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Heartless Questions

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twilight blade13

New member
Jan 23, 2008
Hi there I had some questions about the heartless that I need help with.

1) Can someone give me a tell me what emblem heartless are? (I already know but I would like to hear another person say it in case I am missing something)
2) How can heartless be artificially created?/how can you "recreate the conditions that spawn heartless naturally"?
3) Xehanort marked the artificial heartless which we know as emblem heartless but does that mean that every emblem heartless was artificially created? e.g. were the trickmaster, parasite cage and behemoth all made from Xehanort's machine? That doesn't sound right.
4) Since people turn to heartless when they're heart is consumed by darkness doesn't that darkness from the heart manifest itself into a heartless? My point and the actual question is why do pureblood heartless not release any hearts when they are destroyed? Shouldn't they release one (the heart that became the heartless)?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you :cool:


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
1) Can someone give me a tell me what emblem heartless are? (I already know but I would like to hear another person say it in case I am missing something)
Artificial Heartless, created during Xehanort's experiments.

2) How can heartless be artificially created?/how can you "recreate the conditions that spawn heartless naturally"?
It's not exactly stated, but I would imagine it would have to do with collecting Hearts in some way and forcibly corrupting them with darkness. It's most likely very unpleasant.

3) Xehanort marked the artificial heartless which we know as emblem heartless but does that mean that every emblem heartless was artificially created? e.g. were the trickmaster, parasite cage and behemoth all made from Xehanort's machine? That doesn't sound right.
Yes and no. I'm not sure if this is clarified, but I have the impression that when an Emblem Heartless takes a Heart, it creates another Emblem (not a Pureblood). Really, however, the answer to your question is simply that a Heart of strong darkness will create a stronger Heartless; weaker darkness correlates to a weaker Heartless. Emblems are no exception to that rule. Ergo, the Trickmaster was created from a Heart of strong darkness. That's all.

4) Since people turn to heartless when they're heart is consumed by darkness doesn't that darkness from the heart manifest itself into a heartless? My point and the actual question is why do pureblood heartless not release any hearts when they are destroyed? Shouldn't they release one (the heart that became the heartless)?
It's unclear. From what I can understand, it may be that Purebloods are actually just pure darkness manifested from the Hearts of people rather than Hearts corrupted by their own darkness. However, it also seems likely to me that Purebloods may release a Heart when they're destroyed (which wouldn't necessarily be visible to the naked eye), however, Xemnas's artificial Kingdom Hearts (which was based upon Xehanort's research) could possibly only gather the Hearts of Emblems because Xehanort had created them, for one reason or another.


Jul 14, 2011
About that machine: did Sora and co. ever found that machine? If yes did they destroy it?

Dyed Red

New member
Aug 1, 2011
I would assume that for question 4, the reason would have to do with the means of creation. I mean, for pure bloods, those are born from the darkness of one's heart after willingly succumbing to the darkness. Emblems are made artifically, stolen hearts, or people forced to succumb to darkness due to Xehanort's experiments. Thus, I would guess that pure bloods release nothing because they chose to become what they are. Emblem heartless probably release hearts because they are being released from what they were forced to become since they were stolen...if that makes sense. Again, just a guess, not really sure.


Too many games too little time
Sep 15, 2011
Mesa, AZ
Hi there I had some questions about the heartless that I need help with.

1) Can someone give me a tell me what emblem heartless are? (I already know but I would like to hear another person say it in case I am missing something)
Emblem Heartless are those who were artificially created via Xehanort's experiments. If you defeat them, they release hearts (unlike Pureblood Heartless who don't)
2) How can heartless be artificially created?/how can you "recreate the conditions that spawn heartless naturally"?
By artificially removing someone's heart and/or corrupting it with darkness. If they give into darkness themselves, then that's one thing. But if you take their heart from them by force...
3) Xehanort marked the artificial heartless which we know as emblem heartless but does that mean that every emblem heartless was artificially created? e.g. were the trickmaster, parasite cage and behemoth all made from Xehanort's machine? That doesn't sound right.
Not really. alexis.anagram pretty much summed it up.

