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The answer: A future title housing every single game.

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New member
Dec 20, 2007
One reason why people complain about all of these different non-numbered titles (and the series in general) is that they're so scattered throughout many different platforms (PS2, GBA, DS, 3DS, PSP, Possibly PS3/PSP2). Now, I own every single platform mentioned above (minus PS3/PSP2, I'm getting 3DS at launch), but to the majority of people out there, it's very difficult to cultivate every single platform just for a single IP.

I think a compilation of the Xehanort Saga should be made on a single future title either during or right before/after the release of KH3.

I think this is possible, and I'll tell you why.

This wouldn't be a smart thing to do right now. All of these non-numbered games that are slowly unraveling the Xehanort saga are just releasing. Everybody just now bought all of them, and certainly wouldn't be willing to buy them again.

But let's take a look at what's realistic for the future of Kingdom Hearts down the road. The latest game is KH:3D for the 3DS, coming out presumably this year, 2011. Now BBS Vol2 could very well be released around 2011-2012, but Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't coming out until after VersusXIII is all said and done. This will be AT THE EARLIEST 2012. So once Versus comes out, Kingdom Hearts 3 will presumably take around 2 years to make (granted that they keep the same vision moving forward, unlike Versus, where they kicked around a couple of gameplay/story ideas for 3 years before actually making it). So in reality, we won't get KH3 until around 2013-2015.

What in the world will we KH fans do until 2014? Well, we have BBS FM and Drop Distance this year, with perhaps BBSVol2 out in 2012. But what are we going to do between 2012 and 2014? (Assuming that Versus comes out in 2012, and also assuming that KH3 takes two years to make)

Here's where the compilation comes into play. The Playstation games will be easy to port or slightly revamp for an HD collection, but the only problem would be the Nintendo-owned games (Days, Coded, and 3D). How do you handle those? Well, I can say that after watching what people say about Days and Coded across many different websites over the weeks and months, the majority of people think that Days and Coded were just fillers, without substantial gameplay, other than a few cut scenes here and there that are good for the storyline. In other words, the sense of the two story lines can easily be met just by watching the online videos. So what Square Enix does is turn the Nintendo-owned games into 10 minute or so movies in between everything else, in chronological order. Then, there won't be any question about how to reformat the controls for those oddball titles. Furthermore, the people who complained about those will be happy because they won't have to trudge through every single handheld title just to find out the storyline of those titles. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind that either. This is coming from a guy who got 100% completion rate on every single multiplayer mission and unlocked every weapon possible in Days. In the long run, I would find having to trudge through 50 or so levels of Days/Coded just to see maybe 10-15 worthwhile cut scenes would be a bit daunting, granted that everyone has already beaten these games years ago (remember, the compilation would come out a couple of years after all of the non-numbered titles).

I think condensing the Nintendo titles into cut scenes would not only give the game itself a more smooth transition between the main entries (BBS, KH1-2), but also it would free up more space, time, and investment in the production to focus more on revamping the main entries, rather than cramming every single full-fledged title into one game.
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New member
Dec 4, 2009
hrmm... i'm skeptical about this. The non-ps games wouldn't translate to the playstation formula, plus they would have to completely redo the engine and such, as it is not made for the system. For e.g., it would be MUCH easier to remake kh1/2 for ps3 as the ps2, while inferior, is still very similar as far as controller input and obviously its been done before.

So, I'm gonna stick with that it'll be easier to simply remake/rerelease the ps2 games for the psn as HD remakes. Just leave Days and Re: coded. But... release BBS/2 for the PSN already, i want them on my psp2. When I eventually get one. In the far future. When I have $4000 to buy one.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
As much as I love that idea, I finding that Nomura won't do that.

That would be great for the 10th Anniversary for it.

But here's the thing, Recoded, 358/2 Days and future 3D are technically owned by Nintendo. If this said came out on the PS3, for instance, then it wouldn't be possible due ownership. Taking a game from one of ther systems to your is a bad thing, unless it was already multi-platform. Plus I don't think you change format data from other systems to another. That doesn't seem right. So then you would have to remake the games and I don't think Square Enix is going to go through all that trouble when they got more important stuff to worry about, like getting Verses XIII out of the way and finally get to working on KH3.

