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itt: e3 questions are answered!

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
If you have anymore questions, please don't be afraid to ask!

How was the Free Flow System on the demo? - Professor Ven

Sign: That was actually really handy. I tried to use it as often as I could during battle, and spinning around the enemies and flinging them away became addictive. The rooms are also very well designed, and I found myself thinking in some areas, "Hmm, what can I use to get over there?" Think outside the box to utilize your available resources because the development team were definitely very creative while they were hiding away all those treasure chests.

Master Spockanort: There are a few downsides to Flowmotion, though. At times it is actually pretty hard to control if you aren't used to using it, or if you don't have enough surfaces to interact with. In my case, I was using Flowmotion and flung myself off of one of the floors I was on while fighting some Dream Eaters. Besides the minor issues, it is extremely fun to use and you'll find it hard to not use once you get into the groove of using Flowmotion.

Did you Drop, and if so, did it mess with your playing as Sora/Riku? - Professor Ven
Did the drop system seem disruptive in any way? - theirlosthearts
In KH3D: If you got to use Drop, does it seem like something that could become annoying? - Luap911

Sign: I dropped once manually and once automatically when I ran out of time. It was actually quite fluid, although I did experience lag during the manual drop (might have been because I did it almost immediately after the automatic one). It's not like when you drop, you instantly change characters and are thrown right back to where you last left off. You'd see them fall back and arrive at the menu where you can purchase items and upgrade abilities before the rotating sleep scene would play, and then you'd drop to the other character and watch them calmly wake up. The alarm would blare when time is running out, so it's really not jarring at all.

Master Spockanort: I only dropped once automatically and every drop I did after that was manually, and I have to say that it was definitely not disruptive. When I heard the alarm go off, I had quite some time to stop what I was doing and prepare for the drop. I had been looking for the Beagle Boys as Riku when it happened, so I just defeated the Dream Eaters that were around me, got on a platform where I couldn't be attacked and waited. I imagine it is only frustrating if you are in the heat of a boss battle, but even then it is still handy if you've racked up enough Dream Points to buy potions.

Was the 3D on, and how did it affect the display of the game? - Professor Ven
How was playing the game without 3D? Did you feel as though the lack of 3D detracted from the overall game? - Taochan
Is the 3D in the game used well? - Venitas
How important do you think 3d was to the quality of KH3D? - theirlosthearts

Sign: It was on at full blast at every system. The 3D effect was especially great during the cutscenes, where you could easily notice the varying levels of depth between the characters and objects with the environment. It was also fairly noticeable during battle, where the fast-paced action combined with the eye-popping effects made it delicious eye candy. While playing with 3D turned off, it really didn't bother me that much, though I did much prefer to have it on during cutscenes. That's not to say turning it off made things worse on a visual level; it's just that once you go 3D, it's hard to go back. It's very appealing.

Master Spockanort: The 3D in Dream Drop Distance is rather gorgeous, though personally I won't be using the 3D during gameplay. When I was wearing my glasses there was something slightly distracting about it, but without them it was fine. That said, playing the game without 3D doesn't take anything away. It's exactly like playing all of the past Kingdom Hearts games. Gameplay looks gorgeous with the 3D on, though, and I'd recommend for everybody to play with the 3D on once at the very least.

How are the Dream Eaters in cooperating with Sora/Riku? - Professor Ven
Were the Dream Eaters fun to have in your party? Or would you rather have Donald & Goofy? - Taochan

Sign: If Donald and Goofy could act like the Dream Eaters, that'd be great. The Dream Eaters were incredibly helpful for me. They'd quickly find hidden treasures and enemies before I even noticed that I could destroy or push aside a certain something to reveal them while I was distracted by something else. I think I probably used Cure only once or twice since they'd take care of that for me so I was free to run amok.

They really do act like loyal pets actually. For example, in the battle against the Mole Dream Eater Riku fights against, it'd burrow underground and reemerge so you'd have a small period of time to track it down and proceed to inflict damage before it disappears again. Considering the rooms are quite large, it became troublesome at times to keep up (definitely not so if you utilize Flowmotion, but in the heat of battle, sometimes you tend to forget things). And guess what comes to the rescue? Your Dream Eaters, who run straight for it the moment it appears and try to attack it while you're running from the other side of the room.