I also suspect (just a theory) that the very powerful emblem heartless such as Trickmaster and stuff are the Heartless companions to Nobodies. I mean, it says that not anyone becomes a Nobody, and if they had that strength of heart then it would follow that the Heartless that's created would also be strong, right?
4) Since people turn to heartless when they're heart is consumed by darkness doesn't that darkness from the heart manifest itself into a heartless? My point and the actual question is why do pureblood heartless not release any hearts when they are destroyed? Shouldn't they release one (the heart that became the heartless)?
I think because the hearts have already been devoured by the purebloods. Just as worlds that are consumed by darkness fall into the Realm of Sleep, I'm sure that hearts devoured by pureblood heartless are sent there too. Emblem Heartless act as more of a shell to contain the heart, as a power source and stuff. I think.

Hope that helps.

Reagan Rayden

Exploding Man
Dec 29, 2005
Pureblood Heartless are created from the Darkness in people's hearts. Hence why they as a whole can never be defeated unless the Darkness in people's hearts vanish. They are born naturally through Darkness.

Emblem Heartless are created from other people's hearts who have been stolen by another Emblem Heartless. They're like a virus of sorts.


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Emblem Heartless are those who were artificially created via Xehanort's experiments. If you defeat them, they release hearts (unlike Pureblood Heartless who don't)
By artificially removing someone's heart and/or corrupting it with darkness. If they give into darkness themselves, then that's one thing. But if you take their heart from them by force...
Not really. alexis.anagram pretty much summed it up.

I also suspect (just a theory) that the very powerful emblem heartless such as Trickmaster and stuff are the Heartless companions to Nobodies. I mean, it says that not anyone becomes a Nobody, and if they had that strength of heart then it would follow that the Heartless that's created would also be strong, right?
I think because the hearts have already been devoured by the purebloods. Just as worlds that are consumed by darkness fall into the Realm of Sleep, I'm sure that hearts devoured by pureblood heartless are sent there too. Emblem Heartless act as more of a shell to contain the heart, as a power source and stuff. I think.

Hope that helps.
Ignore all my previous theories before now.
Mirby's got this. :3


Too many games too little time
Sep 15, 2011
Mesa, AZ
Ignore all my previous theories before now.
Mirby's got this. :3

I still believe that the Fire Lord in Agrabah (KH2) was Lea's Heartless... Probably wasn't, but I CAN THEORIZE!!

This also made me think that Trickmaster was Luxord's Heartless.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
1) Emblem Heartless are artificial Heartless created by Apprentice Xehanort.
2) That is unknown. Xehanort built a machine for manufacturing them, however.
3) Yes. No matter how hard to believe, it is true. You gotta give him his props for making giant Heartless.
4) When a Heartless and a Nobody are slain in that order, they become a whole person again, leading me to believe they are in some sort of "storage" for later becoming whole.


Too many games too little time
Sep 15, 2011
Mesa, AZ
Hmmm.... I'm in the process of trying to figure out if there's any other bosses we've seen that might work as the Heartless equivalents of Org XIII members.

Grim Reaper as Marluxia's would work, despite how Luxord is the one who summoned it.
Blizzard Lord as Even's cuz it's ice?

Hmm... I feel like there's something here I'm on to, but I can't quite figure out the full details...

EDIT: Apparently I'm on to nothing.
Famitsu Interview said:
—So their Heartless, you’re saying they were defeated somewhere along the line?

Nomura: Well Sora has defeated many Heartless before now, hasn’t he? To say that they returned to being human, their Heartless was probably included among those, huh? (Laughs.) Even when Sora became a Heartless, he was a normal Shadow type. The details of their Heartless aren’t really that important.

Oh well.
Last edited:

twilight blade13

New member
Jan 23, 2008
1) Okay so emblem heartless are any heartless that were created by a means other than a person being consumed by their own darkness. Therefore since heartless stealing other peoples hearts and Xehanorts Heartless Manufactory are different methods of creating heartless they produce emblem heartless not purebloods. Is that correct? But wait a second If I recall Xehanort's first experience (after BBS) with a heartless, he describes it with yellow beady eyes and an antennae which is obviously a Shadow Heartless which is a pureblood heartless but Xehanort was the one who experimented on the test subject's heart causing it to collapse. Therefore shouldnt an emblem heartless have been created?

Also can I just ask what actually happens when a heartless steals a heart? I mean does that heart that was stolen get consumed by darkness from the heartless that stole it which would make sense as that is how another heartless is formed and also what benefit does the original heartless that stole it get (do they transform into a stonger heartless or is just that they enjoy consuming hearts and what do they do with all the hearts they have stolen?)

