• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Closed Trust is [NOT] Resolute



the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
I sent you a PM Skits with some of my concerns, both are pretty minor, please read it when you get the chance :)

So in a nut shell, this is basically the main theme song of the role-play, it says everything about whats happening down to a T too.

Mad World - Gary Jules

So we don't soon forget that midst everything, theres almost nothing left D':

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
I sent you a PM Skits with some of my concerns, both are pretty minor, please read it when you get the chance :)

So in a nut shell, this is basically the main theme song of the role-play, it says everything about whats happening down to a T too.

Mad World - Gary Jules

So we don't soon forget that midst everything, theres almost nothing left D':

I read the PM and I do understand your concerns, hopefully my answer will help to take care of some of those concerns.

Yeah, the song definitely seems to fit.


Active member
Dec 1, 2013
2nd Earth.
Finally got around to finishing my template in full, thats right, I'm joining the finished club~! :3


Active member
Jul 15, 2018
448 views on this thread?? Its only been 3 days, holy crap calm down people! Lmao xD and your template looks great purg ;) glad to see you finally got around to finishing it. Gonna have to tell me what Lucrecia looks like because theres no appearance there. I'll forgive the mistake. >.>


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Just to keep anyone else interested and existing players in the running aware.

If you are resolutes 5-10. You do not have any specific thing to do, for the time being, you can do one of two things. Leave it blank or echo what's stated in the OP. "Do whatever it is that you feel is right." or "May your heart be your guiding key" He didn't give any of those numbers specific instructions on what to do, saves me some time because I will be PM'ing all of you that participate pre-opening posts with your actual conversations had with the master. No sharing that info btw, it's for your eyes only ;)

You can then proceed to edit your templates afterwards respectively, but for now, no one is to imply they were given something specific with the exception of the former half of the cast, resolutes 0-4. If you have a goal in mind, or feel conflicted about what existing information have to work with, go based off that til you're given the necessary information to push forward.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
I figured I should mention this since I saw it in the conditions. Sometimes life for me gets more hectic than a hurricane with dragons in it, so Dari, or Skitty can pp Reforge if I'm to randomly vanish.

>..> lol about dem Lv. 99monsters doe....shiiiiiiiiiiit


When your Mask falls, what will you see.
Mar 19, 2009
Template is done! Finally :3

Now I can go play the waiting game :D


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
I'll add the completed version to the list shortly.

Update: The Enemy Bestiary and Rating system of enemies has been added to post #5. No worries, I actually did shave my head for not meeting the deadline lol, was due for a haircut tbh >.>

I only put down a few for the time being, but I will be adding more as we wait for spots to fill in.

The person who originally reserved #3 their spot has been reopened for another person who then reserved it starting today. Again, i know we all have outside commitments and such, totally respect that, but as I said in a previous post, reservations without a template or a skeleton temp are 48h from the time you either inquire or post and 1 week to complete if its a WIP.
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Active member
Jul 15, 2018
I have a question about the other numbers 5-10, specifically for me since I built my character to likely loosen up faster than the rest when talking to other resolutes, are we friendly with each other or at least civil?

My thinking is this, if theres less than 50 people, minus 13, we've got 37 remaining. Chances are if they've got a keyblade or are on the same world as another resolute, then would our reactions be somewhere along the lines of, "this person must be one of us..." or something along those lines? I'm all for making friends here, I really don't want to meet one of you and we start fighting when it isn't necessary with 50 people remaining and what not ;)

My other question about 5-10 is concerning how much influence they'll have on the rest of the cast since they aren't restricted anywhere near as much as the first five. It's kind of like, we are the control freaks and they are aimlessly floating through life and the current state of the world doing whatever it is that they please.

@Lumine: Wow. I'm dually impressed by how your template turned out, it's a shame your role prevents you from talking as freely as you'd like with the rest of the resolutes, you definitely seem really interesting. :p

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Mr. Dari?? Can you repost/add my template to those completed?? I noticed that I had some things in Reforge's template that didn't show up in your post because of spoiler/quote issues, so I took them out. Pleese and tank jooooo <3


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
I have a question about the other numbers 5-10, specifically for me since I built my character to likely loosen up faster than the rest when talking to other resolutes, are we friendly with each other or at least civil?

