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Pokemon: A Falling Republic

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Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
"Interesting how your new name has caught on." Blue spoke out of the corner of her mouth before turning to the boy in reply. "I'm Blue. Nice to meet you. I'd love to chat, but the meeting is starting in ten minutes. I suggest that we start heading there now." she said somewhat impatiently. Blue reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. It looked like the kind of card you slide across to recieve information. "Oh good, I didn't lose the Bridge Key."

She held it up for Mikey, now Diamond, to see. "You use these to get to the Colosseum. They're given to people who already joined, but they'll probably give you one once we get there." she said, pausing a second to thank the waiter that collected their money and dishes.


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Terkoiz wasn't expecting something such as this. Onyx carrying an umbreon, in contrast to his espeon, it was pretty ironic but said much about the two of them. The green light coming from the orb on his mechanism latched around his arm was already an attention grabber. In the light of the elevator trip, he'd mainly keep it to himself.

"Ah, so you have an umbreon, a marvelous one though a bit tired I see."

He lightly input as the elevator was reaching the very bottom taking them down under. Opening up, the under hadn't changed that much from Terkoiz's last visit after achieving his rank as a peon at thirteen. The neon lights of the under were distracting, but in any case they all had to make due and find the gathering of colors. Greeted by a thug-like figure standing at the elevator, Terkoiz stepped forward raising his right hand for means of confirmation. He already knew the security, and simply by uttering the words...

"He's with me, mind pointing us in the right direction of the rebel's H.Q?"

A swift hand pointing towards the building on the far side of the under.

"Appreciated. You coming Onyx?" He tilted his head back.


Oct 9, 2007
OOC:For now,im just gonna call myself Diamond=P
But above in Public ill call myself Mikey in my posts.=P

Diamond stood up and followed her out towards the Colloseum.Diamond hadent had a decent battle with everything going on of late with the league and the Rebellion.Lucario was stuffed from eating,and so was his other Pokemon.Mikey ate enough to fill himself,but he wasnt full.As they neared the colloseum,they came across a gap between where they were,and the Colloseum.Diamond then noticed a machine that looked like it'd take them across."So,is this how we get across?"

Diamond then noticed one of his friends."Oh,uh,hi Silver."said Diamond seeing him."Well,we better head over."said Diamond as he walked on,as did Lucario."Silver,are you coming?"


Sergeant RoxMog
May 13, 2007
Over There
Raiden then noticed the girl that was riding the bike and the boy that was with her so he decided to talk to them.

"Hey wait up,girl with the bike and boy with the Lucario."

He ran up to them trying to catch up but he wondered why he said that because it made no sense.He then remembered that he heard someone call her Blue.So he decided to use that

"Hey Blue."


New member
Mar 8, 2008
Onyx noticed the glow in the corner of his eye that was coming from Terk's arm, yet he tried not to pay attention to it. "A bit tired I see." that was all Onyx caught onto "Oh yeah, he is a lazy one" Onyx gave his Umbreon a slight pat on the head. When the elevator finally stopped Umbreon jumped off Onyx's shoulder but stayed close to his side as they walked off.

"You coming Onyx?" "Yeah, of course I am.. haven't been here in awhile.. so I kinda forgot my way" Onyx said as he followed close to Terk as not to lose his way.


Lisa and Jimmy hurried out. Lisa went ahead because she had other things to do. Charla on the other hand hung around and followed at a distance with Jimmy's Charizard.
"Hey Blue, Is this what you were talking about? He held up a card just like hers. I was told that i need to present my information by a friend. Its pretty important and i think it could help the rebelion gain some ground. So Diamond, Havent seen you in a while. Not since that tournament before the order came to power"

Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
Blue nodded hello to the new boy that approached her before turning to Silver.

"Oh yeah. Was that the tournament where I beat you or the other one where you almost beat me?" she said jokingly. It had been a while, she couldn't remember which tournaments she had won or lost anymore. Blue then turned to Diamond.

Blue nodded. "That's right." Blue slid the card on the machine. A large bridge rose up from the depths of the gap. She pushed a few buttons and made it so that it would take them straight across and not to the left or right. "It waits for you to cross to the other side and then on the other side you slide the card again and make it go back down." she explained as she started to cross the bridge.

"Oh yeah, don't fall. As you can see, we don't have railings and we don't know how deep it really is down there." she added. After getting to the other side, she allowed the bridge to be set so that it would stay up for two more minutes so that others needing to cross could be able to. "Right then, now we just talk to the guy behind the desk and he'll let us on in." she spoke before pushing the Colosseum door open for Diamond.


Oct 9, 2007
"Cool,"said Diamond as he followed Blue to the counter."Yeah.I havent seen you in awhile.Blame the order."said Mikey as he turned around."So what have you been up to these days with everything going on.Me,I have been training my Pokemon to as strong as they can be."said MIkey turning back around to the counter.


