Time for some more screenshots and observations:
The MoM poking that glass sphere and Chirithy jumping inside it was somehow totally cute, wasn't it?
It also doesn't have its cape and purse yet.
This scene obviously shows the point when the "Lost Page" was ripped out of the Book of Prophecies, and from the view it is
not the last page that was removed but something from around the middle.
Of course there's also still the question if it is the MoM removing the page or Luxu.
Secondly, in a small throwback to Master Spockanort's "Hourglass" contemplations about the six colored background assets in the Young Xehanort battle in DDD at the sanctum of time, take a look at the six test tubes behind the hand ripping out the lost page.
Not only are there exactly six just like the hourglasses, the colors also match with orange (gluttony), blue (either lust or sloth), green (envy), red (wrath), yellow (greed) and violet (pride) all being present, the seventh missing color (light blue or cyan, representing either lust or sloth) is also the same as the one missing among the hourglasses!