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Final Fantasy XVI



Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
The game definitely isn’t bad but I’m extremely disappointed with how diversity and women in this game are treated and handled.


let go of control
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
The brands being laced with a wyvern tail's poison that can basically end the bearer's life if you try to remove it improperly is like the biggest middle finger to the inhabitants of this world.

Enjoying the game thus far, if my MSQ % is anything to go by, im sitting at around 76% til the end. I'll give my full thoughts in spoiler tags likely by the weekend.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Got to a little after (big spoilers, don't read these unless you're pretty far in) Cid's death before I stopped last night. I was a little disappointed when that character died, he was the most entertaining one. I like Clive, too, but he needs a sassier character to bring the best out of him. I expect it'll be a little sleepy from here now, really only the inevitable confrontation with Clive's mother to look forward to. Ultima was pretty good though, looking forward to seeing the resolutions.

I sort've missed the blue when Clive shifted to his main red design.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Finally played the ending the other night. Completed all hunts, lvl. 50, maxed out Harpocrates, made all the major weapons that require Orichalcum, etc. The only thing I didn't do were the Hand of X side quests, I'll try to come back to those later. My first playthrough was action mode or whatever it's called. I just re-started with Final Fantasy Mode today. It'll go a lot faster now I know how the world works for the most part. I was more cautious this first playthrough; it feels sort of weird to me not to play with an Official Strategy Guide anymore. The last one I remember having that with was XIII.

What a phenomenal game. I guess this is the closest we'll ever get to a Cid as the main character. I'm not sure I'd put it among my *top* favorites (IX, X, XV, XII), somewhere behind those along with VIII and X-2, but I thought it was a great game in a lot of ways. I think I would've beat it sooner, but after Cid died, I took a bit of a break before coming back to it because I was scared it was going to be a slog through the rest. Thankfully, it wasn't (for me at least). I have heard some didn't like all the missions and everything, although I personally love that stuff. To me, they’re wordbuilding; I always liked going to the various areas in a game after any huge plot event to hear what the NPCs are saying in games like IX and X, and this one has that same thing.

The gameplay was great, too, about on par with XII for me, not *quite* as fun as IX, X, and XV. I feel like I'm getting even more out of it the second time around though, I mostly didn't use Odin at all. Once I got Bahamut and Shiva, I used them + Garuda the rest of the game because it worked so well. Enjoyed almost all the characters for the most part, leaving one or two aside. I ended up loving the Clive/Jill romance. Sometimes the main romance can go either way for me, I was worried Jill was going to get on my nerves like Rinoa and Aerith do, but they had more of a mature vibe than the other FF romances I like (Zidane/Garnet, Yuna/Tidus).

After I’m done with FFM of this, I might go back and play some of the old pixel pre-VII FFs again. I did play most of them back when, but it’s been years, I could use a refresher. It’s just the older ones can get boring more easily than VII onwards do.

Full story spoilers ahead:

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"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
While we were all expecting it, I'm glad there's official word on the PC version now. I've been holding out for it so that I don't buy the game twice like I can be known to do lol.

Also hoping it comes to Steam right away instead of having to wait out an Epic deal. Last wish: please work on Steam Deck lol.


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
Having now gotten some distance from the game, my feelings are conflicted. I love pretty much all the characters, and I was immensely satisfied with how everything played out, however shmaltzy the ending was. What troubles me is the core gameplay loop-- I don't think I can ever bring myself to replay this game, ever.

Clive is a JOY to play as, but he's almost overtuned-- the dodge windows on every single enemy are WAY TOO generous. This isn't a problem that can be fixed by unequipping armor and staying at a low level. Wailing on bosses to get to the stagger phase is just not fun. It feels too segmented, and the boss attack patterns pose little threat once you learn them, which is shockingly easy to do. This isn't a game that FEELS like crap to play, but the meaninglessness and lack of depth in combat encounters makes it crap, unfortunately.

People were gassing this game to be Square's 'real' attempt at a pure action game, but KH2 and KH3 run circles around XVI in terms of enemy design, it's laughable, it's not even close. I can replay those two games over and over again, and the challenge of each encounter remains fun, even once I've learned it. I feel like I'm already too intimately familiar with every enemy type and boss in FFXVI, and unlike the aforementioned KH games, what they offer isn't interesting, strategic, or fun enough to return to.

I was so damn excited for this game, too.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Having now gotten some distance from the game, my feelings are conflicted. I love pretty much all the characters, and I was immensely satisfied with how everything played out, however shmaltzy the ending was. What troubles me is the core gameplay loop-- I don't think I can ever bring myself to replay this game, ever.

