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Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories Playthrough Journal

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D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
So I was browsing through the forums and noticed this thread where people were describing their progress on Kingdom Hearts I on the 1.5 collection. Thought I'd make a thread based on the progress from Re: Chain of Memories so those of us traversing through Castle Oblivion can voice our opinions regarding the game. I doubt it's going to be as big as the journal for Kingdom Hearts I since that is the more popular game, but I felt that this game could use a journal, too.

In case anyone cares where I am at in the game, I'm currently on the tenth floor at Hollow Bastion. I'm at around level 45 due to constantly trying to get Key to Rewards cards and using them in every world for the sake of completion and for some really good sleights and cards.

Larxene was by far the hardest boss at this point in the playthrough thanks to her oh-so-wonderful Teleport Dash. Hook would have been this as well if it weren't for the fact that - as mentioned before - I was overleveled from trying to get Key to Rewards cards and by spamming my sleights so fast that I barely gave him time to attack.

Also, while I may have started this page, I won't be updating it too much. I do have some spare time on my hands, but not enough to be able to play the game every day. I live the prototypical life of a college student, so I while I may find time to be on the forums, I don't have too much time to play since I can't lug my PS3 everywhere I go.

Anyway, hope everyone finds some enjoyment out of this journal. It'll be interesting to see how everyone is progressing through the game.


Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
I've already achieved Platinum on Re:CoM, so I won't be coming back to this game anytime soon. But I want to quickly point out the importance of building a smart deck.

Each Keyblade's strengths and weaknesses (listed in their Journal entries) should be accounted for and Sleights given clear thought. Otherwise, your battles will be long and tedious.

Ars Arcanum is a godsend on later bosses, and a powerful combo when using Jafar-Genie.

Unfortunately I never realized just how useful Sleights were until my final playthrough. (Despite having played the game so many times on GBA and PS2...) Don't make the same mistake I did!


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
I never did understand the importance of sleights until the Riku playthrough on the GBA (kind of late, but at that point I "cheated" and used the leftover file that my brother unlocked after beating Sora's story). The sleight system is useful, but somewhat harder to pull off in the GBA version. The PS2 version, in stark contrast, was infinitely more sleight-friendly.

Unfortunately, this still doesn't particularly help with the Trickmaster boss fight as Riku. It's literally the one time the fixed-deck aspect of his gameplay aggravated me.


Dec 27, 2013
Currently I am at the Hook battle in Neverland.
Throughout my FM playthrough I have learned quite a bit about the workings of the concepts whereas on the GBA I was clueless.
1.) I had not realized that the card you use to open a room effects what's in the room.
2.) Never knew about 'Moment of Reprieve ' or "Moogle Room' cards. I've been utilizing the heck out of the Moment's of Reprieves in FM. I make one in every world with the room containing the 'Key of Truth' Door which holds the final boss battles.

3.) Most importantly, I did not know how to use sleights.

Still now I am a dunce at Sleights. I tried them on Hook and it did not help and that's referring to when I was lucky enough to actually successfully put one together. It's difficult to remember the assembly of them even when I tried to arrange my deck to have a few already laid out.

So yeah it's likely I've gotten this far on sheer dumb luck, barely less than that which got me as far I got on the GBA, which is pathetic but I'm mostly in it for the story anyway.

Hook is far more difficult in this game than in the first, I can KO him in the first on the first go but then again you can actually fly in Neverland in the first game not just glide and I had my cura tactic, whereas here you don't have it at your command. Here he's defeated me at least three times now and I've decided to take a break plus I am now having my dinner.

Basic Stats:
Level 39
CP: 600

I have all the high valued cards I own in my deck...or most of them which is not exactly a great amount.
I've equipped all my highest value fire cards because I've noticed that Hook takes a great deal of damage to fire.
I've tried the Jafar card, not helpful
I've got Cloud Equipped but he's only a 4 so he's either card broken a lot or easily interrupted before he can launch his attack.

On a positive note I am able to drain TWO of Hook's four HP bars before my first reload.


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
Currently I am at the Hook battle in Neverland.
Throughout my FM playthrough I have learned quite a bit about the workings of the concepts whereas on the GBA I was clueless.
1.) I had not realized that the card you use to open a room effects what's in the room.
2.) Never knew about 'Moment of Reprieve ' or "Moogle Room' cards. I've been utilizing the heck out of the Moment's of Reprieves in FM. I make one in every world with the room containing the 'Key of Truth' Door which holds the final boss battles.

3.) Most importantly, I did not know how to use sleights.

Still now I am a dunce at Sleights. I tried them on Hook and it did not help and that's referring to when I was lucky enough to actually successfully put one together. It's difficult to remember the assembly of them even when I tried to arrange my deck to have a few already laid out.

