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Kingdom Hearts ?[chi] - 18 December 2014 Maintenance Update Notice

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Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
[b][PLAIN]Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] - 18 December 2014 Maintenance Update Notice[/PLAIN][/b]

Keyblade wielders, may the light find you well as always! Welcome to this week's issue of Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] maintenance update report!

It's been a week since the last maintenance. This maintenance, lasting from 13:00 to 16:00 JST on Thursday, 18 December 2014, brought to us the third and final part of the Christmas event, ornament-collecting missions, and a refreshed Kupo Fruit Draw roster!

As usual, let's get down to business and tackle on the maintenance update. It is thanks to the hard work of Kazr10 that we can enjoy this official update in English! 

Continuation of Christmas Event

From now until the maintenance on 25 December 2014, there will be new series of missions involving Christmas ornaments.

In addition, Christmas present boxes which you can open for surprising rewards will appear across various maps. These boxes will respawn 24 hours after opening, so make sure that you always keep them in your list.

Please refer here for full information and detailed discussion regarding this event.

Our parents told us not to bother with suspicious items on the streets,
but who cares. Stuff in gift wrappers can't be all that bad...


Christmas Login Campaign

From now to 24 December 2014, you will receive 10 Potions, 10 Ethers, 1 Ripe Kupo Fruit, and 1 Christmas Ticket for each day you log into the game. Rewards will be sent to the Present Box upon logging in.


Availability of New Assist Boxes

This maintenance introduces three new Assist Boxes: Kingdom Assist Box, Premium Assist Box, and Christmas Assist Box.

The Kingdom Assist Box, which costs 10,000 charge money, consists of:

  • Key Scene #9 [SR+] x 2 ※ 1
  • Yen Sid [SR+] x 8
  • Moogle [SR+] x 10
  • Fairy Godmother [SR+] x 1
  • Fairy Godmother [SR] x 3
  • Second Chance II x 1
  • HP Up V x 1
  • HP Up IV x 3
  • Rainbow Gem x 1
  • Beautiful Gem x 2
  • Mega Potion x 25
  • Mega Ether x 25
  • Munny x 5,000,000

The Premium Assist Box, which costs 5,000 charge money, consists of:

  • Key Scene #9 [SR+] x 1 ※ 1
  • Yen Sid [SR+] x 3
  • Moogle [SR+] x 10
  • HP Up IV x 2
  • Mega Potion x 15
  • Mega Ether x 15

The Christmas Assist Box, which costs 3,000 charge money, consists of:

  • Jack & Santa Claus [SR+] x 1 ※ 2
  • Yen Sid [SR+] x 2
  • Moogle [SR+] x 5
  • Mega Potion x 10
  • Mega Ether x 10

※ 1: Stats at High Purity 25530 / 190%, boosted to 102120 / 760% until 15 January 2015.

※ 2: Stats at High Purity 18956 / 185%, boosted to 56868 / 556% until 15 January 2015.

Note: An unlimited number of Christmas Assist Boxes is available for purchase until the maintenance on 25 December 2014.

Extra points to those who can guess when this scene is played.


New Kupo Fruit Draw Roster

From now until the maintenance on 15 January 2015, new Assist Cards featuring characters from La Cité des Cloches will be available through Kupo Fruit Draw. There is a chance that drawn cards will come with various HP Up skills. In addition, the odds of moogles appearing from treasure boxes will be increased until 25 December 2014.

Please refer here for more details on the new roster.


Team Victory Event and Limited Individual Lux Rewards

From 19 December 2014 to 21 December 2014, a continuous three-day team victory event will take place. Your team will be rewarded every day based on performance against the opposing team. Win against them, and you will receive fantastic rewards!

In addition, from 22 December 2014 to 28 December 2014, the individual Lux reward table will be expanded. You will receive rewards for accumulating up to 8,000,000 Lux. Among the rewards are Lock, Shock, Barrel [SR+], ULT Attack Strengthening Moogle, and ULT Assist Strengthening Moogle.

Please refer here for the complete list of missions and rewards.

These triple terrors are now back in action with triple the tricks and threat.


Skill Attachment / Removal Discount Campaign

From now until the maintenance on 15 January 2015, you can enjoy a 50% discount when attaching or removing skills.