Master Spockanort: The Dream Eaters are the ideal party partners. Their AI is way more sophisticated than Donald and Goofy's and I can only hope that Donald and Goofy will use an AI like the Dream Eaters in future games. For KH3D, I don't think I'll be missing Donald and Goofy so much as party members as much as I will miss them for not being active parts of the story.

Anyways, I really love the Dream Eaters; they are so cute and make me think of real pets. They find things for you, make cute sounds, heal you when your HP is low, fight enemies when you're too distracted to do so. So real pets don't heal you, but you get the idea. I don't want to say I'd love if Dream Eaters were around all of the time, but I do know I'll miss them in future games where they don't make appearances.

Which character did you prefer in style with their aid of Dream Eaters? (Basically how Sora and Riku differ in styles of working with the Dream Eaters) - Professor Ven
Did you get a chance to play as both characters? If so, who did you enjoy playing as more and why? - Venitas

Sign: In terms of Link Attacks, I personally preferred Riku's over Sora's. While Sora's were fun and endearing to see and perform, the ones that were available (Sora's party consisted of Meow Wow, Necho Cat and Zou Elephant), albeit powerful, covered a smaller range. Meow Wow can only bounce so far, Necho Cat's rhythmic notes are limited in range and Zou Elephant, needless to say, is on the slow side.

Riku's worked more like Command Styles in Birth by Sleep, which I loved. His party consisted of Chef Kyroo, Handsome Pegasus and Tama Sheep. When linked with Chef Kyroo, Riku would be engulfed in flames and levitate a bit off the ground. His attacks of course would be fire elemental, and he'd slash wildly and throw his Keyblade like a flaming boomerang. Linking with Handsome Pegasus would give him lightning elemental. His attacks would be quick and fast, and at the end of a combo, he'd disappear and teleport a short distance with a flash. Linking with Tama Sheep would give him light elemental, which was really refreshing.

Master Spockanort: Riku's Link Attacks were definitely a lot more fun to use than Sora's, but because I love the Command Styles in Birth By Sleep. I have to admit, though, it was hilarious to see Sora bounce around on Meow Wow when it was tiny.

Did you get a chance to play a WiiU? If so, how will does the controller fit into a persons hand? And what titles did you get a chance to play? - Luap911
Did you get any hands on time with the Wii-u? If so how were the graphics compared to the current gen consoles? - Lady-Lee

Sign: Yep! Specially we played the 5 games they had available to try for Nintendo Land (which will have 12 in all), which were Animal Crossing: Sweet Day, Takamaru's Ninja Castle, The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest, Donkey Kong's Crash Course, and Luigi's Ghost Mansion. They would give the participants a pin for every game they played, so of course we had to be the very best that no one ever was.

The WiiU was fairly comfortable to use, with the controller fitting rather perfectly into my hand. There were grooves on the back to go along with the shoulder buttons, and overall, the only thing I really had to get accustomed to was looking at the screen on it rather than the TV. In terms of graphics, just imagine what you'd see on the TV packed into that little screen.

I also got a chance to play Rayman Legends on the WiiU as well, partnered with Ethy on the PS3 controller. She controlled Rayman with it while I managed Murphy on the WiiU, destroying the obstacles and manipulating the environment to clear the path forward. The third part of the level we played was particularly fun as the WiiU controller was prompted along the beat of an incredible metal soundtrack.

Just how kupoing awesome is it getting the chance to go to E3? - Luap911

Sign: I skipped the week before finals to attend and regret absolutely nothing <3

Master Spockanort: It was amazing. I had finals and did not study. Didn't even care!

What interesting games did you play besides KH3D? - Taochan

Sign: Quantum Conundrum, Theatrhythm, Demon's Score, Ni no Kuni, Skylanders Giants, Young Justice: Legacy, Rayman Legends and Spec Ops: The Line to name a few!

How shiny was the Meow Wow plushie? - Zephyr

Sign: I wanted to steal it and take it home. It was smaller than I thought, which really only made me want it more. I actually stuck around long enough one day to see them opening the display boxes that housed the merchandise and move some stuff around I guess. Didn't steal anything, but the thought definitely crossed my mind fairly often.

Master Spockanort: Too. Cute. Must. Look. Away.

