I heard that Ep. VII was going to include a lot more politics than what made it into the final cut. Something about displaying the negotiations that Leia's Resistance militia was trying to make with the New Republic, right before it all got blown to smithereens. Apparently, those scenes were cut out of concern for the runtime, though I wouldn't be surprised if the past reception to politics might've pushed that decision as well.
So basically, this trap worked mostly because the Republic was effectively an old, toothless behemoth that relied on a small group of peacekeepers to keep the vultures off its massive back.
Seriously, people are complaining about the female lead in Rogue One? Just goes to show that people will complain about anything, no matter how dumb.
Speaking of which, I'm actually pretty hyped for Rogue One. As cool as the Jedi may be, there's a lot more to the galaxy than the mystical Force and lightsabers, and I'm really looking forward to having some full-blown movies to focus on people who aren't related to the Skywalkers for once.
I've heard of various characters being re-introduced, mostly through whiny fanboys screaming about how the authors aren't being "original" enough because of that. Like, damn, do you want every single thing about that universe that you claim to love so much to be completely trashed, or what?
Oh, I already have been spoiled about what happened to Maul in the Clone Wars... he got robot legs and a speaking role. Thanks, Lego Star Wars.
I've started to notice that about Dooku. I have a few books where various characters scribble in their "commentary" in the margins, and every time Dooku has something to say, it's usually in that "condescending nobleman" voice, and the subject matter is often "proper" lightsaber techniques. He was very concerned about that, come to think...
This might be because I just don't watch a lot of anime, but most of the spinach-greenheads that I've seen were plant spirits, so it at least made a little sense from a stylistic standpoint.
I'm actually having trouble thinking of any silver-haired Japanese character who isn't real special in some way, unless the silver hair's just due to old age.
Oh, the world's gonna get wrecked and thousands of children are going to kill eachother, that's unquestionable. But will Ephemera himself go through some kind of deep personal suffering too? That's the question...
Makes me wonder if the player character is going to survive the Keyblade War. Last we saw, they were collapsed in the middle of a rainy battlefield, possibly dying. Even if they survived, how did they get out of there?
I'm not big into clothes myself, but I've gained a bit of an appreciation for interesting designs ever since I started drawing people more often. Appearance IS a pretty big part of any character in visual media, too. Also gotta consider that people might just be starved for something new too.

Well, the reduced spikiness is an intended change, at least for Sora. The in-game models we've seen match up pretty well with the 2D art. Kinda reminds me of how his KH2 hair looked when it was kinda damp from crash-landing into the sea.
For the most part, it seems like Nomura's been working away from "exaggerated, over-the-top, and spiky" and has been trying out "streamlined, practical, and realistic" (yeah as realistic as you can get in a Disney-Square RPG) instead. And it doesn't appear to be a one-off thing, unlike that Days promotional art... I remember that, and thinking "ok yeah, that doesn't look like Roxas at all."
Feh. In some of those cases, it might be from lack of common sense, but I think the majority of those stupid warning labels are just companies trying to cover their bases before some moron does SOMEthing and sues them over it. As pathetic as it is, we really do need to waste time creating disclaimers over the stupidest things, but hey, we live in a world where someone spilled coffee on themselves and successfully sued because the cup didn't warn that the contents were very hot.
Just remember, idiocy is infinite and always finds a way.
Gotta love Poe's Law, amirite?
You can never really tell if these people are being serious or sarcastic. *puts on sarcasm hat* I personally believe that Trump is the real-life incarnation of the main character from Pink Floyd's The Wall, who built a wall and turned into Neo-Nazi Hitler.
Alrighty, Scrooge McDuck is up on my page. Hope you update soon!
From what I can tell, motion in art is dependent on the pose, and the general direction of... stuff. Streaks of color, flying dust and particles, that sort of thing. I can't really explain it much better because I've never actually LEARNED this stuff, despite going to art class for years, and the little experience I do have is based off of copying pictures of running creatures in magazines. Guess this is what I get for having a teacher who's crazy about still-life art and little else. >__>
Ugh, the hands don't even need to be realistic to give you an incredibly hard time. Even the more stylized cartoon hands have a lot going on, just with how every finger is bent differently and overlaps one another. There're a ton of small things that you gotta get right, or the hand ends up looking all wonky. Throw in all the shading and wrinkles that realism involves and you could be working on those for hours.