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(Revised) translation of new Famitsu interview

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Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Yeah, but it's A Sora.

Then again, Roxas is technically Sora. So, every game (besides BBS) has you playing as Sora. Technically.

and days has you fighting against a sora while i'm sure ventus becomes part of sora somehow imo

sora and xehanort are the most spammed ocs in kh


The Troll
Feb 9, 2009
Sinking into the light with a heart of pure darkne
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

sora and xehanort are the most spammed ocs in kh

They should be, considering that Sora is the main character and Xehanort the main villian XD. Kingdom Hearts is after all, in Nomura's words 'Sora's story.

Nomura: It's connected to the idea of "hearts of light, without darkness". But this isn't about the princesses' birth, it's to do with "something" that awakens in people who have hearts where light resides. It's a condition the three protagonists are investigating.

I'm a little confused about this. Everyone's hearts have light, or is he talking about people with pure light? This could confirm the BwHoPL theory, or prove that there was a different POH before Alice.

And I'm really worried about the gameplay. The way Nomura laughs it all off is pissing me off. I know the creators will try to balance it out, but it's like Nomura is trying too hard to make the gameplay easy for everyone. At least the *ahem* Unverses (Unbirths make more sense imo) are fast.


Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

They never were Unbirths. "Unbirths" was a mistaken translation of the phonetic アンヴァース (anvaasu).
If you knew that why didn't you say something earlier?


New member
Aug 23, 2009
Somewhere I belong...
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

If you knew that why didn't you say something earlier?
Oh, c'mon, it's not his fault! xDD ... It's Nomura's ¬__¬ It is sometimes hard to know exactly what do mean the japanese words that come from english.


Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Oh, c'mon, it's not his fault! xDD ... It's Nomura's ¬__¬ It is sometimes hard to know exactly what do mean the japanese words that come from english.
Uh, it's in no way Nomura's fault.
And I wasn't blaming krexia for anything, I just didn't get why they didn't bring it up before if they knew it before this interview...


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

[Damn you Nomura -_-

The deck command system sounds confusing...]

The deck system doesnt look to difficult ( i've watched a vid of KH BBS on Youtube). you just use a spell after another. I remember seeing Terra freeze all the Unbirths around him, then he burned the hell out of them. I saw a few melee combos also.


Jun 12, 2009
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

If you knew that why didn't you say something earlier?
I didn't. I actually wasn't aware that 'Unbirths" wasn't an official translation. If I had been, I might've brought up the fact that ヴァ usually represents 'va' rather than 'ba'... but even if I had said that much, I doubt I would've guessed "Unversed" as a translation for アンヴァース (anvaasu), seeing as how it's not a real word. I would've struggled to come up with any alternate interpretation.

The thing is, Japanese as a language has a lot less sounds than English. I think the difference might even be on the scale of an order of magnitude. Japanese has just five vowel sounds, and very limited consonants. So to put things in simple terms, many different English sounds are represented the same way when written in Japanese phonetics. For example, there's no difference between 'first' and 'fast'; both are ファースト (faasuto) in Japanese phonetic characters.

So when you see a word written purely in phonetic characters in Japanese, there are often multiple possible interpretations. If you saw a ファーストキチン (faasuto kichin) in Japan, you would have no way of knowing whether it was "Fast Kitchen" or "First Kitchen". And when you see something totally unfamiliar like アンヴァース (anvaasu), with no context to help guess the interpretation, it's very difficult to be sure of what the word is intended to be. Like "fast" and "first", "ambers" and "unbirth" would be written the same way in Japanese phonetics (although they'd probably be アンバース [anbaasu] rather than アンヴァース [anvaasu]). If 'Unversed' were a real word in English, people might have guessed that it was the real meaning of アンヴァース. But since it's a made up word, we really had no way of knowing. Given the title of the game, 'Unbirth' was a totally understandable guess.

And given the extent to which 'Unbirth' had been accepted by the fandom, I doubt I would have accomplished much by pointing out the difference between バ (ba) and ヴァ (va) when I couldn't offer a viable alternate interpretation.


Bronze Member
Mar 14, 2009
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

but i think that with the next game he means the next game chronologically to bbs that means kingdom hearts 1

yeah thats what i thought too

-- Do you think people will want to replay the first title after clearing this one?

Nomura: Hmmm, I think there are a lot of puzzling elements, so maybe they'll want to play the next game... and there'll be a secret movie too.

-- The next game!? Do you mean "III"!?

Nomura: The next game will be the next game (laughs)
so i think everybody is getting it wrong, mabe he meant kh1?
well thats my opinion


New member
Aug 23, 2009
Somewhere I belong...
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Of course, I didn't get that like KH3. If BbS is a prequel, then obviously the next is KHI, isn't it??


