Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
*cries* Indeed the sucking attacks.
The test must be awful. Most of my core classes are getting us all prepared for it by giving us these practice tests that are only a few minutes long and sometimes over stuff we haven't gone over. Takes about 2 periods of day so I guess that's some good stuff in skipping out on two classes. *shrugs*
Boo for tests!
I've got a few quizzes coming up this week; one for Physics, another for Geometry, and oh crap I just remembered that I had to define these words for an English test on Friday and they're due tomorrow.
*sighs* Bleh, I also have this huge test next week, a PLAN test which is like a pre-SAT/ACT. This sucks TT_TT
I could expect as much for a Monday.
Amazingly my day went pretty good despite being a Monday. I only had Geometry for homework and it was pretty short so I was able to come on here today. ^^
Yes perhaps it'd be wise to avoid further conspiriting against that jerkface. He ain't worth the trouble.
I'm good. I'm watching Ergo Proxy right now. Pino iz teh bomb! Me wanna raep Vincent. >:3
Meh favorite Tobey movie was Pleasentville. Fiona Apple's version of Across the Universe was amazing. I actually leiked it more than the original Beatles version.
Congrats on the plat. upgrade. Anyway, I think I'm gonna start coming on more often. Things have just been a little crazy with the PSATs and all. But, at least it's over.