Was there any changes for the voice actors from the Disney Movies to the Games? - Zephyr

Sign: They're all the same asides from the obvious changes. But then again, I guess you don't really need a staff roll to arrive at that conclusion, right?

Did Sora's voice sound as weird as it did in the special trailer, or did it sound like good old Sora? - Venitas

Sign: I didn't think there was anything wrong with his voice to begin with, but yeah sure. Sounds like Sora. Because he's, well, Sora.

Master Spockanort: Too me, Sora sounded better in the game than he did in the trailer.

How big was the difference, if any, between playing as Sora and playing as Riku? - theirlosthearts

Sign: Asides from the differences in regards to the Dream Eaters, I think it's what you'd probably come to expect from past experiences playing as both Sora and Riku. During the demo, Sora definitely felt more "horizontal"; that is, his attacks covered more range. Riku on the other hand seemed to opt for vertical. I did notice that Riku's dodge roll is also more fluid compared to Re:CoM, where he had a distinct spring when leaping back onto his feet.

From the commands that were available, it felt as though Sora was progressing forward while Riku incorporated elements from the past. Out of the six commands Sora had, at least 3 of them were new: Sparkga, Balloonga and Icebreaker. Sparkga was definitely surprising since I had expected a large burst of lightning like in Re:coded. Instead, a beam of light came down that revolved into a wide whirlwind of colors. Balloonga summoned a cluster of balloons that Sora would then smack and send the individual balloons flying around the area, exploding upon impact. Icebreaker was a forward spiraling dive revolving around ice of course. He also had the familiar Slot Edge and an obligatory Cure. On the other hand, Riku had almost all commands we've seen used by him previously: Dark Firaga, Dark Break, Dark Aura, and Cure, as well as a different take on familiar ones: Zantetsuken and Dark Splicer.

Did you feel the demo was too short, too long, or juuuussstttt right? - Chaser

Sign: It was clear that Square Enix is really proud of their achievements and wanted to show off, so who am I to complain? It was a long demo, to the point where I actually didn't finish Sora's side since I became rather self conscious about how much time I was there playing the game and whether or not someone was waiting behind me for it. Riku's side however, felt shorter if only because plot-wise in comparison to the film, he was there for a lesser period of time.

Did you steal anything? - DrHillboy

Sign: I got away with like 50 pounds of swag. That was free. So technically that's not stealing I guess. Most of it was from the free magazines. Lots and lots of magazines.

Master Spockanort: I stole electricity for my poor iPhone that was dying from all of the pictures and tweets.

How was meeting your fellow staff in person? - Taochan
How was your reaction meeting the other KHI staff for the first time? - Zephyr

Sign: I can go into this long winded story starting from me bugging Ethy for like half an hour on the first day after arriving at the convention center because I was terribly lost and the E3 volunteers hanging around the hall were completely useless up until we met up with representatives from the other KH fansites, but that's not quite relevant?

But it was cool. We had a great time hanging out with each other offline, which was a great experience. Getting to know each other without the stress of the site and being able to enjoy oursel- uh, I mean of course we were working water you talking about-. Well, you get the idea.

Can you give a list of the free swag you got from E3 (I heard there generally isn't THAT much to the point of not being able to carry everything)? Also, what if your favorite piece? - kupo1121

Sign: Some shirts, pins, straps, keychains, bags, a lot of magazines, that 45-minute hat, box speakers and a small toy made for ages 6+. And I'm obligated to say the hat.

Master Spockanort: The hat.

Did you taste the cake? If so what flavor was it? If not, what color was the inside of the cake?
Who got to take home or eat the cookie Sora, Riku, Chocobo, and Moogle on the respective cakes? - kupo1121

Sign: Wasn't at the event, sorry. It was like for media only or whatever. I do imagine it was delicious though!

What color 3DS were the KH demos on? - kupo1121

Sign: Almost all of them were black. There were some girls at the Nintendo booth walking around with 3DS and various demos that were available. I think the ones for KH3D were a dark blue?

Master Spockanort: Black was the standard, and the Nintendo ladies that walked around had dark blue and midnight purple.

What was your favorite booth at the event? - kupo1121
Who do you think had the best showing this year? - theirlosthearts

Sign: Gotta say Square Enix, hands down. I mean yeah, I'm probably being biased but I really don't care. Square Enix all the way.

