Y'know, I've always wondered that myself. Like, I've been drunk quite a few times and I always am able to like, take care of myself. Like, I still know when I need to go home and stuff like that. You would think that, in a state like that, you wouldn't even give a single f uck y'know? lol
Haha no worries there, remember that booze party I posted pictures from? Well, there are still a lot of'em that I ain't showing. I have my reasons as well lmao
Weird how countries can differ so much y'know? Drunk people everywhere eh? I know that, like in Ghent f.e., in a couple of weeks there will be an event there called 'Gentse Feesten' which is basically a big festival in the city. I'm guessing about 70 % of the people walking there, are drunk. It's crazy.
Or carnival in Aalst, a city nearby the town I live (the carnival is even one of the World Heritage Sites if I'm not mistaken). Like, when it's that time of the year, Aalst is full with drunk people. Like, the people living there work a whole year on that event, they live for it. It's crazy!