So yeah it's likely I've gotten this far on sheer dumb luck, barely less than that which got me as far I got on the GBA, which is pathetic but I'm mostly in it for the story anyway.

Hook is far more difficult in this game than in the first, I can KO him in the first on the first go but then again you can actually fly in Neverland in the first game not just glide and I had my cura tactic, whereas here you don't have it at your command. Here he's defeated me at least three times now and I've decided to take a break plus I am now having my dinner.

Basic Stats:
Level 39
CP: 600

I have all the high valued cards I own in my deck...or most of them which is not exactly a great amount.
I've equipped all my highest value fire cards because I've noticed that Hook takes a great deal of damage to fire.
I've tried the Jafar card, not helpful
I've got Cloud Equipped but he's only a 4 so he's either card broken a lot or easily interrupted before he can launch his attack.

On a positive note I am able to drain TWO of Hook's four HP bars before my first reload.

IIRC, Hook has a phase where he's able to block every attack that you throw at him regardless of card value, so that's why even the sleights only got you so far for that battle. What I did when I recently fought was spam Sonic Blade (since its one of the faster sleights to pull off) and just be as offensive as possible without letting him get a hit on me. For most people, that's the best method to use.

There is also the Luxord enemy card that you can find with the Key to Rewards card. The card can basically ensure that your cards can't be broken NO MATTER WHAT for a certain amount of card uses. I'm not entirely sure if this applies to sleights as this is the first time I took the time to get every reward from the Key to Rewards rooms. Also, said card only appears in I.5 ReMIX if you have created a save file AFTER you have watched all the cutscenes and completed the 358/2 Days "game."


Dec 27, 2013
IIRC, Hook has a phase where he's able to block every attack that you throw at him regardless of card value, so that's why even the sleights only got you so far for that battle. What I did when I recently fought was spam Sonic Blade (since its one of the faster sleights to pull off) and just be as offensive as possible without letting him get a hit on me. For most people, that's the best method to use.

There is also the Luxord enemy card that you can find with the Key to Rewards card. The card can basically ensure that your cards can't be broken NO MATTER WHAT for a certain amount of card uses. I'm not entirely sure if this applies to sleights as this is the first time I took the time to get every reward from the Key to Rewards rooms. Also, said card only appears in I.5 ReMIX if you have created a save file AFTER you have watched all the cutscenes and completed the 358/2 Days "game."

I see the problem, frustrating.
Unfortunately I do not have Sonic Blade, DestinyIslands.com suggests it as well and the only Rooms of Rewards I have been able to open are that of right there in Neverland and Atlantica. Not until Atlantica did I receive my first Room Of Reward key via heartless battle. How does that work? In addition I do not meet the criteria for the Luxord card. I've only recently gone through the Days cutscenes playthrough, I'd already had the CoM file.
Epic Fail!


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
Once you've cleared Days the movie, your Re:CoM should have been adjusted to accommodate the new cards. The already opened Rooms of Reward will now hold a second treasure chest where applicable.

Luxord's card can be obtained from the RoR in Agrabah, but bear in mind that it only gives you the ability to break enemy cards in spite of the value, and not prevent the enemies from breaking yours. That would be the effect bestowed by Genie Jafar's card.


Dec 27, 2013
Understood, thank you.
BTW I just defeated Malificent Dragon and Vexen on my GBA. Don't know why Malificent Dragon was giving me a hard time and Vexen was easy but he did say he had no intention of truly battling in that round as he was just scoping Sora's memories. Anyway I am in Twilight Town now but have stopped it because I'd rather see the story unfold on FM. It's quite difficult to judge perception on that small screen (where you are in connection to the foe). I really wish I remembered though how I'd managed Hook on this version.


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
Understood, thank you.
BTW I just defeated Malificent Dragon and Vexen on my GBA. Don't know why Malificent Dragon was giving me a hard time and Vexen was easy but he did say he had no intention of truly battling in that round as he was just scoping Sora's memories. Anyway I am in Twilight Town now but have stopped it because I'd rather see the story unfold on FM. It's quite difficult to judge perception on that small screen (where you are in connection to the foe). I really wish I remembered though how I'd managed Hook on this version.

Trust me, Vexen required far more strategy the second time around. I died at least once before I decided to load up a 0 Elixir card and spam my Sonic Blades and Omnislashes again.

What level are you? If you feel that you aren't strong enough or need to amass some more CP or sleights, then I highly recommend level grinding a bit. When I was getting every treasure in the RoR, I was trying to find Key to Rewards cards in Atlantica. they can be found starting at the seventh floor on up, 100 Acre Wood aside. Look at a FAQ and find which treasure work best for you (i.e.: new sleights, new keyblade cards, Organization member enemy cards, etc.).