It's still be great though. I got a new PS3 and it would be the perfect touch 8D


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Eh, I think its possible. Remember, CoM was a Gameboy Advance game, and they were able to release it to ps2. I think by putting Re: in front of the name they could probably avoid a variety of ownership technicalities and pull it off.

Not that I think it'll ever happen. I'd freaking love it though...


The Delicious
Mar 24, 2008
That sounds like a terrible idea. Like, I have most of the non-numbered games. Why would I buy the thing that has all of them in one? I would be wasting my money.

So, I'm gonna stick with that it'll be easier to simply remake/rerelease the ps2 games for the psn as HD remakes. Just leave Days and Re: coded. But... release BBS/2 for the PSN already, i want them on my psp2. When I eventually get one. In the far future. When I have $4000 to buy one.

RE:Coded's a good game, and it's a part of the main plot of the series. There's no point in leaving it out. Days, on the other hand, can just sit and wait to die as far as I'm concerned.


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
I think I'd be mad just because I've spent the money to keep up with this series so far.
If they did something like that it would have to be way into the future, if they would do it at all.

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
It's doable, however, all of the games probably won't be upscaled, you'd essentially be playing BBS as it looks on the PSP, just with a bigger screen and revamped controls if as many as possible KH titles were to be crossed over (time consumption). Again, I don't see this happening. If Square doesn't want to be bombed, they should avoid this... Fans shelled out big bucks for KH on various consoles, fans would be heated to find out that all (well a good portion) of them can be purchased on a single dual-layered blu-ray for less than a quarter of the price and effort of obtaining of all of the games. Like I said, Square would be bombed...

Maybe many years down the line something like this could happen. Like when fans don't give a shit about PSP and PSP2 and the PS4 or PS5 has released and KH3 (lol) finally releases or some shit.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Eh, I wouldn't consider it a scam really. If they added anything new, you could youtube it, and its just like anything like this, dont buy it, just ask for it as a gift or something.
And besides that, it technically wouldnt be a scam, seeing as they probably werent releasing these games separately as some kind of ploy, it'd just be an afterthought that would, admittedly, allow a lot of people to enjoy the series better. I know a lot of my doubtful friends would never even slightly consider buying all these systems just to play all the games.

That said though, its all irrelevant, because I'd probably only have them play 1 and 2, especially if they were doubtful to begin with. My brother and I have often talked about a ps3 release of 1 and 2, possibly with better graphics. I feel like those two, alone, is something that Square Enix may do one day.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
RE:Coded's a good game, and it's a part of the main plot of the series. There's no point in leaving it out. Days, on the other hand, can just sit and wait to die as far as I'm concerned.

I didn't mean that RE: coded was on the same level of days. I meant because they are both on the ds that they would be left out of a 're: collection'.
Truth be told, I haven't actually gotten around to buying re: coded yet. I will, just when I have time/money to dedicate to it. Besides I've been considering going back and 100% a few of the older games, but without anything to show for it it would feel like a bit of a waste. I'm hoping if they do make a kh collection, or kh3 for that matter, that they include trophies. Would make me a very very happy man.


New member
Dec 25, 2007
I would love a collection of all the final mixes on the NGP. I don't know why but I just like the handheld feel a bit more than consoles right now. Eh. Go figure
A compilation of KH games sounds great, but with Namoura busy with all these other titles coming I doubt we'll see anything like that for quite some time.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
It probably could be an idea for attracting new people to the series after the Xehanort Saga is finally finished.
Putting all games relating to the Xehanort Saga in one package, the "Kingdom Hearts"-Collection.

However, I really dunno on the platform, while KH 1 and 2, Re: CoM and BBS may be easily put together, I really doubt this with Days, Re: Coded and 3D, as Nintendo surely uses other formats.

CCs and Cream

New member
Nov 28, 2010
Maybe 1 and 2 here in HD (Final Mixes in there will be hells yeah). Anything else, I don't think that would be good, even though "I've been dreaming for it my entire life!" -Rapunzel

It probably could be an idea for attracting new people to the series after the Xehanort Saga is finally finished.
Putting all games relating to the Xehanort Saga in one package, the "Kingdom Hearts"-Collection.

However, I really dunno on the platform, while KH 1 and 2, Re: CoM and BBS may be easily put together, I really doubt this with Days, Re: Coded and 3D, as Nintendo surely uses other formats.

I have to agree with you. :)


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I think this is possible, and I'll tell you why.

