved by luck? Graced with the presence of yet another weirdo.

Komaeda, V. The Harginber finally awoke on the lingering remnant of High Grounds. His resolve affected the fortune of both himself and those around him. In his unconsciousness, the waves that built up along the sides of the floating mass of land went to overtake and wash over the grasslands. He shifted that luck to fall in favor upon one of them close to the danger by shattering the wave and dropping down to get properly acquainted with them on the ground. With only his past and the master's memory to his name, he graciously took to hugging two of the resolutes and lifting them up. He was attacked by Iontis and knocked unconscious, capsuling himself into a sphere of light and the effects of his resolve hit the place again, lashing out in every direction before he came to avert some of the happenings. After all, while everyone seemed to have some form of tension he was completely calm during the pouring rain and flames from the lightning that spread like wildfire across the plane, it would horrify anyone that didn't know. It was clear to see between his twisted manipulation of word play that struck a nerve in Try and Lucrecia both, questioning his values and if he were a traitor to which he cleverly replied that he was a betrayer of the darkness, ultimately winning some manner of faith over from their deserving skepticism of him.

Elsewhere, Shiki's travels brought her collide with Eth at Castle Oblivion. Exchanging memories from a long past history of hers, to keep things fair Eth despite not learning anything of use for himself personally he gave Shiki the direction investigating Twilight Town. There she'd find a data version of the town and upon further exploration would seek answer long since vanished from her memory. The truth of which would be the only one of many heavy burdens she didn't know she would have to bare. To learn that the master had left her with a message, memories from their past life, one of her darkest moments to be the end of a dear friend. And in the very same vane she came face to face for the first time in what felt like ages, with that very same friend.

Saebyeolbe having left the Keyblade Graveyard via the Lanes Between, or The Corridors Of The Skies retreated coveting himself in keyblade armor and his keyblade spelling itself into a vehicle, he traversed the worlds through the darkness creating a road of his own light to navigate. Encountering a heartless amassed in the abyss of darkness that suffocated the realm of light, he valiantly flees but nearly cornered casts a powerful magic that ends up scattering him through space and he lands unto the harrowed end of Hollow Bastion. Trudging along the wasteland riddled with immensely powerful heartless and falling pockets of darkness, he battled through innumerable enemies until he reached the harrowed end's epicenter, where he discovered a man named Trace. No longer human, but a heartless and human combined to create a lifeform dubbed "hybrid" that he'd never encountered. The hybrid spoke of a woman named Shiki that she'd been searching for and another man to whom he did not know the name, only the blades of light. Having taken a liking to mock Saebyeolbe, Trace decided to attempt to free himself which escalated his death and the release of his heart to which he gifted Saebyeolbe. Entrusted with the memories and heart, a corridor appeared, and he stepped through to encounter man dressed like the master, but it was in reality Eth who bade him to share his memories with him via touch. Having warned him, pain surged from Resolute #1 to Zero in an instant before it invoked a response in Eth that would further lead Saebyeolbe to Shiki in Twilight Town.

As Eth left Shiki to Twilight Town, he traveled to the Betwixt and Between to then consort amongst himself in solitude. Having then used his keyblade to view the movements of figures that had them present, one in particular upon a harrowed end is whom he chose to probe. And through the portal of light that he created, he did come. Seeking his memories of his past with hope it would tell him something, and as he took his hand, the worst kind of interaction possible happened. Eth was untouchable, but for the first time in his existence since he could remember that shattered in an instant. Years worth of pain he felt in an indefinite agony, recounting physical instances of Saebyeolbe's life, old, recent, and other special until he saw something vivid. Himself...Shiki, as his enemy, but he doubted he remembered it on the surface but his body never truly forgot. From the shock Eth staggered, but he resolve to send Saebyeolbe who longed for Shiki, as someone he sought after and obliged to send him to her. Casting his body of Time he understood he needed them all to intersect later, but now wasn't the time, his next theory was already at work and he set his eyes on the keyblade graveyard. Eth knew that he had to contest and best the lingering will in order to uncover some manner of hint to restoring the worlds. This figure defended this place for centuries from the darkness, it was pivotal, and as Eth bested the lingering will he learned the secret, resolve, and keyblade in hand the image of the keyblade became opaque and he was winded. Luxu had arrived, clasping Eth's keyblade as his own, unable to summon it back Eth moved to question, but he was cast into the realm of darkness at the hands of Luxu only to find himself stranded without any means to escape. So he fell, crashing with a thud, and found himself to run frantically before he cratered unconscious at the bottom, to be awoken by two hybrid women that recognized him as an opposing force in their fairly recent past he'd already forgotten.

Resolute number X, The Harbored Destiny finally awoke to find themselves stuck in the Realm of Darkness without any true means to escape. Having wandered, battling the heartless, the resolute finally was attracted by a star falling from the sky of the world. Crashing into rubble, it was near two hybrid women shuffling through the debris. A man dressed like the master, but unhooded and with a face they seemed to recognize, rather than let him be killed the resolute sprung forth to assist and aid the fallen traveler. Questioning if he was a resolute, only for him to agree but brandish no proof so to speak. The hybrid women, one of which was armed with acid burning hands and a trident aggressed unto the man named Eth and roughed him up. To her surprise, he did no retaliate or fight back, as if his he had no resolve or even a keyblade to speak of? Preposterous to claim the name Resolute without either. As they'd left him to bleed out, his resourceful saved his life and the alchemist fully introduced herself as Midna, the number X, Harbored Destiny and she brandished her keyblade to fight the heartless that were seeking Eth's life.

In his final breathes, his frustration boiled over, Eth was powerless here and the master warned him much earlier in his campaign this day would come. Without a keyblade, without his ability to use time in a space where time doesn't exist, what could he do? Though he'd forgotten, every resolute had taken the master power to which he'd called Omni and could understand those that manifested as light, danced on the thing edge with darkness. His light tainted, resolving as he was returning home to the shadow, time had more than one face and Eth invoked the dusk, to fight the heartless before he was being dragged under the surface and Midna carelessly jumping in after him.

Run The Risk Of Trust
[Chapter Three]

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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Template + Casting + Role Assign

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Spoiler Spoiler Show

The 13 Resolutes

??? - Master of Masters [NPC]
I foresaw the future. Waits at the end of time.

∞ - Luxu [NPC]
The Box. The Key. He who will crown the Traitor.

0 - Ð - Untouchable [Dari][CS]
the very definition of virgin

1- Saebyeolbye - The Scarred [Deimos][CS]
displays the greatest unwavering resilience in a warrior

2- Shiki - The Whisper [Lumine][CS]
Faintest breath, silent death

3- Try - The Echo [Piercing Light][CS]
Where are you? Am I hearing things?

4- Lucrecia- Monochrome [purgatory][CS]
A true neutral

5 - Komaeda- The Harbinger [Dari][CS]
manipulator of luck and omens

6- Jay - Crossroads [Skitty Cat][CS]
Adaptation. Survival. Dynamic change-up.

7- Iontis -The Skyward [Vibrant Fervor][CS]
Constantly evolving

8- Yamato - The Savage [King Naruto][CS]
indefinite hunger, one that consumes indiscriminately

9 - Reforge Seru - The Eloquent [Hazen Gregory][CS]
Moderately informed-verbal spell caster

10 - Midna - Harbored Destiny [NPC]
Alchemist that is pivotal to changing fate
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Worlds + Status Changes

[Lingering Remnant][Harrowed End][Betwixt]

Hollow Bastion [Harrowed End]
Time does many things to a world, and an end befalls all of them. Once beautiful, lively, and flourishing. The precursor of Radiant Garden and with some of the most impressive resilience in years, this world lasted longer than most. The deterioration of its structure is nearly gone. Becoming an interesting shape, while its surface is white, leading into the all-consuming vortex of shadow, hobbled balls of darkness seem to rain endlessly from the sky, dropping clusters of heartless of which include Darkside on the unexpected. The core of the world itself is unstable and to even the bravest of resolutes it takes a while to reach the end without some assistance from another resolute or even a party.

[Active Debuffs]
+Cast time between spells are extended from 5s to 7s.
+Relentless - Enemies quickly respawn almost as rapidly as they are felled.
+Capsule - On this harrowed end, orbs of darkness fall from the sky and can trap the cast in a sub dimension with a mini-boss heartless, it will not dissipate until the boss heartless is defeated.

[Active Buffs]
+Passive Regn of 15% your max health every 4s.
+Passive Regen of 15% your max magic every 4s.

Destiny Islands
[Harrowed End]
No one dwells here anymore, no one plays here anymore. Its light denizons have vanished, only the dark walk the sands. Its appearance and physical nature is left unchanged respectively. The giant tree that rest upon the island itself, ripped directly in half, the spiraling vortex of shadow rest at its heart. Sands as white as the water is translucent, but its a surface one can walk on rather than swim. The Untouchable one frequents here, but even he is a rare sight, or merely an illusion crafted by the mind?

[Active Debuffs]
+Magic is inaccessible. Use potions to recover!
+Transformation type Resolves rendered unusable.

[Active Buffs]
+Damage from all melee sources is multiplied x2 (affects melee attacks from heartless, be wary!)
+Granted the ability to float similar to Neverland.

