Worlds + Status Changes
[Lingering Remnant][Harrowed End][Betwixt]
Hollow Bastion [Harrowed End]
Time does many things to a world, and an end befalls all of them. Once beautiful, lively, and flourishing. The precursor of Radiant Garden and with some of the most impressive resilience in years, this world lasted longer than most. The deterioration of its structure is nearly gone. Becoming an interesting shape, while its surface is white, leading into the all-consuming vortex of shadow, hobbled balls of darkness seem to rain endlessly from the sky, dropping clusters of heartless of which include Darkside on the unexpected. The core of the world itself is unstable and to even the bravest of resolutes it takes a while to reach the end without some assistance from another resolute or even a party.
[Active Debuffs]
+Cast time between spells are extended from 5s to 7s.
+Relentless - Enemies quickly respawn almost as rapidly as they are felled.
+Capsule - On this harrowed end, orbs of darkness fall from the sky and can trap the cast in a sub dimension with a mini-boss heartless, it will not dissipate until the boss heartless is defeated.
[Active Buffs]
+Passive Regn of 15% your max health every 4s.
+Passive Regen of 15% your max magic every 4s.
Destiny Islands [Harrowed End]
No one dwells here anymore, no one plays here anymore. Its light denizons have vanished, only the dark walk the sands. Its appearance and physical nature is left unchanged respectively. The giant tree that rest upon the island itself, ripped directly in half, the spiraling vortex of shadow rest at its heart. Sands as white as the water is translucent, but its a surface one can walk on rather than swim. The Untouchable one frequents here, but even he is a rare sight, or merely an illusion crafted by the mind?
[Active Debuffs]
+Magic is inaccessible. Use potions to recover!
+Transformation type Resolves rendered unusable.
[Active Buffs]
+Damage from all melee sources is multiplied x2 (
affects melee attacks from heartless, be wary!)
+Granted the ability to float similar to Neverland.
Traverse Town [Harrowed End]
A rather depressing cesspit, small, but home to all those that flee from their worlds gripped by the hands of darkness. This world is whats likely the closest to the darkness itself, and the light within the people's cooperation creates something of a 60/40 balance to protect this world from becoming a harrowed end. Cobblestone streets, domestic housing, and in separation of three districts, each having drastically expanded and become larger with eons of time thats gone by.
Thanks to a turn of events, the group of resolutes that awoke on the world of Traverse Town saw it's untimely demise. The actions of #3 accidentally and incidentally, caused an abnormality in the world by revealing the keyhole, the darkness that had already encroached upon the world flooded it and in doing so overtook Traverse Town and converted it in it's entirety to a harrowed end. Where the fountain resides now acts as the core of the world in
Active Debuffs]
-Atmospheric Density: Walking around on this harrowed end feels like walking on the ocean floor under water. All non-heartless combatants are effected by weighted movement.
-Dull Knife: The potency of all forms of physical attacks, magic based attacks, and attack from resolves are reduced by 50% for all combatants.
Active Buffs]
+The Spellcast limit of one spell every 5 seconds is removed.
Castle of Oblivion [Betwixt]
Information in regards to this castle has been stripped down to the bone, cleaned out, nearly cleared of all residual information. Strange. The castle itself seems to be intact as if no one has been able to solve its mystery. Time has done many things, brought about annihilation to worlds, but Castle Oblivion seems to exist untouched by the darkness, eternally. What more rest within the walls of this castle? Its searchers have uncovered nothing, its wanderers have been met oblivion, and its familiars have found sleep.
Question is, where did all the data go?
Realm of Darkness [Harrowed End]
Perpetual blackness greeted with a single white road that seems to go on endlessly. You will literally encounter the strongest of the strong here non-stop. Be forewarned and tread carefully.
[Active Debuffs]
+Enemy Rating multiplied by 1.5
[Active Buffs]
The Dark Margin [Sorta Neutral Area in RoD]
The tip of the realm of darkness, usually in the form of a beach, graced with the sea and shoreline. Often compared to a inversion of the realm of light's Destiny Islands, in retrospect, its known as the reprieve from darkness. At these shores, no heartless tread or roam, many that have walked within the darkness often find themselves here at the very edge of the realm. Looking for the window of escape, through the betwixt's border and back into the Realm of Light.