Sergeant RoxMog
May 13, 2007
Over There
The people Raiden tried to get their attention from failed so he decided to just walk along the way and since he walked they got farther up until they got to the bridge.He thought maybe that was the coloseum so he walked along to get to the meeting the guy talked about and found the people hewas trying to talk to.

"Hey Blue."

Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
"Here for the meeting?" the kid behind the counter asked. Blue nodded as she showed him her card. "They're all with me." she said, indicating everyone with her. The kid nodded before pushing a button. The desk flap that seperated the two of them dropped so that they could go into the Colosseum behind him. "Thanks. Remember, if anybody suspicious shows up, just use the excuse that the Colosseum is closed for repairs." she reminded the kid. (Kissui, Dood, and Azazel will still be able to enter, everyone after that might be stopped)

The large doors swung open. The Colosseum was somewhat dark, with only a few large spotlights shining down from above them. The Colosseum was not full. Unfortunately, not a lot of rebels could come to the meeting, as the colosseum was filled with only about 30 people, some of which looked scratched or bruised as if shaking off followers. Blue found herself walking to a seat that was from the opposite of the Colosseum doors and somewhere in the middle of the first row.

She turned to the new kid that she had yet to meet. "So, what's your name, as you seem to know mine?"
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Silver followed the two and flashed his card. His charizard was getting on his nerves. He was about to yell but... Charizard had the fire powers.... so he decided against agrivating his friend. The colleseum was huge. It was time to release another one of his friends, Jolteon would love to see the colleseum. He always loved a good battle. Hopefully Jolteon would vanquish the love fest. And it did Jolteon jumped to charizards head. The love fest was over


Oct 9, 2007
Diamond sat in a seat not to far from Blue,because down in the under,Diamond would probaly get lost easily."Hey Blue,when does this thing start?"asked Diamond as he sat down.Lucario even sat in a seat beside Diamond.


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
The time taken to get there from the elevator wasn't long. He remembered the under was pretty much the equivalent of the back draft. With his attire, he blended in quite nicely and wasn't worried about the mischief of the residents here. The massive dome, or coliseum like structure to resemble a pokeball happened to be where they were going. Not before first spotting more kids around their age going in the same direction.

Past the doors, they passed. The lobby was pretty big, at least for a building this far underground. Sunovis began to nudge Terkoiz's shoulder, and using his nose to guide straight. Do you want me to talk to the kids or what? A simple nod, given he could read his mind so communication was fairly easy amongst them.

"By the looks of it it seems we're in the right place. It's no coincidence we all came to the same place." Terkoiz said to Onyx. "Lets follow the group in."

Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
"Any time now. Hopefully Yellow is here, otherwise we might have a problem."

Before Diamond could ask, she answered for him. "Yellow is a member. Sort of a top member as well. At the last meeting, they gave him the task of designating the next meeting and giving us the news and stuff. After he's through with the announcements, then other members can bring up points to discuss. Soon then, they'll assign another member to do the next meeting managing stuff."

A kid suddenly came forward. He had short black hair and was wearing blue jeans and a long-sleeved yellow shirt. His eyes were a light orange. "Ok, I'm here, don't worry about it. I had to double back around Agate Village to lose some League Pursuers." he informed. The boy cleared his throat before speaking.

"Hello and welcome to the next meeting of Trinity, the group against the rebels. At our last meeting, we had a vote on the name of our group, and the votes are back as such. I'm Yellow, your manager for tonight. Before we get started, I must regret that some members were unable to make it for the meeting. Whether they were captured or killed is unsure, but it's becoming more frequent. Let us now take a moment of silence to pray for the safety of those captured and for the souls of those that were killed for our cause. Let us bow our heads to the memory of those that just wanted to be themselves, whether they were a member or not."


New member
Mar 8, 2008
"Lets follow the group in." "Sure, why not." Onyx replied while pulling Umbreon's pokeball off his belt "Return" with that a red light consumed Umbreon taking him back inside his pokeball. Slightly yawning Onyx looked around at all the others entering the Colosseum. "This should be intresting, eh?" Onyx said torwards Terk in bored voice.


Silver bowed his head and moved up the seats.
Silver saw Stephen over in one of the seats. Charla left to sit with Lisa. Silver Charizard and Jolteon sat up with Stephen.
"So did you get the information?" Stephen asked Silver.
"yeah i did, and you want me to present it?" Silver asked.
"Yes" Stephen answered. "Is it good news?"
"I think so but we will see what the rest of the rebels think. Lisa liked the ideas that i had. She imput some information too."
"Do you like her?" Stephen asked. "You two would make a great couple." Stephen joked.
"No, shes just a friend." Silver said with a laugh. "Though Charizard over here has a little crush on Charla."
It was only a few minutes before the meeting would start. Lance came to the center infront of everyone. He was about to make a speach. He looked to Stephen who nodded. Lance nodded back. Since the start of the order, the biggest trainers had become closely knit like a family. By some stroke of luck Silver had been included in alot of thier plans and of course had been chosen to take care of Misty. He then saw brock lower in the stands.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
"Pyrite Town, eh Lux?"
Alizarin said as he looked down at the black and blue Pokemon that stood next to him, on all fours.