Traverse Town [Harrowed End]
A rather depressing cesspit, small, but home to all those that flee from their worlds gripped by the hands of darkness. This world is whats likely the closest to the darkness itself, and the light within the people's cooperation creates something of a 60/40 balance to protect this world from becoming a harrowed end. Cobblestone streets, domestic housing, and in separation of three districts, each having drastically expanded and become larger with eons of time thats gone by.


Thanks to a turn of events, the group of resolutes that awoke on the world of Traverse Town saw it's untimely demise. The actions of #3 accidentally and incidentally, caused an abnormality in the world by revealing the keyhole, the darkness that had already encroached upon the world flooded it and in doing so overtook Traverse Town and converted it in it's entirety to a harrowed end. Where the fountain resides now acts as the core of the world in

[Active Debuffs]
-Atmospheric Density: Walking around on this harrowed end feels like walking on the ocean floor under water. All non-heartless combatants are effected by weighted movement.

-Dull Knife: The potency of all forms of physical attacks, magic based attacks, and attack from resolves are reduced by 50% for all combatants.

[Active Buffs]

+The Spellcast limit of one spell every 5 seconds is removed.

Castle of Oblivion [Betwixt]
Information in regards to this castle has been stripped down to the bone, cleaned out, nearly cleared of all residual information. Strange. The castle itself seems to be intact as if no one has been able to solve its mystery. Time has done many things, brought about annihilation to worlds, but Castle Oblivion seems to exist untouched by the darkness, eternally. What more rest within the walls of this castle? Its searchers have uncovered nothing, its wanderers have been met oblivion, and its familiars have found sleep.

Question is, where did all the data go?

Realm of Darkness [Harrowed End]
Perpetual blackness greeted with a single white road that seems to go on endlessly. You will literally encounter the strongest of the strong here non-stop. Be forewarned and tread carefully.

[Active Debuffs]
+Enemy Rating multiplied by 1.5

[Active Buffs]

The Dark Margin [Sorta Neutral Area in RoD]
The tip of the realm of darkness, usually in the form of a beach, graced with the sea and shoreline. Often compared to a inversion of the realm of light's Destiny Islands, in retrospect, its known as the reprieve from darkness. At these shores, no heartless tread or roam, many that have walked within the darkness often find themselves here at the very edge of the realm. Looking for the window of escape, through the betwixt's border and back into the Realm of Light.

Betwixt & Between [Betwixt]
A siphon hollow space of nearly nothing. It feels like one enters a tunnel, as the array of the atmosphere is constantly moving, even though your feet is touching something solid. A crazy gold ceiling and floor clustered with fleeting and entangled light and darkness, paint it into a graph of blues and oranges. This is a betwixt point, the epicenter between using a dark corridor to travel in between realms and stopping in the middle dead center. Complete peace cannot be found even here, for heartless that exude through dark corridors are capable of somehow making there way here, the applications apply to nobodies as well. The applications of time however, are contorted with space in this realm, the dimension itself is hyperbolic and sentient, it is here the untouchable spent days, which equated to eons perfecting his craft.

High Ground [Lingering Remnant]
An archaic structure thats been hiding in the realm of light for some time now. Its green pastures are ancient, greeted by this fleeting hill that seems to stick out above all else. At one point in history it was where keyblade wielders flocked and beckoned, sharing an inner peace among men and women alike. The fog that sets upon this place has left it a ghost town, there are no extensive secrets other than those taken to the grave with its wielders at the neighboring world.

The Keyblade Graveyard [Lingering Remnant]The seat of war so many years ago. A lust for kingdom hearts brought into fruition an unnamed world that became the battle field to physically bring kingdom hearts to them. Thousands of keyblades jut out of the ground, forming a perfect intersection and crossroads. This is merely the appearance of it from that time, with the eons since then, the changes became evident that there were others here before, some keyblades are missing, the ground is uneven, signs of recent battles freshly scarred into the rock. However, whats the most unusual about this world.

A suit of armor. It sits at the top of the highest rock that was unearthed much time before, it takes an unnatural position. Arched down, a keyblade keeps it from falling over. Yet the emanation of it is completely unnatural, no body within it, no heart to guide it, but a mind imprisoned and forever to stop trespassers from using this place for malign intent, keeping it from becoming a harrowed end, at least one person sought this.

The Cul-De-Sac [Betwixt]
Within the world of The Cul-de-sac, children, ruffians, or just regular hoodlums they could be called ran the streets with keyblades in hand. Single wielders, but, it wasn't always a peaceful settlement for them. That constant elitist sentiment sunk into the environment, which formed different cliques, groups, gangs even. These different gatherings of keybladers would fight for territory, respect, and mainly achieving status alone. It was, in a sense, survival and at the same time they made this competitive setting quite fun.

At the heart of this world, lies a door, that none of their keyblades have been able to open. Does it mean something significant? Our keys serve to open chest, lock and unlock casual yet sturdy locks, doors even, but not this one. Its rumored to be connected to other worlds, and as we pass it each day wondering what lies beyond it, even the gangs of keyblade wielding kids realize the understanding that there is something beyond their world. This notion sharply spikes which group would be the first to unlock The Cul-de-sacs most sacred and age old secret.

+New Worlds+

Lavender Town
[Lingering Remnant]
A small town thats long since been completely deserted. It's a ghost town, with buildings spread out far and surrounded by lush forrest lands. It pays homage in architecture to shrines, a well in the town square, and architecture reflecting a feudal period japan. This world has long since been abandoned, there were rumors saying that the residents fled to Cul-De-Sac. Lavender Town only produced one keyblading Legend, and that person is who now known as Resolute #8.

All is Lost [???]

A space long forgotten, rooted in an endless loop of nothingness tainted in white, blacks, and grey hues twisting into an indefinite spiral. Here...oblivion resides. Where Resolute #2 escaped from and remains tainted. It stretches on forever, an overlap of several doors that lead to what used to be worlds, now harrowed ends. This place has the ability to empower the people that enter and all in different ways, essentially meaning anything can happen here.

Reality Changing Effects May Vary Person to Person.

Twilight Town [Harrowed End]
A world for many an eon that teetered on the edge of light and darkness on a perfect balance, it was formerly a town where the sun would never set, a cesspit of light that sat within the darkness, but unmarred by it. Now, it's broken and now faded state it looms in perpetual nightfall in it's bleak and light obscured state. Twilight Town possesses with it mystery, the enemy type of many a pureblood heartless and on occasion, dusk. It teeters in some sections between realities which the recipients can vividly see a small glimpse of he old town before being dragged back into it's harrowed state. The landscape is relatively intact, but a majority of the roads and buildings are broken and left afloat in the space before them. The color scheme once cobble stone, and warm colors, are now cold and neutral colors of deep blues and ashen grays. Scattered all over are small patches of light as the nightfall threatens to swallow all manner of light that dare step foot upon the harrowed end.

[Active Debuffs]
+Upon entering the harrowed end, the darkness corrupts all non-heartless combatants until they are devoured. It takes sixty seconds to be fully overtaken by the darkness.

[Active Buffs]
+Scattered throughout the harrowed end are small patches of light that temporarily cleanse the darkness, however leaving those wells of light immediately reset the darkness' corruption.

+movement speed of all combatants increased by 2x (100% increase)

+Data Twilight Town
A version of twilight town that still exists if you can find the passage, it is largely untouched, and it houses one hell of a set of secrets to the man or woman that discovers it.

World Status

I'm sure you've noticed the three statuses of a world. [Harrowed End.] [Lingering Remnant.] [Betwixt.]

These are important in calculating time remaining for the RP. Ultimately, Lingering Remnants are the most important, because these are he worlds that are going to come under fire constantly by the approaching darkness. A lingering Remnant is where the last remaining light of kingdom hearts still holds some manner of strength, but it's incredibly fragile. If these remnants become completely overrun by the darkness, heartless, or even just malicious hearts in general, the heart of the world's light itself will fizzle out and become a harrowed end and the landscape will completely shift and change. (Refer to Destiny Islands & End of the World in KH1)

Harrowed ends are the second most important worlds. These places are worlds virtually devoid of light, and the hearts belonging to worlds, became corrupted causing them to change. The very notion of time no longer exists on a harrowed end, similar to the original realm of darkness, if you wander here you will not age and your sense of time will almost completely abandon you. Here the enemies are in their element, they thrive, and are at their MAX level no matter what. As for how a world becomes a harrowed end, that is for our cast to discover how this came to be. Lastly, each harrowed end will possess a world specific debuff that hampers those that tread upon their surfaces even further.

Betwixt - Are worlds that for some reason are largely unaffected and incapable of being converted to Harrowed Ends, mainly because of how close they are in positioning to the realm of darkness. It's believed that these worlds offer some manner of an answer on a method to snap a world back from it's harrowed state. Specifically Castle of Oblivion, which hasn't gone by it's former moniker in centuries, The Land of Departure.

