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Pokemon | Scarlet & Violet (2022) + Legends Arceus is king



Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
Nothing new under the sun. Game freak has a history of doing the bare minimum with newer technology. This is the same company that STRUGGLED to make Let’s Go and that game still has moments where it lags both in and out of battle.
They never fixed the frame rate issues in the 3DS games and it bled to a main console game. Why should they bother? Pokémon is a console seller, they will still make bank regardless of how these games are received.

Also remember they needed Iwata’s help to help program GSC.


It's better than drinking alone
Feb 8, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Nothing new under the sun. Game freak has a history of doing the bare minimum with newer technology. This is the same company that STRUGGLED to make Let’s Go and that game still has moments where it lags both in and out of battle.
They never fixed the frame rate issues in the 3DS games and it bled to a main console game. Why should they bother? Pokémon is a console seller, they will still make bank regardless of how these games are received.

Also remember they needed Iwata’s help to help program GSC.

They sell more games than Mario year over year, and you're telling me they can't tap on some of Nintendo's resources to get that type of stuff sorted through? You've got GameFreak, the Pokemon Company, and Nintendo with skin in the game, and this multi-million dollar monolith can't figure out how to code in OLD CHARACTER MODELS?

They haven't changed the models since GEN SIX, and the ones we've seen are literally just HD versions of the same ones we saw on the 3DS. I don't buy it.
Nov 28, 2008
I agree that it is completely ridiculous for them to not have the national dex available. I could maybe understand not having it available until post game, but still. The only way to get them to reconsider is to hit them where it hurts; don't buy the game. Honestly, I've been done with Pokemon for a few years now; so I will stick to replaying everything pre-SM.


The Cleric of Flamesgrace
Oct 2, 2012
Kakariko Village
I'm probably going to piss some people off, but I don't play competitively, and all it does is foster a mindset where the nature's and numbers matter more than the relationship to the Pokemon themselves. The "meta", as has been mentioned several times, is always dominated by the same 6 Pokemon every time. For a year or two at a time. It gets boring to see.

So honestly competitive could die and I'll still play Pokemon. What do I do when I play a new Pokemon game? Start completely from scratch. New friendships, new teams. Even on replays of the older games I try different stuff. And my attachment to them is still really good, but weirdly, I can separate that attachment for each of the trainers I play as. Sometimes I even play as the girl trainer just to mix it up.

I guess to me it just seems like a lot of whininess.... I mean, Pokemon didn't die when RSE didnt have the ability to transfer stuff from before. It won't die now. I'm sure there is a large amount of people who, like me, are only slightly miffed at this but will still get the games because they look good.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
Ok cool.

It’s still a bad decision. Hopefully they’ll rectify this after a year(reasonable given their history) and allow more Pokémon.

It’s also a bad business decision, how can you do that right after announcing Pokémon Home? To put it bluntly, they’re killing their new service before it comes out.

If I was in charge I would’ve kept my mouth shut until things developed further, and even then I would have said that there’s plans to incorporate the rest. Pokémon Bank had issues, but they didn’t try to sabotage it right out the gate with XY.

This seems foolish and unprofessional.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
It’s a demo, that feature may or may not stay for the game.

In other news, data miners have found that GF are incompetent developers.


Add to the fact they’re still using the same XY models, this is embarrassing. This was a long time coming, GF always struggled. They could barely program all of Johto in GSC.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
I'm just a dingus with no coding knowledge, and even I know what not to do. It's really amazing Game Freak has been able to survive so long without such basic knowledge.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
GameFreak being sad programmers is the reason Pokemon may have never existed. Is there no one like Mr. Iwata that can compress the hell out of GF's work??


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
Well, controversies aside…who’s hoping for a Wooloo shearing minigame?
I am!

GameFreak being sad programmers is the reason Pokemon may have never existed. Is there no one like Mr. Iwata that can compress the hell out of GF's work??
What they really need is a swift kick in the rear. lol Going from the datamine above, GF's problem is they put in much more work than needed. Mr. Iwata probably caught this too. GF needs someone to smack 'em and show them how to work smarter, not harder.


The Cleric of Flamesgrace
Oct 2, 2012
Kakariko Village
I have a feeling we'll eventually still get the other cut Pokemon, either in an update or in the Diamond/Pearl/sequel/third version games next year. I'm sorry that I was getting a bit miffed at the backlash. I'm just in the crowd where it doesn't bother me personally...

But yes, I do agree Game Freak needs a kick in the rear. They need more of the younger crowd to actually be doing the programming and not just the Pokemon designs.

I'm still looking forward to the games though. I understand if a lot of you wish to "boycott" the games or protest, but it still looks like a great Pokemon experience to me.