Due to a previous occasion, the two were already in the Orre Region, so getting to Pyrite Town was like walking a couple of blocks.

"Talk about subtle..."
He whispered to himself as he read the piece of paper, picking out the bold words.

Alizarin stood out like a nail. His various non-regulated accessories and almost feminine like add-ons were more than enough to prove his rebel-hood.

"Hey, Alizarin!" Numerous people shouted out as he walked by. Due to his prolonged stay in the Orre Region, he wan widely known.

Pyrite News Station

He thought to himself as he closed in on the building. Walking over to the side entrance, he was met by a man that had a "NOL News Statioin Security" badge

"Man, you guys really went all out.."
He said to the man, as he pointed to the badge

"Isn't there a problem with your clothing?" The man said, analyzing Alizarin's attire

"Heh. Okay, jokes over, man. You know what I'm here for..."
"Uh... may I help you with something?" The man coughed as he looked around

"Are you serious?!"
Alizarin exclaimed as he widened his eyes

"....When is a raven like a writing desk?"
He sighed as he looked at the man

"Why would you ask a-"
"Enough, already!"
Alizarin yelled, interrupting the man's sentence

Finally, stepping aside, the man allowed Alizarin to pass

He whispered as he passed the man


"Alizarin! Hey man!" People greeted him as he entered The Under, emerging from the elevator...​


Oct 9, 2007
Mikey bowed his head in a moment of silence.After the period of silence was over,Mikey and the other lifted their heads to watch the meeting go on.Lucario,who was in the seat next to Mikey,sat paicently.Lucario bowed his head aswell.


Yellow then said. "it is now time for a man who needs no introduction Lance."
Lance was center of the Ressistance team. He explained that he had elected one of his friends to take a look at the Organization and spy on their plans. He pointed to Silver. He has some information for all of you to hear. He believes it could be helpful to stagger the Republic's movements.

Silver walked down along with his charizard and Jolteon.
"First things First," he mummbled. "To all of the newcomers welcome. Im not good at the speach thing but ill give it a try. I'm Jimmy also know as Silver. I have spent my most recent days caring for Misty as you all know she was attacked and forced from her gym. She is doing well and should be able to attend meetings in a month." He then turned to brock. "How is Ash doing." Silver asked.

Brock responded sadly. "His burns are taking a while to recover and he is still morning the loss of Pickachu."

"Thats a shame." Silver paused. "But i bring good news. We have a chance to take down Orchid, the grasss master of the Legion. This could severly weaken their defences. Ther will be a party held for all the high ranking grass trainers within the orgnization in about a month. It is to be held in Eterna City's gym. It would be a perfect time to strike though the use of fire pokemon. Silver paused as the crowd took in the information.

"I propose we have an airstrike lead by the Charisific Valley Charizards. Followed by a land strike using other fire Pokemon. If we successfully kidnap Orchid and some of the high ranked officials we could take some ground from the Organization. Of course the party will be guarded and My charizard and Jolteon wish to help. They have a nasty team up with Jolteons sunny day and charizards solarbeam. It could easily take on any water pokemon guards. I may need others help. Jimmy paused once again. it was clear to everyon he was nervous. The collicuem was filled with the greatest trainers the Pokemon world had ever seen. Silver was talented trainer but he was not nearly as well know and revered as Lance, Stephen, Koga, blaine and many others there.

ooc hope no one minds my character giving a speach already.


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
As he entered with Onyx, placing a seat on the left side, they were at the gathering finally. As he sat he sighed, and contemplated switching appearances because of that bad feeling that he was still being watched by his old team. As the one called "yellow" and head of operations began to speak. With grim news to relay at that, the deaths were for the greater good and in those respects Terkoiz was quiet out of his own grace.

Further speeches to be made, his disposition sort of daunting when he looked at it. This bad news after bad news coming from Lance was depressing in all honesty. Still it wasn't like he was prepared to loose his life in the strides of this struggle. All else, he'd prepared against such things, no doubt the only former syndicate member within the group from the native region at best. Terkoiz didn't feel the need to express his value among them just yet, but as the record served he was an enigma and he liked the feel to his title.

"Your ambitions are phenomenal, but like as far as introductions go. Would it not be in better fashions if we were to familiarize ourselves with our fellows? Colors are fine, knowing not the others will cause confusion. Simply refer to me as Terkoiz or Terk, if you like. With my knowledge of the more darker sides of this region, I'm sure I can propose ideas with regards to Orre."
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