Last note On Worlds

On every single world, if you look up directly at the sky, you'll notice theres literally almost NO stars/worlds left. You'll see massive blotches of purple (harrowed ends) and you WONT see any of the betwixt worlds that remain. Just a little cool thing to put in your posts if you're worried about the worlds that remain and where harrowed ends are :)

My Conditions said:
  • Lets start with the basics, I'm not gonna hit anyone over the head for GM or PP unless it's too servere.The only form of Godmodding that is banned, is Information GM. Basically if you instinctively know things in character that was not explicitly given to you by another role-player in-character and In Character you state it as FACT or having known with no explanation, you'll be asked to edit. You only get two chances, so please pay attention. If it's cleared by another RP'er or GM that you know things you shouldn't, then its ok.
  • Communicate my guys/girls. If your real life is pretty busy, let the thread know, and if you're with someone paired, PM them so they can PP your character only if necessary as to prevent people getting stuck, this happens and is unavoidable sometimes but this is a step to help keep an RP alive you know? Respect fam, how we do things 'round these parts, I love yall.
  • I encourage PMs if you have a side plan with someone you're thinking of plotting with. The thread doesn't need to know everything, thats what makes things interesting.
  • ​I will send PMs appropriately at fixed times to role-players of respective numbers in order to help them advance. As I said in the OP, 0-4 will get more PMs just as a no-brainer, but on occasion there will be places and things I need 5-10 to do, that I can't let 0-4 see in the public thread. Just to keep you guys informed.Any questions about your specific roles can be discussed in the thread.
  • ​Big one. Cast will be 11 people, you cannot take 2 spots or more than one character...UNLESS of course you have an idea where two people can share the same title&Rank. THAT I am completely ok with, hell somebody do it to be a total badass please, but only one person do it if you're really serious, it's first come first serve.


The keyblades origin all fall back to kingdom hearts. They are tools and virtually indispensable in the lingering battle of restoring balance. Keyblades heavily augment based on the strength of one's individual heart. They serve as conduits, meaning its wielders can cast spells and utilize magic through them more efficiently than they could by hand. These weapons are mystic, handy, and self-anomalies can both seal and unlock many doors and even pick locks.

  • Reclaiming keyblades/Borrowing

Just because you don't have a keyblade, doesn't mean your totally defenseless. If you have to fight with a normal weapon against someone, you can beat them, sora fighting with a wooden sword after loosing his to Riku, our keyblades are just one step above a "wooden sword" because they aren't as powerful as the chosen three. Our abilities and strengths are augmented with just a slight abnormal enhancement.

Keyblades can be lent to another, and they exchange it to their possession, willingly, but they still own it and at any time can call it back. This nature is because the heart shares acceptance and kindness and still attaches them to said keyblade. However in the case that one keyblader should 'expire' while their keyblade is loaned, the current holder will become the wielder of said keyblade.

Now since you have two keychains. Loosing your keyblade in a battle, doesn't mean your powerless. As you fight with a different weapon, the other keychain you still have will influence it abilities into the weapon you're currently using. In time that weapon, showing the strength of your heart can/will eventually become a keyblade. For the heart is the true key, and the keyblade merely the tool to express the heart's essence.

Combat System

Combat is indisputably important for conflict in role-plays. This is a brief list of the interactions and how I can best aid you in making your decisions should you chose to conduct in violence against another role-player or even a really strong NPC.

  • Melee

Melee is in the sense, where there will be mild powerplay. You won't always be able to block or dodge EVERY SINGLE ATTACK. Be mindful that if your keyblades make impact, even slightly there still is a pushing force from the other's physical strength onto the other. Plus if your clever you can use a stalemate of two keys to your advantage. The closer you are to your opponent, the harder it is to dodge and/or block. So if your doing melee, be prepared to take a beating, if you win or loose, you will both at some point have gotten hit physically.

  • Magic

Lastly magic. Here is ultimately were we get creative and cast a string of spells. Remember. Magic has a limit where we can't use it, so if your going to use a curative spell, be smart and have items. For magic, depending on the kind of attack, you really can't avoid it. Damage taken in best respects to the extent of the attack. One spell can be cast at a time and another cannot be cast until a full five seconds for balance purposes.

Types of magic

Area of Effect -
Casting a spell that envelops a fixed area every time. For example, Cure in KH2 has a radial effect that heals allies within range of this circle. Gravity/Demi spell also effects a fixed area.

Projectile -
A fast moving type of spell that can be sent in a straight line or traveling along an angle.

Crowd Control (CC) -
Any kind of magic or even attack that temporarily stops or ability to move for even a second. This can be a stun. A hook. A chain. A flash bang. A punch. A pin. A charge. Anything that can collide with you and stop your overall active movement. There is NO Buff that can neutralize any form of CC in this rp, so if it lands, you're stunned or stopped no matter what. If two CC attacks that are physical and melee hit each other. Both players will get stunned/knocked down. No exceptions.

Duration -
Buffs and Debuffs have durations, but beyond them certain magic spells have a duration, usually in the form of a channeling type of spell in which they are releasing a stream or beam, or charging up an attack to release it. Channeling type of magic attacks can be interrupted with CC, but they cannot be taken over/controlled by an outsider. The other type of duration based magic is a transformation type of magic, in which the user can buff themselves, similar to drive forms, and fight in a more mobile or empowered state for several seconds, this type of duration magic can't be controlled or interrupted AFTER it has been cast. If you use CC on a transformation spell after it's transformed, it will NOT stop the transformation and duration.

Buffs -
These spell types offer an increase to the user's offensive abilities, like raising their attack output, or their resistance to specific types of damage. Some buffs can provide immunity to certain status ailments such as Silence (prevents you from using magic)

DeBuffs -
Status ailments that afflict the user and puts them at a disadvantage. The most common is being poisoned and will drain your stamina/health much faster than normal.

  • Items

I don't really see this too often in role-plays, but inventory is important. Use of items in dire situations is permissible, in fact, it's encouraged. You won't always be able to just run away from certain encounters, and using things like potions for critical damage sustained, and ethers after an [ALL] spell like Cure adds emphasis to you acknowledging you are either hurt or out of MP and that speaks volumes in a roleplay. I hate to do it to you guys, but I am disallowing Phoenix Downs for this role-play, if you die, thats it.

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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
"The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend."

Rating Systm said:
Rating is based on Stars. A white or hollow star is based on a range of 1 through 15. This means the enemy has a quality to be moderately difficult to very difficult.

if you see an enemy rated like this "★★★"
That means that enemy is a boss. Every boss will have a different rating. Normal enemies max out of 10 stars. A bosses stars is determined by a multiplier of 3 times 1 star in terms of difficulty. For example if a boss is "★★★" stars, it is equal to a heartless with 9 stars.

Enemy Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
Harrowed End: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

The most common of the heartless you will encounter. Never in groups of less than 30+ on a harrowed end.
Compared to previous iterations of shadows, shadows in the current world are incredibly durable, equally as relentless, and are able to absorb more impact from physical and magical attacks compared to normal. Shadows in the post-apocalypse are hyper-aggressive, and attack without rest, if you are fighting alone and you see a mob, do not waste your time trying to clear the mob, YOU WILL NOT CLEAR IT ALONE.

Traits: Sinking into darkness. Calling upon other shadows. Duplicity, able to split into another shadow. Hyper-aggression, constantly attacking without reprieve.

Enemy Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Harrowed End: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Ringleaders of the shadow heartless, but their intelligence is slightly more amplified. These heartless are dubious in nature, opportunist, looking to exploit holes in whom they aggress upon's defenses. They possess even greater durability than that of shadows and their attacks involve impressive acrobatics using both their claws and legs. These heartless are treacherous and can be seen leading mobs of shadows, if you can take them out first it may dissuade the mob of shadows from chasing you!

Traits: Sinking into darkness. Whip-shot/Boomerang-esque attacks with it's full-body. Ringleader presence over lesser shadows. Calculated-Aggression.

Dark Ball
Enemy Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Harrowed End: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


Traits: Erratic ricochet movement in a fixed radius of roughly three meters. Fairly Aggressive, not nearly as hyper-aggressive as shadows. This heartless has undergone visible changes and some of it's abilities have shifted. They now expand in size the longer they are fought in combat. When they reach their maximum size of a roughtly 9m in height, they explode shedding a pulse of darkness and a horizontal explosion outwards. Capable of coming out of small pockets of darkness and cause small bursts of area of effect damage briefly when spawning.

Enemy Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Harrowed End: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


Traits: This heartless type is among one of the more cunning. It possesses the ability to travel through portals of darkness. Equipped with a broadsword, when cutting an opponent they can briefly curse the target and invade their bodies for an burst of damage that can be blocked if timed properly. These heartless can also form miniature orbs of darkness which can be thrown in every which direction and hit from multiple different angles.

Demon Tower
Enemy Rating: ★★★
Harrowed End: ★★★★

A demon tower is a new kind of heartless brought forth from where it used to exclusively reign in the realm of darkness. This is a collective of lesser shadows all acting in unison with one another, this mob is composed of NO LESS THAN 50 shadows, and is cable of moving itself rapidly as a moving tower or tornado.

Traits: Composed of 50+ lesser shadows. Can surround an enemy and throw shadows at the recipient as projectiles. Aggressively slams it's body into the surface and can pull itself back together.

Enemy Rating: ★★★
Harrowed End:

Darksides are powerhouses of brute strength. On harrowed ends in particular it is not unusual to come across darksides in droves, they have an incredible potential for destruction compared to other heartless. If one can successfully charge it's giant orb of destruction it can spell problems, in the past when multiple charge up 1 giant orb of destruction, it can completely annihilate several hundred square feet of an area.

Traits: Releases a powerful blast of darkness from it's chest. Can punch a hole in the ground to create a sink portal to summon shadows and neoshadows. It's opposite hand can create an orb of destruction which can destroy a fixed area, with the help of other darksides that area of effect multiplies SIGNIFICANTLY.

