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Help/Support ► I think something might be wrong with me...

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Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Sorry to bother you guys, but I'd like some advise.

Recently, now that I'm approaching the end of the first quarter of my first year at residential school, I've started feeling overwhelmed, worthless, lonely... But that's not the problem in and of itself. I talked with a friend, I'm trying to suppress those feelings, said friend really helped pull me out of it. At least, I thought it has worked.

Even when I think I'm feeling okay or I'm not alone just letting my thoughts wonder there, I start to cry for no reason. It's probably the built up stress, but I don't know what to do, it's started happening in class, and more frequently, even when I'm sure I'm fine. Maybe I'm just hormonal, I dunno. Any tips?


New member
Sep 17, 2008
I started to have these feelings myself, and personally what i do is write, a poem, a song, or whatever, you have to remember what your dreams are, and just keep a positive attitude. i know its hard to do, but it will help. as for the lonely part, what exactly do you mean by being lonely?

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
We've all been overstressed at one point or another. I'd suggest taking a "you" day. Pretty much that means canceling out everything stressful, whether it's your school obligations or anything else that would cause you stress. Go hang out with friends, have fun, or even just do something soothing, and makes you feel relaxed.

You could also try what sdr suggested, and write your thoughts down to just get it all out.

Just remember to keep a positive attitude, and if you need to talk, I'm always here. :)

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
;A; Mega-chan

Just get relaxed. It's probably just the overarching amounts of school, homework, your new school place thing. You're in a new, somewhat strange place, filled to the brim with strangers, you're going to school there, etc.

As KSX said, take a "you" day from one day out of the week. Focus on something that can give you enjoyment and a relief from the stress - it can even be just sleeping all day or just lazing around looking at pictures of cats.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
There are a lot of variables, and this may be a very unlikely cause, but mayhaps my bit about the tears is to blame. Probably not, if you can I think you should take KSX's advice an' take a 'you day', unless it'll hurt your grade. If your teachers seem reasonable, or at least are willing to hear you out, explain your dillema to them. I would think at least a few of them would understand and be willing to work with you on the matter. If they say you'll have to make it up then it's choice time: Keep attending school and keep going through the same experience or take a personal day or two to relieve your self of any subconscious stress you may be having and make-up the work when you get back. At the end of the day I doubt anyone is twisting your wrists, so it's your choice.

And with that, I hope things sort themselves out in your favor ^_^


The Blonde
Mar 13, 2009
Off with the faries
Awwww Wallflower-Chan *hugs*.

I've had depression and Anxiety all my life and I've felt and done things I wish I never had.
If you feel like this is getting really bad, you have to talk to someone, even if it's an online phone service, a best friend (In real life) or a family member. Someone has to know incase things get bad. I'm not saying they will but it's best just in case.

I am always here to talk to darl, but as KSX said, take a "you" day go out shopping or lie in a bubble bath for hours, don't do ANY work. Re-evaluate what is going on in your life. But remember there is always something good happening in your life, you just have to look for it.
Inbox me here or at jo_bethphillips@hotmail.com or add me on Facii Jo-Beth Phillips if you need to.

*Huggles* Have a cookie? :3


Break the Spell
May 18, 2007
Somewhere 2D
How exactly would they go about doing that?

Well, religion can provide a community for people who are feeling lonely. It works for some people.

That aside, this is just a common phase that we all seem to go through (to one extent or another) as teens. I don't know, maybe it's youthful egomania or something, but we all seem to put the weight of the world on our shoulders and begin to think in more existential or otherwise philosophical terms (I'm not saying we all start thinking deeply about things; it's more of a "little bit of knowledge causes problems" kind of thing).

Honestly, I think the last thing you need to do is focus heavily on it. It sounds harsh, but the first thing you need to get over yourself. Again, I don't mean this in an insulting way; it just means that you need to put yourself in perspective. Think about how much these sporadic thoughts of yours really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just letting your brain run wild with thoughts and not properly handling them will just lead to being very stressed out very often.

In short, take a step back, collect yourself, and don't let your own thoughts rule you.

Of course, if this all winds up being a psychological problem, you might need to seek an outside sources of help, lol
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
I started to have these feelings myself, and personally what i do is write, a poem, a song, or whatever, you have to remember what your dreams are, and just keep a positive attitude. i know its hard to do, but it will help. as for the lonely part, what exactly do you mean by being lonely?
I'll try to put aside time for things such as that, then, although I'm not very good at them. Lonely as in all the friends I grew up with are three hours away, I see my family once a month at most, and I'm in my room working so often I don't put aside much time to socialize.

We've all been overstressed at one point or another. I'd suggest taking a "you" day. Pretty much that means canceling out everything stressful, whether it's your school obligations or anything else that would cause you stress. Go hang out with friends, have fun, or even just do something soothing, and makes you feel relaxed.

You could also try what sdr suggested, and write your thoughts down to just get it all out.

Just remember to keep a positive attitude, and if you need to talk, I'm always here. :)
Thank you, King, it's good to know you're there for me. :3

I don't see myself being able to take a me day, though. Class 5 days a week, I live on campus, I always have homework on the weekends, I have to work harder here than ever before, when I'm not working I'm worrying that I'm not up to this and someone smarter could've gotten in if I hadn't...

I couldn't take off a day of classes. I'm not willing to get behind and I would be unable to do anything but worry about the classes, anyway...
Mega, have you gone to a Church, maybe they can help you.
Thank you for taking the time to give me a little advice, Lan. :3
I heard there is an AME church somewhere in this city, but I have no idea where it is. :c

;A; Mega-chan

Just get relaxed. It's probably just the overarching amounts of school, homework, your new school place thing. You're in a new, somewhat strange place, filled to the brim with strangers, you're going to school there, etc.

