Hey Mega, how are you? =D Microbiology sounds tough, but like a lot of fun. What happens if you don't detect the right kind of strand of bacteria? Oh right, I'm doing okay, just tired from spending most of my evening writing everyone here on the forum back and wishing them all a happy holiday. (I still got some mod work to do in the Creative Writing section, but it can wait another day or so.)
Your welcome! Haha, turning twenty years old is definitely a big deal.
A marathon of Lucky Star would be a fun thing to do. Is Winter Break coming up soon? I really need to buy SSB for the 3DS again and DL Cloud off of there, because I'd really love to play a game against you sometime, Mega. xD Little Mac or Pac Man are tough to fight. Well, doing long distant attacks might help you out there in avoiding being knocked out.
I think you've done really well as far as drawing goes! Do you do it by memory or based on a photo? I'm definitely team Chitoge. I really like Tsgumi, but not all that fond of Onodera. I know Anagram is really big on Onodera for some odd reason. :3
Can you be both a home doctor and a MLT? :O It's cool your sister is trying to become an MLT- wait, you have a sister?! Is she older or younger than you?! I understand. Something familiar is always more desirable than being outside ones comfort zone, but still, one should always try to venture out of their comfort zone to experience new things and grow more as a person. ;3 I believe in you, Mega! Therefore, I imagine you'll be a doctor someday! Fans? ouo Wait, I have fans?! Really? Thanks! I try my best, but sometimes it gets a little crazy and makes me want to throw in the towel. Except I'll stick with it to the very end, because I won't ever give up and I believe in the power of light! XD