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News ► Yoko Shimomura Appears in Square Enix Presents!

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Memory of Melodies
Staff member
Aug 3, 2007

Kingdom Hearts composer Yoko Shimomura and pianist Hiroyuki Nakayama appeared on Square Enix Presents and the duo talked about their experience and opinions composing for the series.

The KHInsider team has provided a transcript of the entire commentary of Yoko Shimomura and Hiroyuki Nakayama from Square Enix Presents! We hope fans will find this convenient especially for those who were unable to watch the commentary or simply wanted to read a text version of the video. Interestingly, Yoko Shimomura mentions that Hiroyuki Nakayama performed for the rearrangement of KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.5 ReMIX's The Other Promise. For those unfamiliar with the FINAL MIX content in KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX, The Other Promise plays during a special fight between Sora and Roxas in Station of Awakening that primarily comprises of Roxas's theme.

Hello, I'm Yoko Shimomura. I compose music for KINGDOM HEARTS and various other works.

I'd like to talk about KINGDOM HEARTS since KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 2.5 ReMIX- is coming.

I've been making video game music for quite a while now, but it's rare that I have the opportunity to work on a series continuously.

KINGDOM HEARTS was my first series, and I continue to work on it, so it's become a title for which I have a strong affinity.

For example, when the people who have played KH1 are looking forward to KH2, I wouldn't want them to say "the music for KH1 was better."

The last thing I want is for people to say that the previous work was better when a new title releases.

Of course, there were many struggles and hardships while composing music for KH1, but I think this way because more songs are added to my repertoire with each installment.

I have to make songs that surpass previous works, and I do feel the pressure, but my stance is to be conscious about not caving into that pressure.

With this occupation, you never know if you can continue doing the same thing after 10 years.

That's what I've continued to think, year after year, as I write music.

Seeing this franchise become so popular, and even after 10 years, to be able to continue writing songs for this title...

I think I'm very fortunate. I'm truly surprised, in many different ways.

When the game was being developed, this song had a tentative title of "Town Battle."

I wrote it as a battle theme for Traverse Town. It was KH1, the very first title.

At the time, I wanted to write something happy yet powerful, fun and engaging. The song that rang in my mind was this piece.

At first, it was suggested that we create a more somber-sounding song because there was a somber scene before the battle.

But, I insisted on using this piece, which shifted the discussion so that the latter half would be more of a happy battle song.

It's rare that the tone of the first and second halves differ from one another.

This doesn't happen very often, but the first half of this town's battle song is a bit somber, and the second half is brisk and happy.

This is one of the instances where my wish, in this case, "to compose a happy song like this," came true.

(Hand in Hand plays)

I've said this numerous times before, but I'm very fickle. I get riled up very quickly, but cool off just the same.

And so, whatever I do, it never lasts very long.

But, I was obsessed with music. I wanted to play different instruments and started this and that.

I'm not that great at playing the piano, so I thought it would be tough to do something with it.

But, I wanted a career in music, to attempt composing, to create songs.

In the end, the only thing I stuck with was the piano. I thought, maybe I'll give it a try.

Of course, people around me, even my parents apparently thought, "she'll probably quit right away, maybe two to three years."

I never imagined I'd keep it up for so long, so to have continued this for 25 years… I'm surprised at myself!

However, the reason I've been able to continue is not because of my own strength, but truly because of everyone who has cooperated with me, supported me, and helped me.

After all, words from fans make me really happy.

When I'm down, I remember the voices for the fans that encouraged me, and picked myself up.

By building on that, I believe I was able to continue for 25 years.

Of course, as long as I have songs I want to write, I will continue doing this and if there are people willing to listen to them, I definitely want to keep going.

(The Other Promise plays)

I've received very encouraging comments from KH fans on this piece. It's a very poignant battle.

It's often referred to as "the battle song unlike a battle."

Everyone may already know this, but Roxas has his own theme song. And when the Final Mix, a version of the game with additional features, was being made, I received a request "to transform it into a battle song, and to make it more intense."

The original song had few notes, with a fragile feel, so I thought long and hard about how I could "make the song more intense."

But Tetsu-san (Producer, Tetsuya Nomura) had told me he likes the piano, so I thought about doing something with the piano, like a concerto.

When I tried it out, it went surprisingly well. I was really on a roll once I started creating the song, and I thought it was perfect when I submitted the demo.

But, Tetsu-san's response was "I want you to make it more exciting!"

I said "this is the best I can do," but he insisted that I make it more exciting.

You would've thought I was crying as I wrote the song... In the end, I filled my mind with sad memories...

And, in that regard, my memory of this song is a bit exhausting.

(The Other Promise plays)

Alright. I'd like to introduce the pianist, Hiroyuki Nakayama, who just performed, "The Other Promise" and "Hand in Hand."

Yoko Shimomura: How was it?

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I've performed that piece numerous times, but the melody drags the performer into the world, similar to getting hyped up for a battle.

There's only one piano, but it's similar to the build-up generated with an orchestra.

The performer doesn't have to try very hard, the score is already written that way, so it's easy to get emotionally involved.

In any case, I've played this piece over and over again, but there's always something new to discover.