My thinking is this, if theres less than 50 people, minus 13, we've got 37 remaining. Chances are if they've got a keyblade or are on the same world as another resolute, then would our reactions be somewhere along the lines of, "this person must be one of us..." or something along those lines? I'm all for making friends here, I really don't want to meet one of you and we start fighting when it isn't necessary with 50 people remaining and what not ;)

My other question about 5-10 is concerning how much influence they'll have on the rest of the cast since they aren't restricted anywhere near as much as the first five. It's kind of like, we are the control freaks and they are aimlessly floating through life and the current state of the world doing whatever it is that they please.

@Lumine: Wow. I'm dually impressed by how your template turned out, it's a shame your role prevents you from talking as freely as you'd like with the rest of the resolutes, you definitely seem really interesting. :p

Totally up to you guys honestly. I plan on carrying my keyblade openly 24/7 and I've seen purgatory do the same thing in Apocalypse on her hip as a way of identifying herself as a keyblader.

5-10 can do whatever they like. I will PM them specific information periodically when I need them to do something specific, its more pressing that they understand they aren't the ones being over-emphasized on trusting each other. So they should be a bit better at opening up than the remaining numbers.

Mr. Dari?? Can you repost/add my template to those completed?? I noticed that I had some things in Reforge's template that didn't show up in your post because of spoiler/quote issues, so I took them out. Pleese and tank jooooo <3

And here I thought quoting a post and taking the BB code copy pasta was the best way to post templates xD.

UPDATE: Post #1 has been updated to clarify some of the inconsistencies I inevitably wrote in my first draft. It should be as complete as possible for now. Theres a new piece of information towards the end of the prologue, check it out!

+3's role change is finalized.
+4's role is slightly more defined
+2's role is slightly more definied
Jul 21, 2008
Name: My name is... What's my name? I haven't had to use it in so long... Who even gave me my name? My parents I assume, I did have parents didn't I? It would be strange if I didn't. Let's see, "Hello, my name is..." Ah, no good, I can't remember. Well I'm three right? Maybe I'll go with that and name myself 'Try.'

Gender: I'm a girl of course... At least I was last time I checked.

Age: Ah, I know this one, I'm 24. My birthday is December 31st. So please give me double the presents!

Title&Rank: Number three, Echoes.

Your Role: I've been assigned the role of rooting out the traitor. Just thinking about them, whoever they are, boils my blood. Honestly, how dare they betray us by... doing whatever it is they plan to do!? When I find them I'm gonna.. I'm gonna. Wait, what was I supposed to do once I find them?...

Personality: Trust? Trust!? You can't trust anyone. Humans are gifted with the ability to easily communicate our feelings, and what do they do with it? Lie. Lie lie lie lie and lie some more. They should just lay down and die! I'd never lie to anyone, honesty is a virtue, one that any self respecting woman would abide by.

I try to make friends, I really do, after all it's better to be treated nicely than be bullied, right? Treat others as you would want to be treated. UNLESS THEY'RE A FILTHY LIAR, BUT EVERYONE'S A LIAR, AREN'T THEY?

I've been told I'm pretty strange, always acting in odd ways that don't make sense. What's that even mean? Nothing in this world makes sense, by who's standards are they judging me? Maybe they're the weird ones, I'm as calm and sane as a honey badger.

Appearance: I haven't seen my face in years, so I'll describe my helmet, that's okay, right? My helmet is really round, yet is just snug enough for my head, I made it myself after all. It used to be perfectly smooth, but an incident some time ago burnt it pretty badly, so it's surface is kinda rough in some spots, and it has jagged impressions that go all the way to the back. The front face of the helmet looks black and solid, but I can see out of it just fine, and of course my voice can be heard just. fine.

There's a small opening in the back for my hair, which I've fashioned into a braid. It's gotten pretty long over the years, I think it's down to my knees now, which is saying something considering I'm six feet four inches tall. Don't mind that my hair is black and white, it just sorta got like that one day... don't ask about it, alright?

