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Fanfiction ► Those Who Fight (Final Fantasy based Fanfic)

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is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Well, I've written The Road To Dawn and Fate of a Hero, now here's a new story that I've though up in my spare time. Hope you enjoy.

Ch 1

"Hey Ren," Reno asked the soldier standing beside him. The soldier looked at him. "When are we droppin this charade and getting you out of the front lines?"

The soldier chuckled. "Soon," Ren replied, his voice strangely of a woman's.

"Leave her-I mean, him, alone, Reno," Rude said, putting his hand on Ren's shoulder. He took off his helmet, revealing himself.

"Have you contacted Cloud?" Ren said, shaking his head. He was actually a she. A she with layered, medium length, strawberry blonde hair, and dazzling blue eyes. The only thing about those eyes were the iridesence.

"Tried," Reno replied, waving his hand, "But as usual, ignored us."

Ren sighed. "And Tifa?"

"Trying to convince him as well," Rude replied absentmindedly. Ren nodded.

"Guess it's time for a visit," She said, putting her helmet back on. Suddenly, a loud beep rang from her pocket. She unlatched the black plastic covering her mouth and reached for the phone inside. She flipped it open, then held it to her ear.

"Laz? Yeah. He said no," She spoke into the black cell phone. "I know, I'm sorry. Wait, What? Ugh- just- hold them off, I'll be there in a few," She shut the phone hard, slipping it back in her pocket. She latched the black plastic over her mouth again.

"Well, see ya boys," She said, stepping out the door.

"Good luck, Ren," Reno called behind her, standing at the door. Rude stood beside him.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it," She replied, getting on a big black motorcycle. She saluted, and sped away.

"How many girl soldiers do you see these days?" Rude pondered aloud. Reno smiled.

"Only one I've seen so far," He said, chuckling.


Ren sped through the forest, her hair freeing itself from her helmet. The pur of the engine drowned out the sound of the forest around her.


Ren's eyes widened. That voice....

"Mom...where are you?"

She felt a small flash of pain in her head, and in her mind, a flash of white light brightened.


"Mom!" A girl with strawberry blonde hair and with a bloody grey shirt and shorts walked through rubble. Everywhere she looked, something was breaking, on fire, or burnt already. Buildings crumbled. Fountains gushed out dirty water mixed with blood.

"Anyone!?" She shouted again, feeling small. She looked ahead to see a church-like building. She walked towards it cautiously.

She found a motorcycle parked in front of it, with a strange beeping sound coming from beside it. On the floor was a phone.

The little girl picked it up, reading the caller ID. It read Dalia. She cautiously flipped it open, holding it up to her ear.

"Ky? Wow, you finally picked up!" A female's voice spoke on the other side. The little girl stayed silent.

"Ky? Ky, you there?" The female voice asked, "Ky?"

"Um...no ma'am," The little girl stuttered.

"Who is this?" The femal voice questioned, "Where's Ky?" The little girl felt tears building in her eyes.

"I...I don't know....I'm lost...the raid...my parents..Seph-...Ah!" The girl dropped the phone, clutching her head. Her eyes turned dangerously black, and blood gushed out from her head.

"Hello? Are you still there? Are you alright?" The female asked frantically.

"Ah!" She struggled, falling to the ground. Her vision blurred. She closed her eyes.

"Hey, you alright!?" A distant voice shouted. The girl opened her eyes to see a man's boot's running to her.

"Geo....stigma..." She forced out.

She blacked out.


"Ach," Ren said, clutching her head. She left one hand on the steering handle. Ren shook her head and made her way through the end of the forest.

"Geo...stigma....." repeated in her head.
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Apr 9, 2009
well oddly her name is pronounced like my name... are you sure you didn't copy me?


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Alright, well, here's the next chapter. Sorry if the names are bad....

Ch 2

"Well look who decided to show up," A sadistic voice sarcastically stated. That voice belonged to a soldier.

Ren pulled up beside the soldier and his squadron, smiling inside her helmet.

"Ha ha, be lucky I decided to show up," She, now in a lower and deeper voice, said. She hopped off the motorcycle, taking out a gun like blade, and slipping it in a sling on her back.

"What are we up against, Laz?" Ren asked, running beside him and his squadron. The multiple soldiers ran ahead.

"Some sort of monster," Laz reported, "But the team has been finishing that thing up. If you had shown up earlier...." Laz looked at Ren. Ren laughed.

"Geez, I said I was sorry," Ren replied. Laz smiled.

"Well, might as well take out the backup force that they have," Laz continued, growing serious. Ren nodded, and ran ahead to the group of attacking men. She crouched down, then jumped, flipping in the air. The other men followed her, floating in front of her. The plastic covering her eyes flipped open, and Ren aimed, bringing her gunblade up at them. She smiled.

Bam! Bullets fired out of the gun, each hitting one of the men. Ren landed on the floor again, one leg bent under her, the other out, and threw her blade, twirling at the force coming at her. The gun fired, each bullet landing on the mens' chests. Ren caught the gunblade, and looked over at Laz. He was doing just as well.

Until a wall from the watchtower behind him started to crumble

"Laz!" She shouted. He fell to the floor after an attack, and the giant stone wall was falling. Ren ran to her motorcycle, starting the engine, and zooming off to him. Laz looked up at the wall only inches away from him.

"Oh Sh-"

"Gotcha!" Ren said, grabbing him and sitting him down behind her. He held on to his gun, aiming it at the opposing soldiers behind them.