Betwixt & Between [Betwixt]
A siphon hollow space of nearly nothing. It feels like one enters a tunnel, as the array of the atmosphere is constantly moving, even though your feet is touching something solid. A crazy gold ceiling and floor clustered with fleeting and entangled light and darkness, paint it into a graph of blues and oranges. This is a betwixt point, the epicenter between using a dark corridor to travel in between realms and stopping in the middle dead center. Complete peace cannot be found even here, for heartless that exude through dark corridors are capable of somehow making there way here, the applications apply to nobodies as well. The applications of time however, are contorted with space in this realm, the dimension itself is hyperbolic and sentient, it is here the untouchable spent days, which equated to eons perfecting his craft.
High Ground [Lingering Remnant]
An archaic structure thats been hiding in the realm of light for some time now. Its green pastures are ancient, greeted by this fleeting hill that seems to stick out above all else. At one point in history it was where keyblade wielders flocked and beckoned, sharing an inner peace among men and women alike. The fog that sets upon this place has left it a ghost town, there are no extensive secrets other than those taken to the grave with its wielders at the neighboring world.
The Keyblade Graveyard [Lingering Remnant]The seat of war so many years ago. A lust for kingdom hearts brought into fruition an unnamed world that became the battle field to physically bring kingdom hearts to them. Thousands of keyblades jut out of the ground, forming a perfect intersection and crossroads. This is merely the appearance of it from that time, with the eons since then, the changes became evident that there were others here before, some keyblades are missing, the ground is uneven, signs of recent battles freshly scarred into the rock. However, whats the most unusual about this world.
A suit of armor. It sits at the top of the highest rock that was unearthed much time before, it takes an unnatural position. Arched down, a keyblade keeps it from falling over. Yet the emanation of it is completely unnatural, no body within it, no heart to guide it, but a mind imprisoned and forever to stop trespassers from using this place for malign intent, keeping it from becoming a harrowed end, at least one person sought this.
The Cul-De-Sac [Betwixt]
Within the world of The Cul-de-sac, children, ruffians, or just regular hoodlums they could be called ran the streets with keyblades in hand. Single wielders, but, it wasn't always a peaceful settlement for them. That constant elitist sentiment sunk into the environment, which formed different cliques, groups, gangs even. These different gatherings of keybladers would fight for territory, respect, and mainly achieving status alone. It was, in a sense, survival and at the same time they made this competitive setting quite fun.
At the heart of this world, lies a door, that none of their keyblades have been able to open. Does it mean something significant? Our keys serve to open chest, lock and unlock casual yet sturdy locks, doors even, but not this one. Its rumored to be connected to other worlds, and as we pass it each day wondering what lies beyond it, even the gangs of keyblade wielding kids realize the understanding that there is something beyond their world. This notion sharply spikes which group would be the first to unlock The Cul-de-sacs most sacred and age old secret.
+New Worlds+
Lavender Town [Lingering Remnant]
A small town thats long since been completely deserted. It's a ghost town, with buildings spread out far and surrounded by lush forrest lands. It pays homage in architecture to shrines, a well in the town square, and architecture reflecting a feudal period japan. This world has long since been abandoned, there were rumors saying that the residents fled to Cul-De-Sac. Lavender Town only produced one keyblading Legend, and that person is who now known as Resolute #8.
All is Lost [???]
A space long forgotten, rooted in an endless loop of nothingness tainted in white, blacks, and grey hues twisting into an indefinite spiral. Here...oblivion resides. Where Resolute #2 escaped from and remains tainted. It stretches on forever, an overlap of several doors that lead to what used to be worlds, now harrowed ends. This place has the ability to empower the people that enter and all in different ways, essentially meaning anything can happen here.
Reality Changing Effects May Vary Person to Person.
Twilight Town [Harrowed End]
A world for many an eon that teetered on the edge of light and darkness on a perfect balance, it was formerly a town where the sun would never set, a cesspit of light that sat within the darkness, but unmarred by it. Now, it's broken and now faded state it looms in perpetual nightfall in it's bleak and light obscured state. Twilight Town possesses with it mystery, the enemy type of many a pureblood heartless and on occasion, dusk. It teeters in some sections between realities which the recipients can vividly see a small glimpse of he old town before being dragged back into it's harrowed state. The landscape is relatively intact, but a majority of the roads and buildings are broken and left afloat in the space before them. The color scheme once cobble stone, and warm colors, are now cold and neutral colors of deep blues and ashen grays. Scattered all over are small patches of light as the nightfall threatens to swallow all manner of light that dare step foot upon the harrowed end.
