Spoiler ShowSo currently as far as we know everything on the lost page referred to the traitor so it's safe to assume the traitor is involved with the bell ringing. Of course it takes two to tango, Ava and Luxu clashed their keyblades together. This basically means that the most likely/possibly only candidates for being traitors are Luxu and Ava.
Spoiler Show
The page refers to two people being involved at the time. One is someone who can't forgive this distastefulness, who thought of fate with pessimism, and who lost true strength. The other is someone who misread the master's intentions and step into secrecy. Ava is the one who can't forgive Luxu, who becomes pessimistic after hearing the truth and loses hope, and hope was her true strength with it gone this lead to her kicking off the battle. Luxu is the one who misread their master's intentions and it was Luxu's job to slip away into secrecy. The fact that Skuld reflects only on the person described in the "step in secrecy" part and Gula explains it means the traitor is the one to end the world...I think even more heavily implies that Luxu is the traitor.
In fact if we take Gula's words that the traitor will be the one to end this world, and then that factually IS Luxu. Why does everything being? It begins with the book that the master can only write because Luxu will succeed in passing that keyblade on through the future. And think about what that means, it means all they had to do to prevent the war was for the master to never write the book of prophecies. And now Ava knows that the Master is tasking Luxu with making sure that all this comes to pass she is shaken.
That's why Ava is so upset, why she can't believe the Master would intend for this to happen. Likewise it's why Luxu is sitting there musing over what the Master intends. Luxu believes that the Master was more curious in what their hearts would lead them to do. Ava can't believe the Master would be more curious in what they do than the fate of the world, and then goes on to assume Luxu is misusing and manipulating the situation for himself. She attacks him because she knows if stops him none of this will come to pass, but the fact that the book exists means she already didn't stop him. It means that the end is really inevitable but Ava won't accept that, that is what Luxu is talking about when he says that because she won't accept the the truth she'll march on with destiny and fight.
So to simply put Luxu was set up, Luxu will cause his friends to kill one another and end the world, luxu will cause everything to happen just as Ava said he did. Luxu was the traitor but he didn't know know he was going to be before it was too late. This is because the Master made sure Luxu deliberately was never given a book, if Luxu had known the future, if he had known what was to truly come, he probably wouldn't of participated in moving things forward. The spot where he misread the master's intentions is that he's wrong, the master does care about the future of the world as the Master himself said "Change is necessary even if it's scary, we need to focus on what comes after, I didn't give you keyblades to stop the war". The one the Master doesn't care about are the foretellers, he already knows how things will go with them and how they will end likewise he knows Luxu will accomplish the task he was given. Ava is once again right as always, the master would never choose them over the future of the world because to him there is nothing that can be done to stop their fates. The same rationalization that Xehanort uses, it doesn't matter who he hurts or abuses because it was "meant" to happen that way and Xehanort was just playing his role.
Spoiler ShowThey are all traitors. They all go against their mission in their own misguided ways.
But yes, Ava and Luxu are the main two in the end because their roles were the biggest out of all of the Foretellers. I love your explanation for Luxu, Hirokey!
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Spoiler ShowThey are all traitors. They all go against their mission in their own misguided ways.
But yes, Ava and Luxu are the main two in the end because their roles were the biggest out of all of the Foretellers. I love your explanation for Luxu, Hirokey!
Spoiler Showmaster who going lead the dandlions now that ava dead
Spoiler ShowIn the E3 2015 trailer near the end with the Xehanort and Eraqus conversation, Xehanort repeats the phrase "On that land shall darkness prevail, and light expire" and afterwards says "the future is already been written" and takes a look at his future keyblade.
So until which events does the book of prophecy tell? does it end with the keyblade war, or is it an ever updating book with events to come? To me it seems that the description of the future the book says, can be applied whenever you like, and maybe that quote refers to the clashing of Xehanort and Sora, and not the one of the Keyblade war, and the foretellers just thought that those events were in the near future. Could it be that the time travel theory goes to an even greater extent and MoM and Luxu are also versions of Xehanort? What are your thoughts?
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So I've been working on a traitor theory since seeing this and I think I just completed it so here it is.
Spoiler ShowSo currently as far as we know everything on the lost page referred to the traitor so it's safe to assume the traitor is involved with the bell ringing. Of course it takes two to tango, Ava and Luxu clashed their keyblades together. This basically means that the most likely/possibly only candidates for being traitors are Luxu and Ava.Spoiler Show
The page refers to two people being involved at the time. One is someone who can't forgive this distastefulness, who thought of fate with pessimism, and who lost true strength. The other is someone who misread the master's intentions and step into secrecy. Ava is the one who can't forgive Luxu, who becomes pessimistic after hearing the truth and loses hope, and hope was her true strength with it gone this lead to her kicking off the battle. Luxu is the one who misread their master's intentions and it was Luxu's job to slip away into secrecy. The fact that Skuld reflects only on the person described in the "step in secrecy" part and Gula explains it means the traitor is the one to end the world...I think even more heavily implies that Luxu is the traitor.
In fact if we take Gula's words that the traitor will be the one to end this world, and then that factually IS Luxu. Why does everything being? It begins with the book that the master can only write because Luxu will succeed in passing that keyblade on through the future. And think about what that means, it means all they had to do to prevent the war was for the master to never write the book of prophecies. And now Ava knows that the Master is tasking Luxu with making sure that all this comes to pass she is shaken.
That's why Ava is so upset, why she can't believe the Master would intend for this to happen. Likewise it's why Luxu is sitting there musing over what the Master intends. Luxu believes that the Master was more curious in what their hearts would lead them to do. Ava can't believe the Master would be more curious in what they do than the fate of the world, and then goes on to assume Luxu is misusing and manipulating the situation for himself. She attacks him because she knows if stops him none of this will come to pass, but the fact that the book exists means she already didn't stop him. It means that the end is really inevitable but Ava won't accept that, that is what Luxu is talking about when he says that because she won't accept the the truth she'll march on with destiny and fight.
So to simply put Luxu was set up, Luxu will cause his friends to kill one another and end the world, luxu will cause everything to happen just as Ava said he did. Luxu was the traitor but he didn't know know he was going to be before it was too late. This is because the Master made sure Luxu deliberately was never given a book, if Luxu had known the future, if he had known what was to truly come, he probably wouldn't of participated in moving things forward. The spot where he misread the master's intentions is that he's wrong, the master does care about the future of the world as the Master himself said "Change is necessary even if it's scary, we need to focus on what comes after, I didn't give you keyblades to stop the war". The one the Master doesn't care about are the foretellers, he already knows how things will go with them and how they will end likewise he knows Luxu will accomplish the task he was given. Ava is once again right as always, the master would never choose them over the future of the world because to him there is nothing that can be done to stop their fates. The same rationalization that Xehanort uses, it doesn't matter who he hurts or abuses because it was "meant" to happen that way and Xehanort was just playing his role.
I have no idea why my post is being divided into two separate spoiler tags when there is only one tag in the post.