"Bye Bye, Kubai!" He shouted, shooting randomly. Ren laughed.

"Bye bye, Kubai? Really Laz?" She mocked. Laz shrugged.

"Hey it ryhmes. And they are from Kubai," He defended, crossing his arms. Ren laughed again, speeding up. She pulled over by the retreating troops.

"Let this be a warning!" She shouted, her strained deep voice overpowering her. "Kubai shall fall!"

"Ok, you beat me on the catchphrase," Laz said, patting her shoulder and jumping off her motorcycle, "and thanks for the save, man."

Man, Ren winced. She wanted to tell Laz she was a girl...but not yet. The war was to in deep for any realizations.

"Your welcome...man..." She replied, smiling. Laz smiled as well.

"Hey, how come you never take off your helmet?" He asked. Soldiers started to join around them. Ren bit her lip.


"Yeah Ren," The soldiers started adding to the conversation. "Why not?" "Hiding something?" Ren didn't know what to do.

"Uh-" Ren's phone started beeping. She sighed in relief and picked it up.

"Hai?" Ren asked. "Kore wa nan desu ka? Iyo, dewa sono toki ni. Un, ittekimasu." She shut her phone.
(translation: Yes? What is it? Okay, see you there. Yeah, goodbye.)

"Who was it?" Laz asked. Ren slipped her phone back in her pocket and sighed.

"Elya," She replied, "She said Cloud's in town. Looking for me." Laz raised his brow.

"Elya? Isn't she like your girlfriend or something?" Laz asked. Ren frowned.

"She's my cousin, Laz," She repeated for the thousandth time. Elya was, indeed, Ren's cousin, and was in on the secret. Elya always kept an eye out for Cloud and Tifa.

"Oh yeah," He said, rubbing his chin. Ren laughed and hopped on her motorcycle.

"Hey, try to convince Cloud to help us out," Laz shouted over the engine of Ren's motorcycle. Ren nodded.

"One can only try, Laz," She said to herself.


(the name laz I looked up, didnt try to copy anyone there)


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ok last one cuz I need to get off soon

Ch 3

Ren sped through the forest once more, on her way to Jette. Fustrated with the heat, she took off her helmet, throwing it in the back of her ride, letting her strawberry blonde hair fly with the wind. She breathed in the cool air. Suddenly, her phone rang.

She sighed, picking it out of her pocket. She read the caller ID: Elya.

"Ugh," She spat. She flipped the phone open harshly.

"Hai?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Ren?" Elya asked on the other side.

"Un, Elya, its me." Ren replied.

"Ren, he's going to leave if you don't get here soon! Isoginasai! Hurry up!" Elya shouted.

"Sore wa watashi no sekinin ja nai! It's not my fault!" Ren defended. She continued to steer her motorcycle. "Look hold him off for ten more minutes. I'm about to change. Matte, iyo? Wait, okay? Bye."

"But, Ren-"

Ren flipped her phone closed, rolling her eyes. Elya was so....Elya. She revved the engine, speeding up.


"Konnichiwa, Aishii," A female with dark brown hair said, smiling as she tended to her garden.

"Dalia, it's Ren now," She said exasperatingly. Dalia smiled.

"Ren, Aishii was on your adoptive papers, and I'm going to call you Aishii." Dalia replied, pulling her in for a hug. Ren hugged her as well.

"Where's Ky?" Ren asked, pulling away and walking into Dalia's restroom.

"Off on watch duty, as always," Dalia said, going into the kitchen, "your clothes are on the shelf!"

"Thanks, Dalia!" She shouted, fumbling with her shorts.

"So I heard Cloud is looking for you," Dalia said as Ren stepped out of the restroom, femalified.

Ren's soldier uniform had been replaced with a pale khaki button up sleeveless dress, opened at her waist, a red sash wrapped around her. She had maroon beige shorts with knee high light brown boots, and a maroon scarf around her neck. Her iridescent blue eyes had been covered with blue contacts.

"Yeah, and I need to go, Elya's waiting for me and holding off Cloud," She said, kissing Dalia swiftly on her cheek. She ran out the door, adjusting her black and silver cutoff gloves. She stradled her motorcycle.

"Good luck with Cloud, Ren!" Dalia shouted. Ren nodded and saluted, speeding off.

"Bless her soul," Dalia said quietely, going back to tend to her garden.


"Wait, but Cloud-" Elya grabbed his shoulder.

"Look, if she's not here, just tell me. I didn't have to waste my time coming here," He said, shaking her off. Elya looked around nervously, her big brown eyes wide. She pulled a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear.


"Right here," Ren said, pulling up beside them. She stayed on her motorcycle, looking at Cloud intently. Elya breathed deeply.

"Hm, nice timing," Cloud praised, almost smiling. Cloud never smiles. Ren jumped off.

"Thank you. Now onto business," Ren continued. Cloud stopped her.

"Can we do this somewhere else?" He asked, looking around. Ren shrugged, and went to her motorcycle.

"I'll drive," Cloud said, stepping ahead of her. Ren glared, but kept her silent fit inside. We need him, She thought, letting Cloud take the wheel. She sat behind, holding on to him.

"Where too?" Cloud asked.

"Aerith's church." Ren replied. Cloud nodded and sped off.




Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
i feel so clueless because i have no idea about FF

but awesomeness, i'll still read
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