I do take criticism seriously as I did the bangs bit, all I said is I dont see why its so bad but all you've done since then is throw a fucking bitch fit. Your acting like I'm ignoring the problem and your point.
The only real critisim I've had in that thread is quitemad because your acting a damn bitch over nothing.
I'm not the only one practicing shit methods, you may think your being critic but your acting far from it. Why would anyone listen to you when you act in such a pathetic manner to something that wasnt even arguing with you to begin with.
So don't be so motherdiddlying arrogant, nothing you've said gives growth or importance your just acting pissy for no damn reason.
Quitemad pointed the hair thing out as well and then offered a way to possibly improve on it, all in a calm manner which is what TRUE criticing is.
If anyone needs a lesson its you from your fellow critiquing peers jackass.