Speaking of 100 Acre Wood, now that you have the glide ability from Neverland, have you gone back to the 100 Acre Wood in that one area with Tigger's memory/bouncing game? You can now collect that one treasure that's up on a cliff: it contains the Spellbinder keyblade card.


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
Ladies and Gentlemen, STATUS REPORT:

Player Character: Sora
Current Level: 61
Location: Entrance to the 13th Floor
Most used attack sleights: Sonic Blade, Omnislash, Lethal Frame, Thundaga, Curaga

I've been slacking a little for the past week so I've been trying to beat the game as quickly as possible and at every opportunity I can get since I've been playing this game for too long and want to get on with Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles.

On Monday, I completed Hollow Bastion and got to Twilight Town.

Tuesday, I received my copy of Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles and proceeded to play Tales of Symphonia when I finally arrived home from a long day in school.

Wednesday, I defeated Vexen at Twilight Town and "Riku" between floors. Took the time to go back to Agrabah so I can get more Moogle Points from Aladdin. Proceeded to go through the next world, Destiny Islands.

Thursday (today), completed Destiny Islands and beat the Darkside boss. Fought "Riku" between floors yet again. Defeated Larxene a second time. Currently at the save point in front of the door to the 13th level and plan to go back to Agrabah for some more Moogle Points.

I swear, I don't remember the fourth battle against "Riku" being THIS difficult on the PS2 port (obviously, he was MUCH harder in the GBA version). I don't know whether I was simply playing better back then or they ramped up the difficulty in I.5 ReMIX (which I doubt, at least for Re: Chain of Memories anyway). I died about three or four times before finally defeating him. Then when fighting Larxene - someone who has always been harder to beat than Riku no matter what version of the game you're playing - I beat her on my first attempt. I...don't understand.


Dec 27, 2013
Feb 27
Current Stats:
Character: Sora
Level: 42
HP: 395
CP: 625

I've been leveling up using Looming, Bottomless and Almighty Darkness map cards to raise my CP and HP. I've also now acquired the Sonic Blade Sleight that everyone recommends for the Hook battle so I will be working on that. I've also purchased some more packs and received a fourth cure card, value: 6.

Trust me, Vexen required far more strategy the second time around. I died at least once before I decided to load up a 0 Elixir card and spam my Sonic Blades and Omnislashes again.

What level are you? If you feel that you aren't strong enough or need to amass some more CP or sleights, then I highly recommend level grinding a bit. When I was getting every treasure in the RoR, I was trying to find Key to Rewards cards in Atlantica. they can be found starting at the seventh floor on up, 100 Acre Wood aside. Look at a FAQ and find which treasure work best for you (i.e.: new sleights, new keyblade cards, Organization member enemy cards, etc.).

Speaking of 100 Acre Wood, now that you have the glide ability from Neverland, have you gone back to the 100 Acre Wood in that one area with Tigger's memory/bouncing game? You can now collect that one treasure that's up on a cliff: it contains the Spellbinder keyblade card.

Thank you but at the moment I want to focus on FM, though I do plan on finishing the GBA in which I am level 50 to answer that question.
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Dec 27, 2013
New Stats:
Character: Sora
Level: 43
HP: 395
CP: 650

Just took out Hook, finally. I still fail badly at sleights but I tried. I'd set up my deck for three of Sonic Blade but it turned out I'd mixed up the values with Strike Raid. I did however get one Sonic Blade in. The rest was a continuation of my dumb luck. I finished him with a sliver of HP to spare. :p

Now I shall return to 100 Acre Wood to retrieve the Spellbinder card, and to Agrabah with the Key of Rewards I have to obtain the Luxord card(unless there are any other suggestions). The to Hallow Bastian.


Dec 27, 2013
New Status:
Character: Sora
Level: 48
HP 425
CP: 675

Just defeated Malificent Dragon, apart from having more HP and a phase at the end where she fills the room with a never ending fire she was easy.

Now the cards have just pissed me off in a whole new way. Here I am having trouble with Vexen, the first round with him. I just beat him on my GBA but there all he did was float around a bunch whereas on FM he's relentless. DestinyIslands.com says he's weak to fire so I figure Mushu would be useful but guess what!? I can't get into the Hallow Bastian's Room of Rewards because I don't have an effing red map card with a value of 7 and apparently it HAS to be a 7 exactly! What exactly am I supposed to do about that? There is no control over obtaining map cards except the roulette room but I only have one roulette room card with a value of 1 so that's out. Ugh!