Dark Hide
Enemy Rating: ★★★
Harrowed End:

Traits: A pure-blood heartless that moves on all fours with rapid speed. It's power derives from it's movement abilities namely in that it make itself immune to damage temporarily by moving as a form of darkness. This technique is known as a "Dark Roll" and it b-lines in a horizontal path to rapidly move from place to place. From it's back it casts red bolts of electricity to rain fire upon it's enemies that fight it at range. Lastly it has passive skill, it's tough hide, that makes is durable to even direct damage reflected from it's physical and ranged attacks and halves them by 40%.

Enemy Rating: ★★★★
Harrowed End:
[No Image Available]

When the very first world, Destiny Islands became a harrowed end, with it, brought the rebirth of a new kind and a powerful enemy. Residents did not survive the world's collapse, rather as the world heart collapsed, so too did the hearts of the residents changing them forever. Hybrids are humans forever changed, possessing incredible metrics of control over more than just darkness. Each one of their five senses in addition to spatial awareness and detection are elevated beyond levels anyone would deem unnatural.

Traits: Nothing is known about Hybrids actual traits, they vary per hybrid. In a similar way to resolutes, they can do one thing exceptionally well and specialize to the highest caliber.
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
That should be all the space I need, my template will go in the place of this post here.

Most of the information has been successfully edited in, so feel free to start inquiring or posting templates if you're interested. Post #5 I will use for Enemy Data from World to World and specify the debuffs that are active from Harrowed End to Harrowed end. Just like in the normal KH, first one, there will be a difficulty spike going from world to world just to give you emphasis on how hard you should go and how prepared you should try to be when being put in certain places.

"All I am, all that I will become, is untouchable."


Ð "Eth"

Age: 28


Zero - Untouchable

Your Role:
Master. You're asking a lot of me...what if, what if...WHAT IF I can't find the answer? I am resolute surely, but this is a heavy cross to bare, lives are at stake, worlds are waning away, and the hearts, the lights are so dim and few now. I was tasked with the responsibility of finding the method to bring the worlds back to their proper state. So that they harrowed ends, may become a memory of our history, and the worlds can revitalize and exude the normalcy...normalcy...normalcy...? Can we even remember what it was like having lived in this hell for so long. For what it's worth, even with time, it's difficult to know what to do with it, but for my sake, for the masters, for the resolutes and for the remaining survivors I shall give my resolute stance to find the truth we desperately seek in these dark times.

Trust. Trust is troublesome...for a person like that me that probably doesn't even deserve it. Trusting me is often a mistake, and I can explain it better if I can remember the real reason. One of these days I guess, the master said not to give up trust so easily and yet he trusted us with roles. I have no bias on who I trust, I have no limits on who I will choose to give confidence to, but when they start trusting me...things usually never go as I'd like them to go, often awry. My biggest trust issue, is when others make the decision to confide in me, thats a kindness I simply don't deserve and it doesn't matter how resolute you are, how resolute I may very well be, trust me by not trusting me. Thats all I ask.

When the air that surrounds you is cold it's often followed up by rain, and the soft sounds of single drops that beat against the rooftops, windows, and umbrellas. A calm and almost scattered sense of surreal is one that encompasses the mind of this young man. A remorseful and kind human being, one that seems to place a safe distance between himself and certain aspects of the world, done so with resolve. Eth's feelings simply exist as he does, his pride and lust are far removed from him in the current stages of the world. He has this poignant obsession with giving his life to finding the answer, to remembering and obtaining the things he's lost to his extremely selfish resolve. He doesn't think himself powerful in overconfident terms, but he understands that he has to hide a decent amount of that very same power to preserve bonds he forges with others.
Somewhat kind? Somewhat quiet? A softness to his pattern of speech, it takes a lot of digging to get to his depth of soul. Descriptors just aren't enough, he can respect and acknowledge those that take care in how they use their time in a similar vane to how he does.

Appearance: Ð - Eth

Your Resolve:
If kingdom hearts is light itself, then Ð is a road or pathway to reach the one true light of all worlds. If only a fragment, his resolve is a light so powerful that it can afflict time itself. Ð's resolve lends him the power of time and associations with the ebb and flow of events. This includes data that is recorded down the very seconds, the isolation, creation, and appropriation of memory, able to manipulate his physiology as a full-formed body of time, and effectively create paradoxes of himself controlled by the original.

We'll start with the basics. Eth can move time for himself and others within a certain radius of eight-meters, forward, backward, slow it down, or rewind it slowly, or stop it briefly. It's a much different variation of use, contact, or simply by stopping his foot or clapping his hands. The radius around him can be adjusted to affect everything outside of it, or only everything inside of it even Ð depending on his plan. Time traveling is easily going to be the biggest one for Ð, while he can't look into anyone's future, see events, or predetermine anything, he can move forward and backwards through time itself by years, decades, centuries even and collect information on the worlds in which he is currently stationed on.

Recording. Ð can access memory, his own, and those of others and implant them into a clear crystal the size of a softball. They crystal ball can play back any selected memories that it records or captures. When traveling, this happens automatically by Ð's eyes, ears, and smell capturing information for as long as he is conscious. When people are within his eight-meter range, however here's the catch. He DOESN'T REMEMBER how to do any of what was just explained for some strange reason, almost as if he used this on himself before. He does however, use the crystal ball to survey the eyes and ears of his Paradoxes sent to other worlds.

Ð can take on many different faces, he never looks the same to any one person for an extended period of time. (the image I chose for my appearance is what he looks like to himself, his true face) In making his physiology altered or changed, he completely overhauls his physical body and features and this image or version of him is instilled in the memories of the people he encounters. At the same time, he time stamps where and when in time he uses an appearance and never revisits the same place or meets the same person under that appearance in time to avoid creating a paradox of himself. A paradox, is effectively created when Eth time travels to a point int time that he's already been and will encounter himself, because they are the same person, both immediately realize which is the original, and the paradox that's been created turns over full control, of it's actions, and thoughts to Eth. When Eth needs to be in multiple places at once, he'll send a paradox of himself to another world to interact and fulfill an urgent need all it's own.

As you've become familiar, the true strength of Eth's resolve is that it is of light so strong it afflicts time, but light through and through. Eth can infuse this light into his single keyblade Ethernal and cut through a decent amount of substances and surfaces in a single blow. As per his resolve, the cut can be negated and only negated, by another resolute's keyblade. It's interactions with darkness, result in the rapid wane of the light infused keyblade quickly diminishing in power vs darkness. In all other interactions, even against magic spells, it can cut through it without issue and even embed a delay on the cut magic's flow to stop an explosion in his face or it will linger behind him for a few seconds before it finally explodes.

Lets talk about speed. Mobility. Movement. Eth has a unique style of movement completely unrelated to the use of his resolve for time applications. Instead its mapped form of motion that is instantaneous, that is done so by his footsteps. Everywhere Eth has physically walked, to him, his eyes can illuminate his footsteps over other's. Wherever his two feet have existed at the same time with a minimum distance of 1-meter apart from each other, he can move to that position, instantly, no questions asked. If he lands with a single foot, that spot he cannot move to, this form of movement is called Step Traversal. It's extremely strict in feet distance, and always requires two steps next to each other to ensure 100% accuracy of movement. There is an obvious flaw in this, for starters, if he hasn't traveled to a location with his feet, he can't move there. His footsteps can be eroded away and rendered unusable by natural phenomenon such as erosion.
All Series - "Outside of wisdom, outside of understanding, outside of perception...there is only damnation accompanying this power."

Trigger Word - "Perdition"

Physical Appearance - The true form of Eth's resolve at last, is a light of pure white that touches every corner. It is cast vast and wide to which is an extension of Eth himself. Emitting nothing but an usual warmth mixed with a chill depending on how close or far the target is from Eth's physical body.

Range - Given that light can travel as far as he horizon, the range varies from field to field, but it can effectively engulf an entire section of a map not matter how big or how small.

Active Effect: "Lullaby of Sin" - Perdition knows only one thing. Punishment. The light it releases is so powerful, so potent, and so bright that it immediately envelops all that are bathed within it's deceptive snare. This light hides within it a deceitful lie, that the warmth it grants is cruel and cold. The Lullaby of Sin is an inescapable, imperceptible illusion created by the Perdition that disassociates all it's captives from all five senses, leaving only their consciousness by the wayside in complete limbo. The Lullaby alters the illusion and snare based upon the heart of the captive. Against heartless combatants, the heartless cease all motion as they dissolve into the light itself, against all non-heartless combatants, they are rendered immobile during the duration of the Lullaby.

The second effect of Perdition, grants the user access to the ensnared's memories, whether they are dormant or moved, a trail leading to them appears before Eth. He can isolate, sort, and view them before doing any manner of tampering with the help of his daughter/light orb Freya. This is how Eth learns about friends, enemies, discerns lies and detects malice as well as intentions through the snare of Perdition.

Duration - Eth's resolve is so powerful and potent, that this duration can to the individual seem like years, but in reality it caps at about 8 minutes.

Cool-down - Because his all series is literally inescapable, the cool down is 1 use per day.

Finishing Move - Perdition possesses three unique finishing moves, but ultimately only one can be used per day.