Ongoing Missions

Field Heartless Missions

Event Heartless now drop Christmas ornaments that can be traded in for a collection of items. Just like in previous weeks, there will be daily subjugation missions involving vanquishing of L33 Gift Shadows, L44 Rage Reindeers, L55 Wicked Tomtes, L555 Large Snowmen, L666 Strange Trees, and L666 Present Bags.

Raid Missions

From now until the maintenance on 25 December 2014, Trickmaster and Jack-in-the-Box will appear as Raid Bosses. Keyblade bonus damage will be granted to those who engage in battles against Raid Bosses while having Lady Luck equipped.

In addition, there will be daily Raid Boss subjugation missions from which Ultimate Gems are up for grabs.

Adjustment to Raid Boss Appearance Mechanics

Some adjustment to cooldown time, level increment, and subspecies gauge increment was made. The changes are reflected in the following tables.


Please refer here for the complete list of missions and rewards.

Note: Cards obtained from clearing missions will be boosted according to their respective rarity classes until the maintenance on 8 January 2015.


Items Availabe for Purchase from the Shop

From now until the maintenance on 15 January 2015:

  • Kingdom Assist Box (only 1 sets available): 10,000 charge money each
  • Premium Assist Box (only 2 sets available): 5,000 charge money each
  • Starter Box (only 1 set available): 500 charge money ※ 1

From now until the maintenance on 25 December 2014:

  • Christmas Assist Box (unlimited amount): 3,000 charge money each
  • Event Support Set (only 1 set available daily): 700 charge money each ※ 2
  • A set of 5 Solar Gems (only 10 sets available): 1,000 charge money each
  • Remembrance Gem (only 10 sets available): 3,000 charge money each
  • A set of 100 Mega Potions (only 1 set available): 5,000 charge money
  • A set of 80 Mega Potions (only 5 sets available): 5,000 charge money each
  • A set of 15 Mega Potions (only 1 set available daily): 500 charge money each
  • A set of 3 Mega Potions (only 1 set available daily): 100 charge money each
  • A set of 100 Mega Ethers (only 1 set available): 5,000 charge money
  • A set of 80 Mega Ethers (only 5 sets available): 5,000 charge money each
  • A set of 15 Mega Ethers (only 1 set available daily): 500 charge money each
  • A set of 3 Mega Ethers (only 1 set available daily): 100 charge money each

From the past maintenance on 27 November 2014 until the maintenance on 25 December 2014:

  • December Kingdom Box (only 1 set available): 10,000 charge money
  • December Premium Box (only 2 sets available): 5,000 charge money each
  • A set of 3 Fairy Godmother [SR] (only 10 sets available): 3,000 charge money each
  • A set of 5 Fairy Godmother [R+] (only 4 sets available): 3,000 charge money each

※ 1: If you have purchased a Starter Box before this maintenance, another will be available for purchase.

※ 2: Event Support Set consists of 10 Mega Potions and 10 Mega Ethers.


Other Notice

Christmas Event Second Week Rewards Distribution

With this maintenance, rewards from the second week of Christmas event have been distributed to the Present Boxes of those who are eligible.

Items Obtained from Field Heartless

From this point onward, cards obtained from defeating field Heartless will be sent to the Present Box. You have 20 days to claim those cards.

There are no changes to cards obtained from Kupo Fruit Draw. They will still be sent to the inventory (or Backyard if there is no space left in your inventory).

That would be all for this maintenance! Follow us on @Daybreak_Town for tips, update, and guide notifications on Twitter. In addition, don't forget to follow Kingdom Hearts Insider on TwitterFacebook, and Tumblr for the most up-to-date updates on Kingdom Hearts -HD 2.5 ReMIX- and Kingdom Hearts III!




New member
Nov 6, 2014
Sometimes Destiny Islands. other times Twilight to
I don't have the game, so I won't get ant extra points. But the part is in the ending of kingdom hearts II. After Sora reads the letter from Kairi. And he looks up. Oh yeah! He was in the realm of darkness with Riku. And then the door to light came. Think that game will ever be on a console and in English?


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
Thanks, Riku-KH! I think that confirms it. And thanks Solo for asking!
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