Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 17 posted)
Heh, you can't imagine how much I liked this chapter, Seph! This is something I actually imagined, that SRK would actually be together with the Disney crew. Even better that you put them up to where they would travel together in the Gummi Ship. I really like it when Kairi is included in with them, you see. <3
I await for the next chapters. Can't wait to see more of certain individuals.
Heh, glad you like it that much.

Now you know for what those tidbits with the Disney crew working at the Gummi ship were good for in earlier chapters.
Kairi won't be included for the whole story with them though as she needs to take some training lessons with Queen Minnie later on.
So, it's finally time for the next chapter in line, already improved again thanks to November Rain taking a first look over it fixing my most glaring errors, lol.
Again thanks for that. ^___^
XVII. Villains of a sort
The restored world of Enchanted Dominion, in a black puff of smoke appeared Hades, god of the Underworld from the Olympus Coliseum at the path to the Forbidden Mountain.
"Tsk, now look at this; old crow still hasn't found a suitable base of operations, forced to go back to her old ruined fortress." Hades gave a very gleeful grin, chuckling.
"One has to wonder what she cooked up this time...yet her performance last time was quite the disappointment. But hey, who says that one can't have a bad week sometimes?"
Mumbling to himself in his usual lighthearted, funny manner, Hades made his way up to the fortress, intent on paying the residing Sorceress there a visit.
Reaching the Gates-Area, a bunch of Maleficent's pig-like goons showed up, brandishing their weapons against the god.
"Geez Louise, what's with these walking schnitzels? The heartless were way more imposing." Hades shook his head with disgust.
"Now what are you gaping at, piggys? I'm Hades, Lord of the dead, I am expected by your Mistress, move out of the way at once."
"Well, look who's here...the famous god of the dead and last remaining member of the council." The voice of Pete sounded from the main entrance.
Hades smirked. "Hey there, if it isn't Captain Ass-Zipper, the epitome of incompetence."
Pete made a very annoyed face, shaking his fists. "Now what's that supposed to mean, it was me who assembled this group in the first place."
"But he's right, you're a fool and a coward, dragging down my reputation and failing at the simplest tasks!" Maleficent, the evil fairy, appeared behind Pete, whacking him aside elegantly with her staff in annoyance.
"Hades, it's good to finally see someone capable enough to be worked with."
"Well, hello hello there sister, heard you pretty much lost many badass-points, having to take second row for quite a while!"
She gave him back a very pissed face, frowning.
Pete, struggling to regain balance, tripped a second later and comically fell down the stairs.
Hades and Maleficent both thought in unison.
"I know, fool, I know. But all those insults will be avenged on a grand scale!!! I will show both Sora, King Mickey and the universe that I am still the Mistress of all Evil! The Organization is history and shall not bother us again."
Clapping his hands Hades grinned again. "Veeery good, indeed, the grand speech and propagandistic demagogism still works splendid, my admiration. Hey, hey, no need to get upset, everyone can have a bad week or so, just shouldn't become a lasting habit, y-know."
"I don't need you to tell me that. It's time for some drastic reforms and re-thinking of strategy." Maleficent snapped back.
Hades chuckled again.
"Great words sister...and I dare say there should be swift actions following. It's a bitter necessity. The numbers of the heartless have decreased even further, except Captain Hook every other ally got defeated just again with a big bang...your invasion got the swift "back to square one"-treatment and all went down pretty miserably."
The evil fairy shot him another glare. "Now look who's are no celebrity either with your failures to take out even one person in your own world. Your last exits weren't that impressive as well by tripping and falling into River Styx or getting kicked across the area by the hooves of a winged horse. Your performance was quite miserable as well."
"Yeah yeah, I know...and who's the one responsible for always getting in our way? A brat who has only outgrown his diapers by a few years with a hairstyle as if he put his hand into an electric socket, swings an oversized key and is backed up by two gawking fools."
Hades ranted, turning red.
Maleficent was the one to chuckle this time. "Indeed, so many plans and promising schemes were thwarted by this kid, not to mention forced alliances with him because of those stupid husks called Nobodies...we need to start over from scratch it my control over the heartless is shattered and their numbers, as you said, are even more lowered than before the defeat of that Organization."
"Start over from scratch...hehehe..." Hades laughed. " doesn't even look like you found a suitable base of operations already...and who do you think our army should be? Your walking, mace-swinging schnitzels?"
"Again you underestimate me...I already have spotted out more than one candidate for a new base, and for our new army...we will see to get a diversity of troops now, not just rely on the heartless. That's where you come into play. Hold more tournaments in the Underdrome AND the Coliseum. There should participate enough fighters who are susceptible to being controlled by darkness. Pete, you useless bunch of'll go and do the only task you remotely managed to get right: Roam the worlds and create more heartless...and go to the Realm of Darkness to lead natural heartless back here for our use!"
Maleficent commanded in a firm tone, raising her arms.
"Building up forces from the ground up ha? Sounds reasonable...however...the games in the coliseum are sadly not under my control as Zeus finally interfered on Phil's and Hercules's behalf." Hades growled. "Not to mention he set up Athena as the official representative of Olympus watching over the games in the coliseum."
bring them under your control, you burning fool! Or are you afraid to face Athena?
