The recent changes to the game have quite an impact on the game as a whole. I've had the opportunity to play at the top end of this game for a good while now, so I thought I'd give a few feelings on recent developments and how I feel about them.
-The addition of LUX% boosted cards made this game go from 'pay for advantage' to 'pay to win'. I'm really not happy about this, and feel it far too heavily benefits paying players, as the LUX% gains are incredibly large!
-The raid boss count limited missions are pretty harsh. I live in a very similar time zone to Japan, and even so, the demands are really rough. I can only imagine how it must be for those in other time zones.
-The raid boss graphics have been hit and miss lately. The Wonderland boss was incredibly well done both in graphic and animation. The Halloween one on the other hand...
-Very high reliance on paid event bonuses such as Yen Sid and FGM. I understand they need to make money, but the bonuses from these are so huge it hurts!
-Yen Sid SR+. So far these have been strictly pay to get. I can think of only one occasion in which one was possible without paying for the big advantages. I am yet to get one of these cards.
-Card skills. Nice idea, but the fact they're limited to Raise ticket cards is really annoying. A smallish chance on gold ticket draws would be nice. Let's hope Olympus when it's released soon plays a part in us all getting these skill
-The Mog medal system is extremely good! I am VERY happy with this. No longer are top players fighting for the useful cards in the limited rankings. No longer are the rewards simply Raise Tickets that end up with R cards for a hard week of work. No longer are the lower players stuck feeling as if they can never rise! You can save up Mog Medals and buy something more attractive the next round of limited stock, so no effort is wasted. Great system!
-More Limited Missions. Really happy to see this. I'm on Vulpes, and we've been sucking lately as a whole. Placing last means no good limited missions. Lately they're adding all kinds of missions with events that keep you playing for more than just the raid boss attacks. Been good to have something to do again
-High Purity. This is great. Can't wait to get a High Purity SR+. As it stands though, SR are king. This is great for lower players to catch up with the easier time finding duplicates and buying R+ Yen Sids.
-Reappearance of older limited cards. Really useful now that limit cutting is necessary for everything. Having a limited SR+ is no longer useful, as level 1-2 SR+s are useless compared to SR limit cut cards, so this is good to see.
My feelings on these things might be different from you all. Please feel free to comment and let me know how you are finding the developments lately
-The addition of LUX% boosted cards made this game go from 'pay for advantage' to 'pay to win'. I'm really not happy about this, and feel it far too heavily benefits paying players, as the LUX% gains are incredibly large!
-The raid boss count limited missions are pretty harsh. I live in a very similar time zone to Japan, and even so, the demands are really rough. I can only imagine how it must be for those in other time zones.
-The raid boss graphics have been hit and miss lately. The Wonderland boss was incredibly well done both in graphic and animation. The Halloween one on the other hand...
-Very high reliance on paid event bonuses such as Yen Sid and FGM. I understand they need to make money, but the bonuses from these are so huge it hurts!
-Yen Sid SR+. So far these have been strictly pay to get. I can think of only one occasion in which one was possible without paying for the big advantages. I am yet to get one of these cards.
-Card skills. Nice idea, but the fact they're limited to Raise ticket cards is really annoying. A smallish chance on gold ticket draws would be nice. Let's hope Olympus when it's released soon plays a part in us all getting these skill
-The Mog medal system is extremely good! I am VERY happy with this. No longer are top players fighting for the useful cards in the limited rankings. No longer are the rewards simply Raise Tickets that end up with R cards for a hard week of work. No longer are the lower players stuck feeling as if they can never rise! You can save up Mog Medals and buy something more attractive the next round of limited stock, so no effort is wasted. Great system!
-More Limited Missions. Really happy to see this. I'm on Vulpes, and we've been sucking lately as a whole. Placing last means no good limited missions. Lately they're adding all kinds of missions with events that keep you playing for more than just the raid boss attacks. Been good to have something to do again
-High Purity. This is great. Can't wait to get a High Purity SR+. As it stands though, SR are king. This is great for lower players to catch up with the easier time finding duplicates and buying R+ Yen Sids.
-Reappearance of older limited cards. Really useful now that limit cutting is necessary for everything. Having a limited SR+ is no longer useful, as level 1-2 SR+s are useless compared to SR limit cut cards, so this is good to see.
My feelings on these things might be different from you all. Please feel free to comment and let me know how you are finding the developments lately