ok if she is a new girl then she better have some kind of weapon or some overall fighting skills
Milh_Amethyz said:I think her weapon will be 4 long range
yeah thats what pisses me off about kairi. selphie even has a weapon and so does arith and yuffie and tidus and not to mension selphie is younger than kairi.
So yeah u have a point
probably not but if she is it's inner strengthoathion said:question. isn't kairi the strongest of the seven princesses or..?
Haha *laughs* There is your proof right their. Nomura stated that Kairi has returned to her normal life on Destiny Islands, going to school. What's that? THe RHG was wearing a schoolgirl uniform? Huh...don't tell me those islands arn't one of the Destiny Islands.
~NGD OMEGA~ said:*Sigh* Monkeybutt, Monkeybutt, Monkeybutt.... I just can't say that name without cracking up...
Apparently I did not make this clear, I meant in regards to free time, was she just wallowing in self pity waiting for Sora, or would she take iniciative and do something instead of wait (Train for instance). Any thoughts would be nice.
RikuHeroOfDark said:i think she would realize how helpless she was throughout kh1 and how she had 2 b constantly protected and couldnt even protect sora wen he was a heartless and start 2 train with soras wooden sword or a metal weapon and when da walls of da worlds break down she travels in search for riku and sora(i doubt riku)
Milh_Amethyz said:Do any one think that RHG or Kairi will change her dress into a battle form, you know like Sophia in SO:TTEOT.