Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Sounds like it was pretty cool bro ^^ And I know what you mea, things that look that cute, you just know they must be creepy when you're not watching it lol But I'm sure it'll be fine, just feed it some carrots and it should be good ^-^
lol How creepy we talking about? Cause I've seen some pretty creepy bunnies. But anyway, how was your trip seeing your mom, besides with the creepy bunny giving.
lolz OMG XD!! you're the first person who tells me he doesn't like bunnies XD...hmmm maybe face yer fears XD?! I say put it on display outside your house or maybe train it a little and earn ya some cash x3....or a much easier solution x3, sell it lolz
I'm in Radient Garden
I'll think of something
Now that I'm here, I was wondering if I could change my keyblades to Oathkeeper and Oblivion...I just really like them xD
haha, nice, nice. I'm working on my second Digi temp for that digimon rp, and also doing a small post for the kh rp of yours before bedtime...although, i might get sidetracked, and be up until 3 or4