Master Spockanort: Square Enix. The reps were extremely nice (one even remembered me from before when I had been playing Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy), and it was really easy to play the games they had to offer. The games I played were amazing, and then they really stole the show with their tech demo of the Luminous engine. Agni's Philosophy is a really great representation of what SE can do with their future games.

After the event is over, can you tell me what part of E3 was the highlight, it can be anything, doesn't have to be KH-related. - kupo1121
In your opinion, what was the best part of E3 this year? - theirlosthearts

Sign: Being able to meet everyone from the different sites and spending time with each other offline.

Master Spockanort: Meeting people, for sure. It was nice to put faces and voices to names.

Did Tai Yasue know Cecily and Tony were from KHInsider? - theirlosthearts

Sign: That's how we were introduced actually!

What was your favorite part of the SE booth? - theirlosthearts

Sign: Kingdom Hearts of course.

Master Spockanort: ...and the carpet. What? The carpet was soft! After walking on the hard showroom floor, stepping onto the SE booth carpet was like heaven.

Did you see any new keyblades in the KH3D demo? - theirlosthearts

Sign: The only one available was "Finishing Blow Knuckles". Err, this one:


Did they have the 3ds circle pad pro for the KH demo? was it even an option? - Ovafaze
Not just for KH3D but for 3DS games in general, did you get to try out the Circle Pad Pro? If so, how did it feel? - Juggernaut6

Sign: There probably were some CPPs around the Nintendo Booth, but I didn't see them available for any other demo.

Master Spockanort: Honestly I don't even think they were at the Nintendo booth. Not a CPP in sight.

Just how long was the line for the KH demo? - Ovafaze

Sign: There were no lines. Instead there were small masses of people clustered around the demo. It did receive a significant amount of traffic as far as I can tell.

What else did you see at E3 that got you excited? - Ovafaze

Sign: Assassin's Creed III, Metal Gear Rising, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs and Epic Mickey 2 to name a few. Unfortunately, lines. Lines. LINES.

Master Spockanort: Besides what Sign listed, I was excited for Star Trek, Heroes of Ruin, Devil May Cry, Ni no Kuni, and some others. And yeah, the lines really killed it. Not that they weren't expected, but there were a lot of games that didn't have hour long waits.

Would you go back to E3 again next year if you could? - Ovafaze

Sign: With no hesitation whatsoever!

Master Spockanort: In the words of a wise doctor, "Oh god, yes!"

What was it like to meet Tai Yasue? - destiny seeker

Sign: Honestly, I was sort of at a loss at first. He's an amazing guy, really someone to admire, and sort of a role model. But he's just really swell. Super nice and friendly, and seemed really enthusiastic about it all.

Did the demo include any cutscenes? If so, how was the voice acting and the script? If not, how were the...battle cries and such? - snow_flake40

Sign: "Yeesh. Those guys are together even when they're made out of wood."

That was a brilliant line and performance. But anyways, the voice acting was great. Loved the script.

Master Spockanort: Voice acting and battle cries were perfect. It seems Riku sounds a tiny bit different, but it was a bit loud on the showroom flow to be completely sure. David Gallagher still sounded perfect. I really like Haley Joel Osment's take on Sora this game. It sounds very natural, and it doesn't feel weird to hear the voice he is using come out of Sora's mouth.

The lines in the cutscenes were great. I love Riku's commentary, and a few of Sora's lines (and HJO's delivery) actually made me rather emotional.

Did you get to see anything extra about Beyond? If so what is your impression of it? - Lady-Lee

Sign: Didn't check it out, sorry.

Was there any extra information on The Last of Us? - Lady-Lee

Sign: There probably was but we didn't check it out firsthand.

What was the best piece of merchandise at E3 this year? - theirlosthearts

Sign: Plushie. Has to be the plushie.

Master Spockanort: SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE–er. The Meow Wow plush.

Did you see Reggie fils aime? - Ovafaze

Sign: No.

Master Spockanort: Me and him are bros.

How dirty do you think those 3DS demo units were? - Ovafaze

Sign: I'd rather not think about it but it's not like it stopped me from going back and playing over and over.

Master Spockanort: God bless bathroom sinks and hand sanitizer.