I think I was able to pour my emotions into this performance, as well, and it felt great playing the music.

How many years has it been?

Yoko Shimomura: I wonder how many years it's been... I think it was an audition.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yes. I passed the audition.

Yoko Shimomura: Audition! That's right. We held an audition prior to recording the first Kingdom Hearts Piano Collections, which includes "Hand in Hand."

We released two Piano Collection albums, but when we set out to create the first album, I really wanted to showcase the possibilities of the piano and how amazing the instrument is.

For example, if someone loves video game music wanted to play the piano, I wanted this piano compilation to drive them to practice every day so they can eventually play the music.

So, rather than it be something that everyone can play, I wanted to create something that was more technical.

In that respect, I couldn't think of someone that has the classical training, but records in a studio, or plays the latest game music.

We started talking about holding an audition, and the person who appeared was...

...was you.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yeah, I can talk about that now, but...

I really wanted to audition and desperately wanted this opportunity, but I was overseas until a week before the audition.

So, I didn't have much time to practice. After I got back, I focused all my attention on practicing with the audition in sight, but there were certain sections that were quite difficult, and I couldn't perform as well as I had hoped for.

Yoko Shimomura: That's still impressive...

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I was trying to sell myself.

Yoko Shimomura: I remember you apologizing. (laughs)

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yeah, I was apologizing...

I was really trying to sell myself, telling everyone I, too, compose music, so I'd be useful to them.

Yoko Shimomura: Was that how it went? (laughs)

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I told everyone that there may be other people who are better at playing the piano, but I'd be of more use to them.

Yoko Shimomura: Really?! Yeah, I remember you apologizing profusely. Something along the lines of "I'm so sorry it sounded like this..."

Yeah, the wording may have been different but I remember thinking you were really modest, even though you played the piano so well.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I think I apologized because I couldn't practice much being overseas a week before the audition, but I really wanted to be selected...

Yoko Shimomura: Why? Did you like the song after hearing it?

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I did.

Yoko Shimomura: Yeah right.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I took a look at the score and I thought the piece demanded everything from the pianist, in respect to technique and musical comprehension.

It's true. At that time, I still hadn't been given the opportunity to work on something of this caliber.

I liked games when I was young and the person who composed the music for the game I played happened to be you!

Yoko Shimomura: No way.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I was really moved when I found out. I also heard that this person likes the piano.

I had to. That audition was like a turning point for me in terms of delving into game music.

Yoko Shimomura: The first song, "Hand in Hand," is very nostalgic...

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yeah, it was nostalgic. It's already been 4-5 years or so. There were new and refreshing aspects to replaying the song.

I reviewed it with a fresh mind, and contemplated about how I'd approach this song this time... It's a really good song.

Yoko Shimomura: Like, there's a spring to it. (laughs)

That's true. It is a "fun battle."

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yeah. It was really nostalgic.

Yoko Shimomura: And, even though both the songs are battle songs, the direction is completely different for... "The Other Promise," as well. You performed this song for an upcoming title, KH2.5, the other day.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yes, I did.

Yoko Shimomura: This is also a memorable song. We asked you to play it for the Piano Collections as well as for the latest title, KH2.5...

Hiroyuki Nakayama: It's a pleasure, I played it at the concert, as well...

But, during the recording session, I thought about playing that song last because I'm most attached to that song.

Yoko Shimomura: Yeah, it's very different - the way we approached it.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: We decided to record it last and finish together.

Yoko Shimomura: There's one more memorable song from KH...

Hiroyuki Nakayama: Yes, there was... The song we'll be playing four hands today...

Yoko Shimomura: Yes, four hands! They asked me to play, too, but I wasn't confident enough to play alone, so they suggested playing four hands on one piano…

And, they asked me if the shorter version was alright because you didn't have much time, so I told them that 1-2 pages would be perfectly fine...

But, when I saw the score the following day...

Hiroyuki Nakayama: It was 6 pages or so...

Yoko Shimomura: 7 pages! 7 pages!

In my mind, I thought, "this is the same length as the piano duo we recorded and you're telling us to practice the four hand version now?"

I was so surprised.

We tried playing four hands a bit during the recording session and we were jokingly saying we could do it, but that was just play. But, properly...

When you play the piano in this manner, rather than just casually play,

Hiroyuki Nakayama: it's like "your fingers are in the way," "your arms are in the way," "you're stepping on my feet!"

Yoko Shimomura: I didn't step on your feet! (laughs)

Hiroyuki Nakayama: You were stepping on my feet. (laughs)

Yoko Shimomura: Really? (laughs)

I'm so sorry about that...

But yeah, our hands did hit each other's.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: They did. But, there are benefits to having someone play next to you.

Yoko Shimomura: In terms of being on the same beat.

It's easier to sync... But this four hands, it's probably not likely to happen again.

Yeah, probably not. Because we'll fight again. Like, when I step on your feet.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: No, it's all good now.

Yoko Shimomura: Like, when our hands hit one another's.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: No, no. It's all good. If that happens, it happens.

Yoko Shimomura: That's true. In any case, it goes to show that this performance is rare, our first attempt at four hands, and you never know when this will happen again.

