Then you must love badly written storylines better than good ones. Although the Seeven Days with Roxas was actually pretty good, but after that KH2's writing and storytelling was... well... bad compared to KH1.
Looks like you and I pretty much feel the same way about this game. Sure haters and fans always go overboard, but we've listed our reasons.
The prologue with Roxas was my favorite part of the game to
Anyway reasons (most of them repeating what lonbilly said)
1)Disney Villains being filler.
2) Reasons for entering Disney worlds nothing other than "oh may as well do stuff here while we are here"
3) Sora being otherwise braindead.
Mickey: That isn't the real Ansem, you killed an imposter.
Sora: awww.
WHY the hell would sora get upset? Did sora not SEE said imposter possess his friend? Who the hell cares what his name really is, he was STILL BAD, there's no reason to get angry.
4) Org members use corridors of darkness to travel around, but somehow there's a hovercraft RIGHT when you need it to fight Dragon Xemnas! Yay!
5) Mal and Pete: We're gonna beat these heartless, charge! You walk back to the area and there are no heartless there... none are coming after Xemnas like Maleficent said... that's just one of the worst scenes I've ever seen.
6) (Days rant in here too) The org having barley any decent development. When a game comes out that could give them decent development, it revolves around a baseless asspull character that mopes and whines instead.
7) And...the worst of all
Common Sense: Alright Sora, your friend Riku is still missing and Kairi has been kidnapped. Secondly, the Organization is taking the heart of every Heartless, you say, what are you doing to do?
Sora: Do a sing-a-long in atlantica to beat the villain who we already killed!