As KSX said, take a "you" day from one day out of the week. Focus on something that can give you enjoyment and a relief from the stress - it can even be just sleeping all day or just lazing around looking at pictures of cats.
Thank you so much for taking time to give me advice, Profy-sensei. :D
Sadly, I don't see myself mentally able to relax a whole day, really. I get so anxious here, I'd be constantly worried about my classes or the homework I have to do... I try to set aside more time to draw now, but most of my cathartic activities have been neglected since I came here....

How exactly would they go about doing that?
Even more so than the spiritual release and healing I could get and Lan is likely referring to, a church community can easily become a second family, a group you can confide in who accepts you and truly wants to help you. I understand why it wouldn't appeal to those who don't have the specific faith, but it can be releasing and help one feel like they are never alone, both by virtue of the teachings of God's eternal presence and by the companionship of fellow members. It would help --if I knew where an AME church was down here.

There are a lot of variables, and this may be a very unlikely cause, but mayhaps my bit about the tears is to blame. Probably not, if you can I think you should take KSX's advice an' take a 'you day', unless it'll hurt your grade. If your teachers seem reasonable, or at least are willing to hear you out, explain your dillema to them. I would think at least a few of them would understand and be willing to work with you on the matter. If they say you'll have to make it up then it's choice time: Keep attending school and keep going through the same experience or take a personal day or two to relieve your self of any subconscious stress you may be having and make-up the work when you get back. At the end of the day I doubt anyone is twisting your wrists, so it's your choice.

And with that, I hope things sort themselves out in your favor ^_^
The tears are actually the major part of m problem, I could ignore the rest but when suddenly just start crying, it's hard to focus on what I need to focus on and to keep silent. I don't know what variables cause it, and taking a free day probably would help, but I just don't think I could. I can't allow myself to get behind in my classes, that would hurt me too much here.

Thank you very much for offering advice, honey. <3

Awwww Wallflower-Chan *hugs*.

I've had depression and Anxiety all my life and I've felt and done things I wish I never had.
If you feel like this is getting really bad, you have to talk to someone, even if it's an online phone service, a best friend (In real life) or a family member. Someone has to know incase things get bad. I'm not saying they will but it's best just in case.

I am always here to talk to darl, but as KSX said, take a "you" day go out shopping or lie in a bubble bath for hours, don't do ANY work. Re-evaluate what is going on in your life. But remember there is always something good happening in your life, you just have to look for it.
Inbox me here or at jo_bethphillips@hotmail.com or add me on Facii Jo-Beth Phillips if you need to.

*Huggles* Have a cookie? :3
Manga, it's been so long! :D

My sister has always been my confident, but I have barely been able to speak with her. I don't think I could really confide in anyone as well as I did with her, so I don't know what to do. :c I'm really glad to have all of you guys to help me feel better, although I can't even come on here as frequently as I did before.

(>^3^)>O cookies~

Well, religion can provide a community for people who are feeling lonely. It works for some people.

That aside, this is just a common phase that we all seem to go through (to one extent or another) as teens. I don't know, maybe it's youthful egomania or something, but we all seem to put the weight of the world on our shoulders and begin to think in more existential or otherwise philosophical terms (I'm not saying we all start thinking deeply about things; it's more of a "little bit of knowledge causes problems" kind of thing).

Honestly, I think the last thing you need to do is focus heavily on it. It sounds harsh, but the first thing you need to get over yourself. Again, I don't mean this in an insulting way; it just means that you need to put yourself in perspective. Think about how much these sporadic thoughts of yours really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just letting your brain run wild with thoughts and not properly handling them will just lead to being very stressed out very often.

In short, take a step back, collect yourself, and don't let your own thoughts rule you.

Of course, if this all winds up being a psychological problem, you might need to seek an outside sources of help, lol
I understand I'm nothing in the great scheme of things, and I've been trying to suppress and ignore the thoughts. My random outbursts of tears is proof that my telling myself my worries are unimportant may not be working as well as I'd hoped...

Thank you everyone for taking time to help me, you're all wonderful friends and I'm so glad to have you. <3

Xehanort's Pupil

New member
Sep 27, 2012
Traverse Town playing the Reaper's Game
If it ever gets too much or you start thinking or doing things that could be dangerous, seek help. But as long as you have people to talk to and take the time to relax every now and then, you should be okay.

Music can also help. Some people find comfort and solace in their melodies or lyrics so find a genre or an artist that helps you get through these tough times.
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Took you guys' advice and set aside today to relax and calm done. We didn't have any classes scheduled today, so it worked out fine, and I finally don't feel like I'm about to start crying, if only just for now.

Thank you everyone who gave me advice, I really, truly appreciate being able to go to you. <3

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
Took you guys' advice and set aside today to relax and calm done. We didn't have any classes scheduled today, so it worked out fine, and I finally don't feel like I'm about to start crying, if only just for now.

Thank you everyone who gave me advice, I really, truly appreciate being able to go to you. <3

Dat is why friends and this forum is here Mega-chan :3

Forever Atlas

The World Rests On Me
May 8, 2007
Earth 1610
As someone stated, a number of factors could contribute to your feelings; But without professional analysis and diagnosis, it's hard to say exactly what to do.

I know you said you were doing better for a moment, but In case you start feeling like you were prior, along with some of the other suggestions others have given - maybe you should seek professional help. Yeah, I know first hand that they can be worthless or make matters worse, but other times, they may genuinely be able to help.

Just my two cents. =p
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