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||=The Inception Fanclub A.K.A The JGL and Tom Hardy appreciation club=||

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Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
Before I get to replies, I have to say, I had no idea Joseph Gordon-Levitt played -


Jim from Disney's Treasure Planet.

My pre-teen times now make sense.

...carry on.

I freaked out (in a good way) when I found out a couple weeks ago. I didn't like Treasure Planet when I saw it as a kid, but I love it now! 8D Such an awesome film. <3

Though I still prefer Muppet Treasure Island... >>; Tim Curry PWNs as Long John Silver... and there's freaking KERMIT as the Captain. <3


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The World that Never Was
Ohhh, I was like that with the loo at school when i was very little. My preschool was also a primary school and high school in one (was born in a tiiiiiny town), and the loos were so tall that I was scared to use them without a step or something like at home. Guess I developed an 'iron bladder' xDDD

Preschool, primary school, and high school all in one? Wow. ._. My district has four elementary schools: 2 for kindergarten-2nd grade and 2 for 3rd-5th grade. Then everyone comes together for 6th grade in its own separate building (I know, weird), then 7th and 8th, then 9-12 with like 2000 kids.

Idk man.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

LOL AWWWWWWWW That was so cute xDDD

ZOMG for srs right. And they were all 'if you weren't a werewolf... I could have liked yooou' and I was like 'what if Edward is reading his mind and...... fcuk it, not even the slash can save this movie. LOL

LOL yep basically. Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQdQlFbcLow&feature=channel

I couldn't wake up until the girl finished cutting my face up


How do you lucid dream where you can control things, anyway? Is there a trick to it? Or just luck?

I've read techniques on it (I looked it up cause I've always wanted to do it) but it's really hard, unless you are just lucky like Twilight I guess.

I only just found out he was the cute dork in ten things I hate about you. (Which I mainly remember for heath ledger's weird half Australian accent.)

Yeahhhhhhh I didn't find that out until after I saw Inception and I was like "omg no wayyy!"

Edit: Omg so I was just reading EW's list of people they wanted to see host SNL, and JGL was number 2 on the list<3
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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Preschool, primary school, and high school all in one? Wow. ._. My district has four elementary schools: 2 for kindergarten-2nd grade and 2 for 3rd-5th grade. Then everyone comes together for 6th grade in its own separate building (I know, weird), then 7th and 8th, then 9-12 with like 2000 kids.

Idk man.

Well, I was born in a really tiny mining town right at the bottom of Australia. When I say tiny, I mean the population is about 1000 and this is the whole town:

LOL AWWWWWWWW That was so cute xDDD

I want more~ lol

LOL yep basically. Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQdQlFbcLow&feature=channel

LOLOLOL ahhh Twilight. So easy to mock. Did you hear there is a parody movie coming out? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHkPJ1ACLrg


It's okay~ my face is fine~ (depends on your definition of fine i guess 8D *mirror cracks*)

I've read techniques on it (I looked it up cause I've always wanted to do it) but it's really hard, unless you are just lucky like Twilight I guess.

*has been reading crap* When I was little and didn't sleep well, my mum told me to lie there and don't move a muscle, and try to imagine my body filling up inch by inch with light very slowly, and I was meant to fall asleep before I got to my head. I've been reading about lucid dreaming and I think perhaps doing that is what made me sleepwalk and hallucinate when I was younger :/ thanks mum.

.....I kind of want to try it tonight 8D

Edit: Omg so I was just reading EW's list of people they wanted to see host SNL, and JGL was number 2 on the list<3

What is EW?


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The World that Never Was
Well, I was born in a really tiny mining town right at the bottom of Australia. When I say tiny, I mean the population is about 1000 and this is the whole town:

Oh. That IS small. >< Wait the population of the entire town is like half the students in my high school. SHIT that's tiny. ._.

I want more~ lol

Not quite Arthur/Eames but I think it's hilarious:


LOLOLOL ahhh Twilight. So easy to mock. Did you hear there is a parody movie coming out? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHkPJ1ACLrg

YEAH. Part of me kinda really wants to see it, but the other part of me really really does not because I've seen like Epic Movie and those kinds of things and I thought it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Then again, Epic Movie parodied a bunch of movies I really like...maybe I'll enjoy it more if it's a movie I hate. >>; Idk I'm really not big on crude humor though.

It's okay~ my face is fine~ (depends on your definition of fine i guess 8D *mirror cracks*)

Heheh oh shush.

