• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Time Warp

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New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
LOOK AT THIS! Please...


Story: It was a dark gloomy day in Twilight Town. Sora and Riku are walking down the road, side by side, when something appeared in the sky. It was a large black hole with dark energy pouring out of it. As it started sucking buildings and people in, Sora looked at Riku. He was standing firm. As hard as they tried, they were still sucked into the hole and thrown into the future. Here, darkness rules.

( You can be Sora or Riku if you want, but everyone else will be met in the future.)


Have fun
No Godmodding
NO killing other players
Be creative
Try to stay literal
Please keep cursing and romance to a minimum

My Template:

Name: Sirus
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weapons (dont go over 5 please): Shadow Dagger, Nightmare, and Oblivion
Home: Twilight Town
Description: Short Brown Hair, greenish Eyes, mysterious, and doesnt really like to talk.
Last edited:
Mar 24, 2005
Probably in some gutter.
Occ=Well in the game, I have em all, but.. I'll stick with... Obliv, Oath, LionH, Ultima, and can I have One-winged Angel(techinally I don't have that one but it's cool)?=

(((It usually takes a day or two for threads to get up and running)))


New member
Jul 12, 2004
Name: Olwan
Age: 23
Gender: male
Weapons: Brielle http://home.tiscali.be/krisverwimp/saga/thesag8.jpg
Home: lodoss a gient island that is filled with elves dwarfs humans and anthros
appearence: http://www.satyrnet.it/fantasy/galleria1/parn_23.jpg
Bio: comes from a long line of gaurdian. Gaurdians are people who protect the universe from the heartless first appearing ten years after the disipearence of sora and riku he is now leaving lodoss to find the inverted kingdom key used by the grand king of the universe when sora became the very first gaurdian

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
I'm definately gonna join!

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Satuar (not human)
Class: Cowboy!/Key-slinger (like a the old gun-slingers from the Wild West)

Weapon: Weapons: Kane carries a Keyblade, Cain, which was named after him by the mayors and Kings of many towns and villages that he saved. He also carries a lasso coiled up and strapped at his side that comes in very useful at times.

Weapon Appearance: Cain is no ordinary Keyblade. Cain has brown leather wrapped around the grip and the whole length of the body. The grip is in the middle of the body, as well as the handle guard, which is brown (no leather) with white, cowboy patterns engraved in in it. The body also has white, cowboy patterns decoarating the hard, brown leather that is wrapped around it. On either end of the body (again, the grip is in the middle), there is a blade, making it dual-bladed. But they don't potrude out of the side of the body like a regular Keyblade, they just stick out where the leather ends. The blades are just shiny, silver sword-looking points. So, in summary, Kane has a double Keyblade, with one on either end, and the grip and handle guard in the middle. Confusing, yeah, I know.

Home World: Hallen, a diverse, cultural, geographical world.

Character Appearance: Kane has long, sky-blue hair that just goes straightly down to his shoulders. He has soft, calm, beautiful, soothing, turquoise eyes with regular, human ears and long, thin, sharp, black fingernails, which are kind of, sorta like claws. Kane wears a brown, leather hat with a red ribbon around tied it. He also has a red bandana tied to his neck with black, cowboy designs embroidered in the soft fabric. He also wets a brown, leather cowboy vest with stitchings and more cowboy desings. Underneath his vest is a blue, formal-looking T-shirt with black cowboy designs around the edges near the vest. He also wears brown, leather chaps with frilled hangings running up and down the outer edges. Underneath the chaps are loose-fitting, casual cowboy jeans. Kane also wears brown, hard leather cowboy boots with more black cowboy designs running around them and with shiny, silver, bird-shaped spurs attached to the lower back part of the boots. Kane has regular, human skin. He stands 6 feet tall.

Bio: Kane is a true cowboy. Kane has become the best Key-slinger in his world and has become much of a celebrity, as he is adored by many people and towns. He is also a lady's man through and through, and all of the girls think he's cute. Everbody who meets him falls in love with him instantly, as he has a great personality and good looks. His laugh can make a rainy day seem sunny. He also has a slight Western accent. Kane is a truly likable individual, with a a great personality, appearance, self-confidence, and attitude, and it's not hard to see why.


New member
Mar 15, 2005
umm... what? oh yah. america
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Merman (with feet but still has fins on arms neck etc.)
Class: Warrior Prince of Terradica
Weapon: Kent carries the sword Super Nova.

Home World: Terradica, an underwater city much larger than atlantis or atlantica or anything else like that. His father Sardeer is the king.

Character Appearance: Kent has spiked hair. He wears a headband embedded with jewels. He wears a jacket. He has fins protruding from his neck, arms, and stomach. THe has short claws at the end of his fingers. If I had a scanner you would have a much better view of him.


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
KC- Go with Oblivion and Oathkeeper. Thanx for being Riku.


