I'll start off by saying I'm just finishing Day 79, so
1) it's about something until then
2) don't mention anything beyond that, please :I that means no Riku/Namine/Diz/Etc storyline.
At Day 26, you had it as Sora's memory alteration proceeds.
I'd say it already finished.
Day 26 is when we find out about the first casualty of Castle Oblivion. The first casualty is Vexen. Vexen is Twilight Town. Twilight Town is Sora all but forgot everything and anything about his past life save for whichever parts of Riku Namine might've let him keep as part of Sora's Memories with Namine that include Riku.
That's why I believe Xion could look like Kairi, let alone wield the Keyblade - she had enough of Sora's Memories in her to look the part and have a strong enough relation to the Keyblade to wield.
If the Ultimania said he went to the pod at Day 49, then that's when it happened, but...

it sounds really odd to me that it took him that long to get from the TLTW floor to the end of the game.
Just wanted to point it out since at this point in time when I played up to when I did, it seriously irks me.
Also, about Day 51.
The Organization receives information that the group at Castle Oblivion has been wiped out.
It's not that the Organization received information, it's that Roxas finally woke up and received that information o.o;;; again, if that's what the Ultimania said, so be it, but having just played through those parts to see that Roxas was unconscious up to then, it doesn't add up to me.
I mean, if Sora going to sleep is what got him to wake up, then
1) it still happened a couple of Days after Sora went to sleep
2) how come Roxas was awake and operational up to that point?
I know. I still need to play. But at this point in time - Day 79 - those parts of the timeline REALLY confused me.
A simple "it adds up" would suffice if that's the case - I don't wanna be spoiled any more than I already have about this game.