How do the graphics compare to other 3DS games? - snow_flake40

Sign: They're fairly standard KH-style graphics. That is, it's not necessary the best but it's still in the higher tier.

Was the gameplay genuinely fun throughout or was it too frantic at times? How fun would you compare it to the other games in the series? - snow_flake40

Sign: I don't really think those two can be considered opposites. Regardless, it was very enjoyable though I think you might be overwhelmed at first by just how many new elements are introduced, even though they don't throw everything at you at once.

I'm biased for the command deck system, so I'd say this is definitely my favorite battle system so far.

Master Spockanort: I thought it was extremely fun. Like Sign said, frantic isn't really the best opposite to fun since things that feel wild and crazy can still be fun. Just depends on if you like taking things slow or being in a rush. It was definitely a lot to take, but that is how it always is when there is a new entry to the series. I don't think I can compare the other games just yet, especially since we haven't gotten a full taste of what KH3D has to offer.

How was the frame rate? - snow_flake40

Sign: Didn't experience any lag during actual gameplay but you do have a wait a while transitioning from cutscenes.

Master Spockanort: I don't remember there being any frame rate drops, but remember this was also a demo build. We'll have to wait and see how it is in the actual game.

Were the menus easy to navigate and use? - snow_flake40

Sign: Menus were unavailable in the demo.

Master Spockanort: No menus, which really bummed me out.

Did you guys get to play Tomb Raider? - Delsan

Sign: Sadly no.

Master Spockanort: Nope; behind doors.

Is there any mention of the game called Overstrike?? - raycat27_2003

Sign: Never heard of it.

Master Spockanort: What?

Did you know you guys were being recorded by G4? - DrHillboy

Sign: Nope. It shocked us just as much as it did you!

Master Spockanort: We were way too engrossed with playing KH3D to have even noticed there were cameras behind us. I knew Shamdeo was behind us taking pictures, but even he didn't know G4 was there.

Are the graphics really on par with the PS2? - 4EverFree

Sign: I suppose if you compare KH3D to the games in the series on the PS2, then yes.

Master Spockanort: From the brief time spent playing the demo, I'd say that it is definitely better than Kingdom Hearts II, but it is obvious it would be considering Kingdom Hearts II was a 2006 game and it is 2012. In my opinion, it isn't the graphical improvements that are important, but the animation. There are minute things like the way each character's eyes move, or how their hair and clothes shift while walking and running, that have advanced.

Would you say KH3D had the most "groundbreaking" gameplay yet in the series? - 4EverFree

Sign: Depends on your definition of groundbreaking. Kingdom Hearts' gameplay evolves with each title, and this by far was the most advanced.

Did KH3D live up to expectations? - 4EverFree

Sign: That's a question I don't think I can answer until I can play the entire game. I will say that I wasn't disappointed by the demo at all.

Master Spockanort: Yeah, can't give a definite answer on that until the game is out. The demo was extremely fun, it was limited in how much you could do so there is no way to really judge the game from it.

Which element of the demo did you find most enjoyable (cutscenes, gameplay etc.)? - 4EverFree

Sign: It's all about the gameplay!

Master Spockanort: The sweet, sweet feeling of playing a new Kingdom Hearts game~

And the least enjoyable (as if lol)? - 4EverFree

Sign: I just wish we were actually able to access the main menu instead of pressing [Start] and only seeing the DROP button. Exploring it would have yielded very interesting information but perhaps that's being too greedy.

What happened to the cake? Did it get eaten?! I need to know!! - 4EverFree

Sign: Cakes are meant to be eaten, so you're right!

Thank God, I was expressing Ordeith of how I forgot to ask about the game's difficulty, so here goes; how difficult is it? - Seraph

Sign: I actually think that Sora and Riku were a tad overpowered in the demo, possibly due to having taken into account the possibility of casual players falling in battle. That'd back up the lines and really be a turn off, especially if it'd lead to people making accusations in regards to the overall difficulty. Better to be safe than sorry?

This is coming from a person who plays a lot of KH so don't take my word for it!

Master Spockanort: They were definitely overpowered. Sora took out the Tyranto Rex like nothing, but I'm almost certain the fight should have been harder. Then again, I saw a guy playing before me and he died twice during the Tyranto Rex fight before walking away from the demo.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it really depended on how how familiar you were with the series and your gaming prowess. To me and Sign it was easy, but there were probably people at E3 who thought it was hard.