*has been reading crap* When I was little and didn't sleep well, my mum told me to lie there and don't move a muscle, and try to imagine my body filling up inch by inch with light very slowly, and I was meant to fall asleep before I got to my head. I've been reading about lucid dreaming and I think perhaps doing that is what made me sleepwalk and hallucinate when I was younger :/ thanks mum.

.....I kind of want to try it tonight 8D

Oh yeah I've read stuff like that before. I tried it a few times but my mind wanders too much and I end up thinking about other stuff in the middle of it. ><

What is EW?

Ohh, Entertainment Weekly, it's a magazine but I just go on their website all the time: Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | Entertainment News | TV News | TV Shows | Movie, Music and DVD Reviews


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Oh. That IS small. >< Wait the population of the entire town is like half the students in my high school. SHIT that's tiny. ._.

Lol, maybe you just go to a giant school?

YEAH. Part of me kinda really wants to see it, but the other part of me really really does not because I've seen like Epic Movie and those kinds of things and I thought it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Then again, Epic Movie parodied a bunch of movies I really like...maybe I'll enjoy it more if it's a movie I hate. >>; Idk I'm really not big on crude humor though.

Yeah, me neither. I don't think I'll pay money to watch it, that's for sure.

Oh yeah I've read stuff like that before. I tried it a few times but my mind wanders too much and I end up thinking about other stuff in the middle of it. ><

Wellll as you can see I have a totally one track mind, maybe it helps here 8D

Ohh, Entertainment Weekly, it's a magazine but I just go on their website all the time: Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | Entertainment News | TV News | TV Shows | Movie, Music and DVD Reviews

Thank you~

All we need is ice cream and a gun - Fic: Changing of the guard [Inception, Eames/Arthur, completely inevitable]
^More awesome fanfic o3o


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The World that Never Was
Oh thank god you finally bumped this, I've been wanting to post so bad ><

Lol, maybe you just go to a giant school?

Yes, yes I do.

Yeah, me neither. I don't think I'll pay money to watch it, that's for sure.

Oh definitely not, no thank you.

Wellll as you can see I have a totally one track mind, maybe it helps here 8D

Yeah, I guess it does. Did you try it again? Did it work?


I feel like I want to write my own fill to someone's prompt. Maybe I will after I finish my AkuRoku day submission.

Okay so last night...yeah, I saw Inception again. For the fourth time. I'm obsessed ;_; BUT IT'S SO DAMN GOOD.

Also, I think for the first time I understood every one of Saito's lines. xD

I had the weirdest dream last night...it was really kind of scary, actually. I was in this hotel, with my dad I guess, and we went into this really big conference room which was FILLED with people, and it looked like it had been divided into two sides, though we didn't know why or what it meant. So we go in, and somehow we got split up and ended up on opposite sides. Then the sides were closed off, and each side went into their own separate room and had like a meeting I guess...then it kind of flashed forward to a while later, at least a few weeks, if not more, and I was a member of this big group (that had been my side of the hotel room), and my dad was in the other group, which were our fierce rivals who we hated and fought against like mad. I'm not exactly sure what these groups were all about, but I think we were like...I don't know, maybe thieves or something? Whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing. Anyway, so the other group had a sailboat, and they were sailing off to some super top secret place, and my group had a plan to follow them and then have several team members climb onto their boat and commandeer it, I guess, and I was one of those people. So I somehow ended up in the water on the edge of the boat as it was sailing and I climbed up onto its side, waiting for the signal to climb onto it. There were two guys in the water underneath the boat, I guess they had oxygen tanks on or something, and one of them turns out was like a traitor, so my team planned on distracting the others by killing him, and while the other team was freaking out about that me and the other people would climb up into their boat and take over. I felt really really sick about them killing the guy, but I think I was scared that if I said anything they'd kill me instead, so I didn't. So I was holding onto the side of the boat, waiting and waiting for the signal, but it never came. Then someone told me to try and shimmy my way over to the front of the boat, where there was a ladder, and so I tried to but I remember I kept falling into the water and having to grab onto chains and have the boat tow me until I could climb back up. So I finally make it to the bow of the ship, and I see my dad standing right there, leading the other team, and I was horrified but I had to keep going so I climbed up...then the next thing I remember is their boat being docked inside this cave, and their team explaining to us what they did to this one really obnoxious blonde girl they had--in disgusting detail--how they had taken one of those signs you see in the parking lot at shopping centers that's basically a list of all the stores they have there, and opened one of the panels and stuffed the girl inside and left her there to rot and die as she was burned by the lightbulbs inside it and starve and everything, and how she screamed and screamed and I nearly puked, I was so disgusted. Then they sailed off out of the cave, and I sat there for a second and then screamed something along the lines of "No fcuking way, the man that I have known for 16 years as my father would never, ever, ever do that or allow such a disgusting act to be committed, so I went tearing after them and jumped onto the boat just as it pulled away, and I grabbed my dad by the shoulders and was screaming at him "this isn't you, you wouldn't do that, you can't, it's not you, it's not you" and I was sobbing, and he was crying and saying "yes it is, it is me, I did it, this is me" and I kept denying it, and I knew something was wrong and I knew we just had to get away, get out of there and never look back. I don't know if we did or not though cause then I woke up. It was..pretty terrible, actually.