I will go and see which place is best suited for our base and maybe bring back some of our old followers if possible." Maleficent retorted.
"Creating more heartless...alrighty, that's a no-brainer, but going to the Realm of Darkness? That's a tad complicated, as that place is nowhere mapped and it's easy to get lost." Pete mumbled.
"You can summon Corridors of Darkness wherever you want, douchebag. Now get off and do your part!" Hades shouted, before turning to Maleficent again.
"Bring them under control you say...that's what I planned for Athena...bah...she won't be that much of a problem, not if I get out the other two titans as well."
"Very well then...start your scheme...and don't you dare to fail me!" Maleficent snarled.
"The same goes for you, old crow. Remember, I am your partner, not a servant!" Hades spat back, before disappearing in a puff of black smoke.
"Hmph...Pete? You're still here? Off with you, coward!"
"Yes ma'am, I'm off...but who's going to do recon in Disney Castle then?"
The evil fairy scoffed at him. "Diablo will do that...he's way sneakier and harder to spot than your fat behind."
With these words, the black raven landed on her shoulder, making an approving noise.
Sighing, Pete summoned a dark Corridor and vanished, as Diablo flew off into another one Maleficent had created, leaving the sorceress alone.
Now, with things finally moving...I can see for paying Princess Aurora and Philip a courtesy "celebrate" the restoration of our world.
With these thoughts, Maleficent disappeared in a swirl of green flame.
Far away in the Realm of in-between, Rudol Baccarat stepped out of a Dark Corridor in a strange, unsettling scenery.
Looking once more at the shard, he let it slide into a hidden pocket of his coat, pulling out and unfolding a map instead.
I still don't fully understand why this world can only be entered and left on two distinct points...and considering the atmosphere...I'm not even sure if I want to know.
Wrinkling his nose, Rudol shortly shuddered at the smell that hung in the air.
It's faint, but that smell is disgustingly persistent...and it smells like slowly decaying corpses and charred bones. Sickening...
Looking at the sky, he noticed that even the sunlight had an eerie, gloomy unsettling, unearthly mix of green and blue which did not truly illuminate, but only offered a hazy picture of the surroundings.
What a horrid world...and the names on the map do fit in every category I must say.
Starting to walk, his black coat moving a bit in the weak wind that carried the faint ugly smell Rudol looked around, checking his surroundings.
He had landed inside a real big metropolis; cars, trucks, trams, many skyscrapers, escalators and very modern electrical lights...only one thing was missing: Life.
The entire city was devoid of any life, an endless field of ruins, destruction and damaged proofs of what once must have been a very lively place.
Charred scars of energy-outbursts and scorched areas were everywhere, from deformed concrete, melted metal over to toppled buildings everything was just...dead.
The City of scorched Ashes...what a fitting name for I better cross that area as fast as I can...and it's wise to stick to the main, broad roads. I bet the boss is the only one who can walk here without getting much as I am a gambler...this entire world is giving me the creeps.
Increasing his pace, Rudol hurried to cross the dead metropolis as fast as he could.
As he reached the outskirts...a bunch of old, completely burned down houses and a ruined gasoline station, he began to breathe calmer shortly...only to visibly shiver when reading the name of the next area he would need to traverse to reach his goal.
Remembering something he had to do before, he turned and entered an only partly destroyed warehouse near the gasoline station, walking to a big, oddly well preserved wardrobe trunk standing in one corner.
"There it is." Rudol said aloud, immediately regretting it as he now felt a foul taste in his mouth.
This place is a cursed, rotten pile of death, this is how it must look like after the Apocalypse.
Opening the trunk, he pulled out one of the pieces of clothing inside it, a very heavy, thick fur-lined mantle which he put on over his black coat.
Luckily there isn't a mirror anywhere, as I now surely look ridiculous like a yeti with a black hood. But who cares, I will be glad I wear this thing when I finally leave the rotten city behind me and reach those frozen fields of horror!
Taking a look at the map again, the man shook his head as he moved out of the warehouse.
Tsk, Plains of frozen Agony, how inviting that name sounds!
Rudol continued to move as fast as he could, away from the unsettling athmosphere in the 'City of scorched Ashes'.
After finally leaving the last suburbs, or more fittingly, rubble piles behind he reached a scarred, but still functionable bridge over a medium wide river.
Urrh, yellow-beige water, flowing tenaciously like slag, this whole world does urge one to vomit.
Hastily crossing the bridge, leaving the river behind as well, Rudol crossed a small canyon in a group of grassy hills, arriving at the 'Plains of frozen Agony' on the other side.
Now here we have a complete change of climate, but still that sick sunlight and even more creepy stuff.
The Plains were not friendly, really not friendly. The soil consisted either of frozen ice-fields or thick layers of snow, cold wind was blowing, changing direction every few seconds and blewing icy snowstorms over the vast open land.
Dunes of snow were literally slowly
wandering through the landscape and it was so cold Rudol pulled the hood even tighter and put on top of it also the hood of the fur mantle.
Freezing cold, close to no sight because of snowstorms, soil sometimes so slippery one has to fear broken bones, and I have to cross this cauldron of frozen hell to reach the base!
...well, there's still a coin to throw if I will spot the creepy stuff this time or not...
That's it, now the Disney villains are in the mix as well and we get to know a new world.