Apr 18, 2009
behind you
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

yeah thats what i thought too

so i think everybody is getting it wrong, mabe he meant kh1?
well thats my opinion

great observation there

anyway... the deck battle system... it's button mashing... god damn...

but hmmm... when i watch the gameplay again... it look as if you have to becareful of what you choose... idunnololmaybeit'llbeeasylikekh2whichiiskindabad....

but then again.. the shooting mechanism... looks so much fun to exploit DDDD:

damn i'm thinking of random things again... well, so far it looks as if it's easy but we'll have to play the game to judge that

"the next game is the next game"<---- lol... i don't see what's so annoying about that.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Why is everyone screaming secret ending?

why wouldnt you scream serect ending? A secret will hint to a new kh game prabobly III but who knows

yea it makes sense that the secret ending might be for the next game which in the time line is kh1 but why would they make secret ending for a game that is already out? what they might do is make another game that takes place before kh1 but after bbs

also one question who is MX and DS?
Last edited:


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

I'm a little confused about this. Everyone's hearts have light, or is he talking about people with pure light? This could confirm the BwHoPL theory, or prove that there was a different POH before Alice

It could be about pure light, it might not be. Maybe it's something like a light equivalent to Heartless, but without the enemy thing. ...Or maybe it means that the light overpowers the darkness in the heart, and becomes a light of pure light.

And, if it is like that, then who's to say there was always 7 PoH? There could've been 5/6, then when Alice was born, sooner or later, her heart became pure light, and she became a PoH.


A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Wow...that was a mouthful of info out of nowhere. I'm loving the characters more and "Unversed" sounds epic, but they need to work really hard on that game system.

the next game will be the next game!!! :D Nomura rox!


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Well, about the secret ending, I have a couple theories. The timeline for Nomura and the games he makes with the secret endings go like this, going in order of which all were made:
1. KH 1, with secret ending that shows KH 2.
2. KH Chain of Memories
3. KH 2, with secret ending that shows KH Birth by Sleep.
4. KH Re/CoM, with secret ending that shows KH 358/2 Days.
5. KH 358/2 Days.
6. KH Coded *not sure if this was made before or after "days", but new stuff keeps getting updated and the game gets more episodes as it goes along, so "days" was complete first before coded*
7. Future KH game, KH Birth by Sleep, with a secret ending we know nothing about. *current time*

With this timeline and the secret endings that appear with certain games, I think it is safe to say that Nomura can make any game at this point. The only secret ending that shows the next exact game to be released was Re/Com showing "days", and that wasn't near as big of a game as the rest (though "coded" doesn't look like it is even going to appear in the US any time soon >.>)


A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Well, about the secret ending, I have a couple theories. The timeline for Nomura and the games he makes with the secret endings go like this, going in order of which all were made:
1. KH 1, with secret ending that shows KH 2.
2. KH Chain of Memories
3. KH 2, with secret ending that shows KH Birth by Sleep.
4. KH Re/CoM, with secret ending that shows KH 358/2 Days.
5. KH 358/2 Days.
6. KH Coded *not sure if this was made before or after "days", but new stuff keeps getting updated and the game gets more episodes as it goes along, so "days" was complete first before coded*
7. Future KH game, KH Birth by Sleep, with a secret ending we know nothing about. *current time*

With this timeline and the secret endings that appear with certain games, I think it is safe to say that Nomura can make any game at this point. The only secret ending that shows the next exact game to be released was Re/Com showing "days", and that wasn't near as big of a game as the rest (though "coded" doesn't look like it is even going to appear in the US any time soon >.>)

Or...it could just be a secret ending of the next KH game Nomura mentioned...


New member
Jul 20, 2009
On Mars.
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Well, about the secret ending, I have a couple theories. The timeline for Nomura and the games he makes with the secret endings go like this, going in order of which all were made:
1. KH 1, with secret ending that shows KH 2.
2. KH Chain of Memories
3. KH 2, with secret ending that shows KH Birth by Sleep.
4. KH Re/CoM, with secret ending that shows KH 358/2 Days.
5. KH 358/2 Days.
6. KH Coded *not sure if this was made before or after "days", but new stuff keeps getting updated and the game gets more episodes as it goes along, so "days" was complete first before coded*
7. Future KH game, KH Birth by Sleep, with a secret ending we know nothing about. *current time*

With this timeline and the secret endings that appear with certain games, I think it is safe to say that Nomura can make any game at this point. The only secret ending that shows the next exact game to be released was Re/Com showing "days", and that wasn't near as big of a game as the rest (though "coded" doesn't look like it is even going to appear in the US any time soon >.>)

There was a KH: Re:CoM secret ending? lol I never knew that.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

There was a KH: Re:CoM secret ending? lol I never knew that.
Not so much a secret as a "hey, look, it's Roxas". CoM's ending was more mysterious at the time, because we had no idea who Roxas was.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
On Mars.
Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview

Not so much a secret as a "hey, look, it's Roxas". CoM's ending was more mysterious at the time, because we had no idea who Roxas was.

Well i knew CoM had one but I didn't know Re:CoM did lol
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