Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I am now at this moment listening to "Passion" on full blast and watching the Intro Movie to KHII. celebrate by watching the intro movie and listening to Passion at least twice as for me I have listened to that song about 70 times and the proof comes from my iTunes page which keeps a record on how many times have I listened to the same song.
i'm really happy that its finally got a release date but i do have one problem. Why in the world did they pick Jesse McCartney to play Roxas?*cringes at the name*
Finally. It's about time =P And you can talk about the release date all you want in here.
Someone asked if we can change birthdays, yes we can, but you can also change it yourself in "User CP > Edit Profile" PM me if for some reason you can't.
And yes, we will have a countdown thread and release party the week of the release. Happy dance time.
I am kind of dissapointed. As much as i am excited, i really wanted to be like the 1st 2nd or even the 17th. Hearing the 28th makes me want to cry. THREE AND A HALF YEARS. WE WILL HAVE WAITED FOR THREE AND A HALF YEARS FOR THIS FREAKING GAME. IS THAT SOME KIND OF A RECORD!!!
i was so excitied when i saw the date. i came on the site and i wasnt expecting the release date i was so happy. i had to tell someone i went to my sis and she looked at me like what are you talking about lol