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The Escape

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Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Capell looked around at everyone in the cave. He was glad so many others had escaped, but he wondered if anyone else was still out there. " I'am going to see if I can find anyone in the forest". Capell said, walking out. The rain had gotten worse and he could hear the boom of thunder. "This would be alot easier if i had special sense", Capell thought heading into the woods. He decided to head along the trail that was near the TSY building. He started to look though the trees and any other place he considered a good hiding spot. After nine minutes he spoted what looked like a shoe sticking out of a tree. Capell ran over and looked inside. In the tree he saw a girl he recognised instantly. "Mayana! is that you?"


Mar 2, 2009
Hopefully Upward Bound
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

"Alright! said Tanna, in response to the logic of the others. "I'll stay with you guys, but only until we get far enough away from that place." She pointed back towards TSY. "Once we get some distance from here, I'm off. Got it?"

"Sp," said Tycho, with a victorious smile plastered onto his face, "when is this Virgil guy going to get here?"

"He's flying from Germany, so it'll be about a day, Why?" questioned Jack.

Tycho raised his hand, showing his palm, upon which the skin formed into a long spike, that just about touched Carter's face. "Because, I want to tell him personally, that we'll be doing this my way," Tycho said, with a psychotic flare in his eyes.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Wherever you want to think I am >3
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

"Mayana! is that you?"

Mayana looked up from her hiding place, jumping when thunder crashed again and got a look at who it was. She recognized the face of Capell and smiled a little bit before nodding. Her ankle was still sore so she resisted the urge to move and stand instead of feeling short and weak.

"That'd be me." She smiled brushing away some wet hair from her face. "I tripped while I was escaping, I think I sprained my ankle." She looked at her ankle, noticing that some of the swelling had gone down but her ankle was turning into rather 'lovely' shade of purple.

"I really don't want to go back." She said quietly to herself.

"Once we get some distance from here, I'm off. Got it?"

"Do as you will then." Zane said, taking his bag and setting it down. He pulled out some more apples and tossed them to everyone. Fresh apples were sure to make everyone more comfortable. In his opinion, the warm apples were nasty and he would try to make everyone as comfortable as possible.

"From the sounds of the storm, TSY won't risk hunting for us tonight. We can leave once the storm lets up or tomorrow, whatever suits your interests." He bit into an apple and grabbed a few berries that Reiner had picked before leaning back and closing his eyes.

"Me, for now I'm going to get some sleep. Anyone who wants to come with me tomorrow should do the same, it'll be a busy hike."
Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

"Hurt your leg huh?". Capell said, looking at her bruised leg. "Well its a good thing I showed up then". Capell said laughing, trying to sound cool. He always got a little nervous talking to Mayana. "We should get outta here". Capell said holding out his hand to help her up. "There is a cave up ahead, others are there to. Here, lean on my shoulder".


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ESCAPED?!" A guard howled angrily over the phone, slamming his fist into the desk.

She could hear his screaming from her cell, and shook her head. Apparently, the guards had slipped; a few of the children had escaped. She could've left a while ago, but decided to take advantage of the confusion. "Do you mind? It's getting rather late." She told him patiently.

"You, shut up!" He growled, and started to walk away.

Rose slowly stood up and whispered, "Wouldn't it be funny if you suddenly freed me?"

As the guard turned around, he felt his whole body go numb. He dropped his phone, and his trembling hands had reached into his pocket as he brought out the key to her cell. He slowly unlocked it and watched as Rosa stepped out, smiling.

"Before I leave, would you be a dear and show me where my regular clothes are?" She asked cheerfully, and followed the guard to another room. She spotted her crimson dress right away and changed quickly, and she looked at the guard. "Would you mind giving me your weapon? A poor little girl like me needs some defense."

She beamed at the guard as he unwillingly handed her the belt with his gun, a lighter, and extra bullets. She clasped the belt around her waist and released her control of him. He collapsed to the ground in a heap, and she jumped out the window and ran into the forest--the children had to have hidden themselves somewhere in this rain, right?