It's not exactly stated, but I would imagine it would have to do with collecting Hearts in some way and forcibly corrupting them with darkness. It's most likely very unpleasant.
By artificially removing someone's heart and/or corrupting it with darkness. If they give into darkness themselves, then that's one thing. But if you take their heart from them by force...

I know Xehanort used test subjects in his earliest experiments but that was before the Heartless Manufactory was created. Are you both saying that there are test subjects used in this machine and the machine just someone corrupts their heart with darkness? But what about during KH1 and KH2 there wouldn't have been anyone to gather test subjects and there would need to be a lot of test subjects. How could emblem heartless continue to come out from the machine if there was no one to gather hearts from? Though Ansem report 8 says "This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing" I don't think the machine could actually create a heart. Also how could a machine corrupt a heart with darkness or it that something we just don't really know?

Yes and no. I'm not sure if this is clarified, but I have the impression that when an Emblem Heartless takes a Heart, it creates another Emblem (not a Pureblood). Really, however, the answer to your question is simply that a Heart of strong darkness will create a stronger Heartless; weaker darkness correlates to a weaker Heartless. Emblems are no exception to that rule. Ergo, the Trickmaster was created from a Heart of strong darkness. That's all.

With what I have learned in this topic I am now assuming that when any heartless (emblem or pureblood) takes a heart, it creates another emblem. Also would I be right in saying that the trickmaster, parasite cage, behemoth etc. are people who had strong darkness in their hearts who had their hearts corrupted by darkness in a way other than themselves falling into darkness. Meaning that they weren't necessarily created by Xehanort's machine right? Also what about Xehanort's Heartless (though I know he is a special case unlike any other heartless) but Ansem SoD has an emblem on him however from what we know Xehanort and the other apprentices were consumed by their own darkness therefore shouldn't a pureblood heartless have been created. Though the ending of the KH 3D TGS 2011 trailer suggests that maybe Xehanort and the others became heartless in a different way than we expect.

It's unclear. From what I can understand, it may be that Purebloods are actually just pure darkness manifested from the Hearts of people rather than Hearts corrupted by their own darkness. However, it also seems likely to me that Purebloods may release a Heart when they're destroyed (which wouldn't necessarily be visible to the naked eye), however, Xemnas's artificial Kingdom Hearts (which was based upon Xehanort's research) could possibly only gather the Hearts of Emblems because Xehanort had created them, for one reason or another.

If Purebloods are just made of the darkness itself rather than the heart then what happens to the heart itself? Also remember what Yen Sid said about a person being restored. He said that the heart taken by the heartless must destroyed. Point being that the pureblood heartless must release the heart. This is just a theory but maybe destroying a pureblood heartless just destroys the darkness and restores the heart which goes to the place where hearts stay without a body (just like where riku was in the KH1 FM cutscene where he talked to Mickey) until its body is released (if there was a nobody). What do you think? My theory might actually link to your second point because if by destroying a pureblood heartless it restores the heart (be removing the darkness) then it can't be obtained but stolen hearts can still be gathered which are from emblem heartless.

Umm I just thought of this now but pureblood heartless can steal hearts too right so even if you can't get the original why couldnt Xemnas get his hands on the hearts stolen by purebloods? (Maybe this was explained in 358/2 Days but I can't remember)

I think because the hearts have already been devoured by the purebloods. Just as worlds that are consumed by darkness fall into the Realm of Sleep, I'm sure that hearts devoured by pureblood heartless are sent there too. Emblem Heartless act as more of a shell to contain the heart, as a power source and stuff. I think.

I'd say pretty much what I just said above. But the Realm fo Sleep isnt that something to be introduced or explained in KH 3D?

About that machine: did Sora and co. ever found that machine? If yes did they destroy it?

I thought they found it in KH2. I mean they didnt destroy it but I thought they found the machine with heartless coming out of it. Isn't it in the place where you can teleport to tron's world and you go right to go outside. If that makes sense isn't that place it. I haven't played KH2 for a while so someone please remind me.

And again thank you very very very much everyone for your awesome help!!!

Reagan Rayden

Exploding Man
Dec 29, 2005
I'm more curious as to how all the Organization members became Heartless (except for the first six who lost their hearts to darkness). Not all 13 could have become Emblem Heartless. Some could have died similar to Sora and became Purebloods.