And if you think logically, most of the cut Pokemon are going to be Legendaries, Mythicals, Ultra Beasts, and potentially the less popular clones of Pokemon (such as Dedenne and Patrat). Will I be upset if Volcarona, my favorite Pokemon, isn't in? Possibly. But I'll probably still enjoy the game. Admittedly I won't shed a year if things like Lumineon and Throh are gone lol.


It's better than drinking alone
Feb 8, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I have a feeling we'll eventually still get the other cut Pokemon, either in an update or in the Diamond/Pearl/sequel/third version games next year. I'm sorry that I was getting a bit miffed at the backlash. I'm just in the crowd where it doesn't bother me personally...

But yes, I do agree Game Freak needs a kick in the rear. They need more of the younger crowd to actually be doing the programming and not just the Pokemon designs.

I'm still looking forward to the games though. I understand if a lot of you wish to "boycott" the games or protest, but it still looks like a great Pokemon experience to me.

And if you think logically, most of the cut Pokemon are going to be Legendaries, Mythicals, Ultra Beasts, and potentially the less popular clones of Pokemon (such as Dedenne and Patrat). Will I be upset if Volcarona, my favorite Pokemon, isn't in? Possibly. But I'll probably still enjoy the game. Admittedly I won't shed a year if things like Lumineon and Throh are gone lol.

Listen- (I'm going to make a couple of assumptions about you based on your response- I apologize for that). For someone like you that doesn't play in the competitive community, this isn't "that big of a deal." ....In theory. But the more you dissect the situation, the worse it is- and here's why. I'll start small and work my way up to the most important issue.

1) Lack of Biodiversity
  • Having less options is just bad; having only a few options on a team is just worse. The freedom of choice in Pokemon is always one of its strengths. From what we've heard in leaks/rumors/from GameFreak, it sounds like there will be 400ish Pokemon. That's like reverting back to Generation 4 but Thanos snapping away half the roster instead of having that be the natural state of affairs. It's one thing if you pull a BW and don't let the player use anything but new Pokemon until the post-game, but everything that was cut isn't even CODED into the game.
  • Losing out on a solid amount of Pokemon also has implications for egg moves, and just a general lack of options. Some Pokemon will never learn moves that they absolutely need to be viable, for example.
2) Favoritism (Gen 1)
  • Gen 1 always gets priority- especially in recent generations (let's think about Alolan forms being Kanto only, and Alola in general. It had a fucking Nugget Bridge and a Diglett's Cave. Pokemon Go started extremely Gen 1 focused. Let's Go was only Gen 1, the champion in sword and shield has a fucking Charizard- we could go on and on). Most of the Megas were Gen 1, too. So what does that mean? It means that of the ~400 that make it into the game, there is a HIGH PROBABILITY that all or most of the original 151 will make it in. Does that scare you? It should. That's almost HALF of the new roster.
3) Shift from Mega/Z-Move options to total reliance on Dynamax
  • Again.... Lack of options is bad. Not having Megas/Z-Moves means that Dynamaxing will be completely mandatory from a competitive standpoint. That's not a bad thing coupled with other mechanics- but by itself, it forces one mechanic only to be used. Not ideal.
And the absolute worst offender of all.......

4) Pokemon Home: Prison Scenario
  • This is the worst offender, by far. Let's play a little game. You, like me, have played every single Pokemon generation since generation one. Since generation three, you've retained every Pokemon (the ones you've cared about) in perpetuity. You have an attachment. Some are shinies. Some are incredibly "valuable" due to the moves they have that can only be gained via move tutor in certain games, etc. etc.
  • You have imported all of those Pokemon into Pokemon Bank, a paid service, that is shifting into Pokemon Home shortly.
  • Once Pokemon are in Home (A PAID SERVICE) you cannot remove them back to the games they were removed from
  • Since "Galar Pokemon only" are in the games, the Pokemon that didn't make the cut sit, in perpetuity, in an UNUSABLE STATE inside Home.
  • Oh- and here's the best part! Since GameFreak wipes out your Pokemon Bank storage if you don't pay for the service a few months after your subscription runs out, let's assume that Home functions in the same way.
  • I pay money for a service to store EVERY POKEMON I'VE EVER OWNED that I CAN'T USE IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY and if I don't pay for it, ALL OF THEM GET WIPED OUT.
  • Makes super logical fucking sense with that context, right? Pay for something you can't use, or else GameFreak shoots your Pokemon in the head and ruins over a decade of work.

Cheers to Sword and Shield!


Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
It’s a demo, that feature may or may not stay for the game.

In other news, data miners have found that GF are incompetent developers.

