IT DOESNT MATTER! im looking at it that way from a artistic standpoint. It's no fun if all u guys do is flame other ppl when they just try to consider idea that she is someone else, and who she is. I just like the idea that she is someone other than Kairi. It wouldnt be all that fair to those who like to think. I dont know why ppl post in this topic when all they can do with it is argue with other ppl as to why they are right. I mean, sure some things just make no sense and come right outta left feild, but holy shit ive never seen so many ppl who post like 1 sentance saying "i agree with (insert Name), Its Kairi 100%" to be honest, we dont care if u agree.. if u do, thats cool, if u dont, thats cool. But if your just gonna say its Kairi, then dont flame when ppl want to theorize who she is if she isnt Kairi!