Idc, I just want Arthur/Eames noms. I will let you know what I think when I read them. :3 Plus, all the ones on were dishearteningly lacking in most sorts of physical contact, so I will probably appreciate it in comparison. xD
SO corruptive. I love it.
seriously though arthur/eames is so hot ._.
lol that sounds interesting. Do you remember anything else? Anything that was peculiar besides the bendy walls?
WAT. Please enlighten me as to what that is, i've just been trudging through Kink Meme trying to find something good :<
HNNNNG, HE'S SO CUTE AND PERFECT. Everytime I see something with him in it, I wonder why there are no perfect, cute, intellectual guys where I live :,(
He just seems like everything I would want in a guy. Not only is he really attractive, but he really appears to be someone who you could hold a real conversation with and could talk to about anything.
But le sigh, isn't he dating hipster cupcake girl? And is Mr. Lebron of sexuality married? Why are all the cute guys taken? ;___;
HOW DARE THEY. Please have this lovely JGL video while I go attempt to find the episode for you~<333
@goldpanner: LOL when I woke up, what I thought about the octopus was..."WTF PAUL THE OCTOPUS ORACLE FROM THE WORLD CUP MADNESS!?"
I need to get around to reading that Inception comic. My friend showed that to me the other day. I kinda hope it gets turned to a movie, though. xD;;
I'm going to be a senior in high school and I have never had a boyfriend...I feel like the most pathetic fcuk, it's so unfair.
lmao at this point we should rename this the "Arthur/JGL Fanclub" xDDD
anyway, such is the story of my life~ I wish I do have a boyfriend now, just so I can get that guy out of my mind.
And funny and lame thing, but my friends and I have been making retarded Inception references now after seeing that movie. Like maybe things like, "HEY, GUESS WHAT. I HAD AN EPIPHANY. STEPHANIE MEYER SAID THAT HER INSPIRATION FOR TWILIGHT CAME FROM A DREAM, RIGHT? HEY MAYBE SOMEONE PLANTED AN INCEPTION IN HER, BECAUSE THAT ABOMINATION CALLED EDWARD CAME FROM HER DREAM!"
I've said the same to goldpanner below, but sometimes, I hate when I'm woken up and my dreams aren't finished or resolved. The more nicer ones, I get so into it. It's a shame because you might never dream it again.
Basically, what I'm scared of happened to you in your dream. I never had one myself. I don't think I've died in dreams, wait. I remember falling down, and waking up one time as I came close to the ground, but the details are gone. They are so rare for me, though.
Outside forces are what disrupts my dreams, to my disappoint. There are some I actually enjoy, wanting to see what happens next...then, poof, left open-ended -_-.
I'm guessing that at the time you were scared of heights? Water slides? Death? All of the above? Something relating to such must have been in your subconscious. Oooh~.
Sooner or later, it's going to come. I guess that worry sort of evolved into my dreaming, partly because I don't want her gone.
Hrnnnn..... he was wrong about one thing though, the snow level HAS to be hosted by Eames, cause
+Arthur puts the kick headphones on Eames in the elevator, not on Fisher
+The world was designed by Ari; how would Fisher had known it?
+Cobb asked Ari whether Eames added anything to the design and she replied the air vents or whatever.
So if he was wrong about that... perhaps he is wrong about other details about the movie too D:
*slippery evil smirk* Love you too bb~
i can't get over it omg
By not watching much TV at all ;A;
inceptionkinkmeme's _fulfilled Bookmarks on Delicious
^This is where all the filled ones are~ You can pick pairings and stuff from the tags too!
DO NOT WORRY. For srs. I never had a boyfriend in high school either. But two weeks into University I got one.
The thing is, usually the kids you know at high school, you've known all your life, or for at least your awkward teenage phase. And it's also like..... High School is like a small pond, yanno? Everyone knows everyone and everyone's history. Once you're in uni it's like being turned out into the ocean and there are way better chances ;D
Spoiler Show
The thing is, usually the kids you know at high school, you've known all your life, or for at least your awkward teenage phase. And it's also like..... High School is like a small pond, yanno? Everyone knows everyone and everyone's history. Once you're in uni it's like being turned out into the ocean and there are way better chances ;D
<3 It won't suck forever. I am out of a crappy relationship too, just EMBRACE THE FREEDOM SISTER
we keep doing something similar. Every time someone answers a question, one of us will say '....OR IS IT' cause thats what we kept doing when talking about inception XD
Actually, I have had several dreams that kind of happen in a serial. Like, I dream the next part perhaps a few weeks later, then again a few weeks later. They're usually not very interesting though. Like, there was one I had in which I walked around in a library, and one where I was running from flying soap bars that there trying to rape me (....yeah) and one where I was in a boarding school. The last dream about the boarding school was really horrible (a girl cut my face open with a knife, twice) and I never remember dreaming about that any more. And there are people in my dreams sometimes that I know pop up a lot (that I don't know irl)... but I can never remember their faces.
