• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • Thing is, I don't post pics of myself online.
    And about my Deviantart account....
    it's... not exactly mine. I didn't hack someone else's accound or anything. A friend of mine just gave me his account so it's not exactly mine it's also his so I'll ask permission it I could send and accept friend requests, ok? ^_^
    You don't have to look to far to find a fellow hater(at least that's how I see it).
    I used a line from one of Miley Cyrus's songs?????? $h1*! Sorry, I didn't mean to. I don't like Miley Cyrus either.
    It would be nice for us to stay friends :D

    I live in Newport News, VA
    We have had it at every church we went to.(from Arizona to Italy)
    There's a part with Zexion? I thought it was just Roxas, Sora, Riku, Axel and a paper pikachu.
    So you know the vid..... hmm..... but do you know RIKU'S JOURNEY TO CANDY MOUNTAIN????
    It's a cosplay skit nased of Charlie the Unicorn.
    And it's hilarious.
    Why not presnet it to your pastor or youth pastor? Awana is so much fun!You get to meet people from other churches in competitions, you can get scolerships and it brings more kids to Christ then almost any other church program! See kids come for the gametime and to hang out with freinds but while they are there they learn about Jesus in storytime and memorizing verses. Alot of churches have it now, I'm surprised you've never heard of it!
    Why not presnet it to your pastor or youth pastor? Awana is so much fun!You get to meet people from other churches in competitions, you can get scolerships and it brings more kids to Christ then almost any other church program! See kids come for the gametime and to hang out with freinds but while they are there they learn about Jesus in storytime and memorizing verses. Alot of churches have it now, I'm surprised you've never heard of it!
    Why not presnet it to your pastor or youth pastor? Awana is so much fun!You get to meet people from other churches in competitions, you can get scolerships and it brings more kids to Christ then almost any other church program! See kids come for the gametime and to hang out with freinds but while they are there they learn about Jesus in storytime and memorizing verses. Alot of churches have it now, I'm surprised you've never heard of it!
    Why not presnet it to your pastor or youth pastor? Awana is so much fun!You get to meet people from other churches in competitions, you can get scolerships and it brings more kids to Christ then almost any other church program! See kids come for the gametime and to hang out with freinds but while they are there they learn about Jesus in storytime and memorizing verses. Alot of churches have it now, I'm surprised you've never heard of it!
    Awana is a kid's church program where kids come on one day of the week (Ussally Wednsday or Sunday) and they memorize verses, If you do it long enough you can get some scholerships. (From about 3-12 grade!) Not all churches have all the programs though. The programs are: Puggles: 2-3 yrs old (If older siblings do it so do they!The books don't really count) Cubbies: Pre-K (I Work there, books don't count either) Sparks: K-2nd grade (Books don't count but they begin clubber of the month and other prizes) T&T[Truth and Training]: 3-5th grade (books count and it gets really competative for clubber of the month) Trek: Middle school (Books become really, REALLY important here, has the most vicous competition) and Journey: High school (Competition cools down but everyone still works hard in their books, for the scolership!)(Is where I am)
    This year, I'm working for the next to last prize, The Meritorious award, It dosen't have a scholership but collages are still impressed. I have to do 2 more books to get the citation award, which has the scolership.
    We are the only church in the area that has all the progams
    So your church dosen't have it?
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