Too many games too little time
Sep 15, 2011
Mesa, AZ
2) I know Xehanort used test subjects in his earliest experiments but that was before the Heartless Manufactory was created. Are you both saying that there are test subjects used in this machine and the machine just someone corrupts their heart with darkness? But what about during KH1 and KH2 there wouldn't have been anyone to gather test subjects and there would need to be a lot of test subjects. How could emblem heartless continue to come out from the machine if there was no one to gather hearts from? Though Ansem report 8 says "This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing" I don't think the machine could actually create a heart. Also how could a machine corrupt a heart with darkness or it that something we just don't really know?
I'd say pretty much what I just said above. But the Realm fo Sleep isnt that something to be introduced or explained in KH 3D?


I thought they found it in KH2. I mean they didnt destroy it but I thought they found the machine with heartless coming out of it. Isn't it in the place where you can teleport to tron's world and you go right to go outside. If that makes sense isn't that place it. I haven't played KH2 for a while so someone please remind me.

And again thank you very very very much everyone for your awesome help!!!

I'm just replying to what you quoted me in response to. Here's the thing about Emblem Heartless: they make other emblem heartless.

It doesn't matter if it's only introduced in this entry; Nomura has taken great care to ensure that it doesn't majorly retcon anything in the series so it fits right in.

The Heartless Manufactory is the room down from the teleporter to Space Paranoids. And it was shut down (the only reason it started up again was because of the MCP).


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
1) Okay so emblem heartless are any heartless that were created by a means other than a person being consumed by their own darkness. Therefore since heartless stealing other peoples hearts and Xehanorts Heartless Manufactory are different methods of creating heartless they produce emblem heartless not purebloods. Is that correct? But wait a second If I recall Xehanort's first experience (after BBS) with a heartless, he describes it with yellow beady eyes and an antennae which is obviously a Shadow Heartless which is a pureblood heartless but Xehanort was the one who experimented on the test subject's heart causing it to collapse. Therefore shouldnt an emblem heartless have been created?
Not necessarily. Xehanort's initial experiments may have produced naturally occurring purebloods. This was his methodology as described in his Reports:

Extract the darkness from a person's heart. Cultivate darkness in a pure heart. Both suppress and amplify the darkness within.
Extracting the darkness from a person's Heart would not necessarily do anything, but it may create a pureblood, possibly; more likely, it would simply cause the subject's Heart to shatter in the same way Ven's almost did in Birth By Sleep. Cultivating darkness in a "pure" Heart would almost certainly create a pureblood; that's how purebloods are naturally born. It isn't until we reach his third method that we begin to enter an artificial practice in which he himself is manipulating the strength of darkness within people's Hearts and it's here that his work towards creating his own "strain" of Heartless begins.

Also can I just ask what actually happens when a heartless steals a heart? I mean does that heart that was stolen get consumed by darkness from the heartless that stole it which would make sense as that is how another heartless is formed and also what benefit does the original heartless that stole it get (do they transform into a stonger heartless or is just that they enjoy consuming hearts and what do they do with all the hearts they have stolen?)
You're mostly right. Heartless are simply sentient manifestations of darkness; they function in the same way darkness naturally does in any form, by spreading and consuming everything around them. A Heartless takes its form based on a Heart that has fallen to darkness (in the case of Emblems), or based on the darkness within a person's Heart (in the case of Purebloods); when a Heartless takes a Heart, that Heart falls to darkness and becomes a new Heartless. There isn't necessarily a "benefit" for the Heartless, per se: it's just instinct.

2) I know Xehanort used test subjects in his earliest experiments but that was before the Heartless Manufactory was created. Are you both saying that there are test subjects used in this machine and the machine just someone corrupts their heart with darkness? But what about during KH1 and KH2 there wouldn't have been anyone to gather test subjects and there would need to be a lot of test subjects. How could emblem heartless continue to come out from the machine if there was no one to gather hearts from? Though Ansem report 8 says "This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing" I don't think the machine could actually create a heart. Also how could a machine corrupt a heart with darkness or it that something we just don't really know?
Actually, it's possible that the machine did create Hearts out of nothing (well, not nothing). The KH series has proven many times that Hearts (or at least the elements of them) can be fabricated. Xehanort, in particular, was invested heavily in research along these lines. The Emblem Heartless may well be formed from artificial Hearts, which would further separate them from Purebloods; this would also correlate with how Xemnas was building an artificial Kingdom Hearts-- formed from the artificial Hearts released from Emblems. As for your final question, darkness exists in every Heart (except pure Hearts of light, which only belong to the Princesses and possibly Ven). As I mentioned above, Xehanort was experimenting with both "cultivating" and amplifying the darkness within a Heart; and, as I already mentioned, darkness's very nature is to consume. In KH, Ansem SoD created a Keyblade from the Princesses of Hearts which unlocked the darkness in people's Hearts: depending on how they related to the darkness, that could either strengthen them (as in the case of Maleficent) or cause their Heart to collapse into darkness (as with Sora). This was the sum of his research, and the Heartless Manufactory likely worked based upon a similar premise.

