G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 figures, 1st norm changes aqua's backless design and now diseny wont let us watch stolen vids >XP bastards
figures, 1st norm changes aqua's backless design and now diseny wont let us watch stolen vids >XP bastards
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 i couldnt find the link i do know theres a leaked vid though. hteres a thread on it in the futrue section, some guy got fined 50,000 4 leaking it.
i couldnt find the link i do know theres a leaked vid though. hteres a thread on it in the futrue section, some guy got fined 50,000 4 leaking it.
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ps7z_kingdom-hearts-birth-by-sleep-leake_videogames here theres a thread on it in the future section.
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ps7z_kingdom-hearts-birth-by-sleep-leake_videogames here theres a thread on it in the future section.
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 some1 leaked a bbs trailer!.......................................................
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 cnat use somethin i aint got XD.......................................................
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 i dont have it and up til now ive never needed it, u can save vids and music by right clicking save target as but utube wont let me T.T
i dont have it and up til now ive never needed it, u can save vids and music by right clicking save target as but utube wont let me T.T
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 used i could search it on webcrawler and save it as a file to my computer, but now webcrawler sucks
G G Gram Dec 29, 2009 thanx i already hav a link, what i want is to download it off the internet onto my computer
C C Cyanide & Sugar Aug 16, 2009 lol I read that forum yesterday. The kid sounded like a real psycho. Anyways what's up?
A A Alex999 Aug 15, 2009 hey sorry i didnt notice u left me something. alright, ill ask people, is he still here though or what?
hey sorry i didnt notice u left me something. alright, ill ask people, is he still here though or what?
C C Cyanide & Sugar Aug 14, 2009 That's pretty stupid. Spam is good every once in a while. Not the bad kind the really fun kind.
C C Cyanide & Sugar Aug 14, 2009 lol. Right. What the hell is with this stupid 25 character limit? D:<
C C Cyanide & Sugar Aug 14, 2009 Cyanide works good. =D lol (trying to fill up space as seeing how I can't have a message less then 25 characters)
Cyanide works good. =D lol (trying to fill up space as seeing how I can't have a message less then 25 characters)