Do u know when a Demo will be released in NA? - Got_it_Memorized
Did they say when the demo on 3d relesses? - bigbadcloud
=) I want to play the KH3D Demo! :D Available Soon on the Nintendo E-Shop? - HashinoT @ twitter

Sign: We asked a representative on everyone's behalf when the demo would be released, and all we were told was that there would be a demo releasing soon.

When you played the Demo did you play it like a boss? - Got_it_Memorized

Sign: I abused Flowmotion and flung Dream Eaters left and right because I found it probably more enjoyable and amusing than it was meant to be. The first time I played the demo I spent it trying out the new gameplay elements and checking out the available commands as sort of a trial run. Then when I went back everything ran fairly smoothly, though I did forget every now and then that, yes, there is a camera and I can totally use it.

Master Spockanort: I had no idea what I was doing. You'd think I had never played a Kingdom Hearts game with how bad I did. Just kidding, but I didn't really get how to use Flowmotion then after I felt like a master!

Have you ever thought of making KH Insider t-shirts to wear at events like these? (I know I'd feel special wearing one.) - Juggernaut6

Sign: We actually discussed it after we got there, so yeah. Maybe we'll have some made for next year's E3?

Did you get to talk to other people on the KH team besides Tai Yasue and Raio Mitsuno? - Juggernaut6

Sign: Sadly no. If anyone else was there, they were all very busy behind the booth preparing for presentations, interviews, etc.

Who was the best dressed out of the KHI staff? Out of all the fans sites (KHU, FF, etc.)? - kupo1121

Sign: I thought Ethy was dressed very stylishly. Eiji Ouji would be proud!

Master Spockanort: *flips hair*

Was there any mention of the world ends with you sequal? - bigbadcloud

Sign: Not. At. All.

Master Spockanort: Only in our dreams.

Also was there any thing added to the game thats not in the japan version expet for the gltiches that halt game play? - bigbadcloud

Sign: We know of the one that was mentioned in recent news, but if you didn't already know that and just went forward to play the demo, I figure you wouldn't have noticed any changes. Keep in mind: it's just a demo; not the game in its entirety.

What all was shown at E3 that was about Kingdom Hearts? - sub6snoopy @ tumblr

Sign: The E3 trailer that was released online shortly before the expo started was playing at the demo booth and with the other Square Enix trailers on their big screen, the demo, the Meow Wow Plushie, and the mention in Square Enix's After Party.

Right. Is it true that Square Enix will announce Kingdom Hearts HD at E3? Will it be only for Wii U? - humzird @ twitter

Sign: That was just a rumor (and really a bad one full of loopholes and incorrect information), so no.

The KH Game from North America, will have the option to choose the language to Spanish? For that of Latin American players. Greetings - HashinoT @ twitter

Sign: It's very unlikely that the game will be dubbed in any language asides from English and Japanese. There may be Spanish subtitles though.

Master Spockanort: Not too sure on that. You might want to check with a retailer or send Square Enix Members NA a tweet about this.

Any chance of an anniversary limited ed 3DS console coming either for the US or EU/AU? - J Co. @ twitter

Sign: It doesn't seem very likely.
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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
holy crap i talk too much


Twilight Warrior of the Stars
Jan 29, 2006
There is one question i would like to ask Sign and Master Spockanort is overall who won E3 from there perspective.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
There is one question i would like to ask Sign and Master Spockanort is overall who won E3 from there perspective.

Who won? If you're referring to who we believe to have the best showing, we did actually answer that. The answer is Square Enix for us both.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Re-read the interview, thanks for answering my question! o3o


Great Old One
Sep 22, 2007
I'm surprised to read that you were filmed by G4. At what point in the convention were you recorded?
Personally, I don't really care for the network—but you were on TV, regardless!


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Who won? If you're referring to who we believe to have the best showing, we did actually answer that. The answer is Square Enix for us both.

How about just between the conference givers? That would be Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Ubisoft, and EA (did anyone else give a conference?).

