Greatest news ever! xD I can't wait to see what we get out of this. Maybe new additional scenes or have the kh2 final mix scenes translated and voice acted!? I wonder what the box cover will be like?
I sadly don't think we'll get any added scenes seeing as they didn't add anything new to 1.5HD Remix, which is still fine. I mean, 3 games on PS3, trophy content, FM CONTENT! That's enough for me ^_^ As for the boxart, I have a feeling it will be nearly exactly like the KH1.5HD boxart which I'm okay with for consistency of the collection purposes. I think that we'll probably have SK and DG on the front with TAV in the upper left and Mickey, Data Sora, and Data Riku (maybe Jiminy too) in the top right.
And yay, we will all get to fight the Mysterious Figure again! xD
I think MF was nerfed a bit in BbSFM but he is still VERY difficult, just not as much as in the US BbS. I believe they made him less aggressive and nerfed some of his moves (not sure which ones though).
Here's what happens if DDD isn't included in the next collection.
While I completely agree that not playing or knowing what happened in DDD is really problematic for understanding KH3, I don't think that is what will happen if it isn't in THE NEXT COLLECTION. Why can't SE make DDD into cutscenes or a really long journal entry and put that on the main menu of KH3? Like they did with FFXIII for FFXIII-2, anyone who buys KH3 would be caught up right then and there...problem solved
I don't mean to be rude, but there's no point in arguing about if DDD should or shouldn't be included in any way, shape, or form in this collection, because it's clearly not happening. So deal with it. We JUST found out that they're releasing KH2, BBS, and coded as a new collection literally a DAY ago and people are already complaining about DDD.
While I don't believe that DDD will be on this collection, it isn't as black and white as you're making it out to be. Just because they didn't show DDD in the credits doesn't mean there is absolutely 0% chance it will ever be in the collection. Unless you know Nomura and he told you specifically that DDD isn't on it, it is still a possibility until an official announcement comes out.
Would be interesting to see what trophies they'll come up with for 2.5 then ;D
Please NO S+10 ranking on all gummi missions!!!!
Anything in particular you guys are looking forward to most from these three titles in HD? :3
My personal response:
- KH2FM in English
- Secret Episode of BbS in English along with the added bosses
- HD BbS and I can't wait to hear the new music in those games
My hormonal response:
- Aqua's chest