"your destruction" - The lullaby collapses and the light shrouds around each individual ensnared and detonates with enough power equivalent to the base power of each heartless combatant and non-heartless combatant. Yes. This means if you activated any form of shielding prior to being ensnared, your likelihood of survival increases vs a certain death. The detonation can only equal a target's base power without modifications or being buffed by protection based spells and the like. Under ideal circumstances it's a one-hit KO. The overall power output of this finishing move can be toggled down to half the base power of the ensnared which is enough to render them unconscious for several minutes and no casualties will be dealt.

"your lies" - When the lullaby collapses the consciousness is brought back and realigned with the senses, a single command is issued. A lie about the individual in the form of a command, a command that must be carried out in the vain it is a role of a resolute's, without exception. Against heartless combatants this command can be used to take control of armies and even powerful boss-level heartless in an effort to thin the threat down to nothing. Against non-heartless combatants the individuals, no matter how strong the will, must obey the command given.

"your sins" - When the lullaby collapses the most unique effect takes place, tampered memories, be them taken, be them dormant, are put back into their proper place. The utilization of the light, time, and memories...perdition can restore a heartless combatant (pure-blood only) to human form. On a non-heartless combatant, this finisher can restore the memories of the target in addition to restoring physical ailments. "Sins" is emphasized only in the vane that the gravest of memories will be the topmost memory the target recollects and it purposely will stand out among the rest.


Ethernal ~
Ã's only keyblade, translucent in design and completely see through. At the very end of the keyblade rests in the blade an "eye of another world". His keyblade is about four three and a half feet in length overall, the guard is a golden color, with a tungsten colored grip. Theres a flower petal at the arc of the keyblade holding "eye of another world" within it. His keyblade grants him the power to use a portal of light to traverse from world to world.

Brief: Hey kiddo! I know you're probably as confused as I am on what happened aren't you? Truth is, you're missing at least three years worth of memories, man thats a bummer. You woke up so suddenly and here you are, the worlds, the people, the very light itself is on the verge of extinction. Prior to that, I'm hoping you didn't forget the last thing I told you, you didn't...right? RIGHT? Goodie! Round of applause, you didn't totally forget everything, well champ, I want you to get out there and do the right thing! My final words to you are as follows, remember that for whatever it is that you believe, your views are neither good nor evil, neither light, nor dark, but they are most certainly resolute. Never bend to what you truly believe in no matter what the cost, or you'll regret it, trust me. Good luck kid.
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Reforge Seru

Ref, Reffy, Wiz



Number IX

Your Role
"It seems stranger than fiction each day. I just keep going and let my heart guide me one step at a time. What else can I do without Gar by my side?? Geez, I really DO miss him..."

"Trust is something that I've been on the fence about my entire life. Trust is supposed to be something special that is to be shared with those close to you. Ya know, a bond that links people together through faith and fate. Trust is seriously a burden for me. Nah fam @_@"

It isn't true to say that Reforge has an exact hatred for people or even what's left of humanity in general, he is just put of by many things that he's seen a few people do. With a lack of broad human experience and the ability to really trust, Ref would rather not become too emotionally attached to people. For lack of better wording, Reforge is both intense and subdued to those he meets him but if he is very interested in a situation or an individual he will express himself much more openly and be more "colorful" in both his actions and responses.

Sometimes Reforge inadvertently shows off, choosing to be over-encompassing in a reality where strength is 9/10 of the law. He's always worried about Lv. 99 monsters busting out the woodwork >..> He can be comical, spunky and annoying all within a short display of actions. Most of all however, Reforge overshadows all of these other things by an utter and complete state of awareness that has made him a brilliant mind and mage. He controls the emotions he does display with a fluid grip and exudes a moderate display of temperance and eloquence <3

Reforge has a fair skin complexion, stands at a full height of 5'9 and weighs roughly 157lbs. He always has a spiffy haircut, is freshly shaved and naturally appealing. Reforge is thirty-one but he looks more youthful than he appears. Reforge's looks are practically magical; He's The Eloquent remember?? <..<

Reforge's face has some noticeably sharp features. He has somewhat angled cheekbones and a slightly pointed nose and chin. His eyes are black as the night sky of most of the worlds but frequently are aglow with a strange magenta light. Reforge's hair also seems to change color and vibrancy randomly and normally has some kind of magical particles being visibly released from the hair.

Reforge has a fit body and moderately lithe shape but has no need for excessive muscle mass or anything of the sort. Reforge takes great pride in the way he fills out his eloquent clothing however. and hates getting his clothes dirty when he fights. Reforge can normally be seen wearing expensive or flashy attire. His outfits consist of pressed dress shirts, dress vests and slacks or khakis and he is ALWAYS wearing a pair of suspenders and framed glasses.

For some reason, Reforge doesn't wear any shoes, ever. His feet seem to trail just centimeters off the ground. Seeing him actually walk is an even bigger rarity. His form is often encased in a faint pink aura that becomes more obvious when the situation turns violent or he starts using more magic.

Your Resolve
[Excerpts From Reforge's Spell Journal]
Magic has been achieved by great keymages from ancient times; whether miracles brought forth by ‘Our Makers’, demonic power of ‘Devils', or else original theories on supernatural phenomenon, they were all things that could be reproduced through formulas. All phenomenon have fixed laws, which can be measured, calculated, and their manifestation derived through magic."

"Through the magic arts, we harness forces beyond our understanding and shape reality. This is the power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. This is my power as The Eloquent. The power of magic

{[{Psionic Mystokinesis}]}
Spoiler Spoiler Show
As a keymage, Reforge's magical manipulation via his mystokinesis can be broken down into 4 main categories that explain his magic influence.
Spoiler Spoiler Show
Spoiler Spoiler Show
Keyblade Progonoskes
A keyblade that is beautiful and elaborate in its design. The whimsical beauty of this keyblade fits the Eloquent well. This is Reforge's more magically dominant keyblade that was his first weapon as a child. Reforge primarily uses it to cast spells as a conduit.
IE:Ruin >Ruinra >Ruinga etc.

Keyblade Fortinbras
A keyblade that is tough and menacing, sharp and dangerous in its design but still sophisticated and ravishing to look at. This is a keyblade that holds more physical dominance and is normally used to cast magical skills using the blade itself.
IE: White Fire Blade>White Fira Blade>White Firaga Blade etc.


Hey kiddo! I know you're probably as confused as I am on what happened aren't you? Truth is, you're missing at least three years worth of memories, man thats a bummer. You woke up so suddenly and here you are, the worlds, the people, the very light itself is on the verge of extinction. Prior to that, I'm hoping you didn't forget the last thing I told you, you didn't...right? RIGHT? Goodie! Round of applause, you didn't totally forget everything, well champ, I want you to get out there and do the right thing! My final words to you are as follows, remember that for whatever it is that you believe, your views are neither good nor evil, neither light, nor dark, but they are most certainly resolute. Never bend to what you truly believe in no matter what the cost, or you'll regret it, trust me. Good luck kid.
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Active member
Dec 1, 2013
2nd Earth.
I was about halfway done with this before you posted it Dari :3

"If the world has all but given up, it doesn't mean you should give up on the world."

Lucrecia "Reesha, Recia"

Twenty-Six [26]


#4 Monochrome

Your Role:
The Master tasked me with defending the last Lingering Remnants until it was no longer possible to do so anymore. My role...is one without a definite end until the end truly does come. I think its a job that is demanding, but allowing more harrowed ends to spawn only stems the tide further in favor of the darkness. How I feel about my role, is unimportant in the face of an even grimmer reality if I were to fall to the darkness that attempts to devour these last beacons of light. So I stand RESOLUTE as the final pillar until my last breath.

huh...well, it's a distraction. I am far from a dishonest person, but with the numbers less than fair and few, humanity clutches to their guns and blades in exasperation and no one could blame them. It's difficult, even without the master's words, to truly rest one's faith in another. The worlds that linger, so does trust in those very same worlds, it may be unkind of me to say, but I do not trust leisurely for I believe in the master's words. There is hope, to be part of it means to bring out the best aspects in what remains of humanity, show me you're humane, show me you're ethical, show me you're resolute. Not until a day, a moment, a second before, will I rest comfortably around you.

I am as hard as admantium ore, with a chilled exterior. My emotions are all extremely concentrated for precise expression, I'm at 100% of what I feel most of the time to a state of what seems like endless calm. Breaking from my demeanor here and there with an overzealous reaction that can sometimes be a little too much for those around me to which I can only apologize so much for the person I am. I define myself more and more fluidly every single day as I uphold my role and pay attention to the key details of those that remain.

However, even I am not without flaw. Haughty, and fairly stubborn, two of my stronger qualities that can turn away a friend or two depending on their views. I am hyper-vigilant, to the point my walls surrounding my trust are marred but almost never broken. There is nothing in this world that I can respect more than a being that lives to their philosophies and ideologies 100%, it is that kind of resolute demeanor that I admire and I would trust that over anything else, even if they were judged by society as a villain, so some naivety and a questionable moral compass should be added to the list as well.


Your Resolve:

Diem ac Noctem

"Day and Night. Sun and Moon. Never to touch, but inseparable in destiny."

Lucrecia posses power over two floating orbs by the names of Diem and Noctem.

