• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • Yes, it has been quite some time. I've been hanging in there, this year a few people I know have died and I was so depressed and down about it I just didn't know what to do. The stress of all these situations and the drama and so on afterward was immense but I'm pulling through because if I break completely down, I can't help anybody, much less myself.

    How've you been doing??
    Haha, if you still like what I made you then, throw me a stock and see what superb things I can make ya now <3
    Hi there, I'm doing wonderful. I'm currently overseas on a four month deployment. I'm interested in playing the new inferno that you guys are working on. By the way, what's the theme this time around?
    Which of their new RPGs? The new Pokemon-type RPG is just one of their projects. The new RPG is still in development. Whenever they finish that we'll look into purchasing a license.
    we're streaming harry potter and the philosopher's stone live on our channel, so join us!

    khinsider - live streaming video powered by Livestream
    good ;D
    lol it's our schools chorus thats going (totally lame), and our director let seniors pick the place.
    so i hear that all you new york people graduate school earlier then us. lol u guys suck XD

    u gotta tell kasu and obito and DK to stick around too cuz i wanna see all the best people when i go ;D
    can't wait sho <3 ur awesome
    hey. long time no see sho ;D
    btw. totally going to new york next year. u guys should stick around to meet me ;D
    haha yeah, guess I should of said something. I just got so sucked up into my own writing, and hehe, probably my lack of interest of multiple forums. But its mainly cuz I'm trapped in this new book I've been reading. I reccomend it to ya ;D. It's called "The Way of Shadows", written by Brent Weeks; it's a very dark and gritty book--right up my alleyway, I say so myself--so yeah.
    haha yeah, guess I should of said something. I just got so sucked up into my own writing, and hehe, probably my lack of interest of multiple forums. But its mainly cuz I'm trapped in this new book I've been reading. I reccomend it to ya ;D. It's called "The Way of Shadows", written by Brent Weeks; it's a very dark and gritty book--right up my alleyway, I say so myself--so yeah.
    Hey can you repost your sig request in my profile. I can't seem to find it at the shop. Thanks you!
    lol Sorry for the late reply.
    I'm kind of busy with school and in my free time I'm trying to perfect my drawing skills.
    I haven't heard from TTK lately, cuz I haven't been in MSN. xP
    And woah! o: Iggy didn't tell me the RPG's been made easier... :3 Guess I'll start playing it as soon as I have the needed free time! ;D

    o: How's the squad been doing?
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