Also, I saw one you said you tried Ni No Kuni, please tell me how that was as that game is really interesting me. I have no general questions for the game, I just want to know anything you have to say. In case there is too much, here are a few topics I'd like covered:
- How was the gameplay?
- How were the voices?
- How did the game feel in terms of pace?

No need to cover graphics, I've seen videos of the game in Japan, etc. to know the game looks amazing!!!

Also, when you said your favorite merchandise was "the hat" I'm assuming you meant the Oswald hat, right? If so, did you guys get extras that you could *cough* give-out-in-site-related-events *cough* oh wow...I should go see a doctor <_<


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
I'm surprised to read that you were filmed by G4. At what point in the convention were you recorded?
Personally, I don't really care for the network—but you were on TV, regardless!

Right after we got in on the first day, we all made a beeline to the Square Enix booth. We were there playing the demo for at least half an hour, so it was some time during then.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
How about just between the conference givers? That would be Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Ubisoft, and EA (did anyone else give a conference?).

Ubisoft because it gave me a lady boner.

Also, I saw one you said you tried Ni No Kuni, please tell me how that was as that game is really interesting me. I have no general questions for the game, I just want to know anything you have to say. In case there is too much, here are a few topics I'd like covered:
- How was the gameplay?
- How were the voices?
- How did the game feel in terms of pace?

I played it all of a minute before I had to get to class and take my final.

Also, when you said your favorite merchandise was "the hat" I'm assuming you meant the Oswald hat, right? If so, did you guys get extras that you could *cough* give-out-in-site-related-events *cough* oh wow...I should go see a doctor <_<



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
How about just between the conference givers? That would be Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Ubisoft, and EA (did anyone else give a conference?).

Ubisoft, let's just leave it at that xD

Also, I saw one you said you tried Ni No Kuni, please tell me how that was as that game is really interesting me. I have no general questions for the game, I just want to know anything you have to say. In case there is too much, here are a few topics I'd like covered:
- How was the gameplay?
- How were the voices?
- How did the game feel in terms of pace?

No need to cover graphics, I've seen videos of the game in Japan, etc. to know the game looks amazing!!!

The demo was basically open world; there were no objectives, no scenes (at least from the parts that I played) but you had about 10 minutes to run around wherever you liked and do whatever you please, so I can't say anything about pace. Voices were good, but this is me wondering why there's always that one person with an accent in Ghibli productions.

You could run around on the world map (which was incredibly large and very beautiful) and find items scattered around to aid you in your travels which would be represented by small spots that sparkle. There would also be monsters roaming the field who'd rush at you when you get into within range, and once you make contact, you'd be transported to a separate area for battle. Of course you'd be in primary control of Oliver, but during battle you could choose to use one of his little monster friends instead. There are a wide variety of commands to use, all which have a low cost of points to initiate; various physical attacks for example, and Oliver had some magic spells as well of fire, lightning and ice elemental. After choosing which attack you want to use, your character as well as the others who'd be under AI control, would rush forward and begin their assault; you'd attack, then the opponent would attack, and the cycle continues until one is defeated.

Also, when you said your favorite merchandise was "the hat" I'm assuming you meant the Oswald hat, right? If so, did you guys get extras that you could *cough* give-out-in-site-related-events *cough* oh wow...I should go see a doctor <_<

Nothing else we have would be relevant to give away on KHI, sorry.

(I'm probably behind on the times for this but,)
I'd assume the demo had cutscenes right? Did they have the so called 'interactive' aspect?

All you could do is watch during cutscenes, same as usual.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
What part out of curiosity because according to the lady who gave the conference, she got numerous ones <_<

Aisha gave me the lady boner.

Also, was that "no" meaning you only got one, or "no" as in you weren't talking about the hat?


(I'm probably behind on the times for this but,)
I'd assume the demo had cutscenes right? Did they have the so called 'interactive' aspect?

Interactive? You mean like how the Versus cutscenes are? No, none of that. KH3D cutscenes are just how they have been in the entire series.


Aug 16, 2010
Sitting in the dark
All you could do is watch during cutscenes, same as usual.

Interactive? You mean like how the Versus cutscenes are? No, none of that. KH3D cutscenes are just how they have been in the entire series.

Sweet thanks :D
There was in interview way back that talked about interactive aspects, and it was hard to tell if they were referencing KD3D or Versus :p
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