*fades in from the darkness* Yuki's back!
But not for long, see. I've been trying not to post much this last week cause it was my last week of vacation.
Meaning I'll start college this week and won't have much time to post. I'll try to stay on chi as much as possible, but it's not a promise. I'll let you guys know if I drop chi during this time so you guys can have one less inactive player >_<
And J is me, so THE THREE OF US ARE ACTUALLY ONE PERSON? ;O Who is the real "us"-- or rather, "me"? Or...? Omg, such revelation confused my... our... my.. head!
I see D:
And yea, I feel you. I was like this with GoT. I downloaded the first episode, watched and didn't like. THEN BOOOM the hype. I was so annoyed I waited until the 3rd season to start watching (and had a proper reason, too. My friend just shoved all the episodes she'd downloaded into my pc and I spent 2 weeks without internet right after I've moved. Nothing to do + downloaded episodes = watching it). And I'm not diligent with it either. Didn't even watch the last season and I've been feeling less and less eager to watch as the people around me are all 'OMFG YOU SHOULD WATCH, THIS AND THAT HAPPENS AND QEIYUSAHDOJI' UUUGH SHUT UP, I'll watch when I want to watch, dammit!
Well, I was trying to make it less dramatic than it really is, y'know? xD The number six is a little overwhelming in this case. Let's stick with 2 for the time being.... *dies with the bad pun*
RIGHT? That reminded me of your cuddle-worthy
ahahaha I actually make my characters do this when I write hentai xD If I want a blow to happen, I make it so they do it in the shower. Or in a waterfall, when they're in the segonku era haahah xD *writes Inu-Yasha fanfiction*
I came up with a better meme
Now I can put this whenever I see a shipping about to sail to the OTP island
ahahah xD I almost wrote "She'll take it!", but since most of my ships don't involve a she, I didn't >D
Me too, actually hahah xD I think everyone looks good on one, so maybe I would too ;D And I've been wanting to cosplay
Phantom R for a while (his first dance, actually. I've been DYING to learn it), so maybe I'll actually borrow that tuxedo from my friend xD (and exchange the glasses for the hat while I'm at it)
Yeah, I looked "smocking" up after saying that to you and it's some kind of kniting thingy... bah, tuxedo it is then
Well, but all the other privacy is open to us, then? TELL US MOAR BOUT URSELF HEHEHEHEH
I know you can't blame the game xD I was accepting my fate as a twisted person who got the idea you spoke of previously haha xD (I almost threw the pc on the wall when I saw that they've been acusing the game for the kid's parents muder. Ugh, I bet it wasn't even the kid. But let's not talk about this anymore)
Oooh, i don't know him
But I'm not doubting their love in me. It's just that I can't believe they'd seriosuly love
someone like me. I mean, ME? Really? Of all people? I'm not as good as they say I am, I'm shrewd, lazy, arrongant, busy-body, nosy, get jealous easily, get too worked-up for nothing... and so on, so I can't really believe when people say they like me (even my friend from more than 10 years ago. How can she still put up with me? I love her so much but omg what if she just got fed up with me? I'm an horrible person, she'd do her a good thing to leave me, so why?). And then I understand that they still stick with me because they love me despite all. But I'm ME, so they could always leave. But it's not like them to leave, so I shouldn't worry, right? But then I could just do some shit and they'd leave...
That's the cycle I'm talking about
I looked up the position, but couldn't find it, dammit D: *changes the keywords* aha!
This one!
Must hurt the back a lot, right? D: Wich position were YOU thinking?
And nononono, not the legs! Just the hands,
like this!
Evil? No, I'm just sending the dead to where they belong. I mean, you know those old men who are so old it looks like they're dead and ppl just forgot to bury 'em? xD
Eh, but won't your gf feel the same bout you? Then I can't marry any of you Ç_Ç Lemme marry the 'couple' then. i'd be the spouse of you both ;D Now, go give a name to your couple so I can marry it.
Oh, I do have an youtube acc. I even made AMVs and all that. But it's almost 10 years old (8, I think), so I forgot the login AND password
And I don't really care about having many accs around the sites I follow. I'd rather just bookmark than get immersed into the sites and forget about other sites
*does this with tumblr too*
Sorry, I meant 'meh, NO fun D:'. I don't like to use the pain as a mean for pleasure >_> *says the super experienced girl*
Well, that pic I posted up there isn't much accurate. I'd rather have both hands tied together, almost
like this, but with the hands on the level of my head so they wouldn't get numb.