Clive is a JOY to play as, but he's almost overtuned-- the dodge windows on every single enemy are WAY TOO generous. This isn't a problem that can be fixed by unequipping armor and staying at a low level. Wailing on bosses to get to the stagger phase is just not fun. It feels too segmented, and the boss attack patterns pose little threat once you learn them, which is shockingly easy to do. This isn't a game that FEELS like crap to play, but the meaninglessness and lack of depth in combat encounters makes it crap, unfortunately.

People were gassing this game to be Square's 'real' attempt at a pure action game, but KH2 and KH3 run circles around XVI in terms of enemy design, it's laughable, it's not even close. I can replay those two games over and over again, and the challenge of each encounter remains fun, even once I've learned it. I feel like I'm already too intimately familiar with every enemy type and boss in FFXVI, and unlike the aforementioned KH games, what they offer isn't interesting, strategic, or fun enough to return to.

I was so damn excited for this game, too.

I agree. When they announced that the harder difficulty would be unlocked after completing the main story, I was hoping that there would be enough depth to the system to warrant an immediate second playthrough like FFVIIR. But sadly, that just wasn’t the case. If I had to pick between 16 and VIIR to be the blueprint for future FF combat, I’d go with VIIR any day.


"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
I remember back in the Versus XIII days I was SO excited because I thought "YES! Finally, a Final Fantasy game with the combat of Kingdom Hearts! This will be the ultimate!"

We all know that never came to be, unfortunately. While I'm all for trying new things, to this day I've always felt that if an action-based Final Fantasy game took more cues from Kingdom Hearts combat, we'd be in for a hell of a time. They have a series of games with engaging and fun combat, why they can't manage to translate some of that into Final Fantasy is beyond me.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Echoes of the Fallen DLC shadow dropped tonight!

The next one, The Rising Tide, will be out Spring 2024!



Art of War
Jul 22, 2009
I finally beat the game. Currently at 81% trophy completion. Man, final fight was crazy good. I only had one Eikon equipped by accident, but got through it no problem. The price of freedom is steep. It’s sad Clive dies at the end. Most likely to be taken by the waves of the sea. I was hoping for at least Clive to survive after defeating Ultima. However, it’s hard to hate the ending in my opinion. Clive sacrificed himself for the greater good of Valisthea. It’s noble when the hero dies to protect the people he loves and the connections he formed.

Overall I thought it was a good story, with great gameplay and music. To my surprise, I put 96hrs into the game. I’m going to break a bit and eventually start NG+ for that sweet Platinum trophy.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Lotta changes coming on Thursday

18th April 2024

We announce the release of update 1.31, which makes a number of changes and improvements to the game. The update also allows for the purchase and installation of the DLC package The Rising Tide.

Version 1.31

The following content is available to all players:

Additional In-game Content

  • Orchestrion rolls added to regional shops.
    Rolls available depend on main scenario progress.
Battle Adjustments

  • Player ATK increased outside of select Eikon battles.
  • Quality of life UI additions made in certain Eikon battles.
Eikonic Ability & Feat Adjustments

  • Two instances of ball lightning will fire when exacting Ramuh's Eikonic Feat Blind Justice.
  • Ball lightning affixed to enemies is now detonated via the feat button rather than attacking.
  • Clive now moves faster while using Blind Justice.
  • Clive can now dodge while using Blind Justice.
  • Clive recovers poise more quickly after exacting Blind Justice.
  • When canceling Bahamut's Eikonic Feat Wings of Light, the Megaflare charge will only deplete to the next gauge level.
  • A dodge is conducted when initiating Wings of Light.
  • Successfully dodging an enemy attack when initiating Wings of Light will trigger a Megaflare Dodge.
  • Parry animation when using Odin's Eikonic Feat Arm of Darkness has been changed.
  • The minimum jump height for initiating Stomp has been lowered.
  • The direction Clive faces after using Swift Recovery has been adjusted.
  • Limit Break attacks now lift enemies instead of knocking them back.
  • Gouge damage is increased.
  • Gouge will damage is increased.
  • Gouge recast time is reduced.
  • Aerial Blast now dispels certain ranged magic attacks.
  • Aerial Blast will damage is increased.
  • Windup area of effect is increased.
  • Earthen Fury recast time is reduced.
  • Flare Breath now dispels certain ranged magic attacks.
  • Flare Breath now lifts enemies instead of knocking them back when canceling the ability.
  • Flare Breath damage is increased.
  • Satellite damage is increased.
  • Satellite recast time is reduced.
  • Satellite will damage is increased.
  • Ice Age damage is increased.
  • Ice Age will damage is increased.
  • Ice crystal generated when using Rime will now better draw in nearby enemies.
  • Rime will damage is increased.
  • Gungnir recast time is reduced.
  • Gungnir will damage is increased.
  • Heaven's Cloud chained follow-up attacks can now be focused on a single enemy by locking on to the enemy.
  • Heaven's Cloud will damage is increased.
  • Heaven's Cloud recast time is reduced.
Accessory Adjustments

