I have to agree that that edit you made Hex does look better. It's not so cluttered and and there is something nice about everything being under Xehanort's hands (symbolizing he is in control) as opposed to all the keyblade laying outside of him.
That being said, I still love this boxart. I do wish they kept more in line with 1.5 only for consistency (I'm a sucker for that) but I do like it purely because, from a "sitting on the shelf" perspective, this will grab your attention. I personally love simpler boxart (don't anyone dare make a "simple and clean" reference lol) like the FFXIII and FFXIII-2 box art for reference, but from a person who doesn't really care all that much for KH, I would stare at that box art for a long time cause it's so capturing.
I could easily see this box art standing out among a video game collection or in the store purely because it's so epic looking and if you didn't play BbS, you can't help but wonder why the biggest character on the title is someone you don't recognize along with TAV being front and center.
On the topic of the collector's editions, the boxes are okay. I'm actually quite happy the boxes don't look so nice, because SE has a history of making gorgeous packaging that makes you want to buy things for the box alone:
But I do love the complete pack that contains 1.5 (I like that art for the disc itself better than the one we all originally got) and the soundtrack looks stunning, sign me up for a soundtrack if anyone lives in Japan, I need that disc with that music in my life
The PAK looks great, as usual, I hope they take closer photos of Sora's face cause it looks quite buggy I must say, I will compare this one to the original PA one to not end once I have them in hand
For comparison, here's the new one (so you don't have to go back to OP):
From the looks of it, this new one is definitely taller and Sora looks much older. Almost older than he looks in KH2 to me but maybe I'm just used to the PA figures