I can take the helmet off of course, how else would I eat and take a shower? The voices get really loud and obnoxious when it's off though, so I'd prefer to keep it on.

More often than not I'm wearing a red bodysuit. It's created using magic, so by looking at it there's no visible way to take it off, I have to dispel it to remove it. I tend to wear a black shrug, the right sleeve stops at my shoulder, but the left one goes all the way to my wrist. The rest of the shrug stops just above my midriff. I wear black gloves, because honestly who wants to get their hands dirty if they can avoid it? The only footwear I own are a pair of bulky black boots that look more like over sized armor. They're not all that heavy and they're pretty smooth though, so I don't mind.

A warrior such as myself needs to maintain a proper physique, so I'm pretty toned if I say so myself.

Your Resolve: I have a pretty simple ability that goes pretty well with my title. Any action that I take, or any action taken against me I can cause it to Echo. What do I mean by that? Well, think of an echo that you hear. You yell, and a moment later you hear it again, albeit a bit softer. In a nutshell, that's what my ability allows me to do. Say I punch someone in the face for lying about the price of apple pie, if I use my ability, exactly one second later they will feel a second strike at 75% of the force of the first strike. If I were to have Cure cast on me, I can have it cast once more at 75% of it's effectiveness a second later.

This ability only echos the results of an action, not the cause. So if I were to throw a rock at a raccoon digging in my garden, a second rock would not suddenly materialize, though the impact of the second rock would still occur, even though it cannot be seen.

Keyblade: My keyblade has a blade that looks as if it's made of transparent glass, though it has the structural composition of some sort of metal. On the inside of the keyblade you can see goblets of silver goo floating around, at least I think that's what it is, it's not as if I can crack open my keyblade and examine it. The blade is shaped like a modern toothed door key, with only one side being serrated at various lengths. The guard of the blade looks like circular solid silver glass, and is shaped like a fencers rapier. The handle also looks like glass, though it has a subtle blue hue. Embossed in the guard is an emblem that resembles a blue eye that's open wide.

I have another keyblade, though I don't know what it looks like. I've never summoned it. I can feel that it's there, and it feels about as powerful as my other keyblade, but um... It just feels really creepy alright? I really really really don't wanna summon it!

So I assume I can dual-wield, and I use doors of light to travel.

Brief: [DO NOT REMOVE THIS MESSAGE FROM THE TEMPLATE] I feel like I had to put this here just because. This is really just filler honestly, none of you are going to be super-ancient, know everything from eons ago, no no, none of that, we all start on an even playing field, scattered with very limited information. I want you to keep this part in your templates as a reminder. If you have anything specific you want to say about your recent history, do so in your posts itself or at any time in reflection in the actual role-play itself. This is also a test that tells me you are reading and understand by leaving this here, you agree to my terms when posting a template. I love you too bb~ <3
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Active member
Jul 15, 2018
If it's alright with you then Dari, wherever you start us if I'm near someone, i'll strike friendly conversation and let everyone else be pessimistic messes and in their heads about trusting Saebeolbye. I can't stress enough how ready i've been for this to start, me and purg PM each other a lot and we've got a few ideas, I do want to help #4 with her role seeing as mine can be interpreted in a way to assist with it.

@purg: Looks like the shoe is on the other foot in this roleplay, you're the arrogant and skeptical one this time, hah!

@Piercing Light: Finally. The one template I've been waiting to see since this thread was posted, and I am intrigued to say the least ;) the appearance has got to be my favorite part, the helmet and red suit are uber cute.


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Thank you for posting Piercing! Your template has been added to post #3 (see what I did there?).


Post #4 has been updated with the following information.

+Harrowed ends have been defined completely. No time exists on what remains of these worlds. (R.I.P. Eth's Time resolve being useful on them!)
+Active Debuffs and Active Buffs have been added to every current world that is classified as a Harrowed End.
+Lingering Remnants and Betwixt worlds descriptions have also been defined and are complete.
+Said descriptions can be found under [World Status].
+Middle Ground world has been changed to Betwixt & Between.