Diem is a golden orb which releases from it a glorious light, conscious, cognizant, and warm. It releases a "pah" sound. Diem specializes in the magnification of light into two major applications. The first is healing, Diem can be set to orbit and hover around an ally or even Lucrecia itself and apply a buff known as "Regen" which will restore health and stamina over time while mending physical wounds and slow, but consistent rate. It's second application, transforms the orb itself into a cannon of sorts, and it is able to shoot a compressed beam of light with a minimum duration of seven seconds of consistent firing and a maximum duration in high pressure situations of 90 seconds of continuous firing. When in beam form, the intensity of the beam can be adjusted between "burn" and "concussive" burn will ignite something flammable on fire, and what is non flammable it will consistently heat until it reaches it's melting/boiling point. The beams when concentrated for it's max duration can heat at 4000 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to melt tungsten (metal with the highest melting point). It has a form of alternative fire where Diem can shot small projectile shots, but only with concussive hits.

Noctem is a dark violet orb of darkness, mischievous, self-aware, alive, and rather cold. It releases a "who" sound akin to an owl. Noctem specializes targeting, it never fails to float to an enemy. When Noctem is applied to an enemy, it applies a debuff to the enemy of increasing the overall amount of damage they recieve by 30%. This means when Lucrecia attacks the target with Noctem attached she is dealing more damage, but the best part is, all sources not just Lucrecia, can afflict more damage on a target that is painted with Noctem hovering over them.

Diem ac Noctem, when both orbs touch it implements a transformation in one of two variations. The first is a self-imposed transformation that has a duration of sixty-seconds, in which Lucrecia's Regen ability is multiplied by 10 and she is able to tank burst damage within that sixty seconds. Her movement speed quadrupled and her attacks themselves are amplified by 50% vs the normal 30%. She fights purely using nothing but melee attacks and temporarily gains access to dual-wielding. This is a transformation strongly built around the application of light from her resolve to fuel a temporary state of empowerment. The second variation in transformation is an area of effect technique that expands outward to about thirty meters and paints all hostiles with smaller variations of Noctem, while the parallel number of orbs in Diem fire at those being targeted by the mobilized Noctem orbs. Instead of taking 30% damage each, targets will take 5% additional damage as the original orbs power is being divided several times across multiple different derivatives of itself. However, Diem is able to burn these targets that are painted as well as use concussive force.


Lucient -
A white keyblade protruding at the length of about four feet in total. The end of her keyblade is a rounded off hoop, holding a gray colored "eye of the sky" in the middle of the key. The metal is steel and cylindrical in shape sliding smoothly into the silver whinged guard, and black colored grip.

Noctis - [Temporary]
Access is granted to this handsome keyblade of black during Diem ac Noctem. It looks virtually identical to Lucient in every way with the exception that it does not possess an eye, at least not one that is open.

Hey kiddo! I know you're probably as confused as I am on what happened aren't you? Truth is, you're missing at least three years worth of memories, man thats a bummer. You woke up so suddenly and here you are, the worlds, the people, the very light itself is on the verge of extinction. Prior to that, I'm hoping you didn't forget the last thing I told you, you didn't...right? RIGHT? Goodie! Round of applause, you didn't totally forget everything, well champ, I want you to get out there and do the right thing! My final words to you are as follows, remember that for whatever it is that you believe, your views are neither good nor evil, neither light, nor dark, but they are most certainly resolute. Never bend to what you truly believe in no matter what the cost, or you'll regret it, trust me. Good luck kid.
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When your Mask falls, what will you see.
Mar 19, 2009
I'm reserving this for my character.

Hi :3

Edit: Template is done
Edit 2 [29/03/2019]: Fixed the BB code after the forum software update messed it, as well as added another Keyblade.
Edit 3 [28/08/2019]: Corrected some spelling errors, altered the 2nd Keyblade's description slightly.
Edit 4 [17/02/2020]: Added Shiki's All-Series to the template.
Edit 5 [30/05/2022]: All Series name reveal.

Name: Shiki

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Title&Rank: #2 - The Whisper

Your Role: Secrets and Truths. You know what’s the hardest thing? It is to still your hands when you know what’s about to happen, to let it happen when you have had the perfect chance to alter it, and then to endure the haunting question that will weigh on your shoulders in every breath you take afterwards: What if…?

The Master of Masters chose me to carry this burden and to keep it hidden till the time we might meet again at the end of all times. No matter how tempting, or how desperate things and others should become, I’m never to reveal what I know. I’m to move in secrecy and silence and hold fast to my resolve to protect myself and the others from what I know, Because if they knew… if they KNEW…I don’t think they’d have heart to carry on. Sometimes, ignorance is a bliss…

Personality: Trust is a dangerous dance. In the beginning you’re testing your steps, verifying the ground, trying to understand the foreign rhythm, uncomfortable in your motions and in your skin. Then you start getting used to it, repeat it, feel it and move to it enough you think you know it by heart. No more an effort, but like a second nature, your body moves without a thought. Easily it sways and turns to the rhythm, safe to the thought that it knows. But then the dance abruptly changes and shifts in a sudden burst, you misstep, lose your balance, and you’re on the ground, confused, shocked and in disbelief. And there’s no space for you to regain your balance or find your steps, the Dance has betrayed you and left you behind. You thought you KNEW the dance. Like a fool. If you want to Dance, love, you must first own the music.

Beneath her Taciturn and calm exterior, Shiki’s a storm of emotions and relentless resolve. She carries her silence and prayers with her like a talisman against her anger and despair at the state of the world(s), forging forward when she doesn’t have the strength to even get up. She strives to care when she can’t care, and to stop caring when she can’t afford to care. Even when her bitterness and anger are loud, her hope is a soothing whisper among the noise of her emotions.

In order to get to her final destination, she’s willing to do anything. Anything. She’s persistent to a fault, yet not without deliberation and prudence. She might seem reckless to those who don’t know her, but Shiki rarely moves without having calculated all her chances, and often surprises those around her with her resourcefulness. She’s not shy of voicing her opinions loudly and might seem mean, rough and even cruel but not without a good reason in her own perception. Anything goes when you need to get to the final destination. She’s not without a sense of honor though, and although not too prone to showing signs of clemency, she has her moments of kindness. But don’t go on thinking that she’s going to hold your hand till the end of the way.

Appearance: Quiet and Statuesque. Shiki was of moderate height and willowy physique with a face clear and fair. Her features were small and placid, they held traces of childish softness in the roundness of her visage, the lushness of her lips and the slight plumpness of her cheeks; but her eyes betrayed them. Her eyes were a vivid shade of blue; distant, crafty and bold. Beneath the dark long lashes, there was no welcome or warmth to their glance. She had a dark flowing hair that fell in a smooth mass to her waist and a rather thick fringe that covered the majority of her forehead and shaded her gaze when she wanted to.

There was an eerie stillness to her moves, an unnerving quiet that affected her postures and motion, as if the window between one movement and the other has been entirely skipped, giving the eye no alert for her intention to move, and leave to the wondering of others something far more subtle and silent. Even to the eyes, the simplest signs of life and motion like breathing, in Shiki will seem missing. It is, however, certain when the eye does catch her moving, that there is a surprising agility and flexibility to her slender figure. Visible traces of long forged strength and deeply rooted knowledge of a life spent wielding the Keyblade.

Her attire consisted of a plain blue shirt and a pair of black shorts, above which she donned a long black coat. On her feet, she sported a pair of black half boots and black knee length leggings. A matching leather belt was fastened around her waist that carried a small pouch containing a number of healing items and whatever personal belongings left to her.

Your Resolve:

When you walk a path, the choices you make shapes the path you walk. They may Light your way or leave you lost in Darkness, elevate you to a nobler stand or drop you into pits of shame. Once upon a time, Shiki walked a path that led her to Oblivion, a place of darkness, loss and silence. A place from which no one returns, a plunge so deep into the abyss of forgetfulness. She should have been gone from even our memories...

She came back.

She shouldn’t have, but she came back. Tainted. Afflicted, but still she came back. Her resolve was like a chain that pulled her back to the surface, anchored her to existence against the crashing tides of Oblivion. A memory of light and hope. But even then, Oblivion clung to her, tainting her with its touch, biding the time to reclaim her in its embrace. No one walked that path and came back, let alone returned the same. Her Resolve was the only thing that saved her. A powerful chain woven from her light and memories that could seal and bind the taint of Oblivion in her lest she ceases to be. A whisper in the abyss of silence. And that is a choice, she has to live with.

"The Hallmark of true strength is Control"

- Lumen Incantare – A Melody of Light:

Shiki’s Resolve is Light and Song, a memory of hope powerful enough that it manifests in the shape of potent chains of light. They act as conduits of powerful seals, barriers and magnifiers of magic spells. It is thanks to her resolve that she’s able to stay Oblivion’s grasp, an affliction of darkness that tainted her. The Chains are as strong as her Keyblade and Shiki’s often found utilizing them in conjunction with it, using them to climb to a higher ground or bind an enemy or even lending her momentum.

She can use them to erect a barrier around her or an ally against a physical or magical attack or around an object which would prevent anyone or anything from entering or leaving the perimeter defined by the chains. By no means, however, are the barriers impenetrable. Against an extremely powerful attack the barrier will be taxed and break apart if Shiki isn’t able to reinforce and mend the damage done to it instantly, eventually requiring her to recast it again. It isn’t out of the ordinary for her however, in a sever situation to cast multiple barriers layered and compressed together to boost their strength and durability. The maximum that she has ever casted was 10 barriers at a time. When the chains are used as a magnifier of magic spells, Shiki will have it increase the effectiveness of a spell by 1.5 than the normal cast. This especially comes in handy when casting curative or buffing spells.

