Chakolat Strawberry Apr 20, 2009 Don't say that, he's right there! *he starts crying* Oh, great. Look. Look what you gone. Go hug him better, it's your fault *pushes him back*
Don't say that, he's right there! *he starts crying* Oh, great. Look. Look what you gone. Go hug him better, it's your fault *pushes him back*
Chakolat Strawberry Apr 20, 2009 Fine, I'll give him a hug but you hug him first I want to see what happens *pushes him back*
Neko Apr 20, 2009 It`s probaly because I`ve been here for what seems like 1,000 years, and you haven`t been here as long.
It`s probaly because I`ve been here for what seems like 1,000 years, and you haven`t been here as long.