"Wait here for Mr. Virgil," Bryson repeated his orders outloud, kicking the floor lightly as he waited, bored. "Ugh...why don't they let some bodyguards do this?" He muttered, hands in his pocket.

He did what they told him to to save his sister.

And they still took her.

What they didn't know was that he was one of them.

Regardless, Bryson leaned against the wall and sighed, checking his watch occasionally.
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When in doubt: C4.
Feb 24, 2008
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Alice heard the key turning in the lock on her cell door and quickly stood just beside the door, where she would be unnoticed at first. As the door opened, the guard shone a flashlight into her cell, searching through the dark.

"She's gone," he whispered to himself when he could see no sign of her.

"Not yet," she replied to him just loud enough for him to hear.

He made to spin around to look at her, but before he could complete the turn she grabbed his wrist, twisted it behind his back, and pulled with all her strength. She could hear the pop as his shoulder came out of place. Before he could make any sort of sound in pain, she reached her other hand around his head and grabbed his chin. With one swift pull, she twisted his neck around, breaking it and killing him immediately.

Alice dropped the guard to the ground where he landed with a soft thud. Quickly she bent over him and took his gun, extra ammunition, the flashlight, which she quickly switched off in order to save the batteries, and his keys. Cautiously, she stepped out into the hallway to find it deserted. She'd never realized how much of a hospital this place looked like.

She squinted as her eyes got used to the glaring light in the hall, then quickly started running. She took a few turns, always turning away from where she saw any guards or 'doctors' would be coming, until she found a door leading outside.

One of the keys she had taken from the guard fit the door perfectly, and she made her way outside, quickly running for the woods about fifty yards away. Once under the cover of the trees, she was able to see a cave with a fire inside, and people around the fire. But that was it. What always frustrated her most about her visions was that she could never get exact places. Times were one thing. But locations were something completely different.

Alice began walking through the trees, looking for any sign of the cave, or the others she had seen escaping...

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

--- United States ---

After a long flight, Mr. Virgil’s plane finally landed in an airport of the United States of America, he didn’t come there since a long while. The country of freedom, this was how it was known through the world, even though where he worked all those laws and the Constitution didn’t really have much of an importance, at least it was true for those kids, outside of them the TSY was very well ordered, maybe even too perfect.
Except for Security.” He thought with a small laugh, not believing again they left escape a bunch of kids, as talented as they can be. This was especially a waste of time, considering there was few chance those kid would succeed to remain free. His assistant successfully got the files on all the escapee, and as far as he could say they would be more or less clueless in the real world.

He had studied all the files during the flight, and for some of them he was wondering how they could even have escaped, maybe he was merely underestimating them. The information nevertheless brought to his mind many plans, more than he already had, to capture them. It was better to be careful, one of those plans was effective on a long time, he hoped to capture them before, but if ever it got to be impossible, this one would be his trump card. Speaking of trump card, his assistant also communicated him an information about some people who would work under his orders for finding them, at least two monsters were going to be in the team. He couldn’t stop but smiling at the irony to use them to find the others. They nevertheless could be useful – he didn’t know at what yet, he received this information only recently and hadn’t the time to think to another plan.

Yet if the information were corrects, one of them at least would have the potential to render useless the kids’ powers, their only true weapon. He hadn’t had the time to read for the other one yet, but he was sure he’d have some use of him, which was good. He had intended to use one of them, but he couldn’t be sure if those idiots at the government had others kept in a different place at the very least.

He went to a car, a black car with two agents in, he recognized one of the two, who had worked under his orders three years ago in France to capture a boy who apparently possessed powers too, the operation went pretty smoothly, the boy was careless, though not as much as Anna, for who Mr. Virgil received the confirmation her capture went even smoother.