Shiki summons the chains by calling to a memory buried deep within her heart, and when the chains resurface it’s not unusual to hear a faint, distant melody emanating from them. Majorly the Chains are used to seal away and restrain Oblivion’s taint and should the seal loosen enough, Oblivion’s touch will manifest.

- Oblivion’s Shroud: [The First Seal]

The first signs of Oblivion’s manifestation is when its shroud surfaces. Shiki emanates a miasma that she can extend to a field in a radius of 8 meters around her that distorts the light entering it and darkens to utter blackness as you reach the center of the field. The atmosphere inside the field lacks any warmth and feels heavy and oppressive physically and mentally, slowing one’s movements by 30%. Even sound is dampened and doesn’t travel well with in its boundary. More noticeable, however, is how it affects the lucidity of those who enter it, weakening the clarity of their thought, so that with their eyes they can see Shiki and their surroundings just fine, but in their mind they see something else entirely and hear whispers and thoughts that might not belong to them, and the gulf between those two increases the closer they move to the center. Once they reach the center, Shiki could push them into a forced state of an Inverted dive to the heart.

- Gates of Silence: [The Second Seal]

At this point, Oblivion’s touch solidifies its presence further becoming a dark energy that corrodes whatever it touches, negating its existence with extended contact. Shiki uses this primarily to hurl as projectiles at her opponents or use it in conjunction with Lumen Incantare’s barriers to eradicate and corrode incoming attacks softening their impact and damage.

Given that Shiki chooses to change the flow of this silencing energy against an opponent through contact. It will cause the energy to mute and numb another's senses, thus triggering a complete sensory paralysis which in turn prohibits them from taking action. It's literally blinding as it makes the victim of this touch unable to see, hear, touch, smell or feel. This could be controlled in degree as she could choose to silence all senses or a select of them, though it requires physical contact or a conduit to maintain the effect.

Pushed further, Shiki could obliviate [steal] a memory from her opponent, causing them to forget about it or at least be aware of their loss of it [Used only after getting permission from the fellow RPer in question]. She could return the memory the same way she took it and it must be noted that she is unable to alter or modify any of the memories.

- Fragmentary Existence: [The Final Seal]

The Final Seal if unlocked would cause Oblivion’s touch to wrap Shiki’s body and every sense in utter and complete silence effectively sheathing her very existence and aura. This renders her, and should she choose her allies, unable to be perceived by any sense at all. A fragmentary existence between being and being not. This ability is not limited to just herself but can extend to erase the existence of other objects or allies in her range or even imbue itself on a spell.

The Price is too high though. If Shiki presses her use of this ability (or at that matter any of the other abilities granted by Oblivion), her existence is destabilized and she suffers an intense bout of disassociation, unable to maintain a physical form, phasing in and out of reality, not Knowing if she’s here or gone. Even the memory of her in the minds of others, would being to fade as Oblivion tightens its grasp on her existence further.


“Everything possesses an Origin.
An unwitting truth.
A fervid beginning.
A whispered end.”

Trigger Word: Arche

Physical Appearance: Shiki’s all-series, Arche, does not possess a physical manifestation, not even a semblance of an outward appearance. Rather it manifests as an immediate penetrative presence, a sensation that permeates the minds and hearts of all those targeted by its effect without an exception. An unmistakable call. A sensation too powerful you could almost touch, could almost describe. The only other indicator that an individual is under the effect of Arche are the whispers or song they start to hear.

Range: Arche is not bound to a certain range; it however works by targeting an individual/ or a group of individuals (No more than 15) at a time. And its potency declines the more individuals it targets. Given that Shiki has not directed it at anyone, its effects are simply confined to just her.

Effect: Arche’s effect is mysterious even to Shiki herself. It emanates an unbreakable connection between her and her target(s), somehow using Lumen Incantara as the catalyst. The connection creates a powerful resonance between her and her target(s) allowing her to call upon and awaken memories within them that serves to amplify or dampen their abilities. Awakening a memory is different than remembering it, by awakening a memory, Shiki has her target relive it anew as if they’d just experienced it in the fullest for the first time.

The effects of the awakened memories fully realize aspects of their powers causing their attacks, whether physical, mental or magical, to be at least 3 times stronger than usual. They are further empowered by a superior state of stamina and zero time in casting. Given that an awakened memory serves to dampen their power, it will reverse the usual effect weakening them 3 times more than usual. It will also force them into a state of exhaustion and mental fatigue.

Arche’s effect extends to something farther, something far deeper and more powerful than even their own hearts and memories, stronger even than their very own resolves. And while aware of this, Shiki doesn’t know where the end lies. She never experimented or ventured with her all-series past awakening a memory for fear of awakening something that she shouldn’t.

Duration: The duration of Arche’s effects varies from 3 to 5 minutes depending on how many individuals are targeted by Shiki’s all-series.

Cooldown: Depending on the extent of the last cast, the cool down varies between 10 mins to at least an hour, and no more than 3 times of use a day.

“But a truth without meaning is a cruel thing to bear.”

Finishing Move: Hallowed Grounds - Every individual targeted by Shiki, including herself, become a source of a soaring song, a blinding light. So intense it sears any shadow or darkness it touches from existence, so bright it can’t be looked at directly. It extends outwards eclipsing everything around them and covering their surrounding location in a purifying shower of golden glare. The effect becomes stronger the more individuals are affected by Shiki’s all series. Once the light recedes and the duration of the all-series ends, the grounds they had stood would become purified grounds, havens of light among the darkness of the universe, where no shadow can reach. A sanctum to those who have none.

[Shiki has only ever used her All-series once. And since then, was never seen using it again, and to this very moment, she refuses to use it. Nobody knows why.]

Keyblade: Memento Mori

Memento Mori is dark as midnight, crested and veined by a touch of dark blue here and translucent white there. Its flowing and sleek design weaves motifs of feathers and stars of varying sizes along its length and its blade is slender and sharp. Surprisingly heavy despite its length and above average reach. Embedded in the hilt of the blade is a round orb filled with a peculiar swirling mass of blue light that seems to ebb and wane whenever the Keyblade is swung.

The Keychain of the Keyblade is made of small translucent white links and a token of the gazing eye. Summoning Memento mori releases a small shower of black feathers and motes of light around the Keyblade and a clinking sound of moving chains is briefly heard. Shiki finds it more comfortable to use the Keyblade’s ability to traverse worlds through a portal of light rather than transforming it into a vehicle.

Memento Vivere

Memento Vivere is exalted and radiant. Its blade reflective and quiet as though nothing but a mirror to its opponent like a lake of purest silver. Its thin form exudes airiness and silky sharpness; each swing and turn singing of swift sighs and deadly glances. It feels almost too light, buoyant, at ease with change, demanding to be in perpetual motion.

Its leaf-shaped blade is slender, long and finely honed. Fragile at first glance, lethal in the right hands. A black starburst medallion is embedded where the hilt and the blade meet, the medallion’s dark edges sink into the blade and hilt like dark veins and it is along the medallion’s very center, aglow with light against the medallion’s inky black that the words “Noctis ad Portas” are deeply and solemnly etched. A warning, a reminder, a promise. So its wielder may never forget. The Keychain of the keyblade is identical to memento mori’s own, a series of small translucent white links and a token of the gazing eye.

When called forth Memento vivere arrives in a radiance of light, as if at the tail of a falling star. And a distant song, almost a nostalgic hum, spills fleetingly as it fully materializes. Sometimes when it is swung that faraway tune plays along the edge, filling the air around its wielder.

Brief: Hey kiddo! I know you're probably as confused as I am on what happened aren't you? Truth is, you're missing at least three years worth of memories, man thats a bummer. You woke up so suddenly and here you are, the worlds, the people, the very light itself is on the verge of extinction. Prior to that, I'm hoping you didn't forget the last thing I told you, you didn't...right? RIGHT? Goodie! Round of applause, you didn't totally forget everything, well champ, I want you to get out there and do the right thing! My final words to you are as follows, remember that for whatever it is that you believe, your views are neither good nor evil, neither light, nor dark, but they are most certainly resolute. Never bend to what you truly believe in no matter what the cost, or you'll regret it, trust me. Good luck kid.
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Active member
Jul 15, 2018
A bit late getting to this but you won't be disappointed ;)


"The desire to protect. The desire to win. What happens when theres no one left to protect..? Then you must survive, you must win at all cost!"

Saebyeolbye "Sae, SBB"
[Morning Star Rain]

Age: 27

#1 The Scarred

Your Role:
Pain is my role.
Combat is my life. I've devoted anything and everything that I have, and I will not be broken. The master gave me this responsibility because the end was upon us. I will bare the burden of many wars, screams, trauma, anger, and violence all for the sake of a better future. Of the resolute, I am the most rigid, durable, unwavering, and overflowing with overwhelming conviction. Worlds, remaining lives are on the line, to this end I will fufill my role without question and silence to bad blood among resolutes, among the remaining survivors.