  • Effectiveness of the following accessories has been improved:
    • Favor of Wind (Gouge)
    • Favor of Wind +1 (Gouge)
    • Breath of Earth (Earthen Fury)
    • Breath of Earth +1 (Earthen Fury)
    • Breath of Darkness (Gungnir)
    • Breath of Darkness +1 (Gungnir)
    • Breath of Darkness (Heaven's Cloud)
    • Breath of Darkness +1 (Heaven's Cloud)
    • Cavall's Fang
    • Cavall's Fang +1
    • Cavall's Bite
Other Changes to Actions

  • Alleviated rare issue of Clive jumping when accessing objects under certain conditions.
  • Made adjustments to when Torgal can be petted and lowered time before re-petting.
  • Made adjustments to calculations for amount of damage taken when near death.

  • A "Quick Complete" function has been added, giving players the option to warp directly to a quest-giver upon completing a quest's final objective.
  • A new quest icon has been assigned to quests which reward collectables.
  • Ability Point awards for certain sidequests have been increased.
  • Additional cutscenes have been added to certain sidequests.
  • Minor changes have been made to cutscene staging.
  • New NPCs have been added to certain settlements.

  • Added "Custom" controller type.
    Go to Controller Layout on the System tab in the Main Menu to freely assign functionality to the buttons on your controller.
  • Skill Sets have been added.
    Players can now save up to 5 skill sets. Swap between sets with L1/R1.
  • The following functionality has been added to Photo Mode:
    • Focal Distance adjustability in Depth of Field setting
    • Tone Correction
    • Screen Effects
    • Portrait Mode
    • 90-degree rotation in Roll functionality
  • Minor updates and additions to the Thousand Tomes.
  • Visual updates to the State of the Realm timeline slider.
  • Updates and additions to the UI and various menus.
Bug Fixes

  • The following issues have addressed:
    • Graphics not appearing correctly in certain cutscenes
    • Incorrect character motion in certain cutscenes
    • Inability to progress in certain quests
    • Progression markers not displaying properly
    • NPC names not properly updating in conjunction with game progression
    • Problems with menu functionality when speaking with NPCs
    • Enemies not acting properly in certain battles under certain conditions
    • Issues with camera work in certain battles
    • Enemy effects not displaying properly in certain battles under certain conditions
    • Enemy names not appearing properly under certain conditions
    • Certain abilities not hitting targets properly
    • Precision sic not executing properly with certain abilities
    • Certain ability effects not displaying properly under certain conditions
    • Issues with camera work during certain abilities
    • Instances of limit break/ability effects not properly triggering
    • Auto Torgal not functioning properly in the Hall of Virtue (training mode)
    • Issues with party ally AI
    • Collision detection in certain stages and fields
    • Issues with character motion
    • State of the Realm menu icons not updating or displaying properly
    • Slight discrepancies in State of the Realm content
    • Rare instances of past State of the Realm content being unavailable for viewing
    • Graphics not displaying properly in Photo Mode when using certain photography methods
    • Text and Icons not displaying properly on the world map under certain conditions
    • Instances of current location not displaying properly on world map
    • Instances of region map icons not displaying properly
    • Instances of controller vibration and adaptive trigger functionality not working properly
    • Menu layout not displaying when switching between languages
    • Config settings not changing properly when restoring defaults
    • Incorrect screenshots and videos in certain tutorials
    • Tutorials not appearing at proper times
    • Inability to obtain certain redeemable items when starting New Game+
    • Notices not appearing at proper times
    • Instances of sound effects not playing at proper times
    • Various spelling and grammar mistakes
    • Various instances of game crashes


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Anyone played the Rising Tide yet? Is it worth getting back into the game for?


Traitor of KHInsider.com
Mar 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Anyone played the Rising Tide yet? Is it worth getting back into the game for?
I'm going to play it later.

Just my take on FFXVI: I liked the story (always important), but the gameplay was way too simple. All I had to do to win was just fireball and dodge incessantly, then find an opening to take my shot. I think like many other FF titles it had potential (I will forever lament FFXV for what it could have been) but something somewhere down the line put too much pressure on it.