When Did I say that? I meant Replaced herself as Kairi in his heart.
My dictionary skills aren't up to *sneezes*....par? I know how to use a dictionary. And I used it on the word shadow. *cough* *cough*
And when did I say completely forget again?
I did too, and it can mean different things too. Anyway You said it here....
Rewrite his heart and he will completely forget Kairi and she will replace her and she'll be an important somebody.
When did I contradict Nomura? And it's called internet grammer and simple misspelling. (like that XD)
When you said completley forget. Anyway what are you talking about?
See you've already admitted you are wrong XD (And I know you didn't admit this but you should) and You are wrong!!!
Eh? I think I might have made I slight grammer mistake there... after all, i was fighting off rabid Riku fans (The deadly kind).
*throws the cough drop away*
*hiss* Cough drops are evil!!!!! *hiss*
*Cough drop hits NGD in the face*
AHH!!! What was that for? You could have told me that, I was being nice!
NGD is older then you KL, so if you were trully using that sentence then you should be respecting NGD...not that NGD deserves it right now!
What do you mean I don't deserve it, he's the one throwing cough Drops!
you know with the hissing you are sounding kinda like me, i do that when i don't like something sometimes, but i say cough syrup is more evil.
NGD YOU ARE WRONG!!! and you should be nice to poor KL, he is sick. and i agree with him to, so there! *sticks tounge out at NGD(my speeling is horrendiss)*
AH!!! NOW I'M BEING ATTACKED BY RABID KL LOVERS!!! I am being nice, I gave him a tissue didn't I?! And just because you THINK I am wrong, doesn't mean I am.
Still in light of my getting attack from all sides (From both rabid Riku and KL lovers...), I'll just agree to disagree yet again. To be honest I am thinking that it is futile for the two of us to argue. We are both very good at throwing words around (Though I may not spell them right, and you may not put them in the right context), and we are both stubborn to boot. Let's just back away from this quitely... while Kero still hasn't attacked me yet...