[Active Debuffs]
+Upon entering the harrowed end, the darkness corrupts all non-heartless combatants until they are devoured. It takes sixty seconds to be fully overtaken by the darkness.
[Active Buffs]
+Scattered throughout the harrowed end are small patches of light that temporarily cleanse the darkness, however leaving those wells of light immediately reset the darkness' corruption.
+movement speed of all combatants increased by 2x (100% increase)
Data Twilight Town
A version of twilight town that still exists if you can find the passage, it is largely untouched, and it houses one hell of a set of secrets to the man or woman that discovers it.
World Status
I'm sure you've noticed the three statuses of a world.
[Harrowed End.] [Lingering Remnant.] [Betwixt.]
These are important in calculating time remaining for the RP. Ultimately,
Lingering Remnants are the most important, because these are he worlds that are going to come under fire constantly by the approaching darkness. A lingering Remnant is where the last remaining light of kingdom hearts still holds some manner of strength, but it's incredibly fragile. If these remnants become completely overrun by the darkness, heartless, or even just malicious hearts in general, the heart of the world's light itself will fizzle out and become a harrowed end and the landscape will completely shift and change. (Refer to Destiny Islands & End of the World in KH1)
Harrowed ends are the second most important worlds. These places are worlds virtually devoid of light, and the hearts belonging to worlds, became corrupted causing them to change. The very notion of time no longer exists on a harrowed end, similar to the original realm of darkness, if you wander here you will not age and your sense of time will almost completely abandon you. Here the enemies are in their element, they thrive, and are at their MAX level no matter what. As for how a world becomes a harrowed end, that is for our cast to discover how this came to be. Lastly, each harrowed end will possess a world specific debuff that hampers those that tread upon their surfaces even further.
Betwixt - Are worlds that for some reason are largely unaffected and incapable of being converted to Harrowed Ends, mainly because of how close they are in positioning to the realm of darkness. It's believed that these worlds offer some manner of an answer on a method to snap a world back from it's harrowed state. Specifically Castle of Oblivion, which hasn't gone by it's former moniker in centuries, The Land of Departure.
Last note On Worlds
On every single world, if you look up directly at the sky, you'll notice theres literally almost NO stars/worlds left. You'll see massive blotches of purple (harrowed ends) and you WONT see any of the betwixt worlds that remain. Just a little cool thing to put in your posts if you're worried about the worlds that remain and where harrowed ends are
My Conditions said:
- Lets start with the basics, I'm not gonna hit anyone over the head for GM or PP unless it's too servere.The only form of Godmodding that is banned, is Information GM. Basically if you instinctively know things in character that was not explicitly given to you by another role-player in-character and In Character you state it as FACT or having known with no explanation, you'll be asked to edit. You only get two chances, so please pay attention. If it's cleared by another RP'er or GM that you know things you shouldn't, then its ok.
- Communicate my guys/girls. If your real life is pretty busy, let the thread know, and if you're with someone paired, PM them so they can PP your character only if necessary as to prevent people getting stuck, this happens and is unavoidable sometimes but this is a step to help keep an RP alive you know? Respect fam, how we do things 'round these parts, I love yall.
- I encourage PMs if you have a side plan with someone you're thinking of plotting with. The thread doesn't need to know everything, thats what makes things interesting.
- ​I will send PMs appropriately at fixed times to role-players of respective numbers in order to help them advance. As I said in the OP, 0-4 will get more PMs just as a no-brainer, but on occasion there will be places and things I need 5-10 to do, that I can't let 0-4 see in the public thread. Just to keep you guys informed.Any questions about your specific roles can be discussed in the thread.
- ​Big one. Cast will be 11 people, you cannot take 2 spots or more than one character...UNLESS of course you have an idea where two people can share the same title&Rank. THAT I am completely ok with, hell somebody do it to be a total badass please, but only one person do it if you're really serious, it's first come first serve.
