*sits down in a daze*
Well holy mother of everything, the 27th was one of the most unexpectedly awesome days of all time. An epic FF XV trailer, KH3 screenshots that confirmed drive forms and Mount Olympus, unbelievable Pokemon news, AND that incredible 0.2 intro. The entire KH narrative will be on a single console. And Skyrim remastered came out on Friday. *u*
Seriously though, aside from the sheer beauty of that 0.2 intro, y’know what really got to me? The fact that, within 3 minutes of voiceless visuals, I got a better sense of a powerful relationship between those three than I ever did during BBS. All it took was some metaphorical visuals and facial expressions, and suddenly I cared about the fact that those three looked so happy while falling into the ocean together.
Ha, fear of failure is a universal motivation after all.
As eternal as they may be, it doesn’t seem like it’s out of the question that hearts can be lost, possibly forever. Now that I’m thinking about it, what does that say about hearts that are straight-up shattered, and don’t have a host heart to use as an ICU? Not corrupted by darkness, not sleeping, just smashed to bits and given no help, kinda like Ven at the start of BBS if Sora’s heart hadn’t encountered him. Do they just… disappear? Hearts are eternal because their existences aren’t tied to the soul or body, but there’re ways to physically tamper with and harm a heart; we’ve seen it for ourselves, but we’ve never really seen THE worst case scenario of a case like Ven’s… *scribbles down “things to ask in a Nomura interview” list*
… Um right, back to the conversation at hand.
Oh, that’s true! Geezernort was probably using the Goatblade when he met Ventus and passed the power to him. That feels like much less of a stretch than Ven happening to come across and absorb the lost heart of an ancient wielder, especially considering that the Goatblade apparently has a sort of will of its own… possibly a consciousness that could have some bizarre effects on an impressionable young heart.
We never get to see Ven’s station before he became a wielder, only after. That picture of the Badlands might be a sign of some pre-existing quality that made him a worthy choice, or it could be that “impression” that Luxu’s blade left behind.
I guess I could buy the “Namine memory bullshit,” though it makes me wonder why she got Mickey Mouse Syndrome and just forgot to mention that she found THAT slew of memories on top of whatever else she found. Unless she didn’t actually find those memories, just passively stirred them up.
And so the examples of why a delayed but complete game is better than a rushjob that was released on time. =__=
In all plans, whether it’s the outline for a story or the constitution for a country, it’s pretty important to leave a lot of things open and nonspecific, especially if you’re in for the long haul. Though I sometimes wonder if this series could’ve really benefitted from some more concrete future planning than it got…
Meh, my stance on spoilers is “I don’t care.” It’d be better if I avoided spoilers, but I don’t think they’d ruin the experience for me. The only KH games that I played totally unspoiled were Re:Coded, Days, and DDD. I watched let’s plays of all the others because at the time, with only a 3DS and no console, I believed I would never get the chance to play them. I ended up really enjoying them all despite knowing the story forwards and back by the time I got my hands on a PS3 and the ReMixes. It’s not too much unlike re-reading a decent book, and besides, watching and knowing isn’t the same as playing.
Heh, Riku’s always been a lot quicker on the uptake than most of the cast, and most of the fandom for that matter.
Exactly, while Ven and Roxas definitely have major differences personality-wise, it’s not as plain to see as the direct contrast between Sora the protagonist and Vanitas the sneering ax killer.

I’ve seen some ideas to put Kairi and Axel- gah I mean Lea- on a sort of “Keyblade novice tag team.” Don’t let Lea’s personality overshadow Kairi’s but let the two play off of each other. And, y’know, actually develop Kai’s personality in the process rather than just imply tomboyishness or sass like usual.
I don’t have any blood relatives who are outstandingly tall, at least none that I know of. Everyone’s either average height or remarkably short.
We’re missing a ton of pieces to the Chi puzzle, but the piece that bothers me the most is everything related to the “dream” hints. It’s becoming fairly clear that this isn’t waking-world reality (what with the Dream Eaters and “multiple reality layers” going on), but…
1) Who’s doing the dreaming? One of the fallen wielders? Daybreak Town? The Player? Ventus? Kingdom Hearts itself??
2) How did this dream get multi-layered (assuming that’s the case)? The only other instance we had of this involved someone diving directly into another person’s heart and wandering around the dreams that heart produced. If something similar happened to create both Chi and Unchained… well, refer back to question one. Who’s dreaming?
3) How much of this is memory rather than dream? Were the Dream Eaters there at round zero? Was Ava or anyone aware of this “outside world” back then? Was Unchained even a thing until this became a dream??
4) AND if this is a Sleeping World, how did Ephemera, Ava, or ANYONE become aware of this, unless they came from the waking realm?
Ugh, now that I think about it, could “unchained” refer to memory shenanigans on top of whatever else we’re assuming it means? This series has used chain imagery usually in reference to memories, and memory and dreams are already shown to be intrinsically linked…
Oh, I can vaguely see an endgame scenario already… Geezernort succeeds in forcefully patching the X-Blade back together, but although it’s enough to drag the original KH out of the darkness, it’s not enough to patch the thing back together. Bad things start happening (use your imagination as to what that implies, school’s drained my creativity for today) because of the presence of a massive, smashed-up heart. The Norts are the only ones OK with this. Endgame boss sequence, yadda yadda, Norts get rekt permanently, and Sora uses whatever technique he used to save Roxas and all the others one last time to restore Kingdom Hearts.
I always hear people criticizing the fact that Ven’s armor got possessed by the darkness… Talk about missing the point. If that armor hadn’t been there, that darkness would’ve gone straight to Sora’s already wounded heart. He would’ve been permanently lost whether he’d been Norted or not.
Chances are Ira didn’t even take the possibility into account because he believed his chances of surviving were slim to none. Think about it, if you were charging thousands of armed warriors with the goal to kill them all, would you expect to survive that?
I don’t know how, but you just compressed about 3 years of my history classes into a few paragraphs. Funny, looking back, it seems like everything I learned from 8th to 10th grade was just exposition for the Franco-Germanic grudge that no longer exists.