Sign me up, pleasesince this is one of the only het pairings I like...
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Roxas and Namine welcome you!
Roxas and Namine welcome you!
Sign me up, pleasesince this is one of the only het pairings I like...
Topic: Why do you like this pairing?
this makes sense. something else to (possibly) back this theory up; sora=sky kairi=water (or ocean). what do you get when wind meets water? nami(waves)ne(born from. i heard it's from the french language.)
well, maybe we can get one of the sig artists to just spruce it up a bit. give the artist some creative freedom, but make sure they know that it's for a RAN fanclub.
it's the forums wont let me post it without fixing the fuck part of it, which ruins makes the url not work.
Owwww that is soo darn cute
Thanks I got a new namine theory!!!
Topic: Why do you like this pairing?
well, last summer when i found fanfiction, one of the first stories i read was a rokunami story, completely by accident. (the actual first was a TWEWY fanfic). reading it got me back into the kh series. after replaying kh2 (because i played it when i was younger and didn't understand the story), i saw the (supposed) cannon for it.Topic: Why do you like this pairing?
oh, hahaha, probably.I think that was the canon meaningful symbolism of her name, actually.
that doesn't sound like a bad idea.I'm thinking of replacing the character models with the official arts. We can use Axel and Roxas from 358/2 Days, or just Axel (as that's the only full body shot), and then we can get Roxas elsewhere. Naminé could be chosen from the CoM cover or the KH2: FM+ one.
someone should do it when they have the time. *isbusyhelpingmydadandneighborbuildadeckinmyyard*I visited it. They found arts we still yet don't have, so I think it's a good idea to add them in the OP over here as well. I also found more myself.
I've got two of 'em, both from separate projects.I'm not sure if this discussion was already brought up before I joined, but what do you guys think Rokunami children would look like?
Splitting images perhaps? Or maybe... I dunno, blonde Soras. Lol.
Well, their children will either have Roxas' golden hair color, or Naminé's pale blonde color. The same thing with their eyes: either sapphire, or cornflower blue. And pale skin tone, or a tanner one. If it's a boy, it's more than likely he'll get the spiky locks of doom gene.
What we can be sure of is that they'll make gorgeous babies.
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Something like this? Blonde anime girl image by Higureryu on Photobucket
just imagine her eyes are blue and the tatoo on her arm is the "nobody" symbol teeheee
Can't believe we barely got any of these fanarts in the OP section o.o. There's a million that aren't there, so I bring you another long batch, along with a couple of new videos:
Wow, that's a lot!. xD They've been OP'd.
I never have anything to say here.
That makes me sad. :'[
So, uh... magical girl Namine pulls a role-reversal of the typical gender stereotypes and saves Roxas?'s all the ideas I have right now. >> *shot*
Welcome! I'm seeing you a lot today...I wanna join!
They're so cute together![]()
Late reply is late.You mean, Roxas falls to Darkness?
We already know he's capable of manipulative bastard status by a certain game, so, maybe, he has another identity crisis when he finds out that he not only belongs to Sora, but his looks and Heart are apparently from someone else, so it makes him even more unoriginal. It'll be interesting how he'll act once he returns the Heart that's not his and will really reach Nobody persona.
Maybe the big bad will take advantage of this.
And then Naminé will have no choice but to mind screw him back to reality.
...okay, okay, I at least see one of the options above happening.