Holy crap..I did not realize how freaking long that was till just now ._.


When your Mask falls, what will you see.
Mar 19, 2009
Joinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoin 8D

Dream Architecture ish mah field of major ;D..lolzlolz

You see I was the one who incepted this idea into your subconscious x3


Bronze Member
Mar 28, 2010

Oh, and I forgot to say in my post that I am now a complete Arthur/Ariadne fan~ :,)

Joinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoinjoin 8D

Dream Architecture ish mah field of major ;D..lolzlolz

You see I was the one who incepted this idea into your subconscious x3

that movie was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! joinage plz!

Where the dream is real~~

I hate my friends.
They won't go see Inception with me. :(

That sucks D:
None of my friends would see it with me but eventually someone said that he really wanted to see it (Although, I paid for his ticket so that probably helped lol). Just wait though! There has to be someone you know who wants to see it :,D

Also, more macros!
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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Oh thank god you finally bumped this, I've been wanting to post so bad ><

Hahaha XD

Yeah, I guess it does. Did you try it again? Did it work?

I keep forgetting lol. I WILL TRY TONIGHT

I feel like I want to write my own fill to someone's prompt. Maybe I will after I finish my AkuRoku day submission.
OMG I feel totally spoiled o3o

Okay so last night...yeah, I saw Inception again. For the fourth time. I'm obsessed ;_; BUT IT'S SO DAMN GOOD

HEE HEE a friend of mine asked me to come see it with him (third time for me, first for him) but I haven't got any money ;____;

Does anyone know a good quality torrent 8D

Also, I think for the first time I understood every one of Saito's lines. xD

Awww Saito! Ken Watanabe is the cutest thing ever, look.

I grabbed my dad by the shoulders and was screaming at him "this isn't you, you wouldn't do that, you can't, it's not you, it's not you" and I was sobbing, and he was crying and saying "yes it is, it is me, I did it, this is me" and I kept denying it, and I knew something was wrong and I knew we just had to get away, get out of there and never look back. I don't know if we did or not though cause then I woke up. It was..pretty terrible, actually.


I wonder what it means... what do you think?

I made an effort to remember my dream this morning, too!

I was in this situation where my mum wanted me to quit university and join the army, and I must have already agreed, but at the time in the dream I was having second thoughts and was really scared. So I told my mum I didn't want to any more but she said I had to, she told me all these reasons why I should but I knew deep down she would be disappointed in me if I didn't. But I was still scared, and I told her I was too fat and unfit to join the army and she gave me this brochure with all these special needs people in it and said, look they joined the army so you can too. And then she told me of this family friend who was really looking forward to showing me around when I was there, and she showed me their diary and it had this happy star on the day when I was supposed to go. I remember that was a Monday. So I felt really terrible, like I couldn't let them down, and I cried and I was really scared and I threw up.

When I woke up I was like, groping around in the dark for tissues but then I realised I didn't actually throw up 8D


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The World that Never Was
Also, more macros!
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Oh my gosh lmfao I love them xDDDDD

I keep forgetting lol. I WILL TRY TONIGHT


OMG I feel totally spoiled o3o

Did you post any prompts? :3

HEE HEE a friend of mine asked me to come see it with him (third time for me, first for him) but I haven't got any money ;____;

Does anyone know a good quality torrent 8D

Awwwww D:
torrent? o.0

Awww Saito! Ken Watanabe is the cutest thing ever, look.

Oooooh, I will watch that...tomorrow. x____x (well, later today, that is.) I finally finished my AkuRoku day submission, and as soon as I post it I'm going straight to sleep. (it's 4:30 AM here x_x)


I wonder what it means... what do you think?

Idk...D: And my relationship with my dad is great right now, it's actually never been better. Although I think subconsciously I was channelling Lost...><

I made an effort to remember my dream this morning, too!