Is there any chance that the moogle shop would sell me a Mushu despite that I haven't obtained my first one yet?
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D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
Ladies and Gentlemen, STATUS REPORT:

Player Character: Sora
Current Level: 65
Location: 13th Floor (Castle Oblivion)
Most used attack sleights: Sonic Blade, Omnislash, Lethal Frame, Thundaga, Curaga

Ugh. Still have assignments that I need to finish before the day is over, so it may be awhile before I end this playthrough.

I have managed to abuse the Meeting Grounds cards to get OVER 9000!!!!! Moogle Points. I've been going up through nearly all the rooms now and managed to get through most of them through Bounty cards and Save Rooms. I even managed to unlock the first event door quickly enough (Thank you, Joker card!) and took down Axel. Definitely a lot harder than the first fight on the first floor and he even seems to hit harder than in the GBA version. Nevertheless, when fighting him, you want to make sure that you play offensive enough with a dash of defense in mind. If you decide to go balls-to-the-wall in abusing your Sonic Blade sleights, he'll most likely use a 0 card on most of them and/or use a sleight that has a higher value than yours. Keep that in mind and this boss fight will be taken down in no time.

Chain of Memories said:
Axel: You're better than I thought you'd be. It was worth saving you after all.
Sora: Saving me? What d'ya mean?
Axel: Heh. Sorry, I would hate to kill the suspense.


Dec 27, 2013
Status Report:
Character: Sora
Level: 53
HP: 455
CP: 725
Location: Twilight Town

Once again having trouble with Vexen after finally managing to defeat him on the 10th floor of Castle Oblivion. It's impossible to dodge him most of the time even with Dodge Roll. I've done Sleights, not helpful.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Status Report:
Character: Sora
Level: 53
HP: 455
CP: 725
Location: Twilight Town

Once again having trouble with Vexen after finally managing to defeat him on the 10th floor of Castle Oblivion. It's impossible to dodge him most of the time even with Dodge Roll. I've done Sleights, not helpful.

With Vexen's element being ice, do NOT cast blizzard if you haven't figured that out already.
However, spamming some high-powered fire magic can be a god-send.


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
It's of course hard if you try to tackle him head-on because of his shield. Either flank him, cast Firaga or Firaga Burst often, or pull a Sonic Blade or Lethal Frame which pierces his defence. And you should always break his snowstorm sleight, because it drains your HP little by little but at a very fast rate.


Dec 27, 2013
With Vexen's element being ice, do NOT cast blizzard if you haven't figured that out already.
However, spamming some high-powered fire magic can be a god-send.

It's of course hard if you try to tackle him head-on because of his shield. Either flank him, cast Firaga or Firaga Burst often, or pull a Sonic Blade or Lethal Frame which pierces his defence. And you should always break his snowstorm sleight, because it drains your HP little by little but at a very fast rate.

Got the whole fire weakness thing down but the problem is I don't have a whole lot of fire cards. I can cast one Firaga and one Fira.

Got him.
I'd been using every HIGH LEVEL card in I own in my deck but switched to using EVERY fire card I own and Fira/Firaga-ing the hell out of them. Still wasn't enough to get me through the whole battle but I survived the rest on my own.

How interesting that Twilight Town was so short not extending all the way to the Room of Truth.


Ok after the Riku battle I kinda wanna slap Sora, he's being an asshole. Use your brain dude! It's obviously some kind of trick for you both to have the exact same memory!
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D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
Got the whole fire weakness thing down but the problem is I don't have a whole lot of fire cards. I can cast one Firaga and one Fira.

Got him.
I'd been using every HIGH LEVEL card in I own in my deck but switched to using EVERY fire card I own and Fira/Firaga-ing the hell out of them. Still wasn't enough to get me through the whole battle but I survived the rest on my own.

How interesting that Twilight Town was so short not extending all the way to the Room of Truth.


Ok after the Riku battle I kinda wanna slap Sora, he's being an asshole. Use your brain dude! It's obviously some kind of trick for you both to have the exact same memory!

Twilight Town is short, but Destiny Islands is slightly bigger with one more event than Twilight Town. Don't get too used to it, though. Once you get to the thirteenth floor, it is nothing but a GAUNTLET of rooms that you have to go through. I HIGHLY recommend saving some of the Bounty cards for the thirteenth floor (Calm Bounty for treasure and having rooms that don't deal with enemies, False Bounty and Guarded Trove for the same, but with enemies that give you a crap-ton of experience). Try to save up some save room cards as well as a couple of Moogle rooms as well. Lastly, have at least one Joker card on hand for the thirteenth floor. Believe me when I say it will be a godsend for that level...
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