That would have been a better question to ask back when any person who expressed vague disappointment or worry over anything at all started to get mob attacked.Does the game have to be good? What is "good"? We have too much time on our hands. "Don't get annoyed with people being annoyed by the leaker"... is anyone allowed to have an opinion anymore?
Shit gets weird in the AM hours.
The only thing more nonsensical than judging a game based on shoddy leaked footage and unreliable impressions from a random dude on the internet is trying to defend that game on the basis of stuff that will maybe possibly could happen someday after the fact.I'm sure they'll add events/minigames to unlock keyblades over time. There's so much you can do to make people go back to the game even after beating it. So many developers are doing it.
I find this comment frustrating, not because I think Yasue is being disingenuous but because it doesn't reconcile well with what has (and has not) been seen of the game. That is, Yasue and Nomura and their team have every right to argue their vision, but it seems that providing a full sense of completion and closure to the series thus far was not the priority with this game, and I can't imagine a reasonable definition of perfection in relation to KH3 that doesn't pursue that as a priority.Yasue: “Nomura wants it to be perfect, I want it to be perfect, Disney wants it to be perfect, right? And our fanbase, they expectit to be perfect. We can’t have it be sub-par: it’s Kingdom Hearts III. It just can’t be your average well-made game. It has to be more than that.â€
Yup. And even the Disney worlds aren't really inspired in selection or execution. The lineup, with few exceptions, feels like one extended commercial for current Disney properties that are being actively franchised, which gives the impression that it was branding and perhaps some technical limitations, not imagination or integrity in terms of KH's own history, that determined which worlds made the cut.Spoiler Show
I'm concerned with the shafting of non-Disney content. Original worlds are tiny,1 FF character and only 2 non-Disney Keyblades.
This is correct. 7/10 is a C. "Solidly average" is not what I had hoped for this game.First, you're being disingenuous if you think a 7.3 is a good score for a game in this day and age, yes, 7.3 is numerically a positive score (anything above 5 is numerically) but no one would regard that as a positive view on a game, most people would regard 8.5+ overall as a good score (which KH1 and KH2 achieved), if the score from was a 7.3 most people would not consider it good, you might but the majority would not.
Please, yes. I want everything dumped, but I'd take any real news at this point, from any source.The leaker needs to leak more good shit so we actually have something to talk about; forum is bored and talking in circles.
But where is the fun In getting everything spoiled though?
On top of this is yet another reminder to members here to NOT post a link to the video, or the video itself. Or to say what the name of the channel is. Please, please, just work with us.the leaker posted a 30 second clip on youtube looks like he's got an elgato now to record so no more cruddy footage
Oh so it's just second form then? I was hoping it would give us the third magic form if Merlin wasn't going to give Sora a keybladeHe straight up lied. Starlight's a KK clone.
He straight up lied.
I will say this: the KH franchise has always been pretty consistent between titles. You can play pretty much every game and at its core still say "yep, that's a KH game all right". Kingdom Hearts III looks like it's shaking up the structure of the standard KH aesthetics, but I'm glad to see that the heart of the franchise is still here. More specifically, the stuff we have seen in the voice acting department has been pretty great and definitely an improvement over the past few titles, where I believe voice direction got a bit sloppy and started to depend on the quality of the actor with little to no direction from the staff, similar to how George Lucas' actors in the middle star wars movies seemed to be relying on the actor's previous characters or their previous backgrounds in film or theatre rather than receiving any true direction from the director of the movie.
I'm saying this as a point of positivity because I'm on a Sonic the Hedgehog review binge and it reminded me why I never got into that franchise myself. Laugh all you want, but Unchained X still fits KH's story better than any of the sloppy Sonic games have ever fit in that convoluted timeline. I can only imagine how much discomfort Sonic the Hedgehog fans feel when they hear their series dashing into yet another new direction, especially since the most highly regarded Sonic title in a span of like 5 or 6 games was literally just an attempt to do exactly what the first few games did with very similar graphics and music.
The point is that I love you all and that there are a lot of great things to love about this franchise, there really are. We all laugh about the fact that they give keyblades out as lollipops nowadays, but I bet nobody here can deny that when they first saw the keyblade they just instantly said "DAMN, those things are cool. I need one hanging on my wall one day". The weapon is iconic, and the quirky pairing of various square enix titles people have niche nostalgia for with the world's most popular movie production studio makes for a strange aroma that's all too enticing for people like me.
There are always going to be things we want to do more of, and there's always going to be more we want out of something. Hell, I almost demanded a refund when I got the 2.8 collection until I realized that the HD version of Dream Drop Distance, a game that I hadn't even played, was honestly captivating. As much as I wanted to pretend that I hated it, I just couldn't. The flowmotion was broken but looked cool and made exploration more interesting, the dream eaters were so conceptually amazing (seriously, I've star ranked every single dream eater I love them that much), and the story, however fractured and confusing, led to one of the coolest video game tropes ever: a rogues gallery of villains from past games plotting to do something the first game tried to do, but right this time. And, better yet, THEY TRIED TO MAKE THE MAIN CHARACTER ONE OF THEM! Suck on THAT horocrux, VOLDEMORT!
0.2, for as little as it gave us, was unique. It showed us what KHIII could be, and I bet that the feedback that came from people beating that game went into III, with (hopefully) better balanced situation commands and the like. On top of that, it let us play in a new vertical landscape that was gorgeous and gave us a little slice of life story that, while maybe small, did give some of us something to do while waiting for III. Thank God that game exists too, because it showed us just how much Osaka team could improve in such a limited amount of time. Remember that weird glossy looking Terra from the 0.2 demos way back in the day? Yeah, they fixed that completely. HD Terra looks great (and has the best scene from 0.2 imo).
The fact that everything is actually tying into this game is cool. It may not ever be perfect, and I'm sure there's lots that we all would have wanted them to put into the game, but I'm going to take this time to remember my apprehension with 2.8 and stay positive, since I can either stay miserable and wait to nitpick every little thing I see in it or get lost in the environments and appreciate what's been done to my beautiful KH to finally spruce it up and give it some nice graphics.
Also, probably going to write an editorial on this eventually, but I always play video games a lot longer than everyone else. I take the time to look at the environments, to test out different strategies, to explore new nooks and crannies, and to perfect and replay minigames. My serious playthroughs of KHII are usually 40+ hours long before postgame because of this, and it's a little upsetting to hear everyone that plans to blow through this thing. Can you? Sure, you absolutely can. But should you? I don't know about that. We're literally finally in a TOY STORY WORLD, I'm going to remember what it is to be a child DAMN IT!
On top of this is yet another reminder to members here to NOT post a link to the video, or the video itself. Or to say what the name of the channel is. Please, please, just work with us.
He's claiming only the finisher is new. No way the only endgame Keyblade is a reskin with a finisher change. Not even Square is that lazy.