3) With what I have learned in this topic I am now assuming that when any heartless (emblem or pureblood) takes a heart, it creates another emblem.
No, it would not necessarily create another Emblem. A Heart falling to darkness would still produce a Pureblood, because the Purebloods are formed from that darkness. Purebloods are still formed from the Heart: they're the pure darkness of a Heart that has succumbed to darkness. However, if an Emblem Heartless takes a Heart, then an Emblem Heartless would be formed. You could almost consider it a form of breeding, although it's a somewhat unsettling way to view it: Purebloods beget Purebloods, Emblems beget Emblems.

Also would I be right in saying that the trickmaster, parasite cage, behemoth etc. are people who had strong darkness in their hearts who had their hearts corrupted by darkness in a way other than themselves falling into darkness. Meaning that they weren't necessarily created by Xehanort's machine right?
You're right that they would be formed from Hearts with a great deal of darkness inside of them, but you're wrong that they would have been formed in any other way than from a Heart falling to darkness. In the case of strong Emblem Heartless, all that occurred was that Xehanort's machine happened to capture and/or create a Heart with a greater portion of darkness than light.

Also what about Xehanort's Heartless (though I know he is a special case unlike any other heartless) but Ansem SoD has an emblem on him however from what we know Xehanort and the other apprentices were consumed by their own darkness therefore shouldn't a pureblood heartless have been created.
Ansem SoD was a Pureblood (kind of...he was a very special Heartless in every way). The Emblem he wears is a brooch on his coat, not an actual part of his form. He most likely wears it to signify his control and/or creation of the Emblems. The other members of his research team probably did create Purebloods, although many of them were probably weaker Shadows and the like since most of them didn't have a great deal of darkness in their Hearts to begin with (Braig is almost definitely an exception to this, but even then, the form of his Heartless isn't important; Nomura has said as much himself).

Though the ending of the KH 3D TGS 2011 trailer suggests that maybe Xehanort and the others became heartless in a different way than we expect.
Well, there are a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration with the creation of a Heartless. The strength of the Heart's darkness and whether the Heart was forcibly corrupted or willingly succumbed are two of the most prominent, however, as I've said, the nature of the Organization's Heartless is not, according to Nomura, of any real relevance. Xehanort's Heartless is the only one who maintained a human form, both because of the immense strength of Apprentice Xehanort's darkness, the control he had over it, possibly the fact that his Heart is composed from those of three Keyblade Masters (Terra doesn't have the title, but his Heart is that strong) and the fact that he allowed the darkness to consume it deliberately.

I suppose, based on what you're saying, it is possible that the Organization members lost their Hearts in such a way that Emblems were created. It's not likely, but possible.

4) If Purebloods are just made of the darkness itself rather than the heart then what happens to the heart itself?
Sorry, I don't think I worded that well. As I've explained above, both Emblems and Purebloods are created from Hearts, but through different processes.

Also remember what Yen Sid said about a person being restored. He said that the heart taken by the heartless must destroyed. Point being that the pureblood heartless must release the heart. This is just a theory but maybe destroying a pureblood heartless just destroys the darkness and restores the heart which goes to the place where hearts stay without a body (just like where riku was in the KH1 FM cutscene where he talked to Mickey) until its body is released (if there was a nobody). What do you think? My theory might actually link to your second point because if by destroying a pureblood heartless it restores the heart (be removing the darkness) then it can't be obtained but stolen hearts can still be gathered which are from emblem heartless.
Yes, the whole matter regarding Purebloods and Hearts is something of a sticky situation. I don't necessarily think the Heart and its darkness are separated, although that's possible. I have no immediate answers here.

