Everything outside of the exercises in the guide is an example. The food plan is a guideline as to what kinds of food you should be eating and how much of it you should be eating every day; you don't have to eat exactly what's listed every day. I do suggest staying with milk because it's just very convenient and easy. Since you don't like it, though, just try to find other foods that can replace the nutrients that milk would give you. (Maybe you could get soy milk. It has most of the same nutrients. I don't like it, but you might.)
Likewise, the amount of weight should be relative to what you can handle while still augmenting it by the amount specified in the guide. So, if you can only handle squatting 70 lbs for now, then squat 70 lbs and start increasing from there. :}
Remember not to go over your limit just because you're embarrassed if you end up going to the gym. No one there will try to hold it against you because they know that everyone has to start somewhere. If you try to do more than you can handle, you won't get results! Good luck. :}