This wouldn't be a smart thing to do right now. All of these non-numbered games that are slowly unraveling the Xehanort saga are just releasing. Everybody just now bought all of them, and certainly wouldn't be willing to buy them again.

But let's take a look at what's realistic for the future of Kingdom Hearts down the road. The latest game is KH:3D for the 3DS, coming out presumably this year, 2011. Now BBS Vol2 could very well be released around 2011-2012, but Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't coming out until after VersusXIII is all said and done. This will be AT THE EARLIEST 2012. So once Versus comes out, Kingdom Hearts 3 will presumably take around 2 years to make (granted that they keep the same vision moving forward, unlike Versus, where they kicked around a couple of gameplay/story ideas for 3 years before actually making it). So in reality, we won't get KH3 until around 2013-2015.

What in the world will we KH fans do until 2014? Well, we have BBS FM and Drop Distance this year, with perhaps BBSVol2 out in 2012. But what are we going to do between 2012 and 2014? (Assuming that Versus comes out in 2012, and also assuming that KH3 takes two years to make)

Here's where the compilation comes into play. The Playstation games will be easy to port or slightly revamp for an HD collection, but the only problem would be the Nintendo-owned games (Days, Coded, and 3D). How do you handle those? Well, I can say that after watching what people say about Days and Coded across many different websites over the weeks and months, the majority of people think that Days and Coded were just fillers, without substantial gameplay, other than a few cut scenes here and there that are good for the storyline. In other words, the sense of the two story lines can easily be met just by watching the online videos. So what Square Enix does is turn the Nintendo-owned games into 10 minute or so movies in between everything else, in chronological order. Then, there won't be any question about how to reformat the controls for those oddball titles. Furthermore, the people who complained about those will be happy because they won't have to trudge through every single handheld title just to find out the storyline of those titles. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind that either. This is coming from a guy who got 100% completion rate on every single multiplayer mission and unlocked every weapon possible in Days. In the long run, I would find having to trudge through 50 or so levels of Days/Coded just to see maybe 10-15 worthwhile cut scenes would be a bit daunting, granted that everyone has already beaten these games years ago (remember, the compilation would come out a couple of years after all of the non-numbered titles).

I think condensing the Nintendo titles into cut scenes would not only give the game itself a more smooth transition between the main entries (BBS, KH1-2), but also it would free up more space, time, and investment in the production to focus more on revamping the main entries, rather than cramming every single full-fledged title into one game.

EDIT: I edited my thread post, to more accurately describe what I'm envisioning for people who are new to the discussion.


I choose the Middle Path
May 27, 2010
sounds like a good idea to me but when you say no nintendo games, do you mean 3D as well? because that game need to be with too


New member
Dec 20, 2007
sounds like a good idea to me but when you say no nintendo games, do you mean 3D as well? because that game need to be with too

Unfortunately Nintendo wouldn't allow Square Enix to just copy and paste a Nintendo-owned product straight onto a Sony platform. It would have to be a new property, I.E. it has to be a movie, or a Final Mix version, or changed in some way in order not to make it exactly like the original.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Sleepin' Somewhere
It would be nice to have everything on one game.

However, the team that would make it for the PS3 is the same team that is working on Versus XIII now and will work on Kingdom Hearts III. I'd rather have them work on that than a compilation.


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
I really don't think that's a good idea. I mean, do you realize how much work that's going to take? You say "it won't be quite that hard" but it definitely will be. Just because BBS is on a Sony platform much like KH1 and KH2 doesn't mean it'll be easy to simply port it. There are a lot of different codes and functions that need to be re-arranged to support a different console.

I like the idea of having a PS3 upgrade to KH1 and KH2... but ALL the KH games? No, it's not possible. That would probably take longer than it'd take to even finish KH3 :/


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
I don't like the idea of a game just to cover what happened in the series for people who didn't play all the games.
I think a more ideal idea would be to have a small "film" of some sorts included in KH3 that you can view before you play the game. Like a "Story Thus Far" thing. You could argue that the opening would be that, but I'm thinking something more detailed.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Yes pleasee I doubt they would remake the DS titles for PS most likely the cutscenes only. But remastering BBS, KH1, Re:Com and maybe KH2 then people can get filled in on the overall story and the series should get a huge amount of new fans. Also it'd be interesting if they stretched out BBS to PS2 graphics but in HD (BBS was originally being made on the ps2).
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