Umm I just thought of this now but pureblood heartless can steal hearts too right so even if you can't get the original why couldnt Xemnas get his hands on the hearts stolen by purebloods? (Maybe this was explained in 358/2 Days but I can't remember)
This is also a question of the nature of the Keyblade. In order for a Heart to be collected as part of Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts, it has to be released by the Keyblade. Because Purebloods are naturally occurring based on the innate darkness in every Heart, perhaps the Keyblade doesn't release the Hearts from them in that way; perhaps the Heart from a Pureblood is naturally redirected to a place where the Body and Soul can meet it in order to reform a complete person. That would beg the question as to whether or not Hearts formed into Emblems can create Nobodies, and whether Xemnas was interrupting the process of a Somebody being reborn with every Heart he stole. It seems sort of unlikely, but considering his Kingdom Hearts was artificial, there are all kinds of discrepancies that have to be taken into account.


Traitor of KHInsider.com
Mar 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I would like to ask the question "Did Ansem REALLY create the Heartless?" There's no doubt in my mind that he created the Emblem Heartless, but what about the Purebloods? I mean Ven DID face a bunch of Neo Shadows in his training with Xehanort and Aqua did face a bunch of Darksides. So was Xemnas exaggerating when he said "Creator of all Heartless!" ?


It's the road to dawn
May 27, 2010
Yes and no. I'm not sure if this is clarified, but I have the impression that when an Emblem Heartless takes a Heart, it creates another Emblem (not a Pureblood). Really, however, the answer to your question is simply that a Heart of strong darkness will create a stronger Heartless; weaker darkness correlates to a weaker Heartless. Emblems are no exception to that rule. Ergo, the Trickmaster was created from a Heart of strong darkness. That's all.

I've never thought about that but that explains a lot. I've always wondered why XH had an emblem and Sora didn't

About that machine: did Sora and co. ever found that machine? If yes did they destroy it?

I don't know if anyone answered this but you can see it in KH I when you travel back to all the different worlds right before you fight Chernabog (if I spelled that right). You only get one chance to explore it because the fire that you enter through to get there turns in to water (so you can fight Chernabog) when you leave that place so take your chance to explore whence you get there.

I would like to ask the question "Did Ansem REALLY create the Heartless?" There's no doubt in my mind that he created the Emblem Heartless, but what about the Purebloods? I mean Ven DID face a bunch of Neo Shadows in his training with Xehanort and Aqua did face a bunch of Darksides. So was Xemnas exaggerating when he said "Creator of all Heartless!" ?

He just used the power of darkness to summon them from RoD


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I would like to ask the question "Did Ansem REALLY create the Heartless?" There's no doubt in my mind that he created the Emblem Heartless, but what about the Purebloods? I mean Ven DID face a bunch of Neo Shadows in his training with Xehanort and Aqua did face a bunch of Darksides. So was Xemnas exaggerating when he said "Creator of all Heartless!" ?

Pureblood heartless always existed because they are the natural inhabitants of the Realm of Darkness.
They were unknown during BBS times because they could not reach the Realm of Light.
Very powerful darkness users with mastery of the dark arts like Xehanort could summon them, but apparently only in In-between worlds like the Keyblade Graveyard.
So the Realm of Light didn't see a single heartless until Ansem's and Apprentice Xehanort's experiments.
The one who actually released the heartless was Xehanort, but Ansem's research lead up to that and so he's practically responsible for opening "Pandora's Box" in the RoL.
At first Ansem was into the research as well and he originally started it, this was what Xemnas was referring to.
Xehanort created the emblem heartless and destroyed the borders between worlds and opened that door in Radiant Garden which lead to purebloods being able to enter the RoL at their own choosing, but all this was made possible originally by Ansem starting his research on hearts.


Jul 13, 2011
Twilight Town
I also suspect (just a theory) that the very powerful emblem heartless such as Trickmaster and stuff are the Heartless companions to Nobodies. I mean, it says that not anyone becomes a Nobody, and if they had that strength of heart then it would follow that the Heartless that's created would also be strong, right?

I always suspected this too, until

Spoiler Spoiler Show


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I always suspected this too, until

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Not only this. In the latest interview Nomura also stresses again (for the third time now) that the heartless of the Org members other than Xehanort aren't anything special and should be not paid much attention to:

Spoiler Spoiler Show
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