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awwwwnnn you're going to kill meeeeeee this is AWESOME!!!!!!
if you continue to show this images I'm goin' to watch Days before I got my copie! x.x
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;DOk that's it....THIS is my limit you just get me!!!! You played dirty!!!!! That's not fairrrrr LOL
Perhaps they'll add it in with the US release. However, I am betting not and more than likely I am holding my breath over something that most likely won't happen. Luckily for me I can play the Saix vs Roxas stage any time as I have the game.They could have did better, but for what it is I'm not complaining. They could have just gave us ugly pixels and said "k bye" and went on their way. Forever disappointed over no Saix vs Roxas anything but that is okay because we still got creepy!Xion and creepy!Xion is enough.
But really, They didn't have to do the Days bit at all but they did and it all still looks gorgeous. They made it so people who didn't play Days can at least understand the story and in the end that is what really mattered about it.
Seeing what they did here makes me excited for the future of KH. :3 Everyone is going to be beautiful.Almost done watching the Days scenes. I am very deeply reminded why I dislike this game and especially Xion.
But go Team Osaka because it's all utterly gorgeous~