Few after the car arrived at the headquarter of the TSY, he passed in front of guards who saluted him, and he saw an equip of guard who prepared to go outside in arriving in the main corridor, one of them knew him and told the other, who then stopped in seeing him but he merely made a sign of the hand to say them to continue. They had no chance to catch the kids but it was better than put pressure on the kids. He then entered the room where he knew people of his future team were, and where he’d get a better explanation of the situation.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Bryson looked up in time to see the man he was waiting for enter. It's about time... he thought as he stood up straight and brought his hands out of his pockets. "Mr. Virgil." He greeted him, nodding his head. "We've been expecting you."


Rose hesitated as she spotted another girl not too far away from her; an ally, or foe? She decided to be wary, but she stepped on a twig and caught attention.

Oh no--

Taking action, the Rose tackled the girl down instead, asking, "Who are you?"
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When in doubt: C4.
Feb 24, 2008
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Alice gasped as she was tackled to the ground by someone. She hadn't seen that coming.

"Who are you?"

Alice jumped up and away from the other girl, crouching into a ready fighting position. "My name's Alice. I'm a Seer. Who are you?"


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

A what? Rose slowly backed off, her hand on the gun on her thigh. "...Miss Alice, I do have reason to question your status right now," She explained, brushing a stray strand behind her ear. "Are you with the Government, or not?"
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New member
Apr 23, 2009
Wherever you want to think I am >3
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Mayana graciously took his hand and smiled, carefully getting to her feet, her good one anyway and leaned against Capell, trying to be as little of a burden as possible. Her balance was a little off and that made her a bit nervous but she put on a brave face so Capell wouldn't think she was a wimp.

"Thanks Capell, I'm glad it wasn't TSY that found me there." She laughed a little then jumped when lighting hit a tree in the forest, making an extremely loud cracking noise.

"Maybe we should get moving, before we're next."

Zane sighed because just as he started falling asleep. There were two girls nearby, one slightly agitated if he could feel it right. He opened one eye and glanced around the cave. No one else seemed to notice so he got up and yawned.

"Well, I can guess for sure that we might not get much sleep tonight. This cave is getting more and more crowded." He said walking out and following his senses to the girls.

"Y'know, fighting may just draw the attention of TSY, ladies. But by all mean,s continue if you'd like." He said as he leaned against the nearest tree.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Another one? Then... Rose relaxed, crossing her arms. "So this is where all the children ran off to," She commented, smiling. "As if a fire didn't attract enough attention?"

She examined him carefully, switching her gaze between him and the girl.
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Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

--- TSY ---

Mr. Virgil looked around in entering in the room, and immediately saw the boy who soon stood up and greeting him. He recognized him at once, he was in the files her assistant sent him and was at least one of the two kids who had been assigned to his team to capture the escapee, the one who possessive the power of cancellation. He nevertheless wondered if he could be trusted for various reason, especially what he had read in his profile, but testing his loyalty would come latter, there were more important things that needed to be done at the moment, that he be loyal or not. He quickly nodded back to him, and listened to what he had to say then spoke.

“Yes, I came here as soon as I could; I had to make sure my target would be caught.” He said in referring to this German girl, Anna, and walked toward a table where he took his laptop and put it him “So you are Mister Bryson, correct?” he said in turning to him


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

The boy couldn't help but cluck his tongue when he examined the man before him--he didn't seem so tough, and yet there was a somewhat strict air about him.

"Yes, sir." Bryson replied, taking a seat and beckoning to the seat availible to Mr. Virgil. "As you may or may not know, I've been assigned to you, and therefore I'm at your disposal."

All the while he spoke, he made sure to be as polite as possible, making sure not to let his bottled up hatred cloud his judgement.

