Boy it sure is a good thing that Ulti is the end all and be all judge for what qualifies as art.
Seriously, are you kidding? What is and isn't art is not nearly as simple to define as what you seem to think. "teh bestt grafix!1!1" does not make a game more artistic than all others. Some neat Japanese style does not make something the most artistic. No one aspect, or even many aspects, can automatically define a piece as the "most artistic". Is a painting that uses the most complex techniques automatically the one that gets displayed in a museum? Seriously? How about the painting that uses a different style? Is a Japanese painting more artistic than a collage of Disney characters all drawn together? Or is it more artistic than a perfectly realistic drawing of a fantasy scene? You may think so, but others may very easily disagree. You can't just suddenly claim that something is ultimately superior to something else like that. I'm not saying Okami or FFX don't deserve the spot more than KH2, since I haven't played Okami or FFX so I'm in no fit place to judge, but I'd just like to remind you that what is more artistic is very difficult to determine.
Also, I personally like to think that video games are their own sort of art. Yes, they have their own artistic styles and such, but I think games like the Legend of Zelda do qualify as a new type of art. Seriously, the perfectly balanced dungeons, with complex paths leading you exactly where you need to be while making you feel like you're exploring, and all the while never letting you too far, are definitely a work of art. I don't think this contest is only about graphics, music, and plot. At least to me, very much like movies, video games have introduced new types of art. Again, I'm not implying KH2 should win(since KH2 hardly does what I just talked about at all), I really don't care at all, but it's just something to consider.
In the end, all I care is that Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance gets in that museum... which is never going to happen, so I really don't care at all.