Sirus walked slowly through the wasteland. Suddenly, a giant dark hole appeared in the sky.
"Again!?" Sirus whispered to himself in amazement. This is the third time he had seen this. The first time, it appeared and brought a boy named Zeik here. (the future) The second time it had appeared not bringing someone, but something. As the thing appeared, darkness flowed out of it. Sirus didn't know what to do. Darkness engulfed the world, and Sirus was left unconscious. When he awoke he found himself lying in a barren wasteland, alone.
But he wasn't alone for long. A man by the name of Diz apeared and gave Sirus something. It was the kingom key with Oblivion attached to it. Then, abrubtly, he vanished. But before leaving he said these words: "Protect him."
With that Sirus took off, searching for something... or someone.

* * *

Sirus backed up as the hole appeared. Two boys fell out of the hole, unconscious. He walked up to them and sighed.
"This is him."

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Kane shot through the hills, chasing after a band of robbers.
"Get back here ya dirty varmints!" he yelled. "Come back here with my horse!"
Glendala, Kane's horse, shook here head around as the thieves rode her across the rolling hills, trying to shake them off.
"Hah!" one of the thieves yelled back at Kane. "How're ya gonna get us now?"
Kane unsheathed his dual Keyblade, threw it over his shoulder, and then stabbed it into the ground, catapulting him across the hills and in front of the thieves. They quickly stopped, surprised.
"Now boys," Kane said matter-of-factly. "Are you varmints gonna hand Glendala over? Or am I gonna have ta make ya?" he said, cocking his hat.
The thieves laughed. "How can one of you take on three of us?" one of them smirked.
"Well... how 'bout we find out!" Kane said, leaping up onto Glendala and throwing the three thieves off.
They quickly recovered and drew daggers, charging at Kane.
he held Cain at the ready, eyeing them. He then threw Cain lo to the ground, tripping the thieves. Cain circled back in the air and Kane caught it.
"now, I don't know who you boys exactly are," he said cockily, "but I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm Kane. The best Key-slinger around. Do ya get how one of me can take one three of you, now? Or do I have to show ya?"
The thieves all stumbled in trying to get up, bouncing over each other, and then running off.
Kane smiled. "Thought I had lost ya, Glen," he said to Glendala, petting her. "Now, let's head west. Don't know what would be over there. Let's explore. I'm in an adventurous mood today.
Glendala neighed in relief and joy. It was good to have Kane back.
Kane then hopped onto the great stallion, and rode off towards the west.

OOC: I'll do Riku in my next post. Oh, and you're welcome, khgamer! It's no problem at all!


Oct 20, 2004
Causing playful chaos...
OCC: Okay, I'll be Cloud.

IC: Cloud was roaming around Hallow Bastion, being a little bored now that there wasn't anyone to fight against. As Cloud made his way into the library, he had a really weird feeling. He turned the corner and saw an odd looking portal. Without saying a thing Cloud went closer to take a look. But it was too close. The power of the portal began sucking him in. Cloud tried to start to fly, but it was in vein. He was sucked in and where he would land, only destiny knew for sure.

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Kane rode farther west until he was stopped by a huge rock wall.
He got off Glendala, amazed at the mural that was carved in the rock.
"Wow... Now what do ya think of that, Glen?"
The beautiful stallion whinnied in awe.
"Wait! Wonder what this is?" Kane said as he touched an outcropping of stone carved in the likeness of a swirling vortex.
As soon as Kane touched the stone outcropping, it began to glow. And suddenly a swirling portal appeared, sucking Kane and Glendala in before they could even do anything.
They both landed hard on a hot, desert wasteland.

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Kane rubbed his head, which had hit the ground hard. Glendala, who had fallen roughly too, whinnied in dissaproval.
"What is this place..." Kane said looking around. "This ain't Hallen, that's for sure."
Glendala nudged for Kane to get on her.
"Your right, Glen. Let's see if we can't check this place out."
The sun beat down brutally on Kane. Luckliy, his hat provided what little shade he had.


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
As the two that fell out of the portal (sora and Riku) were coming to, Sirus turned around. A multitude of Heartless appeared before him.
"How did he know?" Sirus said, thinking of Diz and looking over his shoulder. I must protect them, he thought charging into the plurality of heartless.
In the front stood thousands of shadow heartless. That's where he started. Taking his new acquired weapon out, he hacked at the frontline. It was no use. The more he defeated the more appeared.
Jumping back, Sirus stabbed the ground with Oblivion. Giving it a quarter turn, Sirus started glowing and a golden crown appeared below him. Shouting the words, "Midnight Blaze" shockwaves shot out from the sides of the crown, demolishing all of the shadow heartless.
Sirus dropped to his knees, panting. Just before Sirus gave up, the Silver-Haired kid and the Brown-Haired kid shot out in front of him in the air.
Sirus looked at them, hacking at the heartless, before he fell to the ground and fainted.
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