I was in this situation where my mum wanted me to quit university and join the army, and I must have already agreed, but at the time in the dream I was having second thoughts and was really scared. So I told my mum I didn't want to any more but she said I had to, she told me all these reasons why I should but I knew deep down she would be disappointed in me if I didn't. But I was still scared, and I told her I was too fat and unfit to join the army and she gave me this brochure with all these special needs people in it and said, look they joined the army so you can too. And then she told me of this family friend who was really looking forward to showing me around when I was there, and she showed me their diary and it had this happy star on the day when I was supposed to go. I remember that was a Monday. So I felt really terrible, like I couldn't let them down, and I cried and I was really scared and I threw up.

When I woke up I was like, groping around in the dark for tissues but then I realised I didn't actually throw up 8D

Oh, that sounds sad too D: Does that have any sort of significance to your life right now? Like have you been feeling like you're letting your mom down or something lately? :/ *hugs*
May 17, 2007
Just so you all know, the only thing I'll probably ever talk about here is how awesome Ellen Page is.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The World that Never Was
Okay so I guess no one really cares but thanks to goldy, I've been remembering more of my dreams lately, so I'm gonna post it here cause...it helps.

So last night...I guess I had signed up for like the last session of a summer camp? And seeing as I've only been to a real summer camp once in my life, which wasn't even sleepaway, it was kind of exciting for me. And I guess at this camp you had to sign up for activities to fill certain time slots or something? Anyway, I remember I had like a schedule, but the only class I remember taking was this music class. And it started at like 5:15 or something like that, but I was running late, and by the time I got out of my...cabin? it was like 5:20, and I was freaking out that I was missing the class. Plus, I didn't know where the hell it was. So I was like wandering around the camp, which by the way was like the weirdest freaking camp I've ever seen, and I didn't recognize almost anyone, and then all of a sudden I nearly walked into this kid, and I realized all of a sudden that it was this guy named Jarret that I've had a crush on since I was in like 8th grade (who I've ran into twice this summer at really random places, which is probably why I saw him here), and I was like "Oh thank god a familiar face. Can you show me where the music class is?" And he was all flirty and nice like he usually is and was like leading me by the hand to this building. And then all of a sudden I found myself going up this staircase with a few other girls, only literally it was like...the tiniest staircase in existence. Like you had to hunch down to fit in the stairwell and as you went up (it wasn't straight up either, it was really windy and there were lots of turns and stuff) it got narrower and narrower, and I started to get claustrophobic and actually thought I wouldn't be able to fit through it, but somehow I managed to make it.

Then I guess I didn't make it to the music class, cause the next thing I remember is a different dream, in which me and two other random people were trying to rob a train that was currently traveling through the desert. I remember like breaking into it and getting whatever we got from the cargo hold, and then jumping out and rolling onto the sand and being like "quick, let's get away!" and we started running through the sand (which, btw, is freaking HARD, oh my god I remember my legs hurting so bad), and then all of a sudden we realized that the train had stopped because there were suddenly no more tracks? And the train people were coming after us, and we were like ohshit and started to run faster but I was like dying from heat and my legs hurting so I kept slowing us down. First they caught these two people that we passed and thought it was them who did it, but then they saw us and realized it was us, and came running over and was like going to call the police or something, when suddenly I started crying and telling them this sob story about how we were poor and had no money and blah blah blah, and they felt so bad for us that they decided to let us go. 8D

That's it lol. I...don't really know. x_x


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
I had a weird dream last night as well, but I can't remember much of it. Just some strange sounding (and poorly written) song... >>; I woke up with one line (the chorus, I assume) stuck in my head, and I despised it. xD Thankfully I can't remember what the heck it was. xD


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Aperture Science testing facilities
Holy snap you guys, I went away for almost a week, I come back, and...

yeah. TL;DR lol. *is trying to catch up without being too lazy to read everything lol*

ZOMG for srs right. And they were all 'if you weren't a werewolf... I could have liked yooou' and I was like 'what if Edward is reading his mind and...... fcuk it, not even the slash can save this movie. LOL

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Oh, I get it now. xD

and...my friend and I...well, my friend's guilty pleasure is Twilight yaoi, and....it then became mine, too. ._____.

and Taylor Lautner. Just...Taylor Lautner.

And yeah, that is quite a small town. xD;; High schools here in the U.S. are just too crowded.

Okay so last night...yeah, I saw Inception again. For the fourth time. I'm obsessed ;_; BUT IT'S SO DAMN GOOD.