I can't remember my dream last night, at all. :c
I just got back from watching Inception the second time; it was a smaller theater room (I was at a big theater), but the theater was PACKED. And I have to say, I never once got up to use the bathroom the entire movie. And I loved it even more the second time around!
OH and I opened up an Eames & Tom Hardy FC. ;D
Noooo, in the movie when they're in the hotel room going down into the third level, Ariadne goes, "Wait, so exactly who's dream are we going into?" And Cobb says it's Fischer's. Plus Fischer was the first one who went to sleep, and the rest of them followed him in. Maybe Eames helped Ariadne design the level, and since Fischer didn't know how everything worked, he basically ran it?
Eh, I guess. I go to a pretty big high school though...and it's not like there have never been any guys, it's just that nothing ever ended up happening with them, and most of the time it was actually my fault. :/
My high school had about 1600 students, and I knew probably about half of the people my graduating class. Not like know know though, just more like people I've seen around campus or were in my class.
I wouldn't date someone from my high school. Not again. That last guy was from my high school, and he was annoying. But the guy before him, the one I fell for the most and the one that appears in my dreams the most, was from my high school, too. Although he's a bit more bearable than the most recent guy I liked.
Gosh, I almost remembered my dream from last night.
Sora has been asleep for a year, right?
I'm probably not making much sense though, because I haven't played all of Birth by Sleep yet~
I just got back from watching Inception the second time; it was a smaller theater room (I was at a big theater), but the theater was PACKED. And I have to say, I never once got up to use the bathroom the entire movie.
And I loved it even more the second time around!
OH and I opened up an Eames & Tom Hardy FC. ;D
I know Cobb says that, but it doesn't make any sense. Fischer was the first one to sleep on the airplane, too, but it was still Yusuf's dream + Fischer's subconscious. Then it was Arthur's dream + Fischer's subconscious. That's why all the projections were so heavily armed and dangerous; they were trying to protect Fischer in someone else's dream. And that didn't change for the snow level. There were still heavily armed projections of Fischer's subconscious attacking them, right?
Also, when Yusuf played the kick music he put the headphones on the dreamer, Arthur. When Arthur played the kick music, he put it on... Eames.
And I don't think Eames could run the level if it was Fischer dreaming it... how would that even work?
I think perhaps what they mean is, they were going into a dream that Eames made, but the subconscious in it was Fischers', because the whole way extracting someone works is that you get to see how their subconscious fills a dreamscape, putting those secret safes in and projections and all that. And they wanted to see how Fischer's subconscious was behaving in reaction to their inception.
But they lied to him and said they were going into Browining's dream. By that I think they mean, putting Browning's subconscious inside a dreamscape so they could extract him. Right? Cause, Fischer wanted to know what Browning was up to. What would be the point of just walking around inside a level he built, without his subconcious stuff all around to give clues?
Jeez, my high school had 600 kids 8D
Jeez, my high school had 600 kids 8D
AWWW lol
I can't remember mine either!
But I was reading about lucid dreaming and suddenly I realised that I have had lucid dreams and hallucinations before. Like when I was little, I used to have these hallucinations when I was really tired, that pictures on the walls would move around and this red ball would always come out of one and bounce around the room, and the floor would shift around and I'd be sliding around. And I used to sleepwalk a lot, but I'd be awake? I could see things that weren't there, and I'd collect them on my bed, then suddenly I'd wake up and I'd be standing up and all the things I had disappeared. This doesn't happen much anymore, just the creepy nightmares 8D
..........Have you seen the secret ending of BBS omg
That is actually a pretty good theory!!
Is this supposed to be impressive? o.0 I don't think I've ever once left a movie to go to the bathroom, not even a really bad one.
Oh yeah deff.
Why ._. That's what this club is for o.0
Is this supposed to be impressive? o.0 I don't think I've ever once left a movie to go to the bathroom, not even a really bad one.
Yeah, I guess you're right. It was Eames' dream, but Fischer's subconscious. Maybe Ariadne asks who's subconscious they're going into? I don't remember. x_x
I've had hallucinations before, too. I don't get them anymore (I hope not lol). I remember when I was young, I had this hallucination where I saw my friends hanging out with me in my room, and then they just suddenly fade away. I thought for the longest time that they were real.
Most of my hallucinations though just involve seeing objects in my room at a very magnified state, it's scary. I really hate how I wake up in the middle of my sleep, and I start seeing my ceiling, door, etc. look all gigantic.
umm i don't want to spoil you if you don't know, but it involves Ansem the Wise and something we find out also at the end of coded.... do you know?wut, the one where all those people start calling out Sora's name? That's the secret ending, right? I didn't view all of the endings, even though I have already spoiled myself big time and know what happens at the end. I'm trying not to get completely spoiled, and trying to save the remaining game magic, lol. D8
Or are you saying that
Aqua planted the inception?
Or Ventus planted the inception?
Oh snap it's Ventus, huh? Since his broken heart migrated to Sora's body
Nope; this FC is for the film, Inception. =/ Even if Tom Hardy and JGL stole the show, I feel that this place is more a FC for the film itself than it is for two side characters' actors. And also, I really am not fond of talking about yaoi that much. =/ I like Eames/Arthur, but only as BFF.
