You know it doesn't have to be one button for a game to definably be a button masher, right?
The entire series consists of button mashing.
The entire series consists of button mashing.
You know it doesn't have to be one button for a game to definably be a button masher, right?
The entire series consists of button mashing.
αsiя;4890273 said:cmon only my x button worked on my controller and i still got 100% on KH2
You know, final fantasy is mashing X and using the directional buttons too, you just press X a lot less and the directional buttons more.
On some occasion you might have to press triangle to open the menu, and circle to cancel an action.
Actual strategy? Because choosing who you attack is so hard. Though I agree it takes strategy in planning attacks, I'd say if done right Pokemon can be harder via strategy. I guess it depends what FF game.Except FF is turn based, which calls for actual strategy. Fuck off you hack.
Actual strategy? Because choosing who you attack is so hard. Though I agree it takes strategy in planning attacks, I'd say if done right Pokemon can be harder via strategy. I guess it depends what FF game.
Anyways, I agree the game is all button mashing. But if thats true, why is the gameplay so addicting. OH, cause you have to be a strategic masher at times.
Well, not on boses. It's X,X,X,X Square, Triangle, X,X,XIn the other KH games yes, in KH2.. no.. KH2's just x, x, x, x, x, triangle, *insert more x mashing*, *insert occasional block or jump*, rinse and repeat.. That's all you have to do. Casting Cure or using an item is occasional as well, unless you're level 60 (or so) and above, then it's rarely.
Actual strategy? Because choosing who you attack is so hard. Though I agree it takes strategy in planning attacks, I'd say if done right Pokemon can be harder via strategy. I guess it depends what FF game.
Anyways, I agree the game is all button mashing. But if thats true, why is the gameplay so addicting. OH, cause you have to be a strategic masher at times.
no it's not.BBS is still mashing, just gonna point out
True, but when I started playing KHII (witch was just a few mintes after finish KHI), I though "this is too much easier, it sucks"does it really matter if you mash the button. I mean come on if the game is fun then it doesnt matter.
yes, BBS is still button mashing in alot of it's not.
if bbs is mashing then kh1 is mashing which both are bullshit.
bbs isn't a button mashing game like kh2...facepalm
yes, BBS is still button mashing in alot of ways.
It mostly depends on your style. But the O button is meant for regular attacks you know.
BUT, it doesn't matter. Seriosuly.
Ya I agree.At least the reaction commands in BBS don't take out half of the friggin enemy's HP like in II.
Okay, a lot of you say all you do in KH2 is mash X. You are playing the game wrong. By the time the game gets a little more depth, you should have enough [_] actions to make a more interesting combo.
*grumbles on then jumps off soapbox*
I don't think you have ever played Final Fantasy in your life if you are comparing it to Pokemon :\
KH is just attack and don't get hit. Its simple. You don't need to think about your attacks much. Its not like the enemies really react to your attacks. Their AI isn't very detailed.
I don't know about BBS. From what I've seen, some of the bosses actually dodge, block, and counter attack more than they did in KH2. Half of the time in KH2, bosses and regular enemies alike would gladly take a beating in-between attacks, because they obviously had never heard of dodging and blocking. Maybe the few boss battles I seen means nothing, but it looks like Square's at least putting effort into making the AI less stupid.