And, on that notes, we'll be performing the last song, the four hand version of "Dearly Beloved."

(Dearly Beloved plays)

Yoko Shimomura: Thank you so much for performing for us today.

It's been a while since I've heard the songs I've composed being performed in a hall like this, so thank you very much.

Hiroyuki Nakayama: I'm glad I was able to play your songs in your presence. It was a real pleasure and it'd be great if we can work together and play the piano together again.

Yoko Shimomura: Yes, again! I'll do my best to continue composing music, so your support would be much appreciated. Thank you for watching.

Kingdom Hearts Insider is at E3 this year. You can tweet questions to us at KHInsider on Twitter or follow us on Tumblr & Facebook for all the latest E3 and Kingdom Hearts news. 



Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
This is adorable.

You can really tell how much they love making and playing music.


Memory of Melodies
Staff member
Aug 3, 2007
I can't wait to hear what they've done to The Other Promise in 2.5 especially since it's in live piano now.


Oct 3, 2012
Aww, I love Shimomura! It's always great hearing her experiences with the series, as well as other games/life.

Am I the only one who knew Nomura would tell her to make The Other Promise better? :p


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
I love how she feels the need to always make her music better and better and never feel that her old work was better. She has most certainly achieved that. The entire series' music is flawless. Best original music for a videogame series ever, even better than the Zelda music in my opinion. I don't feel that any game in the series has "better" music than another. They each have their own special songs that make their respective soundtracks awesome. Even Re:coded. The music in that game is so much more different than the other games and yet it's some of the best in the series, especially the battle music.

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
I can't wait to hear what they've done to The Other Promise in 2.5 especially since it's in live piano now.

It's been confirmed that all the soundtrack/music is getting a live instrument rehaul like I.5 correct? If so, imagine Darkness of the Unknown o_O


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
It's been confirmed that all the soundtrack/music is getting a live instrument rehaul like I.5 correct? If so, imagine Darkness of the Unknown o_O

KH 2 FM and Re: Coded is probably a no-brainer in that regard, but I won't be too sure on BBS since the Soundtrack of BBS already is with live instruments as far as I know.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
It's been confirmed that all the soundtrack/music is getting a live instrument rehaul like I.5 correct? If so, imagine Darkness of the Unknown o_O

Imagine Fate of the Unknown :D

It will be godly.


Memory of Melodies
Staff member
Aug 3, 2007
It's been confirmed that all the soundtrack/music is getting a live instrument rehaul like I.5 correct? If so, imagine Darkness of the Unknown o_O

Yeah that should be correct. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix should have most if not all of them being rearranged in an orchestra. Not much has been said for Birth by Sleep and Re:coded but we can probably theorize that a few select tracks will be rearranged in those games.

Re:Chain of Memories had 2. Memories in Pieces & Lord of the Castle.

358/2 Days had 3. Musique pour la Tristesse de Xion, At Dusk, I Will Think of You..., and Vector to the Heavens. A number of tracks like Mystic Moon, Critical Drive, etc. were borrowed from an existing soundtrack called KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack that updated the sound quality of 358/2 Days. They also have Re:coded in the CD.

KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Such a sweet interview. I wonder if anyone recorded the 4 hands versions of "Other Promise" and "Dearly Beloved". *u*


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
Imagine Fate of the Unknown :D

It will be godly.

FOTU is already orchestrated...I doubt they'd redo the music for a secret video anyway, just like they left Another Side alone In 1.5

For The Other Promise, it would be perfect if they used the Drammatica version, but they won't :(

Although, I'm hesitant about hearing the new Dearly Beloved for KH2. Because that one was basically already perfect, so any alterations can only be a detraction.

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
Yeah that should be correct. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix should have most if not all of them being rearranged in an orchestra. Not much has been said for Birth by Sleep and Re:coded but we can probably theorize that a few select tracks will be rearranged in those games.

Re:Chain of Memories had 2. Memories in Pieces & Lord of the Castle.

358/2 Days had 3. Musique pour la Tristesse de Xion, At Dusk, I Will Think of You..., and Vector to the Heavens. A number of tracks like Mystic Moon, Critical Drive, etc. were borrowed from an existing soundtrack called KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack that updated the sound quality of 358/2 Days. They also have Re:coded in the CD.

KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack

Man, I'm gonna have a field day this December. I would listen to the Kingdom Hearts II soundtrack every night to fall asleep as a kid so all the music is engraved deep in my memory. Cavern of Remembrance, Rage Awakened, ugh I might shed a manly tear or two.

I actually imported that album a couple years ago, best decision ever. Especially the new Final Mix music on there. I forget what it's called but the song during Aqua's fight in the secret episode epilogue. AMAZING. Hopefully that's remastered. Or even the one against Eraqus' armor.

I still wish I can get my hands on the "Complete" soundtrack with 9 discs one of these years. ;-; The extended song lengths of Kingdom Hearts II's portion would be worth it alone.


New member
Oct 21, 2013
Ahhhh, re-orchestrated soundtracks, I can't wait! Some tracks I'd like to hear is Fragments of Sorrow and Waltz of the Damned.
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