Also, I think for the first time I understood every one of Saito's lines. xD

I had the weirdest dream last night...it was really kind of scary, actually. I was in this hotel, with my dad I guess, and we went into this really big conference room which was FILLED with people, and it looked like it had been divided into two sides, though we didn't know why or what it meant. So we go in, and somehow we got split up and ended up on opposite sides. Then the sides were closed off, and each side went into their own separate room and had like a meeting I guess...then it kind of flashed forward to a while later, at least a few weeks, if not more, and I was a member of this big group (that had been my side of the hotel room), and my dad was in the other group, which were our fierce rivals who we hated and fought against like mad. I'm not exactly sure what these groups were all about, but I think we were like...I don't know, maybe thieves or something? Whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing. Anyway, so the other group had a sailboat, and they were sailing off to some super top secret place, and my group had a plan to follow them and then have several team members climb onto their boat and commandeer it, I guess, and I was one of those people. So I somehow ended up in the water on the edge of the boat as it was sailing and I climbed up onto its side, waiting for the signal to climb onto it. There were two guys in the water underneath the boat, I guess they had oxygen tanks on or something, and one of them turns out was like a traitor, so my team planned on distracting the others by killing him, and while the other team was freaking out about that me and the other people would climb up into their boat and take over. I felt really really sick about them killing the guy, but I think I was scared that if I said anything they'd kill me instead, so I didn't. So I was holding onto the side of the boat, waiting and waiting for the signal, but it never came. Then someone told me to try and shimmy my way over to the front of the boat, where there was a ladder, and so I tried to but I remember I kept falling into the water and having to grab onto chains and have the boat tow me until I could climb back up. So I finally make it to the bow of the ship, and I see my dad standing right there, leading the other team, and I was horrified but I had to keep going so I climbed up...then the next thing I remember is their boat being docked inside this cave, and their team explaining to us what they did to this one really obnoxious blonde girl they had--in disgusting detail--how they had taken one of those signs you see in the parking lot at shopping centers that's basically a list of all the stores they have there, and opened one of the panels and stuffed the girl inside and left her there to rot and die as she was burned by the lightbulbs inside it and starve and everything, and how she screamed and screamed and I nearly puked, I was so disgusted. Then they sailed off out of the cave, and I sat there for a second and then screamed something along the lines of "No fcuking way, the man that I have known for 16 years as my father would never, ever, ever do that or allow such a disgusting act to be committed, so I went tearing after them and jumped onto the boat just as it pulled away, and I grabbed my dad by the shoulders and was screaming at him "this isn't you, you wouldn't do that, you can't, it's not you, it's not you" and I was sobbing, and he was crying and saying "yes it is, it is me, I did it, this is me" and I kept denying it, and I knew something was wrong and I knew we just had to get away, get out of there and never look back. I don't know if we did or not though cause then I woke up. It was..pretty terrible, actually.

Holy crap..I did not realize how freaking long that was till just now ._.

Sounds like the mission plot of Inception, if you ask me. s1cofeeman

I was in this situation where my mum wanted me to quit university and join the army, and I must have already agreed, but at the time in the dream I was having second thoughts and was really scared. So I told my mum I didn't want to any more but she said I had to, she told me all these reasons why I should but I knew deep down she would be disappointed in me if I didn't. But I was still scared, and I told her I was too fat and unfit to join the army and she gave me this brochure with all these special needs people in it and said, look they joined the army so you can too. And then she told me of this family friend who was really looking forward to showing me around when I was there, and she showed me their diary and it had this happy star on the day when I was supposed to go. I remember that was a Monday. So I felt really terrible, like I couldn't let them down, and I cried and I was really scared and I threw up.

When I woke up I was like, groping around in the dark for tissues but then I realised I didn't actually throw up 8D

aww *hugs* I also think it might have to do with perhaps your waking life. You might not be aware of being afraid to let your mum down, and you just haven't noticed it? Or if you are aware, you might just be ignoring it?

As for me...I WAS AT DISNEYLAND FOR TWO DAYS WOOHOO. I'm spending the whole week in California. Let's see if I remember my dreams...

...I don't. .______. Unless it was a very strong dream, then I can remember it for days. But as for now, I only remember segments. I remember someone shooting my friend in the chest in one of my. dreams, and I was yelling at the shooter, "WHY DID YOU SHOOT HER IN THE CHEST!?" D: D:

And I love hearing 'Non Je Ne Regrette Rien' as my alarm clock ringtone. xD I woke up to it today...or more like, I received 'The Kick' today. XD
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Bronze Member
Mar 28, 2010
let me join this club please inception was a bloody mind fuck

Where the dream is real~~

Just so you all know, the only thing I'll probably ever talk about here is how awesome Ellen Page is.

lol that's okay. All we seem to ever talk about is JGL and Tom Hardy, we need a little more Ellen Page love~
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