I can deliver this answer with confidence to you about Trust. The master said to be cautious, be prudent, and not to give out trust so easily. As a figure of my history, an inspiration, and a role-model I am siding with the master and excercising caution until I can confirm that others truly are worthy of being trusted. Before my own desires, my role, my light, my very reason for living takes precedence and so shall follow trust on the back burner for now.

Saebyeolbye is a bit of an interesting soul. He's relatively calm and pure soul with a gentle touch for one who bares the sins of past civilizations on his back. He is noble, altruistic, and a man that is no stranger to raw emotion. His emotional intelligence and ability to read others and rapidly diminish the gap between differences is no small feat. Through the many trials and tribulations, he's retained a very wise and yet balanced perspective on life, love, and happiness all in pursuit of peace. He is at his core, a very kind soul to the effect his heart will guide him. In his wisdom, his pain, his suffering, he's learned a vast amount about worlds, the heartless, and turned up his negotiation skills and decision-making to the next level in the pursuit of peace.


Sae stands at a humble height of about five feet and ten inches in height total. His facial features are carefully shaped, his jawline is chiseled similar a squared off wheel-barrel, with dominant cheekbones. Both of Sae's ears are attached, with a single earring in the left ear. His eyes are a deep and sharp gray color, with silver hair that is cut short, and drapes just at the top of his neck.

His body type having endured a lot of pain, is fairly athletic build. At least 10% of his body mass, is pure muscle, which is slightly above average for his body type. His upper body is toned and muscular, and his quads and hamstrings are moderately large, with two very defined calves. Sae's back is well defined and is covered in a multitude of scars, too many too count, it's the same story on his chest, abs, arms, and forearms, even down to his legs.

Sae's clothes will be acquired in the roleplay, he's basically just wearing a cloak and underwear, thats it.

Your Resolve:


"Hardened in mind, body, and soul."

Sae's light takes the form of Induravitque, this is a bit unusual to explain. His light, protects him in the most literal sense. His resolve is embedded into his very skin, it is multi-faceted, and what he can do comes down to contact. His body has an incredibly high-threshold for pain, it is not that he does not feel pain, but his sense of touch can kind of be turned on and off, kinda. Receiving severe amounts of damage, physical violence, even magic hitting him head on is stored somewhere on him as a scar. His body contains multiple scars, each with it a memory of an experience in which he suffered, pain resurges, and so does the power.

By touch alone, it only takes a single tap, he can transfer a portion of all of the pain from his body over a duration of a six seconds and stun an opponent with paralysis. His touch can tighten the muscle to a point movement is simply not possible, even the throat tightens barring the target from speaking for the same duration.

When attacked with magic, he takes considerable damage, but his body will never forget spells conducted against him in violence. His scars will store the memory of that spell used against him for one use and one use only, and he can reproduce the spell as the very same attack but a single time. This works with fighting styles, and being struck by another's physical weapon, multiple scars however, enable him to master an enemy's physical combat style if he allows himself to be hit enough times, he can learn it with permanence.

Weathering. Able to withstand intense amounts of damage speaks to his ability to weather attacks, his physical endurance and durability working together to buffer certain thresholds of damage that would kill any normal human being. If a building fell on him, he would absorb an insane amount of that damage, but still take the damage, it is through shock absorption he can limit certain amounts of fatigue and can can efficiently create scars to re-afflict that damage stored in his body for long periods.

All Series - Your all series is a physical manifestation of your resolve that take form from the heart itself. Each resolute possesses a unique "Avatar" with practical applications from their resolve itself. Understand that your All Series is effectively your resolve in a physical form, it's pinnacle state if you will, should it be destroyed by an enemy, you can permanently lose it and by extension your resolve itself.

Trigger Word - Mortem "Death"

Physical Appearance - Mortem is a physical construct of the sins digging into Saebyeolbe's back, the pain from his scars projects the image of an extremely muscular figure covered and bound in chains, cuff, and bonds.

Range - Mortem can move a maximum range of 48 meters within proximity of Sae's control.

Active Buff: "Force Bind" - When Mortem is summoned, it will bypass the normal duration of three minutes in addition to being able to use it's finishing move two times.

Duration - Mortem will disappear upon a second cast of it's finishing move.

Cooldown - Mortem can be resummoned after 15 minutes go by following a finishing move close out.

Finishing Move - "Eviscerate" - Mortem releases a bright light, that hits like a whip against it's foes, painting a number of different or potentially the same enemy with targets and markings. At the snap of Sae's fingers, Mortem turns these into "Scars" with the set purpose of being marked for termination. When the targets are removed by Mortem, miniature explosions of light ripple across the surface of the afflicted skin dealing damage, that multiplies based on the number of total scars being removed on a enemy at a time. It takes no more than 12 in total to confirm a kill on a three star level opponent, and that modifier increases by three scars per level scaling. Increasing to 15 at 4 stars, 18 at 5 stars, etc.


Alabaster -
Sae's most trusted and fabled key. It's a slick olive colored keyblade, the blade is slender with a pointed tip with an odd curve at the end of the blade itself, the curve is about 4 and a half inches from a 90 degree angle orientation. At the end of his keyblade it possesses deep green eye named "eye of the morning". A keychain with a set of vines, curling around an eye dangles from the keychain. He ops for transforming his keyblade into a vehicle to traverse between worlds over a portal of light.

Brief: Hey kiddo! I know you're probably as confused as I am on what happened aren't you? Truth is, you're missing at least three years worth of memories, man thats a bummer. You woke up so suddenly and here you are, the worlds, the people, the very light itself is on the verge of extinction. Prior to that, I'm hoping you didn't forget the last thing I told you, you didn't...right? RIGHT? Goodie! Round of applause, you didn't totally forget everything, well champ, I want you to get out there and do the right thing! My final words to you are as follows, remember that for whatever it is that you believe, your views are neither good nor evil, neither light, nor dark, but they are most certainly resolute. Never bend to what you truly believe in no matter what the cost, or you'll regret it, trust me. Good luck kid.
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the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Jesus christ you two don't mess around. More like them please. I still have a lot to finish, but good to see people taking interest. Anyone I reserved for that hasn't posted in the live thread yet, understand you have 48 hours to do so or you'll lose your spot and it will become open for someone else :p.

So far the #'s left are


I have a shit ton of editing to do, so adding templates may be a little slow for the next day or two.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Jesus christ you two don't mess around. More like them please. I still have a lot to finish, but good to see people taking interest. Anyone I reserved for that hasn't posted in the live thread yet, understand you have 48 hours to do so or you'll lose your spot and it will become open for someone else :p.

So far the #'s left are


I have a shit ton of editing to do, so adding templates may be a little slow for the next day or two.

I know I’m thinking Harbringer or Crossroads, just trying to figure out which one would work best for my character since those would both fit really well. I’m out of town right now but I’ll try to have my template up by midweek.

King Wolfe

Basically... Run
Nov 30, 2006
Pressing F5
Yo can I has eight. Oh I get it. Eight, ate ha. Funny oh what’s the time limit on templates again


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
48 hours for a reservation with no template or a skeleton temp not filled in.

1 week for a work in progress template.

@hazen we spoke about your stuff, certain parts being inaccessible for a certain duration is perfectly fine.

@myself: if I'm not finished by Wednesday with my template plus editing post #5 I'm shaving my head completely bald.



the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
I do a lot offline IRL, and if theres one thing I became the king of, it's time management. This is my way of showing anyone interested the same courtesy and respect for everyone's time and equal level of commitment. This role-play I've only ever posted online 1 time,(this is the second time and it's been completely redone from the ground up) and it's one of my most slept on ideas, so you guys will have to excuse my Level 99 dedication to seeing it through and through lol.

Take it as a compliment honestly.

I did this mainly because last time we had multiple people apply for the same role, it was the only condition I could put in place to make sure if someone either had to pass up on a role or didn't have time, another person on a waiting list still had a shot to apply for the same position. (Last time I had 4 people all ask for #10).

As far as the shaving head thing, your boy looks fly with a shaved head anyway, so it's a win win.


Few changes/mistakes that I made in the series of posts I have up.

+Everyone please add your Gender to the template, I'm stupid and forgot, lmao.
+#3's role will be changed to as follows. "There is a traitor among the resolutes, your role is to find who the traitor is. Got it? Good."
Reason for Change: It doesn't make any reasonable sense to guide 5-10 if the MoM gave orders of not doling out trust so easily specifically to the former half of the cast (0-4).
+When we can confirm all 11 spots, I'll give everyone an assignment in post #3 and send out PMs of your last conversation with the Master of Masters. Feel free to do with whatever you like with that information once the role-play has officially started.​
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Active member
Jul 15, 2018
The sad part is, i didn't even notice that gender wasn't in the template. Some of us using third person, referred our gender in our personalities (terrible joke btw), but it never hurts to be safe ;)

A heads up. For now my template is complete. Still considering what should be done with my selection of musical numbers I plan on using for this character. Just some background on "him" really quick, I named him after the stage name of one of my favorite korean OWL players. He originally played for this team named LW Blue and in translation his name means "Morning Star Rain"

No crazy, insanity, or madness driven characters for me this time around. I'm gonna stick to my guns and be humble, just this once ;)

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
I feel like that took forever...

I cleaned up Reforge's template, changed Reforge's appearance, nerfed him a bit more by locking another category of magic and made everything simpler to understand. I also added a description and name for his dual wielding style. And...now I'm off to bed.