Really? Maybe that's where I saw it first? xD Cause I love them dearly, omg >D Took me a LIFE to find them cause I didn't know they were called 'thriller cats' haha xD ahaha my cat barked and my dog meows. I don't find anything strange anymore.
hahaah I guess that's the diff between boys and girls xD I'd run away from getting beat up.
ahahahahahahahahahahahASDUHAS OMG I JUST IMAGINED a guy coming to rob me and I'm like 'DON'T COME ANY CLOSER OR I'LL JHONNY YOU' *shows the
substitute* OMG THE GUY'S FACE XD
Of course I know, but it gets
boring after a while, did
you know that? D:
I'm not one either, but people LOVE to listen to songs at the MAX VOLUME around theses parts, so I usually get to know some songs I'd rather not know
And I've been wondering why you and Blu didn't know the famous songs I showed you guys... It's cause I live in America!! XD And those were american songs, so
The exposure around here is way bigger than it is around where you live, right?
I wish I didn't D: Just the maintenance'd be a pain in the ass D: I'd rather have a close friend who had one
Then I could always drop by and have a swin without having to worry about maintenance
Yep, me too
And I'd rather not look for it... since I'd get even more depressed about not being able to afford it
Oh god, you just sounded like those 5 yo kids when they're playing fighting game and are all like
'HAAA, now I just hit you with my super-ultra powerful move and you died!'
'AHA, no you didn't, cause I dodged!'
'I hit it a thousand times!!!'
'I dodged a thousand times, I invicible, ahahah'
I was always the kid trying to hit and my brother was always the kid dodging. I hated that game.
Ha! a spoiler without any spoiler name! :3
Don't take it so literally, geez D: OK, you BOTH have a shower, THEN you touch each other lol heck, you can even touch each other WHILE showering
add some shower gel for extra cleanliness
I know that, but we won't always have a shower close when we get hot-ish, will we? D: Ugh. >__>
I kinda expected the hungriness would manifest in more um active usage of it D:
What? So when you see a picture of a delicious cake you never had you won't feel hungry for it? Cause I know I would ;D
Ohmy, even I haven't picked that up
But filling 2 is enough for the time being. Wouldn't want to have all six filled at the same time (or 5, depending of the situation...)
Right, Cutie? And that face-hugging it is A-okay too. (bOuO)b
You guys are in so much sync I'm having less and less doubts about usbeing the same person.
AND I CAN PERFECTLY RELATE with falling in love for the voice D: I mean, the voice of a man is half of what he is. It can make us go wild just by sayind anything he wants (it can even be 'chicken poop', but with the right voice, it'll sound amazing >_<
okaymaybenotchickenpoop,butyougotit) I just didn't get the Hikago binge and Akira Touya part, but maybe I got the overall meaning
And I bet there's gonna be some perv-- I mean, some very nice guy for you, Cutie, just wait and see ;D
ahahahaha you shouldn't go 'Jhonny'-less, right?
For the time being, anyway..
So you could get the 'cuddle-worth' meaning of it, of course
yay, a cookie! :3 thanks~ *munches on it*
Don't worry, you're not the only one that has trouble answering the whys
Get a crush because of the voice? I dunno, it's a bit wierd, but a can definitelty see it happening - at some point I was visiting nikonama really often and just browsing the channels or hopping on the cruise and I have found a few female broadcasters with amazing voices :3 I'd watch/listen to their broadcasts no mater what it was lol Didn't get a crush on them, but yeah, can see that happening
You should not overcomplicate things though. There aren't perfect people and if they existed they'd be plain boring and predictable. But smth tells me you're a smart girl and will make the right choices
And no, that didn't answer the "why", that didn't even touch the subject
But it sure was interesting to read :3
Yeah, like I said, that's what I though, then bam! and it happened
Just patiently wait for the right moment
lol that still doen't make any sense XD But I think I saw a picture somewhere that included chill and that kind of cuddling
gotta dig it up and send it to ya! :3
You can see it happening mainly to crazy for voices girls like me. Can you imagine just HOW MUCH I LOVE Fukuyama Jun? Or even Daisuke Ono? Heck, I'm almost in love with Xemnas's V.A. and he's an old man older than my 15-year span >_> I think I'd die of embarassement just by being at the same room as them. >//////<
ahahaha Have you ever had any doubts? Let's conquer this club!
Heya Kiari, welcome back... again!