-_- For me, yeah it's impressive. I lose focus a lot in movies and go to use the bathroom often times. And when it's a movie I've already seen before, I don't usually care if I go to the bathroom or not.
Nope; this FC is for the film, Inception. =/ Even if Tom Hardy and JGL stole the show, I feel that this place is more a FC for the film itself than it is for two side characters' actors. And also, I really am not fond of talking about yaoi that much. =/ I like Eames/Arthur, but only as BFF.
Yeah, me neither. Not even Twilight 3. lol
I think that's what makes the most sense, from the evidence. Buuuut that actor said otherwise. So he didn't have his facts straight. So perhaps all the other things he says in that interview aren't to be trusted either.... D:
Heheh okay then. I just get so sucked into whatever movie I'm watching, even if I hate it. ><
Allllllllllrighty then. Sorry..>>; I mean we've barely been talking about it honestly, we're talking about so much other stuff and it's totally easy to ignore. But hey, whatever floats your boat man.
Spoiler Show
Oh don't even get me started x_x
Nawww. He was basing his statement on the actual lines in the movie, which is fair enough, if you ask me. And the rest of it seems right to me sooo I'm not gonna doubt him.
lol, i have a super tough bladder XD
Spoiler Showoooooooooooooh I love good fanarts<3 I have no time right now but I will DEFINITELY look at that in a little while. 8D
I was having too much fun counting the warning signs of an abusive relationship~
umm i don't want to spoil you if you don't know, but it involves Ansem the Wise and something we find out also at the end of coded.... do you know?
When I was little, I refused to use rest stop bathrooms if they were too gross. I'd just be like "nah, I can hold it in." My mom said I had an iron bladder.
Spoiler Showoooooooooooooh I love good fanarts<3 I have no time right now but I will DEFINITELY look at that in a little while. 8D
LOL. How about the fact that (Virgil don't read this) Edward and Jacob totally wanted to have angry hate sex in the tent?
Anyway, I used to do it a lot more when I was younger, but I can sometimes know when I'm in a dream. When it happens, I can basically do what I want, like fly or conjure up a laser gun. But sometimes it doesn't work, usually in nightmares, and when that happens I just kill myself. And it usually works! I'll wake up.
But I don't often kill myself in a conventional sense. Sometimes there will be a conveniently place spike pit, for example.
Now, lately, I haven't been remembering my dreams that much. But here's the weird thing. I've been sleep talking a lot, or at least my younger brother will tell me I do (this has also been verified by my older sister on occasion).
Apparently I'll shoot up in my bed and say things like:
He says that he has to keep shouting at me to get me to stop. When I do, I'll just stare at him and then lie back down and go to sleep.
I really really want to know what's going on in my head at those points.
It's not too abnormal for me but it is a bit bizarre, at least what I'm saying. I mean, I've had a history of sleep walking. When I was younger, I frequently would get out of bed, go downstairs, and stare at the television in front of my parents. Then I would wake up and wonder what the hell I was doing.
When I was little, I refused to use rest stop bathrooms if they were too gross. I'd just be like "nah, I can hold it in." My mom said I had an iron bladder.
Spoiler Showoooooooooooooh I love good fanarts<3 I have no time right now but I will DEFINITELY look at that in a little while. 8D
Spoiler ShowAnd and!
LOL. How about the fact that (Virgil don't read this) Edward and Jacob totally wanted to have angry hate sex in the tent?
Oh, I think I know. Is it what's written in Mickey's letter? As for Ansem the Wise, it's about him being alive, right? And he talks with Aqua in the Dark Meridian?
I look at the fan arts.
Holy shit, I totally forgot he was in Band of Brothers!
Anyway, I used to do it a lot more when I was younger, but I can sometimes know when I'm in a dream. When it happens, I can basically do what I want, like fly or conjure up a laser gun. But sometimes it doesn't work, usually in nightmares, and when that happens I just kill myself. And it usually works! I'll wake up.
But I don't often kill myself in a conventional sense. Sometimes there will be a conveniently place spike pit, for example.
Now, lately, I haven't been remembering my dreams that much. But here's the weird thing. I've been sleep talking a lot, or at least my younger brother will tell me I do (this has also been verified by my older sister on occasion).
Apparently I'll shoot up in my bed and say things like:
He says that he has to keep shouting at me to get me to stop. When I do, I'll just stare at him and then lie back down and go to sleep.
I really really want to know what's going on in my head at those points.
It's not too abnormal for me but it is a bit bizarre, at least what I'm saying. I mean, I've had a history of sleep walking. When I was younger, I frequently would get out of bed, go downstairs, and stare at the television in front of my parents. Then I would wake up and wonder what the hell I was doing.
Before I get to replies, I have to say, I had no idea Joseph Gordon-Levitt played -
Jim from Disney's Treasure Planet.
My pre-teen times now make sense.
...carry on.