The keyblades origin all fall back to kingdom hearts. They are tools and virtually indispensable in the lingering battle of restoring balance. Keyblades heavily augment based on the strength of one's individual heart. They serve as conduits, meaning its wielders can cast spells and utilize magic through them more efficiently than they could by hand. These weapons are mystic, handy, and self-anomalies can both seal and unlock many doors and even pick locks.
- Reclaiming keyblades/Borrowing
Just because you don't have a keyblade, doesn't mean your totally defenseless. If you have to fight with a normal weapon against someone, you can beat them, sora fighting with a wooden sword after loosing his to Riku, our keyblades are just one step above a "wooden sword" because they aren't as powerful as the chosen three. Our abilities and strengths are augmented with just a slight abnormal enhancement.
Keyblades can be lent to another, and they exchange it to their possession, willingly, but they still own it and at any time can call it back. This nature is because the heart shares acceptance and kindness and still attaches them to said keyblade. However in the case that one keyblader should 'expire' while their keyblade is loaned, the current holder will become the wielder of said keyblade.
Now since you have two keychains. Loosing your keyblade in a battle, doesn't mean your powerless. As you fight with a different weapon, the other keychain you still have will influence it abilities into the weapon you're currently using. In time that weapon, showing the strength of your heart can/will eventually become a keyblade. For the heart is the true key, and the keyblade merely the tool to express the heart's essence.
Combat System
Combat is indisputably important for conflict in role-plays. This is a brief list of the interactions and how I can best aid you in making your decisions should you chose to conduct in violence against another role-player or even a really strong NPC.
Melee is in the sense, where there will be mild powerplay. You won't always be able to block or dodge EVERY SINGLE ATTACK. Be mindful that if your keyblades make impact, even slightly there still is a pushing force from the other's physical strength onto the other. Plus if your clever you can use a stalemate of two keys to your advantage. The closer you are to your opponent, the harder it is to dodge and/or block. So if your doing melee, be prepared to take a beating, if you win or loose, you will both at some point have gotten hit physically.
Lastly magic. Here is ultimately were we get creative and cast a string of spells. Remember. Magic has a limit where we can't use it, so if your going to use a curative spell, be smart and have items. For magic, depending on the kind of attack, you really can't avoid it. Damage taken in best respects to the extent of the attack.
One spell can be cast at a time and another cannot be cast until a full five seconds for balance purposes.
Types of magic
Area of Effect - Casting a spell that envelops a fixed area every time. For example, Cure in KH2 has a radial effect that heals allies within range of this circle. Gravity/Demi spell also effects a fixed area.
Projectile - A fast moving type of spell that can be sent in a straight line or traveling along an angle.
Crowd Control (CC) - Any kind of magic or even attack that temporarily stops or ability to move for even a second. This can be a stun. A hook. A chain. A flash bang. A punch. A pin. A charge. Anything that can collide with you and stop your overall active movement. There is NO Buff that can neutralize any form of CC in this rp, so if it lands, you're stunned or stopped no matter what. If two CC attacks that are physical and melee hit each other. Both players will get stunned/knocked down. No exceptions.
Duration - Buffs and Debuffs have durations, but beyond them certain magic spells have a duration, usually in the form of a channeling type of spell in which they are releasing a stream or beam, or charging up an attack to release it. Channeling type of magic attacks can be interrupted with CC, but they cannot be taken over/controlled by an outsider. The other type of duration based magic is a transformation type of magic, in which the user can buff themselves, similar to drive forms, and fight in a more mobile or empowered state for several seconds, this type of duration magic can't be controlled or interrupted AFTER it has been cast. If you use CC on a transformation spell after it's transformed, it will NOT stop the transformation and duration.
Buffs - These spell types offer an increase to the user's offensive abilities, like raising their attack output, or their resistance to specific types of damage. Some buffs can provide immunity to certain status ailments such as Silence (prevents you from using magic)
DeBuffs - Status ailments that afflict the user and puts them at a disadvantage. The most common is being poisoned and will drain your stamina/health much faster than normal.
I don't really see this too often in role-plays, but inventory is important. Use of items in dire situations is permissible, in fact, it's encouraged. You won't always be able to just run away from certain encounters, and using things like potions for critical damage sustained, and ethers after an [ALL] spell like Cure adds emphasis to you acknowledging you are either hurt or out of MP and that speaks volumes in a roleplay. I
hate to do it to you guys, but I am disallowing Phoenix Downs for this role-play, if you die, thats it.