Spots 5, 7, and 10 are still available. Waiting to hear from King Wolfe on #8.

CHEERS, the 5 main roles of 0-4 have officially been filled. It's a dub for those ladies and gentleman.
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Jul 21, 2008
@Piercing Light: Finally. The one template I've been waiting to see since this thread was posted, and I am intrigued to say the least ;) the appearance has got to be my favorite part, the helmet and red suit are uber cute.

Glad I didn't disappoint. I appreciate it.

King Wolfe

Basically... Run
Nov 30, 2006
Pressing F5

Name: Raven “The Boogaloo”

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Title & Rank: #8 - The Savage

Your Role: Consumption of the highest grade. Everything hungers, everything wants and desires. Hunger is free of bias or prejudice, to be free of impulse, well, that’s just insane!

I will devour all, I’ve been called a Black Hole before, a cute epithet, sure, but a bit of an exaggeration. I hunger for all: darkness or light, it doesn’t make a difference because they are one in the same; two sides of the proverbial coin.

My life is to consume, call me a glutton, pig, selfish all you want; to consume is to live. That’s all I am, a receptacle of existence, so far there isn’t anything that has soured my appetite. In the end, I will assimilate and consume the toughest meal I know of: myself.

Personality: Trust. Every personality begins with how you feel about "Trust", from there continue as normal.
Appearance: What you look like my guy/girl. Pictures are cool, so are separations of descriptions.
Your Resolve: Your resolve is your individual light thats taken shape in the form of a power that belongs to you and you alone. Try to build your resolve around your title. As this is a role-play in which population is nearly eradicated, I do not mind you being somewhat unreasonably strong, thats a given. I will not however acknowledge a snap of the finger, Thanos Infinity Gauntlet 1HKO shit of any kind. But yeah, this can be as elaborate or as simple as you'd like it to be, I will be posting a guideline on how I divided abilities below in this shared post to give you some ideas to play with.

Keyblade: I'll keep it simple this time, you post an image of what your keyblade looks like or describe it. For the sake of living up to your title, your key blades will not have passive or active traits to coincide or differentiate with your Resolve. So just leave them blank. Every keyblade has it's standard skills like opening locks, summoning/desummoning, attracting heartless, dual-wielding is one of the few things I don't mind if any of you are able to do tbh. If you do dual-wield, post 2 keblades. Also, borrowing another Resolute's keyblade is permissible with another one's approval to do so.

Keyblade skills I do allow you to use if you want them.

  • Dual-wielding
  • Vehicle Transformation (IE: in Birth By Sleep)
  • OR Portal of Light instead of vehicle transformation, both are primarily used to travel to other worlds. (can't have both unfortunately)
Brief: [DO NOT REMOVE THIS MESSAGE FROM THE TEMPLATE] I feel like I had to put this here just because. This is really just filler honestly, none of you are going to be super-ancient, know everything from eons ago, no no, none of that, we all start on an even playing field, scattered with very limited information. I want you to keep this part in your templates as a reminder. If you have anything specific you want to say about your recent history, do so in your posts itself or at any time in reflection in the actual role-play itself. This is also a test that tells me you are reading and understand by leaving this here, you agree to my terms when posting a template. I love you too bb~ <3



When your Mask falls, what will you see.
Mar 19, 2009
@Lumine: Wow. I'm dually impressed by how your template turned out, it's a shame your role prevents you from talking as freely as you'd like with the rest of the resolutes, you definitely seem really interesting. :p

@Demios So is your character man. It's gonna be fun confusing y'all :D
We'll see what happens x)


Active member
Jul 15, 2018
Thank both of you for treating me to a healthy read ;)

@Dari: I cleaned up my template a bit, whenever you have the time could you add the changed version in?


the crown is heavy
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
You guys are really dedicated. It's a drastic change of pace I'm just not really used to seeing these days <3.

Followed your lead and finalized my template as well. I wasn't satisfied with the personality so it is, as i've said so many times already in update posts, "In it's most complete form" lol.