View attachment 11781

Add to the fact they’re still using the same XY models, this is embarrassing. This was a long time coming, GF always struggled. They could barely program all of Johto in GSC.
That's just sad, all of that space could've been used for more important things, like a new pokemon or area. But nope, we've got the priestess of pettiness taking up that space instead,
In ALL areas of the game.


It's better than drinking alone
Feb 8, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Hey, just in case you guys are still bitter:

Last I checked, if a company produces something or makes a decision that is unanimously despised by fans, it's not on the fans to keep silent.

If I'm a consumer of soda and hate the new Coca-Cola formula (ex: New Coke) it's within my rights (free speech) to say that I don't like it and ask for better of the company that I willingly spend xx amount of money every year.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction... And when you Thanos snap away half the Pokemon, people are going to be (rightfully) upset. But go off.
Last edited:


The Cleric of Flamesgrace
Oct 2, 2012
Kakariko Village
I think what we're trying to say is, there is a difference between expressing your distaste with a well-worded post online, which is perfectly fine, and ravenously attacking and threatening the developers as if they have to obey your demands.

And it isn't unanimous, just extremely popular. There are people who are indifferent to it. I saw a very well put together video discussing the two viewpoints, and the thing he brought up is that nothing will ever be done from shouting about it. Modern culture is getting way to caught up in the "we have to shout ANGRILY to get it done" when all that does is make them ignore you.

We do empathize with the anger, it is definitely warranted. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if Game Freak hadn't said anything. But a certain level of respect and professionalism should be used when making these arguments. Otherwise nothing will happen and people will just be angrier.

Also, for those saying they want the games to be delayed, that may work for other games, but with Pokemon they cannot afford to delay ever. The anime and TCG are definitely already being made and most likely have prepared timestamps for when they arrive. They can't tell a network to delay the new anime for instance. Pokemon is different from other games in that it exists outside of just the games.

The best we can do is band together as a community and thoughtfully suggest ways for them to patch the other Pokemon in. Maybe asking them not to do a third version/sequel/DP remakes next year and instead focus on that?

The series isn't dead though, and is definitely too big to die. Many people will get the games regardless. I personally don't understand how the hype can go from 100% to 0% just because you can't bring in say, Castform.


It's better than drinking alone
Feb 8, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I think what we're trying to say is, there is a difference between expressing your distaste with a well-worded post online, which is perfectly fine, and ravenously attacking and threatening the developers as if they have to obey your demands.

And it isn't unanimous, just extremely popular. There are people who are indifferent to it. I saw a very well put together video discussing the two viewpoints, and the thing he brought up is that nothing will ever be done from shouting about it. Modern culture is getting way to caught up in the "we have to shout ANGRILY to get it done" when all that does is make them ignore you.

We do empathize with the anger, it is definitely warranted. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if Game Freak hadn't said anything. But a certain level of respect and professionalism should be used when making these arguments. Otherwise nothing will happen and people will just be angrier.

Also, for those saying they want the games to be delayed, that may work for other games, but with Pokemon they cannot afford to delay ever. The anime and TCG are definitely already being made and most likely have prepared timestamps for when they arrive. They can't tell a network to delay the new anime for instance. Pokemon is different from other games in that it exists outside of just the games.

The best we can do is band together as a community and thoughtfully suggest ways for them to patch the other Pokemon in. Maybe asking them not to do a third version/sequel/DP remakes next year and instead focus on that?

The series isn't dead though, and is definitely too big to die. Many people will get the games regardless. I personally don't understand how the hype can go from 100% to 0% just because you can't bring in say, Castform.

I'm not going to try to sway you either way on anything, nor argue whether Castform being in Pokemon matters. People will be in a frenzy until they acknowledge the backlash in a meaningful way. They will also stay in a frenzy until they explain their plans to either eventually patch or utilize Home in a way that makes sense.

Like I'll be real with you- if they announce that within Home, you have access to all the Pokemon you've ever owned AND CAN BATTLE PEOPLE WITH THEM WITHIN HOME then I won't even be upset anymore. I doubt they'll do that, but if they do, it will placate most people miffed by this. If they announce plans for a patch or *meaningful* Home integration, then all I will have to be upset about is Megas/Z-Moves getting cut. But I'm not holding my breath. We're in uncharted territory here in general.

*Also, let it be known that I agree that verbal abuse isn't a good thing to do- not advocating for that (and I don't think most rational people are). But I will advocate for an organized front backed behind hashtags and persistent social media replies every day of the week. That's the only way things get done in 2019- aside from supporting with your wallet.

Showing the combined force of anger is the point, and if people don't say anything, GameFreak/Nintendo will continue to make decisions like these. Speaking up for disappointments is how you keep organizations accountable.

The fact that no one is excited about this change (they're either upset or indifferent) is a problem in and of itself. Does that make sense?