Sora RE+Mixed

New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Hard Road
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Reiner was getting a little worried. That kid who left looking for others still hadn't returned. He was kind of worried. He knew that it was raining twice as hard outside and lightning was striking. He then began to feel a burning sensation in his stomach. He felt the pain of were they had experimented on him. It brought back so much suffering. He needed some fresh air, so he walked to the mouth of the cave. He enjoyed the rain,he didn't know what about it revitalized him. He could hear some footprints in the different, and he looked in the distance, and tried to see if he could make anybody out.
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Jul 21, 2008
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

"Capell smiled at the comment about the lightening getting them. " The lightening seems kinda far off, I don't thi-" before he could finish a lightening bolt struck a tree only 10 meters from them splitting it and leaving it a smouldering mess. "Or maybe we should hurry a bit" Capell said, with a nervous laugh. He walked with Mayana down the way to cave. It was taking a much longer time, but he didn't mind as long as he had someone he knew to talk to. "Looks like we're here". Capell said, as they arrived at the cave. He helped Mayana sit down by the fire and handed her an apple. "Hey Zane, who are these two?" Capell said looking over at Alice and Rose.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Rose looked at the new boy and shook her head. "Hiding all together like this? That's dangerous," she told them, looking at Zane. "...I'm called Rose. Pleasure to meet you, Zane."
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Sora RE+Mixed

New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Hard Road
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

Reiner walked over to Capell and gave him a pat on the back. He looked at the girl, and noticed that her ankle was pretty banged up. It was really purple and it looked badly swollen. He decided to help her out. He knew that it would make him feel better. He went to the back of the cave and removed his hoody and t-shirt. He took off his bandages, and revealed his cuts and bruises, and a flood of memories brought to his mind. However, he took them off and put back his clothes. He walked up to the girl.

Hey I noticed that your ankle is pretty banged up, and I wanted to know if you would let me help?

He caught her eyes, and he smiled at her. She was really cute.

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

--- TSY ---

Mr. Virgil heard his confirmation, without surprise and looked him sit. He waited some second and sat himself while listening him confirming that he could use his powers to catch the others. Nevertheless, even though testing his loyalty wasn’t the priority, he couldn’t stop but wondering if he’d indeed do it, especially in front of what appeared to be his sister; he couldn’t see him obeying at this moment like he seemed to pretend to. Though he’d maybe have a good surprise and realize his years at the TSY changed his mind and made of him a heartless, or even forgot about his sister, but better to not count on this. So far, he had to be loyal to him because it was his only way to know the situation of his sister, better to take advantage of the situation.

“I see.” Said Mr. Virgil very calmly “I assume all attempts to catch them back until now failed. It’s really too bad… We have no time for discussion. Actions have to be taken immediately. I suppose the region has already been closed and that not even a cat could pass through the security?” he asked without big hope of a good answer.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Wherever you want to think I am >3
Re: The Escape (Still accepting)

"Hiding all together like this? That's dangerous,"
"Well, I came to this region to make sure everyone who was escaping made it out safely. We're going to move on my morning hopefully." Zane replied, smiling.

"Hey Zane, who are these two?" Capell asked as he returned with someone else. Zane took notice that she was injured, jsut their luck, it might slow them down.

"...I'm called Rose. Pleasure to meet you, Zane."

"The pleasure is ours Rose." Zane said and glanced at Capell.

"Well, she's Rose." He grinned then looked at the other girl, still in a defensive stance. He put his hands up between the girls as a sign of peace.

"Look, none of us are here to fight, just get away from that damn prison. Let's call it a night and relax." He told them motioning towards all the others. Yeah, he'd admit it was dangerous but really, none of TSY was so stupid as to hunt for them now.

"Looks like we're here." Capell said, as they arrived at the cave. He helped Mayana sit down by the fire and handed her an apple. Mayana happily took the apple and bit into it gratefully, trying to seem modest about it. Before she knew it, someone else was approaching her and smiled.

Hey I noticed that your ankle is pretty banged up, and I wanted to know if you would let me help?

Maya returned his smile and nodded a bit, setting the apple down.

"Thanks." She said a bit timidly. She wasn't used to be around so many people and she found herself hating that she had been so careless in the woods. She didn't want any special attention really, since she wasn't used to attention at all except from TSY's scientists.
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